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Thread: Physical Training

  1. #1
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    Default Physical Training

    Is this something that only and dominants are capable of doing consistently? I went through a year of attempting it myself and I'd be consistent until about one month, which I will just fall apart and have to start over. This vicious cycle prompted me to quit realizing that this wasn't for me and it was not worth wasting the time and money. It's like my and did activate sometimes when it was required, but it burnt out like a fuse. However, is enjoying or being driven to do physical work linked to a sensory function?

    Most people I know that actually succeed in becoming muscular or very fit are usually and dominants like ESTps and ISTps. Is it practically impossible for an INTj to become muscular? I don't think that's necessarily the case, but it would be much more difficult in general. Now, I have seen and dominants quit after consistency and go through cycles of inactivity, however most of them actually achieved their goal and went back to it. I in the other hand never got close.

    In the other hand, an activity such as jogging might be better suited to ENXj's for the fact that they are able to ignore the pain and jog for longer periods due to their polr. This is one activity that I did not have much trouble doing and I lost weight when it was needed and kept this up consitently for more than a month, so I guess there are a lot of factors to take into consideration.
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  2. #2
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Default Re: Physical Training

    Quote Originally Posted by Traveler
    Is this something that only and dominants are capable of doing consistently? I went through a year of attempting it myself and I'd be consistent until about one month, which I will just fall apart and have to start over. This vicious cycle prompted me to quit realizing that this wasn't for me and it was not worth wasting the time and money. It's like my and did activate sometimes when it was required, but it burnt out like a fuse. However, is enjoying or being driven to do physical work linked to a sensory function?
    Probably sensors should be better equipped to derive pleasure from purely physical stimulation as opposed to mental. However, having experienced only my perispective, I think my answer is not particularly meaningful. As for me, I enjoy a lot the moment of working out, dancing, sports etc just for the sensations I receive through my body. I just don't feel alive if I am not phisycally active. I genereally like sports better because there is also interaction and competition and generally more fun things, but here people at 20 are already all lazy and never want to play. Fuck.

    By the way, I never go to the gym. I could never stand the thought of somebody organizing a schedule for my workout or anything like that. I just want to do my own thing, fuck instructors.

    Most people I know that actually succeed in becoming muscular or very fit are usually and dominants like ESTps and ISTps. Is it practically impossible for an INTj to become muscular? I don't think that's necessarily the case, but it would be much more difficult in general. Now, I have seen and dominants quit after consistency and go through cycles of inactivity, however most of them actually achieved their goal and went back to it. I in the other hand never got close.
    As for me, the motivation for exercising is simple. I have a lot, a lot, a lot of energy. This energy must be channeled somewhere, because otherwise I become angry, nervous, snappy and my body overheats. Working out is one of the most efficient means to have also good results. Aerobic traning is not as efficient. High intensity training of any kind is generally the best.

    In the other hand, an activity such as jogging might be better suited to ENXj's for the fact that they are able to ignore the pain and jog for longer periods due to their polr.
    I don't know. I used to think I had polr because I can ingore the pain very easily. And I can. I know few people that are able to ignore it so easily. Recently, I've seen slava saying that Se dominants can tune out the sensations coming to them, and that's definitely true. So, I wouldn't link it to polr.
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  3. #3
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    I think it would depend on the kind of training methods you are using.

    I recently discovered a couple of programs that either already are, or can be, converted into cards and set up in such a way that when i'm in the mood, i grab a few cards and do the exercises on them...go off to do something hour or so later or when i feel another need for movement, i pull out a couple more cards and do them.

    When you think about it....our ancestors didn't set aside one hour a day three days a week to do an extensive workout. They had to do all sorts of movements at various times of the day. It's not like they planned when a predator would chase them, nor set up an appointment with the local deer for a hunting round. They had to be able to seize the opportunites as they presented themselves. And sometimes, to keep themselves ready for whatever their environment tossed out at them...they played games, both physical and mental.

    I guess, it doesn't just depend on the method either....motivation would have a lot to do with it as well. Why are you doing what you say you want to do? Why are you using this particular fitness method? Why are you choosing this particular timing, etc? For most people, if they aren't enjoying the process, then they won't maintain it.
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  4. #4
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    I also think that it might have something to do with ESTp and ISTp being strategic and you being tactical
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    I also think that it might have something to do with ESTp and ISTp being strategic and you being tactical
    How would that fit in? (I've never quite understood "strategic vs tactical")
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  6. #6
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    I also think that it might have something to do with ESTp and ISTp being strategic and you being tactical
    How would that fit in? (I've never quite understood "strategic vs tactical")
    strategics have a fixed far goal but they don't really know the steps. they go with what seems better at the moment and try to achieve it.

    tactics always know the steps but they're not good at mantaining a fixed goal, they switch it continously

    I can give you a duality example if you wish.
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  7. #7
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    I used to do a lot of physical stuff but now when older and busy with all kinds of crap I don't have the time or energy to be that active. However I can't be many days without some kind of physical workout or same thing happens as with FDG. Nowadays it is usually enough if I do some low intensity stuff like 30-60 minute walk everyday to keep myself happy. No need to push myself to the limit anymore. And my body stays more healthy this way.

