Are strip clubs inherently sx/so? The main purpose is for sx first but the environment can be very social and often rowdy. Although most, but not all, the dancers have sp motives.

Sx/So - sunny, fiery, inciting

Energetic qualities associated with sx/so: ripping, tearing, destroying, breaking, burning, disapproving, disobeying, dismissing, ridiculing, alienating, crowing, ranting, screaming, displaying, exposing, joining, embodying, asserting, confronting, changing, reinventing, transforming, breaking through, leaving behind, going overboard

fire (sx)+ gas (so) = human blowtorch

IME, the sx/so person will sometimes counteract the above social-dilution by use of various kinds of exhibitionism. Besides the use of literal (physical) exposure, difficult or unsettling types of psycho-emotional exposure proffer a charged vulnerability reminiscent of genital exposure (displaying what is sensitive - a high concentration of nerve) which has no choice but to be registered as 'sexual' in the subconscious (or semi-conscious) of the observer. This then is a way to foist reactivity into the crowd, and kick off an electrical storm which corrects the feeling of diluted sx-energy.