Yeah, but he wants approval from the fashion industry, to have a direct influence, to get people together in order to change 'the culture'. He emphasizes common experiences like being Black, from Chicago, a college student, etc. and the social-context that led him directly to where he's at (people's opinions, stigmas that he wants to break, social standards, etc.).
You're attempting to describe his personality now...the discussion is about his stacking.

you are attributing too much conscious intent to the stack's function...stackings are not personality types.

Anybody can hate paparazzi.
it's not so much that anybody can hate the paparazzi...its that kanye doesn't even understand what the paparazzi is about and what they're he indicates. the social is completely foreign to him. cobain had the same problem. sean penn, too. social lasters have difficulty grasping their celebrity status. that stunts their grasp for the papa razzi and it stunts their grasp for the connection between the papa razzi and the public you say he seeks to influence.

Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
His demeanor and a lot of what he says during interviews vaguely reminds me of Tupac who I think gets typed as Sx/So.
2pac's passion didn't look contrived to me. there's no oversell....2pac was also talking to people. Kanye talks at them. 2pac has a lot more natural charisma. kanye is a money earner at the end of the day. whatever he might say to brand himself as being a visionary/revolutionary in the end he remains a legend in his own mind as he doesn't have the sx/so energy to embody that for the culture. donald trump had the same problem when he tried to take on obama. he only wound up having his products boycotted....sp get rich business savvy works well for promoting start up companies but is horrible at sparking revolt.