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Thread: Is this girl an EIE? *description only*

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    Default Is this girl an EIE? *description only*

    Literally everyone whom she meets for more than an hour is her new "best" friend.

    Everything is her "favorite".

    she is the epitome of a drama queen. Her computer crashes she can go from screaming to laughter in 30 seconds (did drama in highscool too). She is just a ball of emotion pretty much.

    seems to take everything literally. For example I can't make any subtle jokes with her because she won't get them.

    seems socially just... Unaware of how others are feeling (in terms of Fi), Alternates between being very intense and questioning a persons morality and being completely fun loving.

    Clothing she either dresses completely unassuming or completely over the top with bright colors and almost embarrassing

    Closes distance rapidly with communication, almost too fast, has a lot of problems with "leading guys on" because of that. Gives complements to those she feels are in need of them, likes to draw in those who are seen as socially inept (e.g nerdy guys, quiet girls etc)

    Almost has no convictions she's made on her own. All are taken from others, has trouble formulating own opinion and overextends herself frequently because she wants to do too much. Contradicts herself all the time. Obsessed with Money and job security, seems to value intelligence a lot.

    I am currently "dating" this girl and I am completely baffled. She alternates between being completely funloving and then completely distressed. She is somewhat spiteful. Extremely melodramatic and romantic, and sentimental. alternates between her emotional states in matters of seconds it seems (I question if she's bipolar actually).

    She seems like a walking time bomb to me. I never know what I'm going to get from her it all depends on her mood. I'm sort of just watching with interest at this point, to me she seems very naive. But I can't tell what's an act and what's real from her, to me it seems soooo fake (me valuing Fi?) that I pretty much just take everything she says with a grain of salt now

  2. #2
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    Sounds Fe dom to me. Less sure on anything else.

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    If she doesnt understand the joke and she laughs anyway, ESE. Thats my rule of thumb.
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pookie View Post
    If she doesnt understand the joke and she laughs anyway, ESE. Thats my rule of thumb.
    No she will look at you all intense and bewildered "what?" until you explain it to her then she'll laugh if she finds it funny

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    If she's EIE, I may need to be retyped!

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    I would think ESE > EIE. the latter tends to be a bit more hesitant and subtle.

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    I would think ESE > EIE. the latter tends to be a bit more hesitant and subtle.
    ESE actually makes a lot more sense now that I think about it

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    I would think ESE > EIE. the latter tends to be a bit more hesitant and subtle.
    You seek a great fortune, you three who are now in chains. You will find a fortune, though it will not be the one you seek.
    But first you must travel a long and difficult road, a road fraught with peril.
    You shall see things, wonderful to tell. You shall see a... cow... on the roof of a cotton house. And, oh, so many startlements.
    I cannot tell you how long this road shall be, but fear not the ob-stacles in your path, for fate has vouchsafed your reward.
    Though the road may wind, yea, your hearts grow weary, still shall ye follow them, even unto your salvation

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    sounds v. emotional?

    possibly Fe dom but there are plenty of Fe doms of both types that are graceful, subtle, etc, imo. lol

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    No no no no no no no. Definitely not EIE. I also don't understand how anybody is getting ESE from your description. Has anyone ever met an ESE who's "obsessed with money?"

    ESI seems the most likely from what you wrote. If she's an ESI she's probably putting on a bit of a show when she acts moody (internally she's more stable).

  12. #12
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    Lol, she sounds like she'd be fun to date for about 3 months.

    Quote Originally Posted by nefnaf View Post
    Has anyone ever met an ESE who's "obsessed with money?"
    Umm... yes.

  13. #13
    Quack quack Hemoglobin's Avatar
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    Yeah probably ESE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14 View Post
    Literally everyone whom she meets for more than an hour is her new "best" friend.
    Like, according to her? As in she'll actually say, "so-and-so is my best friend"? Or is that just the impression you get?

    Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14 View Post
    Everything is her "favorite".
    Could you give some examples?

    Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14 View Post
    she is the epitome of a drama queen. Her computer crashes she can go from screaming to laughter in 30 seconds (did drama in highscool too). She is just a ball of emotion pretty much.
    Are her emotions over-the-top? Does she exaggerate them for dramatic effect? Does she seem to be acting on a stage?

    Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14 View Post
    seems to take everything literally. For example I can't make any subtle jokes with her because she won't get them.

    Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14 View Post
    seems socially just... Unaware of how others are feeling (in terms of Fi),
    What do you mean by this?

    Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14 View Post
    Alternates between being very intense and questioning a persons morality and being completely fun loving.
    Could you give an example of her questioning someone's morality?

    Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14 View Post
    Almost has no convictions she's made on her own.
    In terms of what?

    Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14 View Post
    has trouble formulating own opinion. Contradicts herself all the time.
    This definitely sounds like weak Ti, especially the second part. Would it bother her if someone pointed out her fallacies, or would she welcome that sort of criticism?

    Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14 View Post
    She is somewhat spiteful. Extremely melodramatic and romantic, and sentimental.
    Any examples of her being spiteful, melodramatic, romantic, or sentimental?

    Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14 View Post
    I pretty much just take everything she says with a grain of salt now
    Like, is it hard to take her seriously? Would you consider her unreliable?

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    Quote Originally Posted by heavynurse View Post
    Like, according to her? As in she'll actually say, "so-and-so is my best friend"? Or is that just the impression you get?

    Could you give some examples?
    Are her emotions over-the-top? Does she exaggerate them for dramatic effect? Does she seem to be acting on a stage?


    What do you mean by this?

    Could you give an example of her questioning someone's morality?

    In terms of what?

    This definitely sounds like weak Ti, especially the second part. Would it bother her if someone pointed out her fallacies, or would she welcome that sort of criticism?

    Any examples of her being spiteful, melodramatic, romantic, or sentimental?

    Like, is it hard to take her seriously? Would you consider her unreliable?
    She will literally say "my best friend." all the time. She has to add "best" to friend... one time she started to say friend,,, and corrected herself and said BEST friend lol... when i first met her i knew her for 4 days and she started to introduce me as "This is my new best friend" and i was like.. umm okay.

    Her emotions are very over the top, it does seem like she's acting a lot. She has told me that she acts dramatic. one time I saw her pick up the phone. Cry "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME" literally cry. hang up the phone. turn to me, and smile like nothign was wrong.

    Not getting the jokes.. well i tend to be ironic a lot of the time just because i think people will understand the situation and what i meant, but i mean she doesnt understand that at all.

    Maybe it was wrong to call it Fi, I just mean that when she's talking with you sometimes, you feel really pressured by her and shes unaware or doesn't care that she is making other people uncomfortable. she told me that a lot of people are "intimidated" when they first meet her and i would agree with that. she can be quite probing and intense

    If someone pressured her inconsistencies I think she would get extremely defensive. Whenever I start to I just back off because I dont want to deal with it, i usually just laugh when i notice one.

    Spiteful: If I miss a call from her, or do something she doesn't like, she will try to punish me by giving me the silent treatment, but i just do it right back to her until one of us cracks lol... she always always tries to make me jealous, and i think its a joke. she tries to be subtle about it but its so obvious to me that i just sidestep it and probably just make her even angrier sometimes

    Melodramatic: she cries at a lot of things, stresses all the time by things that she creates herself (sleeps in then cries that she has so much work to do), she tries to play the victim A LOT.

    romantic: she loves writing love letters and things like that, walking at the beach at night, writing poems etc
    sentimental: she keeps every single love letter ever sent to her in a box and showed me. says she still feels things that remind her of past relationships really deeply etc

    When you first meet her, you would think shes really spontaneous fun loving etc.. but the closer you get to her she becomes a lot more serious, brooding and critical. Also because it seems like shes driven by her moods, depending on her mood, i know that she can be in a completely different mental state. the unreliability is from her moods. so for example if she is really angry one day, i know she can be completely happy the next, atleast thats my perception.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14 View Post
    She will literally say "my best friend." all the time. She has to add "best" to friend... one time she started to say friend,,, and corrected herself and said BEST friend lol... when i first met her i knew her for 4 days and she started to introduce me as "This is my new best friend" and i was like.. umm okay.

    Her emotions are very over the top, it does seem like she's acting a lot. She has told me that she acts dramatic. one time I saw her pick up the phone. Cry "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME" literally cry. hang up the phone. turn to me, and smile like nothign was wrong.

    Not getting the jokes.. well i tend to be ironic a lot of the time just because i think people will understand the situation and what i meant, but i mean she doesnt understand that at all.

    Maybe it was wrong to call it Fi, I just mean that when she's talking with you sometimes, you feel really pressured by her and shes unaware or doesn't care that she is making other people uncomfortable. she told me that a lot of people are "intimidated" when they first meet her and i would agree with that. she can be quite probing and intense

    If someone pressured her inconsistencies I think she would get extremely defensive. Whenever I start to I just back off because I dont want to deal with it, i usually just laugh when i notice one.

