View Poll Results: What type is Auvi?

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  • INFj (ethical subtype)

    1 5.56%
  • INFp (ethical subtype)

    7 38.89%
  • INFj (intuitive subtype)

    1 5.56%
  • INFp (intuitive subtype)

    3 16.67%
  • ENFp (intuitive subtype)

    0 0%
  • ENFj (intuitive subtype)

    1 5.56%
  • ENFp (ethical subtype)

    0 0%
  • ENFj (ethical subtype)

    2 11.11%
  • something else...

    3 16.67%
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Thread: Different Type or Just Different?

  1. #41

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    I couldn't for the life of me, figure out why you would be doubting your INFpness. But then I read the bit you wrote about...possibly misattributing the functions...and everything Rocky had to say, and I started to get filled with doubt too. =( NOOOO! Get off the train of doubt. Damn you. Get offffff!!! Hold my hand! Let’s jummmmmppppp! I can’t handle my reality becoming unraveled. For my sake, pleeeaaaaseee, stay INFp. Hee hee.

    Baby, I always thought of you as an exceptionally “learned” INFp. Like you’ve taken in A LOT more of the past/current available info. than I have. Very aware of the norms that evolved from past and present cultures. And the impact cultural norms have on our identities etc. etc. I guess the term is cultured.

    Okay, here is ANOTHER route you and I can take in figuring out what we consider to be “FiNe” and “NiFe.” (Since the fear is that we have been misattributing functions). Have you read Soren Kierkegard’s stuff? IMO, his works SHOUT out FiNe. I found his works interesting but I know that his POV’s would not originate from within me. It isn’t how I make sense of my surroundings, but still, I found his take on reality fascinating. Have you read his works? What impressions did you form? So, that’s one way to approach figuring out if we are on the same page. That guy..Soren...not my identical. Is he yours?

    ANOTHER approach: I absolutely LOVE most everything that you express. My favorite post was the peach revelation you had. The excitement was palpable to me. The whole of it, was identical to my musings. My second favorite was the time Transigent posted the Strat-something-or-other INFp description and you showed gratitude. He was like, OMG, and apologized for not having given the links before hand. He appeared as though he was taken aback that some members hadn't come across those links. Then you responded with, something like…”I feigned surprised.” You actually WERE familiar with the links. LOL I thought that was so INFp to fib like that. Anyways, just some of my fond memories. I’ll take them to the grave!

    If it’s NOT the case, that we are identicals…then…it’s the kind of thing that would be a real shock to my understanding, but the TRUTH must be known! I’ve always felt an affinity towards your posts. Your observations and critiques have always felt very passionate, spirited. I can relate to that. You infuse some of your posts with a certain goofyness. I can relate to that. There are other things about you that I’ve explained away as learned behavior. Just like Sneg suggested.

    Arg, This isn’t as easy as just telling you…”WTF? You are like…sooooo…my identical.” There needs to be REASONINGS! Okay, okay…arg. Well, what about this one pattern I've observed. I’ve noticed that INFj’s have this repulsion towards community values. Trusting that they'll be taken care of and okay if shit hits the fan, is very difficult for them. They tend to hold on to their sense of autonomy. I'm guessing it provides the INFj with a sense of secuirty...i dunno. They tend to like/uphold the principles of private property. They think of freedom as the right to produce and work for one’s own benefit. They produce what THEY deem is worthy and enough, not taking much heed to what society would say. They do not seem to have the identity crisis that some INFp's go through. INFp's seem to not be able to gauge how much productivity is worthy and how much of their inactivity is considered lazy. INFp's muse over the idea of making things “equal/fair.” I’ve noticed that INFp’s are much more inclined towards the principles of shared property. Communal benefits are emphasized moreso than individual benefits. INFj’s tend towards the idea that resources are meant to be used by every human being for their own gain/benefit. They are able to exercise this POV because they turn around and give back some of the benefits they’ve reaped. The INFp tends to want to arrange people’s survival endevours, in such a way…. that from the offset….nobody takes/uses more than others. There is no “giving back” because there is no “taking too much.” This is an economic/survival trend I’ve observed. What do you think? BTW, I fear the consequences of both those POV's. lol

  2. #42
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    I've wondered if you were INFj in the past, too maizemedley

    Check out my Socionics group!

  3. #43



  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Quote Originally Posted by Baby
    Different is something I can be proud of.
    Not considering other things said this sounds a bit INFj to me. Reminded me of Darklord saying "I don't really fit in but it is not a problem since fitting in would feel like the worst crime against my self" or something. Can you relate to that statement? I don't remember how it exactly went but the basic idea was that INFjs don't "fit in" and are proud of that.
    NiFe's are pretty proud about not "fitting in" as well. I would think uniqueness is a common desire.
    INFj sitting next to me says: "by not fitting in, you kind of fit into everything." he says he's kinda proud of not fitting in.

    auvi reminds me a lot of this guy.

    i read him the first post and we agreed that it sounds exactly like something he'd say.
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  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by maizemedley
    I’ve noticed that INFj’s have this repulsion towards community values. Trusting that they'll be taken care of and okay if shit hits the fan, is very difficult for them. They tend to hold on to their sense of autonomy. I'm guessing it provides the INFj with a sense of secuirty...i dunno. They tend to like/uphold the principles of private property. They think of freedom as the right to produce and work for one’s own benefit. They produce what THEY deem is worthy and enough, not taking much heed to what society would say. INFj’s tend towards the idea that resources are meant to be used by every human being for their own gain/benefit. They are able to exercise this POV because they turn around and give back some of the benefits they’ve reaped

    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    Really, INFjs plural as in more than just me? Very Happy That's kind of nice to know. Smile Makes me glad to be an INFj again even.
    Isn't that what all Delta feels like? I'm judging from just a very few examples here - ENFps and ISTps and what I think ESTjs are like - so correct me if I'm wrong... IMO, Delta = Quadra least likely to form a big commune where no one has a room to themselves and everyone has to share everything. Our charity isn't community based, it's more on a personal basis - sticking together as a family, or helping your friends or your friends' friends if they're in trouble.

