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    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    Default sx/sp

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  3. #3
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    Sx/Sp- muddy, lava-like, piercing

    Energetic qualities associated with sx/sp - intensifying, escalating, rising, surging, enlivening, invigorating, accelerating, stimulating, energizing, vitalizing, reviving, animating, inspiriting

    Why do sx/sp's seem saturated with intensity?
    -sx/sp's gain stability by withholding strong sexual impulses sp ---> into ---> sx

    Sx/Sp Writing Style: Intense, often a stab-in-the-chest sensation, leaving me in tears without knowing why. Fantastical but much more concentrated in a few inner images. Can be abstract, animating dead objects into their field of contemplation. Embodiment of another human, thing, or idea is common in their writings.

    Picture a lightning bolt captured in a bottle. The energy is always there but it's contained in a glass jar and only breaks free once in a while. The sx/sp is boxed in energy, self-contained, cutting, and focused. Sx/sp types will often look angry even when they are not. There is a certain reality of emotion which they display that is due to their social obliviousness. Most sx's will be honest almost to a fault. Sx/sp want to choose their friends wisely. A "with me or against me" attitude reminiscent of 6 and 8s. The least inhibited of all stackings. Cares less of what others think of them. The most likely to get into physical altercations, and may even enjoy fighting. Healthy sx/sp's will display a playful selfishness.

    Sx/sp have an inner confidence which is not usually found in other stackings. However they may lack social confidence or just may not pay any attention to social rituals at all. Put a sx/sp in a busy bar and they will be confident in themselves. But make them sit at their parent-in-laws for a formal family dinner and you wont see that same confidence. It's inner confidence rather than social confidence of the sx/so. May be very popular without knowing or putting emphasis on it, unlike so types.

    Sx/sp does create a kind of isolationary tendency though even in extroverted types, an in-their-own-world vibe, kinda oblivious sometimes. But ironically they can also be extremely insistent and aggressive on issues they feel strongly about, which they go on in the soc realms in ways that will cause stronger soc's to cringe, it's so rough and undiplomatic. They can fall in love with their soapboxes.

    sp/sx, and, to some degree sx/sp, have an attraction to 'underbellies' - places where the sun don't shine. like sensing a disgusting odor (death, feces) and feeling compelled to go toward it and peer into it, rather than move away.

    soc-blind spot for sx/sp people:
    What I really hate is the people with a higher social instinct acting like I'm a bull in a china shop every time I try to say anything. My sister (6w7 so/sp) is horrible about this, sometimes reacting to every comment I make as though I'm the most horrid, uncouth thing imaginable, and in addition taking everything as some kind of slam or insult, when I'm just talking normally and not thinking anything insulting at all. My 9w1 so/sx ex was also really bad about acting like I was social death, and frequently giving me the feeling that everybody was mad at me or something. I think he was just on guard for potential areas of conflict, though, because sometimes I'd find that nobody was upset with me at all.

    SO-last: Sx/Sp and Sp/Sx are significantly missing the Social elements of fresh air and sunlight. Looking at them there’s a kind of shrouded/hooded quality, something of a cave-dweller or a Death theme in some form. The obliviousness to the collective good (Social-last) contributes to the shadowy/cloaked quality of these stackings — there’s an unintelligence about social stigma that can take people of these two stackings deep into ‘alternative’ territories. On the upside, communications here can be more personal, contactful and intimate because the aura of the collective isn’t brought into the exchanges.

    sx/sp :: upward Death :: Metamorphosis and transmogrification. Being burned to death and born again into a body tuned to a higher vibration. Losing the self (dying) in the Other, in an upward peak of flame and ecstasy. The wet fire.

    my sx/sp typings:

    Kristen Stewart - sx/sp, Delta.

    Bruce Gilden - sx/sp, Gamma (ILI-Te)

    SP-secondary/creative instinct is very noticeable in his interviews. Gilden pays a lot of attention to the physical cues around himself: the coat on a woman passing him by and how warm it keeps her, the ugliness of the shoes of another, the 'aftermath' of a plastic surgery and the crooked nose, the state and condition of his own equipment, the spacing and the interconnection of the objects on photographs presented to him, and so on.
    His SX-first desire for an emotional catharsis and SO-last unawareness also show--the disruptive effect he has on the social scenery of the city by almost jumping at passersby to take a photograph of them, starting confrontation which by his own admission let him face his own fears (representative of the 'upward death', emotionally regenerative theme of the sx/sp instinct). The fact that he prefers to take photographs of people who are at the bottom social ladder status-wise is where the whole underworld/'Preta' theme of sx/sp stacking becomes manifest.