    Spiteful: If I miss a call from her, or do something she doesn't like, she will try to punish me by giving me the silent treatment, but i just do it right back to her until one of us cracks lol... she always always tries to make me jealous, and i think its a joke. she tries to be subtle about it but its so obvious to me that i just sidestep it and probably just make her even angrier sometimes

    Melodramatic: she cries at a lot of things, stresses all the time by things that she creates herself (sleeps in then cries that she has so much work to do), she tries to play the victim A LOT.

    romantic: she loves writing love letters and things like that, walking at the beach at night, writing poems etc
    sentimental: she keeps every single love letter ever sent to her in a box and showed me. says she still feels things that remind her of past relationships really deeply etc

    When you first meet her, you would think shes really spontaneous fun loving etc.. but the closer you get to her she becomes a lot more serious, brooding and critical. Also because it seems like shes driven by her moods, depending on her mood, i know that she can be in a completely different mental state. the unreliability is from her moods. so for example if she is really angry one day, i know she can be completely happy the next, atleast thats my perception.
    are you sure she isn't IEE? is it possible that you're SLE? some of the things you've said sound superego-ish:
    She seems like a walking time bomb to me. I never know what I'm going to get from her it all depends on her mood. I'm sort of just watching with interest at this point, to me she seems very naive. But I can't tell what's an act and what's real from her, to me it seems soooo fake (me valuing Fi?) that I pretty much just take everything she says with a grain of salt now

    in the process she and i really clicked in a lot of ways... but at the same time i just have this gut feeling that our relationship is at the core unstable.

    the following sounds IEE-ish to me:
    When you first meet her, you would think shes really spontaneous fun loving etc.. but the closer you get to her she becomes a lot more serious, brooding and critical. Also because it seems like shes driven by her moods, depending on her mood, i know that she can be in a completely different mental state. the unreliability is from her moods.

    says she still feels things that remind her of past relationships really deeply etc
    If someone pressured her inconsistencies I think she would get extremely defensive.

    ultimately, though, it's hard to tell via text.

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    Quote Originally Posted by heavynurse View Post
    are you sure she isn't IEE? is it possible that you're SLE? some of the things you've said sound superego-ish:

    the following sounds IEE-ish to me:

    ultimately, though, it's hard to tell via text.
    I dont think I'm Sle. Not really sure what I am I've sorta just accepted that I just need to observe myself more before I can say.

    Yeah she could be IEE. But she's not really as easy going as how i thought iees were

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    You have to have something definitive to leverage against her in order to make a decision about her type. Hidden agenda? Cognition style? Erotic Attitude? Survival Games? There's a big difference between wanting "to know" and wanting "to be perfect" or "to be wealthy". And the same goes with casual-deterministic, dialectal-algorithmic, holographic-panoramic, and vortical-synergetic cognition styles. Is she an aggressor, a caretaker, a victim, or an infantile? Would she use "masquerade", "complain", or "blackmail" as a survival tactic? Can you eliminate any of those as nonviable options? If something isn't workable, eliminate it. Strike it out.

    Let's begin.

    Be sure to answer each question independently of the other questions without letting previous answers to questions lead to additional answers.

    What is most likely her hidden agenda?
    a. "to know"
    b. "to be perfect"
    c. "to be wealthy"

    What is her cognition style?
    a. CD?
    b. DA?
    c. HP?
    d. VS?

    What is her erotic attitude?
    a. aggressor
    b. caretaker
    c. victim
    d. infantile

    What survival game would she employ?
    a. masquerade
    b. complain
    c. blackmail

    Or you could use yourself or another person's type to figure out an Intertype Relation. The trick here is that you really have to have a firm grip on the person's type that you're using as a reference, because in order to exploit something, it must be accessible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Words View Post
    What's the difference between 'dating' and dating?
    i dont really consider myself dating anyone, usually were just friends until some conditions are met and we move on to a relationship or fades.

    same thing happened with her ... but super super accelerated.

    it hasnt been that long (less than 3 months), but its been very intense and fast, kind of like a whirlwind or something.
    i guess we're dating. she said she wants to be exclusive. but to me im still hesitant to even call it that because we just seemed like really good friends until things started to get serious really fast (over the course of a week we went from being just friends to literally spending every day and night together).