    I'm sometimes getting the impressions that Betans wouldn't be entirely unhappy to live in a kind of big summer camp all year.

    EDITED TO ADD: This isn't to dereail the thread; it's to nail down a few actual differences between INFps and INFjs.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by maizemedley
    I couldn't for the life of me, figure out why you would be doubting your INFpness. But then I read the bit you wrote about...possibly misattributing the functions...and everything Rocky had to say, and I started to get filled with doubt too. =( NOOOO! Get off the train of doubt. Damn you. Get offffff!!! Hold my hand! Let’s jummmmmppppp! I can’t handle my reality becoming unraveled. For my sake, pleeeaaaaseee, stay INFp. Hee hee.
    It's happened to you too? *holds maize's hand and jumps ship.... train?*

    Quote Originally Posted by maizemedley
    Okay, here is ANOTHER route you and I can take in figuring out what we consider to be “FiNe” and “NiFe.” (Since the fear is that we have been misattributing functions). Have you read Soren Kierkegard’s stuff? IMO, his works SHOUT out FiNe. I found his works interesting but I know that his POV’s would not originate from within me. It isn’t how I make sense of my surroundings, but still, I found his take on reality fascinating. Have you read his works? What impressions did you form? So, that’s one way to approach figuring out if we are on the same page. That guy..Soren...not my identical. Is he yours?
    Okay, I've just been reading some of Kierkegaard's stuff... to be honest, I find it exceedingly boring, convultuted, complicated, but I understand it. I never truly bought into existentialism - it discounts why we are on this earth to begin with, although... I do agree with his thoughts on subjectivity. We are capable only of experiencing reality through our own perception of it. This is something I've though for a long time now. It's also the idea that my peach post was purred by.

    I did actually look into the writing of a NiFe - the one that Fabs mentioned: Marcel Proust. I found him refreshing and thoroughly readable except most translations render him throughly stodgy). Here's a little wlection of pithy quotes:

    “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.”

    “Happiness is beneficial for the body, but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind”

    “Let us leave pretty women to men devoid of imagination.”

    “All our final decisions are made in a state of mind that is not going to last.”

    "Art is a selective re-creation of reality according to an artist's metaphysical value-judgments. An artist recreates those aspects of reality which represent his fundamental view of man's nature."

    And this last one I love:

    "The one thing more difficult than following a regimen is not imposing it on others."

    Très awesome, no? How beautiful is that stuff? I wish I was half the writer he was.

    Quote Originally Posted by maizemedley
    Arg, This isn’t as easy as just telling you…”WTF? You are like…sooooo…my identical.” There needs to be REASONINGS! Okay, okay…arg. Well, what about this one pattern I've observed. I’ve noticed that INFj’s have this repulsion towards community values. Trusting that they'll be taken care of and okay if shit hits the fan, is very difficult for them. They tend to hold on to their sense of autonomy. I'm guessing it provides the INFj with a sense of secuirty...i dunno. They tend to like/uphold the principles of private property. They think of freedom as the right to produce and work for one’s own benefit. They produce what THEY deem is worthy and enough, not taking much heed to what society would say. They do not seem to have the identity crisis that some INFp's go through. INFp's seem to not be able to gauge how much productivity is worthy and how much of their inactivity is considered lazy. INFp's muse over the idea of making things “equal/fair.” I’ve noticed that INFp’s are much more inclined towards the principles of shared property. Communal benefits are emphasized moreso than individual benefits. INFj’s tend towards the idea that resources are meant to be used by every human being for their own gain/benefit. They are able to exercise this POV because they turn around and give back some of the benefits they’ve reaped. The INFp tends to want to arrange people’s survival endevours, in such a way…. that from the offset….nobody takes/uses more than others. There is no “giving back” because there is no “taking too much.” This is an economic/survival trend I’ve observed. What do you think? BTW, I fear the consequences of both those POV's. lol
    This one is difficult... when I was in high school, my political leanings were essentially socialist. Since then, after having been brainwashed by my libertarian friend, I don't know anymore... neither the INFj nor the INFp mindset really fits me.

    Below you will see I've changed my type to INFj. The reason for this: I've just finished reading through a lot of snegledmaca's and Kioshi's posts.

    I don't understand a word of their writing. I honestly have absolutely no clue what either of them are saying most of the time. (No offense to either.) It's worse than my inability to read INTjs... except that INTjs are exceedingly brief in their comments, and these guys exceedingly thorough.

    They have their own methodology, their own lexicon, their own world that's completely foreign to me and completely confounding. I find their writing beautiful, but completely incomprehensible. On basis of that and the following:

    Quote Originally Posted by on Quasi-Identicals
    These are relations of major misunderstanding.
    How can you argue with that?
    "How could we forget those ancient myths that stand at the beginning of all races, the myths about dragons that at the last moment are transformed into princesses? Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
    -- Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

  7. #47
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    Actually, I don't immediatly get Kioshi's posts either. They're imbued in an excessive amount of Ti.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  8. #48
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    Or you could be the Missing Link? ...Seriously, if I were to decide what type you are, I'd say INFj, because what I pick up from you in your posts are more ... hm ... expressions of your inner principles. Things you disagree with, or things you believe. INFps seem a bit more... like, what they express is their inner drama, what the world inside of them looks like. But perhaps I'm mistaken. And you've hardly ever said the word p..nis. *scratches her head* BUT you do get along well with Beta, and they like you and find you interesting. But Delta generally seems to like you as well and finds you interesting. Ergo: you must be the missing link. Or a NiFi?