    James Mitchell - sx/sp, Beta (LSI 5w6)
    It's easily to see how easily he's emotionally rallied and unsettled. His motive getting involved in the project has deep personal and emotional roots: the capture and murder of his close friend.
    For whichever reason seeing sx/sp's in videos makes me feel weirdly self-conscious.

    Last edited by silke; 08-18-2015 at 11:51 PM.

  4. #4
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    Well, I'm definitely Sx/Sp. Though I'd imagine a lot of ILIs are; it doesn't sound unlike the ILI descriptions

    This right here sounds like an ILI - Fe ego interaction. I experience this almost every day with my XEI roommate.
    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    soc-blind spot for sx/sp people:
    What I really hate is the people with a higher social instinct acting like I'm a bull in a china shop every time I try to say anything. My sister (6w7 so/sp) is horrible about this, sometimes reacting to every comment I make as though I'm the most horrid, uncouth thing imaginable, and in addition taking everything as some kind of slam or insult, when I'm just talking normally and not thinking anything insulting at all. My 9w1 so/sx ex was also really bad about acting like I was social death, and frequently giving me the feeling that everybody was mad at me or something. I think he was just on guard for potential areas of conflict, though, because sometimes I'd find that nobody was upset with me at all.
    Last edited by Contra; 09-30-2014 at 03:31 PM.

  5. #5
    weirdleftovers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post

    sp/sx, and, to some degree sx/sp, have an attraction to 'underbellies' - places where the sun don't shine. like sensing a disgusting odor (death, feces) and feeling compelled to go toward it and peer into it, rather than move away.
    Sounds like me with hospice work, literally speaking.
    IEI-Ni, DCNH-H, 4w5-9w1-5w4, sx/sp, Aquarius sun, Leo rising
    "From their lives, and not least from their greatest fault--their inability to communicate--we may understand one of the greatest errors of our civilization, that is, the superstitious belief in verbal statements, the boundless overestimation of instruction by means of words and methods."--C.G. Jung on the introverted irrational types

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    Quote Originally Posted by weirdleftovers View Post
    sp/sx, and, to some degree sx/sp, have an attraction to 'underbellies' - places where the sun don't shine. like sensing a disgusting odor (death, feces) and feeling compelled to go toward it and peer into it, rather than move away.
    Sounds like me with hospice work, literally speaking.
    Sounds like eager janitors. Or coroners. Or surgeons. Or anybody doing menial work.
    Except for impaired empathy, an ordinary guy who's looking for down-to-earth, loving, loyal friends and a geeky, warm, voluptuous girlfriend!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    Sx/Sp- muddy, lava-like, piercing

    Energetic qualities associated with sx/sp - intensifying, escalating, rising, surging, enlivening, invigorating, accelerating, stimulating, energizing, vitalizing, reviving, animating, inspiriting

    Why do sx/sp's seem saturated with intensity?
    -sx/sp's gain stability by withholding strong sexual impulses sp ---> into ---> sx

    Sx/Sp Writing Style: Intense, often a stab-in-the-chest sensation, leaving me in tears without knowing why. Fantastical but much more concentrated in a few inner images. Can be abstract, animating dead objects into their field of contemplation. Embodiment of another human, thing, or idea is common in their writings.

    Picture a lightning bolt captured in a bottle. The energy is always there but it's contained in a glass jar and only breaks free once in a while. The sx/sp is boxed in energy, self-contained, cutting, and focused. Sx/sp types will often look angry even when they are not. There is a certain reality of emotion which they display that is due to their social obliviousness. Most sx's will be honest almost to a fault. Sx/sp want to choose their friends wisely. A "with me or against me" attitude reminiscent of 6 and 8s. The least inhibited of all stackings. Cares less of what others think of them. The most likely to get into physical altercations, and may even enjoy fighting. Healthy sx/sp's will display a playful selfishness.

    Sx/sp have an inner confidence which is not usually found in other stackings. However they may lack social confidence or just may not pay any attention to social rituals at all. Put a sx/sp in a busy bar and they will be confident in themselves. But make them sit at their parent-in-laws for a formal family dinner and you wont see that same confidence. It's inner confidence rather than social confidence of the sx/so. May be very popular without knowing or putting emphasis on it, unlike so types.

