Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Pallas View Post
I know. I'm just mocking how enneagram tends to turn into very superficial artistic and literary analysis. It's like some gross TVTropes formula: person and creature = Sp/Sx. Everything needs a clear, clean-cut, and obvious category based on just simple things like that, and there's no room for ambiguity, subversion, inversion, or subtle differences in meaning due to context or intent. All the work from there is drilling the motif "person and creature = Sp/Sx" into people's heads through repetition, and calling anyone who doesn't understand stupid because "IT'S BEEN REPEATED SO MUCH, YOU HAVE TO BE STUPID NOT TO UNDERSTAND". What if the person represents all of humanity and the creature represents a person's alienation from general humanity as part of their own nature? So/Sp. What if the person represents civilization and the creature represents animalistic impulses to seek gratification? Sx/So. But instead, everything must fit straight into a formula, and context is nothing. That's not how communication works on any level. GODISNOWHERE.

The quote I made shows the same principle. The speaker this is totally not over-poetic nonsense from my actual worldview is a creature because they feel like they can't identify with wider humanity, and the worlds (world is from a Proto-Germanic word meaning "age of man") they create and destroy by walking are the worlds within them defined by their subjective perception, which changes through their experience ("A man cannot step in the same river twice..."). But these worlds are also alien to them, since they are not a person, but a creature.
This is actually a really underrated post that demonstrates the core problem with enneagram and the enneagram community.
Yes, it is. It is quite odd that only a few of us are here who are critical thinking (well, even that statement can be criticized)
and now as I read back it appears that we all pass each other by, without recognizing that we're in the same team. But instead we individually try to fight our battle against the hoards of personality theory co-opters. I feel like I really owe this to my own intellectual elitism, stuck-upness.