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Thread: Is this girl an EIE? *description only*

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    Olduvai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14 View Post
    She will literally say "my best friend." all the time. She has to add "best" to friend... one time she started to say friend,,, and corrected herself and said BEST friend lol... when i first met her i knew her for 4 days and she started to introduce me as "This is my new best friend" and i was like.. umm okay.

    Her emotions are very over the top, it does seem like she's acting a lot. She has told me that she acts dramatic. one time I saw her pick up the phone. Cry "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME" literally cry. hang up the phone. turn to me, and smile like nothign was wrong.

    Not getting the jokes.. well i tend to be ironic a lot of the time just because i think people will understand the situation and what i meant, but i mean she doesnt understand that at all.

    Maybe it was wrong to call it Fi, I just mean that when she's talking with you sometimes, you feel really pressured by her and shes unaware or doesn't care that she is making other people uncomfortable. she told me that a lot of people are "intimidated" when they first meet her and i would agree with that. she can be quite probing and intense

    If someone pressured her inconsistencies I think she would get extremely defensive. Whenever I start to I just back off because I dont want to deal with it, i usually just laugh when i notice one.

    Spiteful: If I miss a call from her, or do something she doesn't like, she will try to punish me by giving me the silent treatment, but i just do it right back to her until one of us cracks lol... she always always tries to make me jealous, and i think its a joke. she tries to be subtle about it but its so obvious to me that i just sidestep it and probably just make her even angrier sometimes

    Melodramatic: she cries at a lot of things, stresses all the time by things that she creates herself (sleeps in then cries that she has so much work to do), she tries to play the victim A LOT.

    romantic: she loves writing love letters and things like that, walking at the beach at night, writing poems etc
    sentimental: she keeps every single love letter ever sent to her in a box and showed me. says she still feels things that remind her of past relationships really deeply etc

    When you first meet her, you would think shes really spontaneous fun loving etc.. but the closer you get to her she becomes a lot more serious, brooding and critical. Also because it seems like shes driven by her moods, depending on her mood, i know that she can be in a completely different mental state. the unreliability is from her moods. so for example if she is really angry one day, i know she can be completely happy the next, atleast thats my perception.
    are you sure she isn't IEE? is it possible that you're SLE? some of the things you've said sound superego-ish:
    She seems like a walking time bomb to me. I never know what I'm going to get from her it all depends on her mood. I'm sort of just watching with interest at this point, to me she seems very naive. But I can't tell what's an act and what's real from her, to me it seems soooo fake (me valuing Fi?) that I pretty much just take everything she says with a grain of salt now

    in the process she and i really clicked in a lot of ways... but at the same time i just have this gut feeling that our relationship is at the core unstable.

    the following sounds IEE-ish to me:
    When you first meet her, you would think shes really spontaneous fun loving etc.. but the closer you get to her she becomes a lot more serious, brooding and critical. Also because it seems like shes driven by her moods, depending on her mood, i know that she can be in a completely different mental state. the unreliability is from her moods.

    says she still feels things that remind her of past relationships really deeply etc
    If someone pressured her inconsistencies I think she would get extremely defensive.

    ultimately, though, it's hard to tell via text.

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    Quote Originally Posted by heavynurse View Post
    are you sure she isn't IEE? is it possible that you're SLE? some of the things you've said sound superego-ish:

    the following sounds IEE-ish to me:

    ultimately, though, it's hard to tell via text.
    I dont think I'm Sle. Not really sure what I am I've sorta just accepted that I just need to observe myself more before I can say.

    Yeah she could be IEE. But she's not really as easy going as how i thought iees were

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