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Thread: Sx/so

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  1. #11
    darya's Avatar
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    Ok, since I asked, I will also tell how I experience sx first. It's quite a bit different from @Galen I think :

    - I get extremely obsessed with people/areas of interest. When I start reading something I'm interested in (usually totally unproductive shit like socionics), I get so turned on from it, that I don't go to sleep that night at all or forget to drink/eat for the next N hours. The same if I meet someone interesting.

    - When it comes to attractions with people, I work on chemistry and chemistry alone: I know if I'm attracted to someone in 2 minutes max: no get to know you and see if we're compatible and time will tell if we fall in love shit. And if I'm not attracted to someone, it will never ever ever happen. My mind just doesn't comprehend how some people can be in relationship and be "Oh I'm not that head over hills for him" but we'll see where it goes. Like wtf. Gross.

    - I hate/despise people with just as much vitriol as I love them..not much gray areas. But these emotions change from hour to hour lol.

    - I don't actually fall in love often (I'm attracted often, but not in love), but when I do, it's game over...I'm like an obsessed puppy. I would move to another side of a planet for someone I'm in love with, even if it has disaster written all over and I see a million red flags right away.

    - I use seducing people like a validation for my ego: it's a big vulnerable spot for me and I get totally ballistic if I have a longer dry spell in this area. It feels like I'm worthless and my life has no meaning. (TMI lol)

    - I usually date people who are totally inappropriate/ bad decisions in every rational sense, just because I'm attracted to them. I always have to hide them from my parents .

    - I'm also very attracted to adrenaline stuff (just throwing it in, cause Galen mentioned it ), that give me the high : roller coasters, horror movies, zip lines, walking alone at night in dangerous cities ...

    -If I'm attracted to someone, I don't give a shit if he has a wife, 5 kids or has been in prison - I will totally go for it...,I have zero morals when it comes to attraction stuff. I've also cheated numerous times when I've fallen out of love with my partner and some other person caught my interest. When I'm not attracted to someone anymore, it's really difficult to get me to stay faithful. Also a big reason for this is that .my ego is not happy when it has no attention for too long. I feel very guilty about this and try to cope with it in healthier ways and actually break up with people, but that's so very hard to do, because I get very attached to people and I love them in other ways...I just get bored, because they give me no electricity anymore and I don't have a feeling like I've "catched" anyone ....everything is just in this boring stagnation, attraction-wise.

    -When I'm at a party, I'm constantly checking if there's anyone interesting for me to connect with- as soon as I find that interesting/attractive person, I couldn't care less about all the others. I'm also constantly checking where there's interesting conversation, where's the juice so to speak- otherwise I can't be bothered (I'm polite ofc, but very detached).

    - I have a very addictions-prone personality. My sense of boundaries is pretty poor and once I start with things it's very difficult for me to find a healthy measure . I must have gotten that addiction gene, so it's not my fault

    So yeah...there's that

    Edit: Head over hills would be head over heels lmao.
    Last edited by darya; 10-15-2014 at 01:59 PM.

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