    Sx/sp does create a kind of isolationary tendency though even in extroverted types, an in-their-own-world vibe, kinda oblivious sometimes. But ironically they can also be extremely insistent and aggressive on issues they feel strongly about, which they go on in the soc realms in ways that will cause stronger soc's to cringe, it's so rough and undiplomatic. They can fall in love with their soapboxes.

    sp/sx, and, to some degree sx/sp, have an attraction to 'underbellies' - places where the sun don't shine. like sensing a disgusting odor (death, feces) and feeling compelled to go toward it and peer into it, rather than move away.

    soc-blind spot for sx/sp people:
    What I really hate is the people with a higher social instinct acting like I'm a bull in a china shop every time I try to say anything. My sister (6w7 so/sp) is horrible about this, sometimes reacting to every comment I make as though I'm the most horrid, uncouth thing imaginable, and in addition taking everything as some kind of slam or insult, when I'm just talking normally and not thinking anything insulting at all. My 9w1 so/sx ex was also really bad about acting like I was social death, and frequently giving me the feeling that everybody was mad at me or something. I think he was just on guard for potential areas of conflict, though, because sometimes I'd find that nobody was upset with me at all.

    SO-last: Sx/Sp and Sp/Sx are significantly missing the Social elements of fresh air and sunlight. Looking at them there’s a kind of shrouded/hooded quality, something of a cave-dweller or a Death theme in some form. The obliviousness to the collective good (Social-last) contributes to the shadowy/cloaked quality of these stackings — there’s an unintelligence about social stigma that can take people of these two stackings deep into ‘alternative’ territories. On the upside, communications here can be more personal, contactful and intimate because the aura of the collective isn’t brought into the exchanges.

    sx/sp :: upward Death :: Metamorphosis and transmogrification. Being burned to death and born again into a body tuned to a higher vibration. Losing the self (dying) in the Other, in an upward peak of flame and ecstasy. The wet fire.

    my sx/sp typings:

    Kristen Stewart - sx/sp, Delta.

    Bruce Gilden - sx/sp, Gamma (ILI-Te)

    SP-secondary/creative instinct is very noticeable in his interviews. Gilden pays a lot of attention to the physical cues around himself: the coat on a woman passing him by and how warm it keeps her, the ugliness of the shoes of another, the 'aftermath' of a plastic surgery and the crooked nose, the state and condition of his own equipment, the spacing and the interconnection of the objects on photographs presented to him, and so on.
    His SX-first desire for an emotional catharsis and SO-last unawareness also show--the disruptive effect he has on the social scenery of the city by almost jumping at passersby to take a photograph of them, starting confrontation which by his own admission let him face his own fears (representative of the 'upward death', emotionally regenerative theme of the sx/sp instinct). The fact that he prefers to take photographs of people who are at the bottom social ladder status-wise is where the whole underworld/'Preta' theme of sx/sp stacking becomes manifest.

    James Mitchell - sx/sp, Beta (LSI 5w6)
    It's easily to see how easily he's emotionally rallied and unsettled. His motive getting involved in the project has deep personal and emotional roots: the capture and murder of his close friend.
    For whichever reason seeing sx/sp's in videos makes me feel weirdly self-conscious.

    Wow. I have respect for the vice interviewer in the interrogator video.

    I only watched the vice interview of the interrogator, but the interrogator does have an intense look to him. It's kind of a scary look actually. I'm not really sure if that's just Sx/Sp or if there's some Se involved. Interesting guy, although I found his viewpoint on waterboarding to be strange. I'm assuming that he's saying that waterboarding isn't a good tactic because it'll allow enemies to do it to our men, or that the training we put our men through to tolerate it gives the enemy a free pass. Generally my opinion when it comes to torture is that it's actually useless as an interrogation tactic because the enemy will say wrong information that they believe is to be true at the moment just to get you to stop. If anything, it's better used to coerce non-captives into talking. Of course, my information about torture is limited.

    Edit: The ILI-Te doesn't really have that scary look. I think the interrogator's glare might be related to Se.

    Edit 2: Maybe he was saying that waterboarding was an effective tactic, since it works on our own.
    Last edited by Clarke; 11-21-2022 at 11:25 AM. Reason: Clarifications.