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by schrödinger's cat
    Or you could be the Missing Link? ...Seriously, if I were to decide what type you are, I'd say INFj, because what I pick up from you in your posts are more ... hm ... expressions of your inner principles. Things you disagree with, or things you believe. INFps seem a bit more... like, what they express is their inner drama, what the world inside of them looks like.
    Well, here's the deal. I don't go all batshit crazy even in real life and even when I'd like to: that is because I do not wish to be percieved as a homosexual.

    "How could we forget those ancient myths that stand at the beginning of all races, the myths about dragons that at the last moment are transformed into princesses? Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
    -- Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

  10. #50
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    Also ehm, you contradicted yourself:

    If Kierkegaard = INFj
    and Proust = INFp

    and you don't really get Kierk
    and you find yourself in accordace with Proust

    then you = INFp


    if snegledmaca = INFp
    and Kioshi = INFp

    and you don't get them

    then either you = INFj
    or them != INFp

    since we do not know the likelihood of them not being INFp
    but we know P(Proust=INFp)=1 and P(Kierk=INFj)=1

    The best thing we could say is that you can't reach any conclusion
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  11. #51
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    Well, I honestly am just sick of people questioning my type all the time. I know I shouldn't care so much, but it does bother me. Ever since the suggestion has been put out there that I might be INFj, I've had the creeping suspicion that people think I'm an imposter, and that no matter what I say and what I observe, people will still suspect I'm an INFj. What's one to do but throw their suspicions back in their face and embrace the label?
    "How could we forget those ancient myths that stand at the beginning of all races, the myths about dragons that at the last moment are transformed into princesses? Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
    -- Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

  12. #52
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    That's just because it has been slowly insidiated into the minds of people that INFps are the shittiest type of the socion, and therefore since you're one of the best contributors of the forum, people can't really belive you're INFp without conceding the untruthfulness of the stereotype

    Besides, this "throw it in your face" attitude is beta-ish.
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  13. #53
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    lol! I am seriously am concerned for the INFps here when people seem to think you can't be prudent, down-to-earth, nice and INFp at the same time. Also... I find it weird that people would refute my INFpness because I'm not like the ESTps... wtf? lol, quadra values only extend so far. Duals aren't supposed to be all that similar. They're supposed to be dissimilar but get along.

    Honestly, it's not the fact that people think I'm INFj that bothers me. The INFjs here are beautiful people, and I'm glad to count myself in Diana's company. It's actually more that people think I've mistyped myself that bothers me.
    "How could we forget those ancient myths that stand at the beginning of all races, the myths about dragons that at the last moment are transformed into princesses? Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
    -- Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

  14. #54
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    To say it with our beloved Shakespeare:

    "Modest doubt is called the beacon of the wise."

    And that sums up your doubts nicely, Auvi. Keep on doubting. I think it is part of the reason why you are wise beyond your years. And for now, welcome to delta!

  15. #55
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    Just curios, have you ever met an identical IRL?

    Personally that's the reason why I'm so certain of my type. I've met two identicals and I can read one of them like a book.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca
    Just curios, have you ever met an identical IRL?

    Personally that's the reason why I'm so certain of my type. I've met two identicals and I can read one of them like a book.
    I have met my identical, but whether or not he is INFp or INFj, I don't know.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kim
    To say it with our beloved Shakespeare:

    "Modest doubt is called the beacon of the wise."
    "How could we forget those ancient myths that stand at the beginning of all races, the myths about dragons that at the last moment are transformed into princesses? Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
    -- Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

  17. #57

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    Quote Originally Posted by Baby

    Honestly, it's not the fact that people think I'm INFj that bothers me. The INFjs here are beautiful people, and I'm glad to count myself in Diana's company. It's actually more that people think I've mistyped myself that bothers me.
    I think I understand! I mean...I want to say, I understand...but what if I don't. If it's anything like how I felt when some others questioned my type, then I understand. I felt as though they weren't JUST questioning my type, but they were questioning my understanding of socionics. All the memories/observations I've come to collect, aren't being correctly categorized. My mind had it wrong??? Huh? How can this be? What did I miss? It becomes sort of an insult to my ability to observe and correctly attribute those fine nuances. I like to think that I am able to decipher such things without being clouded by anything. The wizard of Oz does not fool me! I can STILL see the little man behind the big voice/palace and all other shrouding effects! LOL, not that dramatic really. But something like that? When our ability to decipher the world around us and our relation to the world around us, is feels like someone just committed a great sin against us? Damn. I meant for that one to be less dramatized. Well in any event. That's how it feels like to me. What is it that bothers you about having your type questioned?

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baby
    Below you will see I've changed my type to INFj. The reason for this: I've just finished reading through a lot of snegledmaca's and Kioshi's posts.

    I don't understand a word of their writing. I honestly have absolutely no clue what either of them are saying most of the time. (No offense to either.) It's worse than my inability to read INTjs... except that INTjs are exceedingly brief in their comments, and these guys exceedingly thorough.

    They have their own methodology, their own lexicon, their own world that's completely foreign to me and completely confounding. I find their writing beautiful, but completely incomprehensible.
    Yeah, the problem with me is that most of the stuff I do, write, say is not meant to be readable, understandable, but simple me fulfilling my need to express myself. It's not "designed" for anybody else except myself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Baby
    I have met my identical, but whether or not he is INFp or INFj, I don't know.
    Well I knew mine by the fact that she had "Whip me!... HAAARD!!!!!" written all over her forehead .

