Quote Originally Posted by heath
Quote Originally Posted by FDG

By the way, I never go to the gym. I could never stand the thought of somebody organizing a schedule for my workout or anything like that. I just want to do my own thing, fuck instructors.
I'm thinking about going to gym. Here is why:

-Professional, fit instructors who will accomodate personal needs and goals. I have the goals, but am not exactly sure on every aspect of the process.
I am able to do that alone, I think you absolutely can too, with some infos on the net. Starting form the site I linked the article from.

-They will be able to observe your technique and help your form. I'm not doubting that a person could do this themselves, but if you want to perfect it, it would be optimal to have a guide. Sayings to help: Almost every fantastic jazz musician had a teacher. You don't learn chemical engineering buying a chemistry set. etc etc
Yeah, this is definitely good, and in fact that's why I went to the gym for 2 months: I asked the instructors to teach me the technique of all the "basic" exercises. I agree that without proper techinque some of the heaviest lifts can be extremely dangerous.

-Somewhat competitive atmosphere
No, for me it's not like that. I just get distracted. The instructors tell me to go slower, but it doesn't work for me. I don't know, all my friends that have gone to the gym have obtained lesser results than me, and I think it's attributable to the "congregational" atmosphere which is formed. Instead of getting better, most people associate to look at hot girls. Thanks no, when I train I train, if I want hot girls I go out. Maybe not full of sweat, too.

-More equipment
I have a squat rack at home, and it's really all you need. But, if you just have weights, I agree with you on this point.

-Would help create a better routine("I have to go here at this time daily" etc)
I'm really good at sustaining a routine without being forced. Actually, If I feel any external pressure at doing something, i'm probably going to be demotivated.

I only added this because you thought it necessary, for whatever reason your new type has given you, to say "fuck instructors." I know you are capable of examining the situation objectively.
Oh, ehm, pleeese. Let's not really dwell on this smal minutia, do we? It was clearly not meant as an insult but as an exclamation. If you wish to go on a moral tirade, go, but it would be over-reacting.