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    &papu silke's Avatar
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    ITT kitsch

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Lay beside me, tell me what they've done
    Speak the words I wanna hear, to make my demons run
    The door is locked now, but it's open if you're true
    If you can understand the me, than I can understand the you
    Lay beside me, under wicked sky
    Through black of day, dark of night, we share this pair of lives
    The door cracks open, but there's no sun shining through
    Black hearts scarring darkness still, but there's no sun shining through
    No, there's no sun shining through
    No, there's no sun shining

    What I've felt, what I've known
    Sick and tired, I stand alone
    Could you be there, 'cause I'm the one who waits for you
    Or are you unforgiven too?

    Lay beside me, this won't hurt, I swear
    She loves me not, she loves me still, but she'll never love again
    She lay beside me, but she'll be there when I'm gone
    Black hearts scarring darker steel, yes, she'll be there when I'm gone
    Yes, she'll be there when I'm gone

    Dead sure she'll be there

    What I've felt, what I've known
    Turn the pages, turn the stone
    Behind the door, should I open it for you

    Lay beside me, tell me what I've done
    The door is closed, so are your eyes
    But now I see the sun, now I see the sun
    Yes, now I see it

    What I've felt, what I've known
    Turn the pages, turn the stone
    Behind the door, should I open it for you

    What I've felt, wha I've known
    So sick and tired, I stand alone
    Could you be there, 'cause I'm the one who waits
    The one who waits for you

    Oh, what I've felt, what I've known
    Turn the pages, turn the stone
    Behind the door, should I open it for you
    So I dub thee unforgiven

    I take this key
    And I bury it in you
    Because you're unforgiven too

    Never free
    Never me
    'cause you're unforgiven too

  15. #15
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    I'll seek you out
    Flay you alive
    One more word and you won't survive
    And I'm not scared
    Of your stolen power
    I see right through you any hour

    I won't soothe your pain
    I won't ease your strain
    You'll be waiting in vain
    I got nothing for you to gain

    I'm taking it slow
    Feeding my flame
    Shuffling the cards of your game
    And just in time
    In the right place
    Suddenly I will play my ace

    I won't soothe your pain
    I won't ease your strain
    You'll be waiting in vain
    I got nothing for you to gain

    Eyes on fire
    Your spine is ablaze
    Felling any foe with my gaze
    And just in time
    In the right place
    Steadily emerging with grace

    Ahh, felling any foe with my gaze
    Ahh, steadily emerging with grace
    Ahh, felling any foe with my gaze
    Ahh, steadily emerging with grace

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    This is perhaps the most internally conflicted of the stackings, and potentially the most inconsistent in behavior. This may occur as a blockage of the sexual instinct which can be redirected as a more generally brooding and troubled personality. They may isolate themselves for long periods of time before reemerging. They live according to a strictly personal outlook and are not particularly concerned with the approval of others outside of their immediate concern. They seem to be searching for something, the missing piece. If they find a soulmate they will unite without fanfare, forming a secret bond, dealing with formalities as an afterthought. Powerful sexual impulses facing inner resistance may manifest symbolically in the psyche, giving way to soulful interpretations of the unconscious. Under periods of stress severe sexual tensions may manifest as erratic, impulsively destructive behavior. Can seem restless, torn between the comforts of a stable home life and the urge to wander. May be prone to self-medicating. Motivation: to know the heart, reconcile inner conflict, form a secure union. Familiar roles: the devotee, the seeker, the wanderer Examples of sx/sp: Prince, Carl Jung, Johnny Depp, Ozzy Osbourne, Johnny Cash, Joan Crawford, Princess Di, Marilyn Monroe, Janis Joplin, Frollo from “Hunchback of Notre Dame”

  17. #17
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ananke View Post
    This is perhaps the most internally conflicted of the stackings, and potentially the most inconsistent in behavior. This may occur as a blockage of the sexual instinct which can be redirected as a more generally brooding and troubled personality. They may isolate themselves for long periods of time before reemerging. They live according to a strictly personal outlook and are not particularly concerned with the approval of others outside of their immediate concern. They seem to be searching for something, the missing piece. If they find a soulmate they will unite without fanfare, forming a secret bond, dealing with formalities as an afterthought. Powerful sexual impulses facing inner resistance may manifest symbolically in the psyche, giving way to soulful interpretations of the unconscious. Under periods of stress severe sexual tensions may manifest as erratic, impulsively destructive behavior. Can seem restless, torn between the comforts of a stable home life and the urge to wander. May be prone to self-medicating. Motivation: to know the heart, reconcile inner conflict, form a secure union. Familiar roles: the devotee, the seeker, the wanderer Examples of sx/sp: Prince, Carl Jung, Johnny Depp, Ozzy Osbourne, Johnny Cash, Joan Crawford, Princess Di, Marilyn Monroe, Janis Joplin, Frollo from “Hunchback of Notre Dame”

    Some info just to expand on what you posted. Now I want to listen to all 3 "The Unforgiven". SLEs make me want to listen to Metallica.


