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Thread: Potty-mouthed princesses

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    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scapegrace View Post
    Now I could be wrong, but I think that these girls are doing this video because their mothers agree with its message. And if they do, they're sending a shit message to their daughters and I don't like that. Men are not -- by definition -- rapists, most men find that sort of behavior appalling because they're decent human beings.
    i'm always confused when i hear this because its not the message i hear at all, or what i think, and i've never heard anybody say it.

    And getting boohoo getting paid a little less for the same work is not ADVERSITY (even though that's a bullshit statistic and I don't believe it for one second). It's a minor inconvenience. Getting your clitoris cut off, and your pussy sewn shit, or being stoned for getting rape is adversity. American feminists need to get their shit together, because it sure as fuck doesn't look like they care about WOMEN, it looks like they care about AMERICAN WOMEN, and they like to needlessly bitch about very minor problems.
    nobody i know is comfortable with women getting their clits cut off either. most of the news i get about stonings and issues facing women globally is from feminist media.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    i'm always confused when i hear this because its not the message i hear at all, or what i think, and i've never heard anybody say it.
    i don't know if this means not hearing the message that all men are potential rapists just because they're men in the video in the op? in either case, that was kind of the message that i heard from it and from that line because it's about teaching men as a group not to rape... as though every man should be pulled aside and given a little training or something on the topic of controlling his urges that compel him to go at it with any woman despite her protestations. being male doesn't at all equate to being a potential rapist even if most rapists are male, which is stating the obvious, but the way the video presents it is in this almost accusatory way pointing at "men" (all men). in its characteristic graceless fashion, the video tramples all over the topic and is not careful to not do more harm than good.

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    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    i don't know if this means not hearing the message that all men are potential rapists just because they're men in the video in the op? in either case, that was kind of the message that i heard from it and from that line because it's about teaching men as a group not to rape... as though every man should be pulled aside and given a little training or something on the topic of controlling his urges that compel him to go at it with any woman despite her protestations. being male doesn't at all equate to being a potential rapist even if most rapists are male, which is stating the obvious, but the way the video presents it is in this almost accusatory way pointing at "men" (all men). in its characteristic graceless fashion, the video tramples all over the topic and is not careful to not do more harm than good.
    when you spell it out like that it makes more sense to me why some people would hear that message in it. i've always understood it as putting rape in the same category of other things we teach people not to do, like steal or cheat. which we officially do, but the message is a reaction to the implicit currents in the media & culture that contradict the official stance, ie. steubenville, slut shaming, blaming victims, etc. i mean technically me and you both are potential rapists. so i dont see it as presuming anything about men any more than anything else men are taught not to do. personally.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    i mean technically me and you both are potential rapists. so i dont see it as presuming anything about men any more than anything else men are taught not to do. personally.
    it presumes that men are rapists but women aren't. women don't need a special training. men do. of course it's unacceptable that women have to worry about whether their dress and behavior equate to interpretations such as coming across as someone who's just "asking for it" when that's not the case at all. but to be all, "let's throw this back in the faces of the RAPISTS: MEN" is just a really aggravating response that doesn't appreciate the fact that not all men are rapists. it's the same sort of thinking: woman in tight skirt = wants sex (even if she says "no"); heterosexual male = rapist unless he gets trained not to rape. was the video being intentionally absurd with this? kind of doubt it.

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