    EDIT: And she cut herself

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by maizemedley
    Quote Originally Posted by Baby

    Honestly, it's not the fact that people think I'm INFj that bothers me. The INFjs here are beautiful people, and I'm glad to count myself in Diana's company. It's actually more that people think I've mistyped myself that bothers me.
    I think I understand! I mean...I want to say, I understand...but what if I don't. If it's anything like how I felt when some others questioned my type, then I understand. I felt as though they weren't JUST questioning my type, but they were questioning my understanding of socionics. All the memories/observations I've come to collect, aren't being correctly categorized. My mind had it wrong??? Huh? How can this be? What did I miss? It becomes sort of an insult to my ability to observe and correctly attribute those fine nuances. I like to think that I am able to decipher such things without being clouded by anything. The wizard of Oz does not fool me! I can STILL see the little man behind the big voice/palace and all other shrouding effects! LOL, not that dramatic really. But something like that? When our ability to decipher the world around us and our relation to the world around us, is feels like someone just committed a great sin against us? Damn. I meant for that one to be less dramatized. Well in any event. That's how it feels like to me. What is it that bothers you about having your type questioned?
    LOL, actually that's exactly right. It seems like a veiled insult. How DARE people assume I'm delusional?? I credit myself with having a pretty grounded understanding of Socionics, and of having a pretty intuitive understanding of myself. When that's put to doubt, it's more than a little disconcerting.
    "How could we forget those ancient myths that stand at the beginning of all races, the myths about dragons that at the last moment are transformed into princesses? Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
    -- Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

  20. #60


    INFp's are concidered the worst type around here? =/

    What has given us a bad reputation?

    I'm slightly jealous of INFj's, especially Diana. I knew why a second ago but now I don't. I guess it sort of complicated. It's like she is like me, but can control her emotions better and keep everything cooled off. I take things personally a lot and when I get mad I over react and end up regretting it. =/

    Edit: I mean, jealous in a good way, meaning I wish I were more like that at times.

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca
    Quote Originally Posted by Baby
    Below you will see I've changed my type to INFj. The reason for this: I've just finished reading through a lot of snegledmaca's and Kioshi's posts.

    I don't understand a word of their writing. I honestly have absolutely no clue what either of them are saying most of the time. (No offense to either.) It's worse than my inability to read INTjs... except that INTjs are exceedingly brief in their comments, and these guys exceedingly thorough.

    They have their own methodology, their own lexicon, their own world that's completely foreign to me and completely confounding. I find their writing beautiful, but completely incomprehensible.
    Yeah, the problem with me is that most of the stuff I do, write, say is not meant to be readable, understandable, but simple me fulfilling my need to express myself. It's not designed for anybody else except myself.
    Now you tell me... I spent a full half hour of my life trying to decipher this one thread... I sat there going "Woah... trippy... huh..." the whole time. I'm still mystified. It was like you were describing your brain as a military location device.
    "How could we forget those ancient myths that stand at the beginning of all races, the myths about dragons that at the last moment are transformed into princesses? Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
    -- Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baby
    Quote Originally Posted by maizemedley
    Quote Originally Posted by Baby

    Honestly, it's not the fact that people think I'm INFj that bothers me. ... It's actually more that people think I've mistyped myself that bothers me.
    ... If it's anything like how I felt when some others questioned my type, then I understand. I felt as though they weren't JUST questioning my type, but they were questioning my understanding of socionics. All the memories/observations I've come to collect, aren't being correctly categorized. My mind had it wrong??? Huh? How can this be? What did I miss? It becomes sort of an insult to my ability to observe and correctly attribute those fine nuances. I like to think that I am able to decipher such things without being clouded by anything. The wizard of Oz does not fool me! I can STILL see the little man behind the big voice/palace and all other shrouding effects! ... When our ability to decipher the world around us and our relation to the world around us, is feels like someone just committed a great sin against us? ...
    LOL, actually that's exactly right. It seems like a veiled insult. How DARE people assume I'm delusional?? I credit myself with having a pretty grounded understanding of Socionics, and of having a pretty intuitive understanding of myself. When that's put to doubt, it's more than a little disconcerting.
    So, this would be an INFp kind of reaction?

    How would an INFj react if people questioned his or her type? Like that, or differently? Let's ask Diana what she thinks, and if she says she'd react differently, then Baby is an INFp. Sorted.

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baby
    Now you tell me... I spent a full half hour of my life trying to decipher this one thread... I sat there going "Woah... trippy... huh..." the whole time.

    Actually sometimes I write stuff and I read it and *I* don't understand it. Entire passages of stuff. Just wake up the next day and "WTF???". It's like another person wrote it or as if I was under the influence while writing it or something.
    Once I wrote a sentence and read it and it was like "be there toughly when the void". Let's just say how I think does not translate to reality well.

    I'm still mystified. It was like you were describing your brain as a military location device.
    Well that's only one part of it, how I view stuff. There are a lot of other stuff like how I think and so on. But I wont get into that here .

  24. #64
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    You remind me a lot of my sister Starfall
    All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall
    Snegledmaca always reminded me more of an INTx or something, because I couldn’t relate to a lot of the things she said, or understand her post for that matter. I’m not going to doubt her INFp-ness though, because she’s probably just very different from me.
    That's a he and you're right. I'm far more logically inclined then I should be.

    Actually I would like for you to confront me :wink:.

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jadae
    I think Fe is misrepresented.

    Auvi, I wrote my Ni diddy after you-- Sir Muse.
    that's why there's so much confusion around here about what each function is

    Check out my Socionics group!

  27. #67
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    Most people seem to be leaning towards INFp-ethical subtype. Interesting.
    "How could we forget those ancient myths that stand at the beginning of all races, the myths about dragons that at the last moment are transformed into princesses? Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
    -- Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

  28. #68
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    I once thought Auvi could be INFj. I've since realized that he has entirely too much , or, at the least, it's far too prevalent in his personality to allow for him to not have it in the ego.

