Quote Originally Posted by zap View Post
fair enough. @InvisibleJim @Agni @FDG @Reficulris... you might wanna take al ook at this 1st batch of links. I know @octo @April @Smilingeyes also have some experiences w/ academia. btw, the 1st link leads to a thread I made on physicsforums back when I considered becoming an academic.
I don't know, zap. To be honest, in my case, the point was more practical: I likely was not going to be "top of the world" in my field (thus I would have had a really hard time finding a permanent position in 7/10 years, given the extreme level of competition). I was a top student at my uni but when you get to phd level, everyone is the top student of his uni. That, and the fact that I was going to be "forced" to move a lot every 2-3 years to find any kind of work. That, and the fact that the pay isn't even that good, and you don't interact with ppl for weeks, and if you don't get the "right" results you can go on forever, etc. etc. etc.