Quote Originally Posted by Pa3s View Post
Some people hold the opinion that national pride has no logical basis. This is quite understandable.
Why should I be proud of my country, although I could not influence the place of my birth? Why
should I be proud of the achievements of German citizens, if I have contributed nothing significant
to it? Instead of their country, people should be proud of themselves and their own individual
success. But is there really any difference? The notion that one could be justifiably proud of their
personal successes, but not on their nationality is difficult to understand from a deterministic
perspective. Although other characteristics of humans are apparently (more) individual, because
they do not apply to so many other people in exactly the same way, it is still not logically possible to
derive the feeling of pride from them. Nothing is ever really earned, as everything is eventually only
the product of the sum of all ongoing processes, which man can not control.
Pride– as well as its antonym shame – are therefore also part of the first level of existence which is applicable only in the subjective context. From an objective point of view, both emotions lack a reasonable basis.
Starting easy. Pain. It is both just a signal in neurons and subjective experience. Obviously possible and beneficial in deterministic system. Helps avoiding dangerous and detrimental things and propagate the genes.
Pride and shame are just variations of pain and pleasure on the level of identity and ego instead of body. Ego and identity are perceptual constructs and one could say organs that we have evolved to orient and succeed in the social world.

Quote Originally Posted by Pa3s View Post
Although a person agrees with, for example, the objective non-existence of "guilt",.
Will, choice, blame, guilt.... work in fully deterministic universe.
Before making some kind of action one makes a deterministic process/calculation experienced by us as experiencing and thinking.That calculation involves interaction of myriads of know or unknown factors, including you motivation, experiences, tastes, worldview, view of self, morality, rationality whatever. That calculation with it's arguments and formulation are the most substantially and objectively "you" thing there is. Results of that calculation reflect who you are and may reflect what you want-your will.
Freedom is the options you had for consideration and the fact that calculation is not constant but dynamically in interaction with itself, the world and and consequences of it actions, changing in some regards, possibly intentionally so.
You still can and should feel responsible for consequences of your actions and those feelings and opinions can influence what happens next.
You can feel trapped by some past circumstances and who you think you are or you can see the options in front of you balanced on the on the blade of calculation by your intelligence and will. So business as usual.
One difference of that perspective is that you may hate someone but you more obviously would have to forgive them if they change.
Accepting quantum randomness does not really change the correctness of approaching most things in the above fashion, I think.