    "To understand the mind and soul, and to find the perfect union."
    Appearance: brooding, intense, immersed, fantastical.
    Role: mystic, wanderer, soul mate, lover, seducer.

    This type is on an eternal search for the missing piece. They channel their sexual energy inwards to explore the imaginations that come from their subconscious. Their ambitions are personal in nature and do not necessarily have a social cause. They often have a naturally seductive, sexual charisma that manifests as a fantastical, erotic playfulness or an untouchable aura to others. They may feel torn between the urge to explore and a secure living.

    In relationships, they may feel conflicted about their intense passion for their partner and their desire to guard themselves from getting hurt. When they find a soul mate, they quietly bond with an exceptional level of intimacy. Once connected, they have difficulty letting go. When anxious or depressed, they may seclude themselves for extended periods, seeking understanding from within. Their sexual tension occasionally manifests as volatile, self-destructive behaviors when stressed.

    Primary Instinct: Sexual

    Those with the Sexual Primary Instinct are devoted to transmitting something meaningful to future generations, whether it is their genes or their ideas. It also means they wish to become "one" with another entity, which they achieve by seeking intense, original experiences that fully engage them. This tendency manifests as their intense desire to form intimate, one-on-one connections with people and as their passionate pursuit of hobbies and interests. Without satisfying these desires, they feel incomplete. Their passion and creativity result from the repression and rechanneling of their sexual drive.

    They live a life of intensity, often taking risks to achieve their ideals. Because they wish to spread their “self” onto other entities, they tend to be good at drawing attention to themselves and their ideas. They have an expanded construct of the self and they are willing to sacrifice themselves for people or ideas that they care most about.

    Secondary Instinct: Secure

    The Secure Instinct is channeled to serve the needs of the Sexual Instinct. The result is that this type is able to deflect sexual energy inwards using the Secure Instinct. This inwards sexual energy allows them to explore the imaginations from their subconscious and uncover deep insights of the Self. The Secure Instinct also acts as a protective shield that is activated whenever the Sexual Instinct expands the Self too much.

    They appear to be on an eternal search for the missing piece. Their ambitions are personal in nature, without a direct social cause. They may have a naturally seductive, sexual charisma that manifests as a fantastical, erotic playfulness or an untouchable aura to others.

    In relationships, they may feel conflicted about their intense passion for their partner and their desire to guard themselves from getting hurt. When anxious or depressed, they may seclude themselves for extended periods, seeking understanding from within. They often feel torn between the urge to explore and a stable living. The tension between the Sexual and Secure Instincts occasionally manifests as volatile, self-destructive behaviors when stressed.

    Potential Weaknesses

    The Primary Instinct can be both a strength and a weakness. When people with the Sexual Primary Instinct become overly preoccupied with its fulfillment, they may be bored with reality and indulge in excessive risk-taking, self-medication, or thrill-seeking. Some may disregard protective boundaries of the self and develop issues with possessiveness or dependency in their relationships.

    Sexual-Secures have the Social Instinct as their least dominant Instinct. As a result, they may have difficulty cultivating multiple social connections. While they have no difficulty bonding with individuals, they may have difficulty navigating social realms to obtain their needs. Unaware of how their actions affect others, they may cause miscommunications and group dysfunction. Some may reject the help and camaraderie of their community, preferring social isolation.

    The dominant Instinct is often used to compensate for the least dominant Instinct. For instance, those who are Sexual-Secure may form exceptionally close relationships with a few select friends who can help them navigate the social realm

    In relationships, they seek closeness, loyalty, and meaningful sex. Mentally and emotionally, they wish to be able to fully open up to their partners, and they are most fulfilled when their partners do the same. Sex to them is far more than a physical act. In fact, those who simply see sex as a vessel for physical pleasure more than likely do not possess the Sexual Primary Instinct.

    They idealize about potential partners, always longing for the perfect union. When they find a soul mate, they quietly bond with an exceptional level of intimacy. Since they rarely engage in social formalities, the partner may be unaware of the level of intimacy that the Secure-Sexual has until much later. Once connected, they have difficulty letting go, even though they may still fantasize about more perfect relationships.

