The rise and fall of nations is something of a process which occurs and recurs. I go with the flow and perhaps make my own ripples and wave in the flow for my own purpose and vision.

I'm opposed to fragmentation at the present time since the modern world isn't ready for revolution and there is much to accomplish while this golden age lasts.

My family on my mother's and father's side have lived 50 years of revolution and I don't think I want to experience that or let my nephews experience that just yet, don't think it will happen either.

When the Chinese revolution occurred in 1911 half of my mom's family died of starvation, disease and the many ills revolution brings. I would not exist if the Japanese had caught my grandfather and baby mother in a underground well for both would surely be put to the bayonet like so many during that period.

My grandfather on my father's side(a scholar) gave up most of what he owned to the peasantry that live on his land and thus when the landowner purges came he was spared. But he died of a brain aneurysm in 1952 but his immediate family was spared. My granduncles were not so fortunate. 2 of my uncles on my father's side died young, the rest were sacrificed(can only pay for 1 child's education) so that my father could go to school. My father and mother made something of themselves and came here to avoid the troubles of states. This is my story but no-one alive today does not have a story like this(known and unknown) because history is long and we are but the end of a stanza.

I prefer not to throw life way or take life away on lies like members of ISIS, various other groups, etc. To die for justice is honorable, but rarely are our causes truly just and often our death is mere ignominy.