While wildly subjective, my experience says this:
NTs are better with people than STs
tends to happen too. On the other hand, NT ideas are perhaps in more danger of just never going anywhere beyond empty theorizing. There's a part of me that is dangerously close to not caring as long as it's stimulating.

I think the reason for your sentiment is that intuition occurs, on some level, closer to the subjective psyche, and thus can form patterns which associate preconscious imagery of feeling contents (as opposed to genuine feelings) together in the "right" way in an automated occurrence, just that they may not be great at really tuning into the feeling judgment as an appraisal, or really be trying to hit their real feelings.

In fact, I'd actually go as far as saying a lot of "reading people" stuff really is more intuitive than ethical. Reading can be more of a matter of perception, after all. Our intuitions can also come with positive and negative tones vaguely attached, which help us glean the gist of what someone is like.
Whether someone deals with matters in accordance with feeling/ethical sentiment is distinct then.