    They are keenly aware of the intimacy between themselves and their partners. They see intimacy, or closeness, as the measure of how healthy the relationship is. They will feel conflicted and frustrated in relationships in which they cannot fully bond, but they will become “one” with their partners in ones that are a good fit. The passion and loyalty they have for former partners does not fade. Instead, it is overshadowed by someone that they can feel can provide more closeness and trust. They enjoy marriage for the security that it provides. Dullness is their biggest fear, and personal rejection is their biggest insult.


    A couple with similar Instincts is most compatible because it allows the two to walk in the same direction. This is the opposite from Personality, in which “complements” attract. Walking in the same direction allows a couple to reach mutually agreeable decisions, while having complementary Personalities allows the couple to solve problems using different perspectives. The latter also adds a sense of freshness to the relationship while preventing overlapping identities.

    Their ideal partners are the Sexual-Secures, Sexual-Socials, and Secure-Sexuals.


    Sexual-Secures feel most fulfilled when working on projects that are in line with the goals of their Primary Instinct. Namely, they wish to fully engage themselves in creative, stimulating projects that promote the growth of something new. With a Secure Secondary Instinct, they have a greater awareness of themselves and their physical resources so that they can better achieve the aims of their Primary Instinct. Thus, they prefer careers that allow them to use their self-awareness to engage in an intense, stimulating career.

    Examples of careers that they may enjoy include:

    Scientific Researcher
    Software Developer
    University Academic/Faculty

    Project Evolove's psychology has its basis in Myers-Briggs Theory, Socionics, Enneagrams, and the works of Carl Jung. Notable influences include Personality Page, Type Logic, Enneagrams Institute, Ocean Moonshine, and the works of David Keirsey. The MBTI assessment tool is a separate and unrelated entity.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    I hear... a voice say "Don't be so blind"...
    it's telling me all these things...
    that you would probably hide...
    am I... your one and only desire...
    am I the reason you breathe...
    or am I the reason you cry...

    Always... always... always... always... always... always... always...
    I just can't live without you...

    I love you...
    I hate you...
    I can't get around you...
    I breathe you...
    I taste you...
    I can't live without you...
    I just can't take any more...
    this life of solitude...
    I guess that i'm out the door...
    and now i'm done with you...

    I feel... like you don't want me around...
    I guess i'll pack all my things...
    I guess i'll see you around...
    Its all... been bottled up until now...
    as I walk out your door...
    all I hear is the sound...

    Always... always... always... always... always... always... always...
    I just can't live without you...

    I love you...
    I hate you...
    I can't get around you...
    I breathe you...
    I taste you...
    I can't live without you...
    I just can't take any more...
    this life of solitude...
    I guess that i'm out the door...
    and now i'm done with you...

    I love you...
    I hate you...
    I can't live without you...

    I left my head around your heart...
    Why would you tear my world apart...

    Always... always... always... always...

    I see... the blood all over your hands...
    does it make you feel... more like a man...
    was it all... just a part of your plan...
    the pistol's shakin' in my hands...
    and all I hear is the sound...

    I love you...
    I hate you...
    I can't live without you...
    I breathe you...
    I taste you...
    I can't live without you...
    I just can't take any more...
    this life of solitude...
    I guess that i'm out the door...
    and now i'm done with you...

    I love you...
    I hate you...
    I can't live without you...

    I love you...
    I hate you...
    I can't live without you...
    I just can't take any more...
    this life of solitude...
    I pick myself off the floor...
    and now i'm done with you...

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ananke View Post
    This is perhaps the most internally conflicted of the stackings, and potentially the most inconsistent in behavior. This may occur as a blockage of the sexual instinct which can be redirected as a more generally brooding and troubled personality. They may isolate themselves for long periods of time before reemerging. They live according to a strictly personal outlook and are not particularly concerned with the approval of others outside of their immediate concern. They seem to be searching for something, the missing piece. If they find a soulmate they will unite without fanfare, forming a secret bond, dealing with formalities as an afterthought. Powerful sexual impulses facing inner resistance may manifest symbolically in the psyche, giving way to soulful interpretations of the unconscious. Under periods of stress severe sexual tensions may manifest as erratic, impulsively destructive behavior. Can seem restless, torn between the comforts of a stable home life and the urge to wander. May be prone to self-medicating. Motivation: to know the heart, reconcile inner conflict, form a secure union. Familiar roles: the devotee, the seeker, the wanderer Examples of sx/sp: Prince, Carl Jung, Johnny Depp, Ozzy Osbourne, Johnny Cash, Joan Crawford, Princess Di, Marilyn Monroe, Janis Joplin, Frollo from “Hunchback of Notre Dame”