    However, partly because I think, at the moment, that I am most likely INFp ethical subtype, and I don't quite feel an intense identical vibe from auvi, and partly because I don't see the somewhat histrionic behavior that is characteristic of the ethical subtypes, my final ballot is cast from INFp, intuitive subtype.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  29. #69
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    I think this "type difference" between "identicals" might have more to do with mental state, personality then theoretical differences.

    Take this big five test and post your scores and I'll post mine. I have a feeling there's going to be a significant difference.

    take the long one

    Quote Originally Posted by gilligan87
    However, partly because I think, at the moment, that I am most likely INFp ethical subtype, and I don't quite feel an intense identical vibe from auvi, and partly because I don't see the somewhat histrionic behavior that is characteristic of the ethical subtypes, my final ballot is cast from INFp, intuitive subtype.
    You know, I'd like for you to turn out to be INFp, I really would.

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    I'm sorry. I barely got to the end of the last page of questions and realized I was only 1/5th of the way through, and sort of gave up.:

    Laziness: 100
    "How could we forget those ancient myths that stand at the beginning of all races, the myths about dragons that at the last moment are transformed into princesses? Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
    -- Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

  32. #72


    Quote Originally Posted by Baby
    I'm sorry. I barely got to the end of the last page of questions and realized I was only 1/5th of the way through, and sort of gave up.:

    Laziness: 100
    Ive been doing that lately. Im all tested out

  33. #73


    Quote Originally Posted by Baby
    Well, I honestly am just sick of people questioning my type all the time. I know I shouldn't care so much, but it does bother me. Ever since the suggestion has been put out there that I might be INFj, I've had the creeping suspicion that people think I'm an imposter, and that no matter what I say and what I observe, people will still suspect I'm an INFj. What's one to do but throw their suspicions back in their face and embrace the label?
    It's annoying, isnt it? Well, I <3 you as any type. You can be ESFj today if ya wish. I wouldnt care in the whole wide world. Just dont blame me if UDP pinches your ass :wink:

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    Jeez, I did that test pretty quickly. It wasn't too bad.

    It's a little flawed, though.....

    Your score on Openness to Experience is average, indicating you enjoy tradition but are willing to try new things. Your thinking is neither simple nor complex. To others you appear to be a well-educated person but not an intellectual.

    Don't you know who I am?

    They seem to think that being reserved and liking consistency (as an IJ would), is directly related to not being an intellectual. I suppose they didn't account for the NT of IJs.... so to say. All the other dichotimies, save for certain agreeableness things, were reasonably accurate, though.

    That PSU thing was ~okay~......
    but socionics, and other tests on similar minds, even, seem to be a lot more ..... 'accurate'. Or, properly correlating the answer of a question to an outcome on the test. It seems like the results were not weighted properly. Or perhaps the person was using an outdated reference point. A little too..... vanilla.

    Gotta put some sprinkles and m&ms in it to get better.
    Or hell, just go for the chocolate and ditch the vanilla


    the ENTj/food thread got me hungry, so thus the anaologies.....
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    Someone here said that it's difficult to identify with being an INFp because INFps have such a bad press. Or something like that. That sounded like a pretty bad situation to be in, so I've looked up something positive. It's a description by Gulenko which I've edited to make it readable.


    Gulenko's INFp description:

    1. Ni

    Guided by intuitive presentiments. Therefore able to rapidly recognize artificiality, falseness, hypocrisy or degradation. This enables the INFP to navigate very difficult situations.
    The INFP freely manages both its own time and that of others. Always acts as if he had time to spare. It puts aside much for tomorrow. Dreamer; poetic nature. The pictures its imagination sketches are bright and more attractive than everyday life. He believes in a good future. Calms people down, awakens hope in them by talking about how fast things can change for the better. Does not focus on past errors.

    2. Fe

    Examines laws governing the emotional life of people. Knows how to request something at the best moment, when a person is in a good mood, so that to him it is difficult to refuse. Reacts to the ridiculous in life. Loves humor. Jokes, pulls people’s legs (if they are close), causing positive emotions by different methods. Peaceful. Does not transfer quarrels between close people. Easily reconciled, with readiness sacrificing itself for the pay-off of conflict. Internally anxious. Endures much, but hides agitation and bad mood beneath a gentle smile.

    3. Si

    Puts much effort into his external appearance. Knows how to dress elegantly and tastefully. Is graceful, gladdens the eye by aesthetical motions. [„Ties no one“ – could mean: applies force to no one?]. Applies efforts maximally to be entered in habits and tastes of people. Is very good-natured. To people complains about hishealth, the poor concern about himself, indifference. However, in extreme situations he is collected and suppresses pain. Acquires confidence and force in a situation of comfort and the customary to the circle of those familiar to him. In this case it is possible for him to be in command.

    4. Te

    Doesn’ know how to economize money, to keep a strict account of finances. Money is expended on things he finds beautiful; but they are not always useful. If he falls into financial difficulties, he knows to ask for help. In such cases he will find what to sellr. Lasting relationships frequently are combined with pragmatic calculation. Marriages based on calculation seem more durable to him than unions based on love. Relationships that force him to work in a rhythm that is not characteristic for him are very bad. He hopes for the condescension, the indulgences, the smoke breaks during the hard work.

    5. Se

    Gets along with strong, decisive, self-confident people. However, he will not allow despotism. He will openly state that brute force is primitive. He knows what force to exert in order to attain his end. However, he himself only uses power methods if he feels a physical threat to himself or to someone close to him. If he constantly feels uncomfortable, he begins to behave in an emphasized rough and provocative way. That has the purpose of hiding his soft, victim-like nature. Without solid management he is weakened and [cannot resist?] disorder. It is easy to lead him astray, to tempt him by anything that promises pleasant sensations. It is easy for him to form harmful habits from which he can free himself only by force.

