Quote Originally Posted by Baby
Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
This is the million dollar question, I've wondered it myself too. Not just about me but about what other people on the forum think, too.

Okay, let's just assume that was my Fi up there, here is what I percieve as my creative function:
Emotional expression for me is an art - it needs be eloquent, visceral, convincing, and apt. In my everyday speech and movement, in my writing, in my art, in (especially) my music I sort of get a sense of the "aura" of the circumstances and act from there. I find it actually very difficult (and pretty embarassing) to express emotion without having it go through a sort of "filter." If I lose composure (end up shouting, or fighting, or crying) I get an immediate sense of dread - "What have I done? What am I doing?" Fe for me is far from syrupy and gushy. Actually, it's quite the opposite much of the time - possibly even stoic.
I hope you don't mind me going on about my type a bit in this thread, since it seems like you're more questioning functions/J-P in general.

As for what you said about you're feeling... I guess I could say that my thinking function serves a similar purpose, lol. You say that it's pretty "embarassing" to express your emotions in such a way. One thing that I noticed odd about my thinking function is that I don't do the whole ExTJ thing that they do. For example, I have noticed that ExTJs (dominant Te) generally like to "impress" people of their validaty by several "ranking" factors. These include age, education, family, credentials, and so on. Well, I find these things in an argument to be rather irrelevant and frankly even sickening. In addition, when I'm put on the spot to talk IRL, I often have a terrible time expressing myself and getting the right words to fit my thoughts (something ExTJs are supposed to be good at). This could be similar to what you said about you're feeling being "stoic", but it's always seemed odd to me.

Oh, and before I go on about this stuff (which I probably will later), I'd like to say that if I've missed typed my socionics J-P, then a lot of other people have, too. For one, there is NO WAY that I am the same (or even similar) type as (to) Hugo, Pedro-the-Lion, Dio, or Tcuadilllg. Also, the other ISTPs who have come and gone on this forum that have related to what I've said are probably mistyped, as well as the people who know real ISTPs (Schroodinger's Car, Nicky, etc...) who said that I seem/look/sound similar to their ISTPs (and those two are both ENFP... conflicts! Yay).