Literally everyone whom she meets for more than an hour is her new "best" friend.

Everything is her "favorite".

she is the epitome of a drama queen. Her computer crashes she can go from screaming to laughter in 30 seconds (did drama in highscool too). She is just a ball of emotion pretty much.

seems to take everything literally. For example I can't make any subtle jokes with her because she won't get them.

seems socially just... Unaware of how others are feeling (in terms of Fi), Alternates between being very intense and questioning a persons morality and being completely fun loving.

Clothing she either dresses completely unassuming or completely over the top with bright colors and almost embarrassing

Closes distance rapidly with communication, almost too fast, has a lot of problems with "leading guys on" because of that. Gives complements to those she feels are in need of them, likes to draw in those who are seen as socially inept (e.g nerdy guys, quiet girls etc)

Almost has no convictions she's made on her own. All are taken from others, has trouble formulating own opinion and overextends herself frequently because she wants to do too much. Contradicts herself all the time. Obsessed with Money and job security, seems to value intelligence a lot.

I am currently "dating" this girl and I am completely baffled. She alternates between being completely funloving and then completely distressed. She is somewhat spiteful. Extremely melodramatic and romantic, and sentimental. alternates between her emotional states in matters of seconds it seems (I question if she's bipolar actually).

She seems like a walking time bomb to me. I never know what I'm going to get from her it all depends on her mood. I'm sort of just watching with interest at this point, to me she seems very naive. But I can't tell what's an act and what's real from her, to me it seems soooo fake (me valuing Fi?) that I pretty much just take everything she says with a grain of salt now