    Quote Originally Posted by Reficulris View Post
    Pitching in here, i dunno about the type, but it could def be NPD. maaaaybe histrionic. Either of them can be very bad stalkers. Determine how bad the symptoms are (that is, appart from type, and intertype relationships) and run accordingly.
    Hmm... yeah when we were first starting out she said some weird stuff like.... "What would you do if I became obsessed with you" kind of like half joking but i could tell she was sort of serious. and then she sent me a snapchat of an article from like 4 years ago about me from google... she googled my name. she also said things like "If we were to do long distance, it would be totally perfect because you're not the obsessive type."

    Quote Originally Posted by fighter View Post
    You have to have something definitive to leverage against her in order to make a decision about her type. Hidden agenda? Cognition style? Erotic Attitude? Survival Games? There's a big difference between wanting "to know" and wanting "to be perfect" or "to be wealthy". And the same goes with casual-deterministic, dialectal-algorithmic, holographic-panoramic, and vortical-synergetic cognition styles. Is she an aggressor, a caretaker, a victim, or an infantile? Would she use "masquerade", "complain", or "blackmail" as a survival tactic? Can you eliminate any of those as nonviable options? If something isn't workable, eliminate it. Strike it out.

    Let's begin.

    Be sure to answer each question independently of the other questions without letting previous answers to questions lead to additional answers.

    What is most likely her hidden agenda?
    a. "to know"
    b. "to be perfect"
    c. "to be wealthy"

    What is her cognition style?
    a. CD?
    b. DA?
    c. HP?
    d. VS?

    What is her erotic attitude?
    a. aggressor
    b. caretaker
    c. victim
    d. infantile

    What survival game would she employ?
    a. masquerade
    b. complain
    c. blackmail

    Or you could use yourself or another person's type to figure out an Intertype Relation. The trick here is that you really have to have a firm grip on the person's type that you're using as a reference, because in order to exploit something, it must be accessible.
    a. i dont know if i have HA right but she actively tries "to know" she seems really inquisitive even if she doesnt understand easily, she tries to, i think she actively tries to "be perfect" and "to be wealthy" is sort of like her guilty need. ie she is on a career path which will be lucrative, but fights it every day because she knows its not what she really wants to do, but she still does it and even tries to convince herself that she really "loves" the work

    b. i dont know her cognition style. I would say negativist and inductive, i think that corresponds to HP? I could also see positivist though, i would say shes more like an optimistic negativist maybe...

    c. i think child

    d. complain

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    Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14 View Post
    i dont really consider myself dating anyone, usually were just friends until some conditions are met and we move on to a relationship or fades.

    same thing happened with her ... but super super accelerated.

    it hasnt been that long (less than 3 months), but its been very intense and fast, kind of like a whirlwind or something.
    i guess we're dating. she said she wants to be exclusive. but to me im still hesitant to even call it that because we just seemed like really good friends until things started to get serious really fast (over the course of a week we went from being just friends to literally spending every day and night together).

    Hmm... yeah when we were first starting out she said some weird stuff like.... "What would you do if I became obsessed with you" kind of like half joking but i could tell she was sort of serious. and then she sent me a snapchat of an article from like 4 years ago about me from google... she googled my name. she also said things like "If we were to do long distance, it would be totally perfect because you're not the obsessive type."

    a. i dont know if i have HA right but she actively tries "to know" she seems really inquisitive even if she doesnt understand easily, she tries to, i think she actively tries to "be perfect" and "to be wealthy" is sort of like her guilty need. ie she is on a career path which will be lucrative, but fights it every day because she knows its not what she really wants to do, but she still does it and even tries to convince herself that she really "loves" the work

    b. i dont know her cognition style. I would say negativist and inductive, i think that corresponds to HP? I could also see positivist though, i would say shes more like an optimistic negativist maybe...

    c. i think child

    d. complain

    why don't you post pics? I trust VI and the way functions can be reflected in appearance/ body language / expression etc. more than people making assumptions about erotic attitudes and cognitive styles of a stranger. It's already hard for type to shine through the behavior you describe ... honestly I know at least 1-2 people of each E_F type who look much more sane than you describe.

