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Thread: What is my socionics type? (questionnaire and pic included)

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  1. #6
    roastingmallows's Avatar
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    Oct 2014
    IEE-Fi 7w6 so/sx
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agni View Post
    I went by a kind of warmth I usually associate with E2. Mostly through VI. Reading everything you said more attentively I don't find a E2 typing obvious. Maybe 6w7 though? Usually 7s have a more chaotic (but also upbeat) energy and look less organized in their thought process, it may come across as an overflow, something they're stimulated to bring in for others without going in much detail, then jumping to a new idea and so forth.

    I don't really see much Se
    in your post (force sensing, will sensorics, interest in power structures and/or challenging experiences). That makes me say IEE over SEE, but since you seem to be some sort of ambivert (Fi subtype), I don't totally discard this possibility. As you said yourself, SEEs usually have a developed sense of aesthetics and materialism, too.

    This could be Si-seeking (in an obviously Fi-valuing quadra):

    "I am not the most romantic, at least not in a normal way. I am easily flustered by expressing feelings that I consider embarrassing (by making me vulnerable) or negative. I also find most romantic gestures cheesy. I am quite sexual however. In a partner I need someone to match wits with, reliable, domestic, nurturing, openminded, and ambitious."

    Maybe that form of hypochondria has to do with what one could call "weak Si"? (many are a bit disoriented or anxious about Super-id functions...). Also I could see that interest as an argument for E6 (or at least a 6 wing)... you look much too bright, open, and widely vibrating with a smooth fluid energy for sp/sx imo.
    In my element, I could definitely be described as "chaotic and upbeat". I've been in a weird place this last month or so, trapped in a hotel room and now studio apartment with my girlfriend in a foreign country. I'm supposed to be writing a novel while she gets her masters, but I've found myself exploring the entire internet instead, and starting two different stories! and getting wrapped up in typology again which was a bad idea lol. Anyway, my element. I am not great at meeting people and I usually need to be forced to be around people to find a social group, but when I do I tend to relate strongly and become very attached to its members, and when I'm around them I am pretty much the most obnoxious person ever. I like to put ice down peoples' shirts, hide their stuff, pester them, follow them around, have long probing conversations about their secret sexual fetishes...When I'm forced to be alone and inactive for a long time, I get out of sorts.

    Recently I had a bit of a crisis about whether or not I was a 6w7 rather than a 7w6 though I've identified as 7w6 for years. With my forced isolation from my peer group, I've started to display 6ish qualities, but my core fears and motivations have of course remained the same. I can relate to the 6 behaviors (though they seem new to me) but not the motivations or fears or anything like that. My main flaws have always been lack of tact, compulsive behaviors, addictive personality, hedonism and lack of focus and my biggest fear is that I will one day have to accept that my life is empty and meaningless and I'm just trying to distract myself from my own insecurities and anxiety. The 6 fears of being without guidance have little meaning to me. If I don't seem like a 7 in writing to you, it is probably because I write every day and work hard to organize my thoughts, often coming back and editing my posts several times to make them more readable lol. Also, my 6 wing is undeniably very strong oddly enough since if I had known about the enneagram in high school I'm fairly certain I would've typed as 7w8. I was a lot more forward/blunt/aggressive in my teen years than I am now. I suppose I've become more self-aware.

    "force sensing, will sensorics" are unknown concepts to me, but power structure and challenging experiences are interesting to me for sure. I am wildly competitive for one thing, and I do consider myself a physical person as well. I am known to challenge everyone to displays of strength, wit, flexibility and speed if they will play along. And I am a sore loser. I like to win and I usually like to be in charge. But yeah, aesthetics and materialism, no. I buy things for the pleasure of buying things and consuming, but I don't usually care to have or accumulate things. I don't care what my environment looks or even feels like most of the time. My girlfriend for example must live somewhere warm and with trees or she is unhappy. Indoors she likes white, uncluttered, neat spaces. I have preferences for those things, but they have little impact on my mood. I prefer dark colors and heavy wood furniture inside and mountains outside myself, but like I said, it's inconsequential to me. And my sense of style in the past has been in your face and colorful, usually over sized unusual things from thrift stores, but with the help of my girlfriend (an MBTI ENFJ and 3w2 so/sp btw, still not sure about socionics obviously), I have adopted a more subdued style. I like to look good but I tend to need help knowing if I do, you know?

    I would say I probably have weak si. And my sp is definitely either first or last since it seems to be my most uncomfortable instinct. Sometimes I am obsessed with it, but mostly I ignore it completely. This is confusing at times because it is easy (at least for me) to confuse E6, SP instinct, and Si. I definitely agree with So/sx, but I am open to sp/sx as a possibility. I am pretty confident I am sx second for some reason. I have been told many times I just "seem" so/sx, which I agree with.
    Last edited by roastingmallows; 10-29-2014 at 12:43 AM.

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