    One thing I nowadays practice working with my body weight and I can promote e.g. this workout:

    The three first movements are really great and you can do them easily anywhere (at home, on a trip, whereever). In only a few weeks they give you a lot of functional strength and flexibility. I was really surprised they work as I'm only used to respect weight training. Now I think I'm moving completely to training with body weight as that seems to keep my body more healthy (shoulders, back, knees) and gives the kind of strength that is more useful than what bench pressing etc can do for me at this age. When training with weights it feels like it destroys my body bit by bit. However the body weight movements generally make me feel more healthy. But of course you don't get big muscles without weight training...

  8. #8
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Traveler, I've got a study for you that will make you happier!

    XoX: Calisthenics are probably the healthiest of all exercises I agree, but if I don't push myself with weights from I lose motivation because I don't feel fatigue any more
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  9. #9
    meatburger's Avatar
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    My ENTj friend and ENTp friend work out quite a lot. As a pair they seem to work quite well together. The ENTp makes sure he does the work out, he gets annoyed with himself for missing. The ENTj doesn't want him to get ahead etc.

    I have never been successful with constant exercising. I naturally have a bit of muscle though so by simply walking i seem to do ok keeping the weight off. Im not looking forward to when my metabolism slows down even more though haha
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herzy
    I can do that, but I usually don't last long, because I don't have the patience. I'll usually do it for a few days or so, then stop because I'm lazy.
    This sounds like my husband. Recently he's been making me jog five miles everyday. I'm waiting for his laziness to kick in so that I can get a break.
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  11. #11
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    Default Re: Physical Training

    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    By the way, I never go to the gym. I could never stand the thought of somebody organizing a schedule for my workout or anything like that. I just want to do my own thing, fuck instructors.
    Yeah my ESTp friend did whatever he wanted and felt that instructors were useless.

    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    I don't know. I used to think I had polr because I can ingore the pain very easily. And I can. I know few people that are able to ignore it so easily. Recently, I've seen slava saying that Se dominants can tune out the sensations coming to them, and that's definitely true. So, I wouldn't link it to polr.
    I have witnessed ESTps doing this, so that is mostly true. Then what does that make of the Si polr? Is there really such thing, I can turn off my sensations at will as well like if it's too cold I ignore. Also, I can jog for hours if I wanted simply by ignoring the pain or pressuring myself to do more, but I don't do this anymore. It depends on the context of pain or cold/heat to figure out what type can tune it out, however I'm starting to think it is a load of bollocks.
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  12. #12
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    Default Re: Physical Training

    Quote Originally Posted by FDG

    By the way, I never go to the gym. I could never stand the thought of somebody organizing a schedule for my workout or anything like that. I just want to do my own thing, fuck instructors.
    I'm thinking about going to gym. Here is why:

    -Professional, fit instructors who will accomodate personal needs and goals. I have the goals, but am not exactly sure on every aspect of the process.

    -They will be able to observe your technique and help your form. I'm not doubting that a person could do this themselves, but if you want to perfect it, it would be optimal to have a guide. Sayings to help: Almost every fantastic jazz musician had a teacher. You don't learn chemical engineering buying a chemistry set. etc etc

    -Somewhat competitive atmosphere

    -More equipment

    -Would help create a better routine("I have to go here at this time daily" etc)

    -There's probably tons more.

    I only added this because you thought it necessary, for whatever reason your new type has given you, to say "fuck instructors." I know you are capable of examining the situation objectively.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Physical Training

    Quote Originally Posted by heath
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG

    By the way, I never go to the gym. I could never stand the thought of somebody organizing a schedule for my workout or anything like that. I just want to do my own thing, fuck instructors.
    I'm thinking about going to gym. Here is why:

    -Professional, fit instructors who will accomodate personal needs and goals. I have the goals, but am not exactly sure on every aspect of the process.
    I am able to do that alone, I think you absolutely can too, with some infos on the net. Starting form the site I linked the article from.

    -They will be able to observe your technique and help your form. I'm not doubting that a person could do this themselves, but if you want to perfect it, it would be optimal to have a guide. Sayings to help: Almost every fantastic jazz musician had a teacher. You don't learn chemical engineering buying a chemistry set. etc etc
    Yeah, this is definitely good, and in fact that's why I went to the gym for 2 months: I asked the instructors to teach me the technique of all the "basic" exercises. I agree that without proper techinque some of the heaviest lifts can be extremely dangerous.

    -Somewhat competitive atmosphere
    No, for me it's not like that. I just get distracted. The instructors tell me to go slower, but it doesn't work for me. I don't know, all my friends that have gone to the gym have obtained lesser results than me, and I think it's attributable to the "congregational" atmosphere which is formed. Instead of getting better, most people associate to look at hot girls. Thanks no, when I train I train, if I want hot girls I go out. Maybe not full of sweat, too.