    6. Ti

    When there is no clearness and uniqueness in his understanding of a situation, that spoils his mood and makes him confused. Chaos, lack of organization, an absence of support throw him down into despondency. Acts with enthusiasm when there are well thought-out, logically adjusted plans with a clear goal. Greatly needs diagrams and technologies. In extreme situations becomes cold-blooded. Thought works more clearly, valid solutions come more easily. Overreglementation and petty control strongly spoil his mood. Constant solid discipline is not for him.

    7. Ne

    Vital values and ideals are one of his vulnerable points. [„Greatly it survives, if time is passed, and compromises and concessions are involved, does not find permission.“ I can’t understand that sentence.] Does not suffer oppressions or the leveling of abilities, both his own and those of people around him. Lives according to the principle of nonintervention into the internal personal world. However, if asked, he could give valuable advice for the development of abilities. To his own abilities he is very critical and frequently understates them. Fears to remain talentless, unneeded. Needs compliments and encouragement. Knows how to select from existing ideas those that are most promising. Always searches for himself an occupation which would correspond to his ideal of service to people.

    8. Fi

    His relationships [„supports by the matter“?]. Can make much of those he loves. Is enterprising, if he feels what conquers the sympathies of those around him. Current duties are stably fulfilled only in the association with a steady system of interpersonal relationships. He warns that personal hostility and differences will lead to a breakdown of things. Everything is done so that business relationships would be accompanied by favorable nonformal connections. The harmonizing beginning is introduced into the working team. Persuading people, he governs relationships in such a way that things develop in a way that is advantageous for himself. Successfully uses acquaintances and personal charm.

    External signs

    The very characteristic property, which makes it possible with confidence to assume that someone belongs to this sociotype, is an elegant external appearance. IEI very subtly feels harmony. A feeling of composition makes it possible for him to dress sometimes very exclusively. The objects are wonderfully selected. Sometimes he looks like a real dandy. This concerns both the women and men. The second special feature concerns gait and figure. Figures in IEI are encountered both thin and complete, moreover the more developed the intuitive component, the more strongly is expressed the tendency toward the completeness. But dependently on the figure very well it manages its body, his gait is frequently graceful, now and then even fanciful [...]. The more emotional version of the IEI is easily known by his lively gesticulation. For him, a characteristic gesture is that of moving the hand sideways while [„unwinding?“] the palm. His eyes [are laughing] and narrow. In the more intuitive version they are wide and curious. During the conversation sometimes has the tendency to glance into the eyes of his collocutor, and to also take him by the hand.

    Manner of contact

    In the contact the most important sign, that reliably testifies that someone belongs to this sociotype is a somewhat shy smile, which appears when he is agitated or when others talk about him in his presence. Being interested in everything that is uncommon and original, he has a tendency to chatter about different kinds of interesting trifles. His attention now and then is difficult to concentrate on the main thing. He distracts from the common line of conversation, unexpectedly posing questions not concerning the theme. He loves interesting or simply ridiculous stories. He recalls ridiculous episodes from his life. In conversation now and then he breaks and flirts, drawing off the final answer although already everything is solved for him. He is inclined to give empty promises. Always finds reasons for his choices: „circumstances forced me“, „I wanted to, but [it wasn’t possible], thus he loves to speak about his impracticality. But in this case he knows how to rather well conduct business. [„Bendings it is dodgy“?] help him to retain his post a long time. He is a rather good leader due to the fact that knows how to select reliable deputies. He calms down upset, lost people, speaking, that yet not all is lost and the like.

    Special features of behavior

    Observing IEIs in the course of a certain time, it is easy to note this special feature as a contrast between the IEIs’ behavior towards people in unknown company and among those close to him. An IEI’s behaviour is always gentle and well-behaved; he allows himself no roughness or even discourtesy. But in his own circle, among people close to him, he can conduct himself every now and then unduly familiar. He loves to fool about, to create unusual circumstances. He [„pulls at people“?] to cause them to have positive emotions. [At home?] it is very capricious, and obstinate [in attaining its ends?], arranging sobbings, tears, even scandals. These emotional splashes pass rapidly, without affecting it deeply. His emotions are very flexible, and he can consciously turn them [on and] off. When it comes to money, he is wasteful and cannot refuse himself anything; therefore he gets into debt if his own means are not sufficient. He loves a beautiful, „society“ kind of lifestyle, therefore he [needs much money?, has great needs?]. He is inclined to marriages based on calculation. He complains about a life of poverty, about the sufferings. He loves it when people listen to his complaints about poor health and the like; it [„accumulates them in themselves“?], in order to then express everything immediately if the case is suitable.