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    For example, sx/sp and sp/sx are significantly missing the Social elements of fresh air and sunlight. Looking at them there’s a kind of shrouded/hooded quality, something of a cave-dweller or a Death theme in some form (scroll back up to the stacking titles in the section just above to get a feel for it). ‹ Take away air, quickly comes Death. ›The obliviousness to the collective good (Social-last) contributes to the shadowy/cloaked quality of these stackings — there’s an unintelligence about social stigma that can take people of these two stackings deep into ‘alternative’ territories. On the upside, communications here can be more personal, contactful and intimate because the aura of the collective isn’t brought into one-to-one exchanges in the way it inadvertently is with those who aren’t social-last. This friend-of-the-dark quality can translate to a capacity to work, hands on (figuratively-speaking), in the muck of psyche, and linger long with other people’s ugly/corrupt underbellies and issues, potentially spilling themselves into others’ dark sides.

    sx/sp :: upward Death :: Metamorphosis and transmogrification. Being burned to death and born again into a body tuned to a higher vibration. Losing the self (dying) in the Other, in an upward peak of flame and ecstasy. The wet fire.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SisOfNight View Post
    The wet fire.
    Perhaps, but I set the standard for it. Because in my sphere of isolation, without any reference beyond myself. I am truly the God of my existance. How ever futile that may seem. It's all the security I need in order to appear well fortified, balanced and calm when dealing with shit that's exterior to my very core.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Within View Post
    Perhaps, but I set the standard for it. Because in my sphere of isolation, without any reference beyond myself. I am truly the God of my existance. How ever futile that may seem. It's all the security I need in order to appear well fortified, balanced and calm when dealing with shit that's exterior to my very core.
    I have no idea what this means and cannot relate to it.

    Quote Originally Posted by SisOfNight View Post

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    I disagree on the compatibility list. My sei SO identifies as sp/so, with sx last. Though he has the desire to merge with his partner, he doesn't feel the passion and drive of the sx. But he's the one who keeps an eye on the social realm and where we fit into it. So every once in a while he prompts me to contact someone, or says he wants us to go to one of the meets. But he's shy and seems closed off to those who don't know him. So it's left up to me, the extrovert, to initiate conversations etc.

    Also, he leaves it up to me to guide our direction in terms of household interests/pursuits. And now that my adult daughter is in her home living her own life, his and my interests/pursuits are beginning to align.

    I guess, basically, in terms of compatibility, my sx first covers for his sx last, and his so first covers for my so last.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise View Post
    I disagree on the compatibility list. My sei SO identifies as sp/so, with sx last. Though he has the desire to merge with his partner, he doesn't feel the passion and drive of the sx. But he's the one who keeps an eye on the social realm and where we fit into it. So every once in a while he prompts me to contact someone, or says he wants us to go to one of the meets. But he's shy and seems closed off to those who don't know him. So it's left up to me, the extrovert, to initiate conversations etc.

    Also, he leaves it up to me to guide our direction in terms of household interests/pursuits. And now that my adult daughter is in her home living her own life, his and my interests/pursuits are beginning to align.

    I guess, basically, in terms of compatibility, my sx first covers for his sx last, and his so first covers for my so last.
    I tend to disregard the information on compatibility the most in any typing theories/systems, including astrology, numerology, etc... If it goes against my desires. I won't let anything/one dictate who I can or can't be compatible with.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    The artist is probably sp/sx ...Elliot Goldenthal's musical representation of her death is sx/sp.

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    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    The layout's really shitty, each sequential comic starts at the bottom of the page and goes up. Fantasic comic though.

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    Last edited by Galen; 09-28-2014 at 05:14 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
    You have a really good taste in music. I keep listening to this on repeat.
    Sara Bareilles has some wonderful pop music. I like her entire discography.

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    Kinda of this whole entire comic but here's some

    Including my own avatar

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    sp/sx is also possible for caspar david friedrich

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    My dream, which feels sx/sp to me, and an example of the way my brain interprets my outer and inner worlds into symbolism that I can later analyze and better understand myself with.