    -More equipment
    I have a squat rack at home, and it's really all you need. But, if you just have weights, I agree with you on this point.

    -Would help create a better routine("I have to go here at this time daily" etc)
    I'm really good at sustaining a routine without being forced. Actually, If I feel any external pressure at doing something, i'm probably going to be demotivated.

    I only added this because you thought it necessary, for whatever reason your new type has given you, to say "fuck instructors." I know you are capable of examining the situation objectively.
    Oh, ehm, pleeese. Let's not really dwell on this smal minutia, do we? It was clearly not meant as an insult but as an exclamation. If you wish to go on a moral tirade, go, but it would be over-reacting.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  14. #14


    lol they call gyms here "meat markets." anywho, Ive tried the gym thing. I hated it because A. there are too many annoying people around and B. the thought of paying to work while I have real things to work on was killing me. They just werent as efficient for the body

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    Yeah i went to the GYM for quite a while. I went with a guy from School that was quite fun but it slowly faded away. I dont want to get too muscular as its too hard to maintain that level.

    I used to like walking past all the chicks wiggling their bum doing body rock. I quit because i was doing an exercise one day when a steroid induced woman that could bench press me winked in my direction.
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

  16. #16


    lol @ hot for meatuburger. She just wanted your pickle and relish.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Physical Training

    Quote Originally Posted by FDG

    Oh, ehm, pleeese. Let's not really dwell on this smal minutia, do we? It was clearly not meant as an insult but as an exclamation. If you wish to go on a moral tirade, go, but it would be over-reacting.

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    My PoLR and I hate the gym. I'm capable of working hard physically but not for the sake of being physical. It bores me too much. And I don't enjoy the short of breath that comes with running like most people seems to do at least a little. Or rather, I'd rather have something other focus on than the discomfort. My new plan for getting exercise is to go hiking with a heavy backpack on a regular basis. But an absolute condition for this to work is that I can take different routes every time so that it's more about exploring the surroundings than the whole sweat thing. (Now the first to tries failed because 1) I couldn't find the trail 2) There was a thunderstorm. :wink: )

  19. #19



  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    I very much enjoy exercise and physical work. I love working hard doing physical labor, not only to see what I've accomplished -- very satisfying, but also for that wonderful feeling of exhaustion where I feel like I can then relax completely, knowing I've done something.

    I sometimes purposely procrastinate on doing things so that I can do it all in one mighty rush and have a huge sense of accomplishment.

    I like the feeling in my muscles when I'm working. I feel more ah, real somehow. Too much sitting around and I start to feel like I'm drifting farther and farther from common sense and reality. Like I'm in a dream world. Working makes me feel better, like I'm actually living and not just floating around somewhere. I feel like I can think clearer, and better, and I certainly feel better.
    Exactly the same here.

  21. #21
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    Is it practically impossible for an INTj to become muscular?
    It's all about motivation.

    At a "default INTj setting", no. Probably not. INTjs barely eat enough, and if there is a complex problem, then there's no way in hell. If something needs to be done, that INTj better have an ESFj, because he could very well starve himself.

    Read the following, and humble yourself in it's truth:

    He is capable of neglecting his own profit and safety when defending the offended. He sets for himself very high requirements. Unless somebody else takes care of him, he can easily drive himself to starvation. Garibaldi, Robespierre, Dzierzhynski, Jefferson are revolutionaries who devoted themselves to an idea.

    Now, if an INTj was raised in an environment that was condusive to being muscular (it runs in the family -- working out and such, or whatever), and the INTj was allowed to come to this on his own terms, and not be forced into it, then yes, he could become relatively buff. Or, especially if the health aspect of working out is highlighted, the INTj will do be mindful. It's all about motivation. It's all about motivation.

    If an INTj needs to be physically fit to do his job, which he deems very important, then he will be physically fit.

    For myself,
    when I was away at college, I started putting on some decent muscle. Just a simple workout of pushups, some freeweight stuff, crunches (that learned how to do the right way), and running. Oddly enough, I ate more consistently at college than I do here, so I lost some of that mass, and my abs are less defined.

    Because of the high mental energy expidenture, I do not think it is likely for an INTj to become a MR Universe sort. But having a decent looking body, with some muscle definition is in no way out of the picture. As I said, it's all about motivation, and how relevant it is to the INTj.

    He is not very ambitious but he does not tolerate when others get ahead of him in their career, out of the same feeling of justice. He finds himself in an especially hard situation when having to obey a boss whom he does not respect.
    Sometimes just that is enough to motivate me....
    if I see other people around me -- I want to at least maintain par, and be resonably fit.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

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    I bought myself weights some months ago and have put on muscle. I make my own lunch for putting on the muscle.

    Boy do I look good without my shirt off.

  23. #23



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