Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
Ok, so I will try to describe how I relate to the sx/so energy in me (or whatever kinda energy I'm feeling, no matter how you wanna call it). It's really not about being dressed like a stripper or being a porn-star, because I'm neither. I'm actually quite reserved and concerned about how I come across when you first get to know me (3w4 after all).I had problems with thinking of appropriate art work or music to describe stackings before, so I went for the obvious.

Firstly, the sx/so energy has sp as a bling spot, so I feel like a perpetual teenage rebel. Yeah, right now I'm young and I have world at my feet (delusions I know), but I can just feel the feeling of time running out creeping down my back.

The word intense in relation with sx/so can be deceiving imo, cause I think people with sp first or second can often come off more intense- they're like a pressure cooker - more sullen and moody than sx/so.

Sx/so is more like a glowing ball, sparking up when something lights up its interest and burning up until this particular thing turns to dust. And then it turns to ice.

I honestly feel like it's the shittiest and least useful stacking to be, because once it runs out of its youthful fuel/glow, what is it going to do? Fall into deep depression? I can just see that in my future. No spark, no fucking life. I can see sx/so being useful for revolutions and people being ready to sacrifice their lives for a passionate cause, but it' the stacking that's really only acceptable in youth in our passionless culture.

And after certain age people are just going to treat you as a total outcast, if you will continue with your sx/so ways.That's why I have a sneaking suspicion many people with this stacking just off themselves after a certain age (27 club and such) - they are certainly impulsive enough for it as well.

I'm kinda drunk, so forgive me my rant, I just don't understand why people think being sx/so is so glamorous. Cause it's not. It *is* awesome...until it's not.

I was trying to think so hard of the music that gave me the sense of youthful unlimited freedom in the past, to capture the sx/so feeling. It's the feeling of being alive, reckless, young and immortal.

So, here, two very different songs
Fuck, this was a bit disheartening and feels shortsighted on your part as well. To me it seems most sx/so don't even hit their stride until they're like 30 and have more experience to express their intent/instincts. I can actually relate a lot of what you said back to my teens and early 20s when I was more confused about who I was and my place in the world and I was also drunk/high a lot. :/ Drugs and alcohol helped dampen the intensity I felt for life since without them it seemed too intense to bear. I am a 4 so it is probably different for you but some things you said take me back a few years.

This post just kind of hit me right in the .