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    Quote Originally Posted by fighter View Post

    What survival game would she employ?
    a. masquerade
    b. complain
    c. blackmail

    btw I found this interesting, but type-related Se is supposed to be blackmail, Fe complain, Ne masquerade or what the heck?!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Solaris View Post
    btw I found this interesting, but type-related Se is supposed to be blackmail, Fe complain, Ne masquerade or what the heck?!
    XSXp is masquerade, XSXj is complain, XNTx is robot, and XNFp is blackmail. In distressing situations, this mode of operation becomes very clear. XSXj is the most obvious to me. The world is evolving rapidly, and you'll see them complain pretty often, which is basically their inability to adapt.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14 View Post
    Her emotions are very over the top, it does seem like she's acting a lot. She has told me that she acts dramatic. one time I saw her pick up the phone. Cry "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME" literally cry. hang up the phone. turn to me, and smile like nothign was wrong.
    The diagnosis here is NPD (narcissism). Or some other PD... it really doesn't matter what type she is dude. She's not psychologically healthy.

    Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14 View Post
    Maybe it was wrong to call it Fi, I just mean that when she's talking with you sometimes, you feel really pressured by her and shes unaware or doesn't care that she is making other people uncomfortable. she told me that a lot of people are "intimidated" when they first meet her and i would agree with that. she can be quite probing and intense
    This is limiting . She is aware that she's making people uncomfortable, she just doesn't (consciously) care about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14 View Post
    Not getting the jokes.. well i tend to be ironic a lot of the time just because i think people will understand the situation and what i meant, but i mean she doesnt understand that at all.
    This is how -polr manifests in ESIs, in my experience. Trying to tell a subtle joke has two phases: the joke part where you tell the joke and where most people would laugh, and the explanation part where you explain the joke to them (and then they laugh). I actually really like ESIs but it's a fact that you can't be subtle or ironic with them. Or at least I can't.

    Your girl is an ESI, and not the cool kind. You need to find a way to get out while making sure to protect yourself. It sounds like she could be spiteful.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nefnaf View Post
    The diagnosis here is NPD (narcissism). Or some other PD... it really doesn't matter what type she is dude. She's not psychologically healthy.

    This is limiting . She is aware that she's making people uncomfortable, she just doesn't (consciously) care about it.

    This is how -polr manifests in ESIs, in my experience. Trying to tell a subtle joke has two phases: the joke part where you tell the joke and where most people would laugh, and the explanation part where you explain the joke to them (and then they laugh). I actually really like ESIs but it's a fact that you can't be subtle or ironic with them. Or at least I can't.

    Your girl is an ESI, and not the cool kind. You need to find a way to get out while making sure to protect yourself. It sounds like she could be spiteful.
    Pitching in here, i dunno about the type, but it could def be NPD. maaaaybe histrionic. Either of them can be very bad stalkers. Determine how bad the symptoms are (that is, appart from type, and intertype relationships) and run accordingly.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14 View Post
    Her emotions are very over the top, it does seem like she's acting a lot. She has told me that she acts dramatic. one time I saw her pick up the phone. Cry "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME" literally cry. hang up the phone. turn to me, and smile like nothign was wrong.

    this made me L-O-L

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    Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14 View Post
    Her emotions are very over the top, it does seem like she's acting a lot. She has told me that she acts dramatic. one time I saw her pick up the phone. Cry "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME" literally cry. hang up the phone. turn to me, and smile like nothing was wrong.
    Actually, this is Fe all over the place. My LSI ex-GF did this exact thing once, and I quietly freaked out and thought, "This is absolutely not good. Nope. Not at all. Wir kommen zum Ende."

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    Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14 View Post
    Literally everyone whom she meets for more than an hour is her new "best" friend.

    Everything is her "favorite".

    she is the epitome of a drama queen. Her computer crashes she can go from screaming to laughter in 30 seconds (did drama in highscool too). She is just a ball of emotion pretty much.

    seems to take everything literally. For example I can't make any subtle jokes with her because she won't get them.

    seems socially just... Unaware of how others are feeling (in terms of Fi), Alternates between being very intense and questioning a persons morality and being completely fun loving.

    Clothing she either dresses completely unassuming or completely over the top with bright colors and almost embarrassing

    Closes distance rapidly with communication, almost too fast, has a lot of problems with "leading guys on" because of that. Gives complements to those she feels are in need of them, likes to draw in those who are seen as socially inept (e.g nerdy guys, quiet girls etc)

    Almost has no convictions she's made on her own. All are taken from others, has trouble formulating own opinion and overextends herself frequently because she wants to do too much. Contradicts herself all the time. Obsessed with Money and job security, seems to value intelligence a lot.

    I am currently "dating" this girl and I am completely baffled. She alternates between being completely funloving and then completely distressed. She is somewhat spiteful. Extremely melodramatic and romantic, and sentimental. alternates between her emotional states in matters of seconds it seems (I question if she's bipolar actually).