    Your strong side is a well-developed intuitive presentiment, which makes possible for you to extract lessons from the errors of the past in order to secure the future.
    You visualize the future optimistically. Yours is a dreamy, romantic nature. Inside yourself you have beauty [„in skill and in life“?]. Your creative nature will not endure the grey and the average. Into any matter you introduce elements of refinement and originality.
    You are good at detecting people’s moods, you possess a subtle sense of humor, and you know how to use it to improve your own mood and that of those close to you. You possess a rich world of diverse feelings and in many respects you depend on the nuances of your sincere state [of mind]. You are capable of elevated feelings and you tend to idealize people. Into the surrounding world you introduce festivity and elevation.
    Your major issue lies in the fact that to you is difficult to constantly force yourself to be occupied by the daily, uninteresting matters, especially when it comes to the material world. To you is not given the economical managing of your means; and now and then it is difficult for you to resist the temptation to acquire beautiful things whose cost exceeds the limits of your budget. You [„follow the fact“?] in order not to expend money on unnecessary trinkets: You risk to suffer financially.
    Manifest more than restraint in your expenditures in order not to place yourself in the humiliating position of having to cope with debt by different methods up to selling your possessions. [The following sentence is unclear. Could be: Do not copy others’ ambitious aspirations and illusions about the „easy life“]; do not subordinate to them the consideration of ethics and morals in order to get rid of daily concern. Let your sincere feelings lead you in the correct choice between the material and spiritual aspects of life.
    Another your problem lies in the fact that you are not inclined to hide for a long time from those around you your experiences and physical ailments. This can tire people and cause them to distrust the sincerity of your experiences. To earn the attention of people close to you, abstain from making superfluous demands and from complaining about the lack of proper concern for you, and try to moderate a certain capriciousness in your nature.
    Manifest more generosity and active concern about people you try to deserve a good relationship with by diligence and by active participation in common causes, and on no account make empty promises. Do not spend your free time in dreams, barren emotional conversations and secret experiences. If you dedicate the large part of your free time to real life, your chances to succeed in life will grow considerably.

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    And here's the INFj, specially for Baby and maizemedley. (Not that you've got to become INFjs - just to give you a comparison with the INFp description so Baby can find himself and maize won't feel lonely anymore.)


    The INFj, by Gulenko.

    1. Fi

    A good eye for the relationships between people. Knows who gets along or does not get along with whom. Relations to itself distinguishes more badly; therefore suffers superfluous trustfulness. Values honesty and decency in human relations. Does not pardon treasons and treachery. [With people, which it strongly brought, it vomits any relations.] It differs in terms of courtesy and softness in the contact on the distant distance. Its humanism manifests in concrete acts; it avoids declarations and beautiful words. Generous. Able to pardon even its enemies, if they sincerely confess. Maintains even, benevolent relations with all.

    2. Ne

    Possesses the talent of educator, since he understands the necessity to reveal the abilities of people. Treats children and adults similarly, encouraging independence and other qualities that are necessary for adult life. Greatly values a friendly exchange of opinions that creates a climate of confidence and respect for the other person’s position. Supports mutual understanding in the associations in which it is located. Able to navigate even the most complex situations of life. People turn to it for counsel and for confirmation of the possibility of [what approaches them or what they fear]. Drawn to the new, the uncommon. Loves self-education. Attempts to find the interrelation between different studies and theories; as a rule, those are of a spiritual- humanitarian nature. Like no other, understands the effect of religion on the life of people.

    3. Ti

    Knows how to force itself to be disciplined and executive. Honest, although sluggish in execution of concrete work. Careful in details. Adheres to undertaken obligations. Works modestly, without noise and praises. Attempts to approach situations objectively, without emotions, analyzing facts. However, finds it difficult to express its understanding of a problem in analytical language. In official situations it appears restrained and somewhat dry. Greatly dislikes to manifest [its relation on the people.] Solves difficult problems with the help of the large amount of patience with which nature has entrusted him.

    4. Se

    [If wounded], heavily transfers roughness. [Cannot press people to make them do anything they don’t want to do.] Although very nervous in extreme situations, pulls himself together and acts decisively if people close to it are affected. [The wave of experiences makes smooth already when danger is behind.] Selects as partners those who push it slightly to dynamism. [Will mobilize, but not those, who guard from the agitations and is removed from it responsibility.] Sharply answers attempts to act on it by coercion or rough force. In such situations it is capable to flare up and openly express its [negative relation]. Irritable in contact with ill-wishers.

    5. Te

    Cannot sit idly when others work. Attempts to mobilize it by campaigns do not work; the best method to connect it to the work is personal example. Has true pleasure in comfortable, well organized labor. Likes when [they help to be freed] from useless expenditure of forces, to rationally [organize] the workplace. There is no need for issuing detailed procedures to it, it takes a long time to introduce into the policy of the matter. Will find necessary information on its own. The main thing is that all that is required for the work would be located near at hand. Has the tendency to overwork itself. Is grateful to those who care about its leisure and maintenance of health.

    6. Si

    Its mood strongly depends on physical state. When it is ill [or inconvenienced], suffers pessimism and poor mood. [Experiences internal need to handle weak and patients]. However, it is necessary that this would be understood, otherwise it is offended even though it would not say so. Feels at ease in small, but warm companies. Worries about the mood of people of its circle. If necessary, then [it priobodrit or] it will comfort. Critical of its appearance. Dislikes being told what to wear or how to appear, although it needs approval and councils about its appearance and the use of various [objects of custom]. Avoids garish, [separating] clothing.

    7. Fe

    Better than others senses the ripening of conflicts. Focuses attention on the negative emotions of people, condemns them; however, he cannot [avoid himself]. Knows how to listen, to sympathize, to remove emotional stress from people. Can relate his own experiences only to very close people. Deeply [survives] negative, dramatic events in the life of those around, even if they don’t concern him directly. Internally a very emotionally stressed and nervous person. Although he knows how to check his own emotions, periodically needs emotional dischargings. Is torn away in the contact with close ones, if he seizes them in the lie, the selfishness, the indifference.

    8. Ni

    Lives and works quietly. Does not love delays or advancings forward. [Heavily it is reconstructed to the new working rhythm]. Dislikes useless expenditure of time. Will not begin to [for long await optional person]. Punctual, concludes assigned work on time. Does not feel [sorry time for the work]. Labor is evaluated according to a quantity of spent time. Working activity is always separated from the entertainments. Knows how to calculate, how much time one should spend on whom. Does not love garrulous people, [which many forces return to the consideration of the not relating to the matter problems]. Will not begin to tear off people from work by empty questions.