    I dreamt I'm in an old hotel that was once used as a mental institution. I am a little boy and my family and I are on vacation. Our friends are traveling with us. I feel very sick, my eyes look black and hollow and I am growing weaker… something isn't right. My hair is falling out and I am spitting up blood. My family is concerned. I stop eating then I start to get better. I want to find out what made me sick so I investigate. I discover my friend's mother is putting arsenic in the food. I got a heavy dose because I ate something that had a heavy concentration of the poison. I almost died or I did die. I can't remember.

    I can see spirits in the halls and rooms of the hotel. Many are distorted and demon-like. Some look like deformed animals. They lunge at me. I find ways to defeat them over and over. I am no longer a boy. I wonder, was that just a dream? I am still in the hotel and I have all the memories of the boy but now I am a teenage girl. This is another life. I found the boy with the dark, hollow eyes roaming the halls of the hotel. He is at rest now. The demons that haunted him are all in chains. I can see them. They still lunge at me when I pass but their chains are short. They can't touch me.

    A man arrives and informs my parents that we must stay at the hotel. I tell him that there are strange things happening there and some of us see demon spirits and they try to attack us but we have found ways to control them. The man explains that we are now the guardians of the hotel. Someone (seems like a brother to me) asks him how we can free the spirits there and the man says the hotel was not built to keep the demons and spirits out. It was built to keep them in. He says that my family has the power to hold them there. It is our destiny. We cannot leave the hotel and we can only release the spirits that are not demonic.

    We are living in the hotel and I am getting older (in my 20s). Now I see that there are other spirits there too. The demons torture and harass them. It is my "job" to protect them and to set them free. There is a glass room. Whoever or whatever is locked in the room will manifest their deepest desires or their deepest fears. I trick the demons into the room. I run and they chase me. I lead them into the room. Demons have their own fears. I see them manifest in the glass room and devour them. I want to go in the room but I wonder what I will manifest. I am apprehensive but I wait my turn. The room clears and then I walk in. I wait… nothing… Still waiting… I do not manifest my fears. Is it possible I am not afraid? The room does not discriminate whether it is fear or desire whatever is strongest will manifest. A little girl with long, curly, golden hair starts to slowly manifest in the corner of the glass room. She is 3 or 4 years old. I instantly recognize the girl is me but now I have to be a mother to myself. The room gives me back my childhood. Hmmm that is not my desire. I don't understand why. I have to take care of myself as a child.

    The little girl is so precocious. I can hardly keep up with her. She sees the spirits and the demons too. They are excited by her presence. They pull against their chains trying to get at her as she teases and taunts them in a playful childlike way. She is not afraid. I feel an energy in the hotel. It has no form but it is strong. It is trying to lure the girl into a room. I watch as the door opens by itself. All I can see is that the room is pitch black. The little girl wants to go in the room but I grab her by the hand and I tell my sister to seal off the room and that no one is to go in there ever. I do not know what is in there but it does not feel good. My sister takes her hand and waves it over a mirror and a misty fog covers the door of the room. It is sealed. The girl pulls free from my hand and is running and I am chasing her. More demons appear. She laughs as I confront them. They stand between the girl and me. I have no problem defeating them but they are becoming a nuisance and they are not very attractive to look at. The girl leads me into a room and I pick her up and put her on a table. I ask my sister to hold her while I do something but she gets away from my sister. She crawls through a small door (about 2 1/2 feet tall) in the room and I try to convince her to come out but she won't. She says she is going to find her father but I don't want her to. She motions for me to follow but I don't. I manage to pull her out of the door and quickly shut it. I sit against the door trying to catch my breath. My heart is racing.

    The scene changes. I am me as I am now… my current age. I have been in the hotel for so long. I want out but I was told I could not leave. I go to the front door and open it. Whoa, I thought I was locked in. I step outside and my black dress is now white. I take a deep breath. Mmmm, I can smell flowers and there is a gentle breeze. I walk away from the hotel. I see a man standing there like he was waiting for something. It is ********… huh? hahahah What is he doing in my dream??? I start running toward him and I jump into his arms and wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around me to hold me up. Eeek, I realize I am totally naked and I am self-conscious because there are people all around us but then I quickly decide I don't look too bad naked so it doesn't matter. I start telling him about the little boy, and the hotel spirits and demons. He is smiling at me and I suddenly understand that his attention is not on the story I'm telling. Duh! He starts walking toward a beautiful garden with me still naked in his arms. I wake up.


    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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