    She seems like a walking time bomb to me. I never know what I'm going to get from her it all depends on her mood. I'm sort of just watching with interest at this point, to me she seems very naive. But I can't tell what's an act and what's real from her, to me it seems soooo fake (me valuing Fi?) that I pretty much just take everything she says with a grain of salt now

    why are you dating her?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Solaris View Post
    why are you dating her?
    Well she always has kept me interested, there's never really a boring moment when we're together, the same traits that make her really attractive from a distance make her difficult to deal with now that im this close to her

    I feel like I've been so busy chasing her that I never had the time to stop and just think why. When i first met her i was physically attracted to her, but when I found out that a lot of other guys really liked her as well, i sort of made it more of a game to see if i could win her over, and i did.

    in the process she and i really clicked in a lot of ways... but at the same time i just have this gut feeling that our relationship is at the core unstable. even if she has a habit of being really romantic and like... she says this all means something and wants this to be really SERIOUS and stuff... im wary if she really means it because i know this also happens easily for her (intense feelings). i also have really intense feelings, but i know the difference between what im feeling in the moment and how i view that person, and i dont think she does. at this point i completely realize that im just infatuated and that once this fades, all this stuff will become unbearable to me.

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    Irrational Passionate Type

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    Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14
    I am currently 'dating' this girl
    What's the difference between 'dating' and dating?

  31. #31
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    Just my two cents, she seems SEE from you description.
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    I also think she's SEE (or only other option a crazy ESE).

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    So many different typings..

    I thought EIE when I read descriptions from poster.

    But I also do not many unhealthy SEEs...

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    I have a hard time seeing an IJ type behaving like that over the long term, unless he-she has some serious psychological disorder?

    I had a girlfriend that tested as ISFJ who had some psychological problems, was extremely moody, a bit like you describe...but from the outside her introversion and "judging" were fairly clear.
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    I have a hard time seeing an IJ type behaving like that over the long term, unless he-she has some serious psychological disorder?

    I had a girlfriend that tested as ISFJ who had some psychological problems, was extremely moody, a bit like you describe...but from the outside her introversion and "judging" were fairly clear.
    It might have been clear to you if you were used to thinking about people in terms of socio- / Jungian types. It wouldn't necessarily be obvious to everyone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nefnaf View Post
    It might have been clear to you if you were used to thinking about people in terms of socio- / Jungian types. It wouldn't necessarily be obvious to everyone.
    Of course. How does this tie into the conflict between our opinions?
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    Of course. How does this tie into the conflict between our opinions?
    I don't really see how our opinions conflict. You said that you knew an ESI who had psychological issues and behaved in some ways similar to what OP describes. I'm saying that this girl is an example of the same phenomenon. IJs can be very neurotic and have low emotional stability but they are still IJs.

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    This part sounds like creative Fi :

    "Closes distance rapidly with communication, almost too fast, has a lot of problems with "leading guys on" because of that. Gives complements to those she feels are in need of them, likes to draw in those who are seen as socially inept (e.g nerdy guys, quiet girls etc)"

    But the rest is probably a matter of imperfect health ..NTR, I'd like to think.

    Ime Fe base is more likely to go through oscillations regarding how they see the other(s).
    Fi creative knows what others are like (in broad terms - or depending on the focus of their base function) and mainly treats bonds as flexible and eternally malleable, I guess. Kind of : never mind they are a bit upset or unsettled now; it's enough if I go all sweet and kind next time and we'll be best friends again.
    But not even this has to impair relationships, if the person is careful. I've been friends with a IEE for many years until I moved to another country. Nothing was wrong apart from the fact that she would get bored faster if we did the same things or went to the same places (our interaction could fade a bit against this background ..but otherwise she didn't really do anything to make me doubt we were friends). However she could lead ppl on (guys included, ofc) and would always be taken aback when someone was too easily "drawable in".

    This sounds more like Fe:

    Almost has no convictions she's made on her own. All are taken from others, has trouble formulating own opinion and overextends herself frequently because she wants to do too much. Contradicts herself all the time.
    she is the epitome of a drama queen. Her computer crashes she can go from screaming to laughter in 30 seconds (did drama in highscool too). She is just a ball of emotion pretty much.

    anyway I can't contradict anyone who claims this is divine E_F_.

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    Thanks @ryoka14 - btw I 'dated' - like to you said lol an IEE who was like this person.

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    Ok, I take my comment about her being fun for 3 months back

    Sounds too dumb for an IEE.

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