    External signs [abbreviated]

    Impassive face. An expression of suffering seemingly lies on face. Never manifests stormy positive emotions. It can only smile. At a distance the INFJ’s face seems to express silent reproach to the guilt that occurs all around. The same is heard also in the intonation of its speech. In the INFJs clothing the following extremes are observed. From one side, does not attempt to dress extremely or controversially, prefers modest, but tasteful clothing /aesthetical type/, from other side, it can dress up very vividly like a parrot, according to fashion. The latter is characteristic for the men of intuitive subtype.

    Social behaviour

    INFJs love at first to control people, evaluating the relationship as it unfolds, and only then to enter into closer contact. Don’t take the initiative. The sharpness and touchiness characteristic of INFJs (especially of the ethical subtype) [make it in the contact convenient]. Its moralizing tone, monotonic "church" voice dissipate wantonness and merry attitude, are tuned people to the minor harmony, as if making it necessary to think about entire poverty of this world. The most characteristic for determining this type of personality from the manner of contact - this is its ["ispovedal'nost'"?]. People frequently turn to it for council and comfort in difficult moments, they [issue soul]. The INFJ never repulses people, but is ready to listen them as much as is necessary until they calm down. In such cases, the INFJ does not regard his personal time. Tries to [be dismantled] objectively, impartially at everything, after rejecting emotions. After this, it logically brings man to the necessary conclusion. Because of his inflexible position by those surrounding is sometimes received as naive, not knowing how to live as all, the man. He is not actually completely capable to use cunning, to tune, to play a role necessary according to the situation.

    Special features of behavior

    The chief characteristic of its behavior, which helps to reliably identify this type, is the readiness to come to the aid of those close to him, especially in difficult vital situations. Moreover his concern is manifested not in words, but in actions. INFJs obtain well the reconciliation of people, seeming to step between the opposing parties, maintaining good relations with both; however, this frequently causes fire from two sides. Cannot press people, shout, or manifest aggression. The strongest punishment he can administer is to completely ignore someone persistently until they recognize their fault and ask forgiveness. Another characteristic feature of the INFJ’s behavior is honesty in execution of concrete work. Does everything thoroughly, with high quality. Assiduous. Exacting to cleanliness and order. Houses it frequently makes [harvesting, thoroughly adds things (woman)]. Loves a calm, measured life. Tries to be prepared in advance for everything. Always reliable. Does not love to be separated. When others work, he also works together with all. But if all sit, he also sits. Usually he will not endure scenes of violence, wounds and blood. He cannot for long endure closed space.


    A fundamental understanding of people and human interrelations is your strong side. You are interested in the motives of behavior, in sincere qualities, relations between the people, which you observe over a long time. And the longer lasts this study, the more error-free you determine the nature of the man as he really is, but does not wish to be seen as.
    You strive for warm, friendly relations between people. You do not transfer roughness and violence. In this the humanistic qualities of your personality are manifested, and for this you are valued and respected by those around you. Your knowledge of people and life experience will always help you to find [their place in the association]. Other advantages of yours are constant sensitivity, kindness and attentiveness. For those, you deserve gratitude. You try to make your compassion real, not only to express it in words. Without stinting your own forces and time, you help anyone who actually needs your aid.
    The final goal of your activity is the creation of a calm, harmonious, non-conflicting situation, in which everyone can develop its abilities. You are the best comforter and reconciler. You forgive people their negative behavior and transgression. You act on their conscience, you make it necessary to think about the moral basis of our life. The problem that disturbs you is a deficiency in resoluteness and initiative, an inability to [require in the volitional form]. To this contributes a certain shyness inherent in your nature to one degree or another. You are very punctilious, you fear to seem obtrusive, to inappropriately attract attention to yourself.
    You are modest and nonagressive. After [being hurt], you do not react actively, you prefer to conceal the offence. Even accepting protection from others is inconvenient to you. You consider that the person who offended you must himself realize what he has done and repent. But if he does not do this, you try to avoid contact with him, punishing him with silence. You should develop in yourself the following abilities: the ability to directly criticize dishonorableness and dishonesty, the ability not to pity people who are incorrigible or unrepentant, the ability [of not giving to use itself into whose- that mercenary purposes]. Learn to say "no" in time. Sympathize a little less with outside people and pay a little more attention to close ones.
    Another problem is your very thorough study of the details of any matter, generating sluggishness and unemotionality. Getting stuck in trifles, you hardly find time for valuable leisure in nature or in the company of friends, and this can badly affect your health. You thoroughly and deeply analyze everything that concerns you and those close to you. The results of a similar objective analysis are frequently uncomforting, because [you experience over time feelings] of deep grief and pessimism. You superfluously suppress everything that exceeds the scope of decency, morals and spirituality.
    Do not [occasionally show to much pity only to later flagellate yourself for a lack of] honesty and validity. Remember that true validity does not allow compromises with conscience.
    Accelerate the tempo of work, be focussed so that your attention does not become stuck on trifles, and instead focus only on the main thing, the essential. Try [„skorochteniye“?] - this will help you to learn to see the big picture of a phenomenon or event. Analyzing facts, you approach not refinement, but generalization. The knowledge of general regularities will free you from the expenditures of forces and nerves for [„those not justified, little whom interesting aspects matters“].

  37. #77
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    I did the short one. Want my results anyways? I have to write a paper for a class in an hour, so I'll take the long one later
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baby
    Ah, thanks for streamlining those Gulenko descriptions, Ann.
    Cat did it, not me...unless Cat's real life name is Ann.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  39. #79
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    oops... I got my ENFps confused. Sorry Cat! And Ann!
    "How could we forget those ancient myths that stand at the beginning of all races, the myths about dragons that at the last moment are transformed into princesses? Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
    -- Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

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    Glad you found yourself.

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