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Thread: sx/sp

  1. #1481
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  8. #1488
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    So based on the first page of this thread, I've determined that while I like some of these photos, they're generally too Sx-y for me. This has happened before with photos I've seen that showed the typical Sx/Sp or the typical Sx/Sp art style. I have the following theories as to why this is:
    -I'm Sp/Sx and I'm retarded about my type (likely).
    -I'm pretty Sx blocked due to a variety of factors which probably includes being 6w5 and having the 369 Tritype.

    As a side note, I have historically identified well with witches and sometimes haunted houses, and later in life had an interest in undeath and Hell. These are all stereotypically Sp/Sx.

    My favorite picture on the first page was the one with the colorful trees (first post). I've always liked landscapes that were saturated with odd or out of place color.

    Edit: I think I've figured it out. Sx/Sp's have a repellant effect as part of their instinctual desire to flirt. I'm being repelled by their Sx because it doesn't appeal to my Sx (I see them as a faulty mate). I still think that this actually points to Sx/Sp because they're less experimental with their Sx.
    Last edited by Clarke; 11-21-2022 at 10:27 AM.

  9. #1489
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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    Sx/Sp- muddy, lava-like, piercing

    Energetic qualities associated with sx/sp - intensifying, escalating, rising, surging, enlivening, invigorating, accelerating, stimulating, energizing, vitalizing, reviving, animating, inspiriting

    Why do sx/sp's seem saturated with intensity?
    -sx/sp's gain stability by withholding strong sexual impulses sp ---> into ---> sx

    Sx/Sp Writing Style: Intense, often a stab-in-the-chest sensation, leaving me in tears without knowing why. Fantastical but much more concentrated in a few inner images. Can be abstract, animating dead objects into their field of contemplation. Embodiment of another human, thing, or idea is common in their writings.

    Picture a lightning bolt captured in a bottle. The energy is always there but it's contained in a glass jar and only breaks free once in a while. The sx/sp is boxed in energy, self-contained, cutting, and focused. Sx/sp types will often look angry even when they are not. There is a certain reality of emotion which they display that is due to their social obliviousness. Most sx's will be honest almost to a fault. Sx/sp want to choose their friends wisely. A "with me or against me" attitude reminiscent of 6 and 8s. The least inhibited of all stackings. Cares less of what others think of them. The most likely to get into physical altercations, and may even enjoy fighting. Healthy sx/sp's will display a playful selfishness.

    Sx/sp have an inner confidence which is not usually found in other stackings. However they may lack social confidence or just may not pay any attention to social rituals at all. Put a sx/sp in a busy bar and they will be confident in themselves. But make them sit at their parent-in-laws for a formal family dinner and you wont see that same confidence. It's inner confidence rather than social confidence of the sx/so. May be very popular without knowing or putting emphasis on it, unlike so types.

    Sx/sp does create a kind of isolationary tendency though even in extroverted types, an in-their-own-world vibe, kinda oblivious sometimes. But ironically they can also be extremely insistent and aggressive on issues they feel strongly about, which they go on in the soc realms in ways that will cause stronger soc's to cringe, it's so rough and undiplomatic. They can fall in love with their soapboxes.

    sp/sx, and, to some degree sx/sp, have an attraction to 'underbellies' - places where the sun don't shine. like sensing a disgusting odor (death, feces) and feeling compelled to go toward it and peer into it, rather than move away.

    soc-blind spot for sx/sp people:
    What I really hate is the people with a higher social instinct acting like I'm a bull in a china shop every time I try to say anything. My sister (6w7 so/sp) is horrible about this, sometimes reacting to every comment I make as though I'm the most horrid, uncouth thing imaginable, and in addition taking everything as some kind of slam or insult, when I'm just talking normally and not thinking anything insulting at all. My 9w1 so/sx ex was also really bad about acting like I was social death, and frequently giving me the feeling that everybody was mad at me or something. I think he was just on guard for potential areas of conflict, though, because sometimes I'd find that nobody was upset with me at all.

    SO-last: Sx/Sp and Sp/Sx are significantly missing the Social elements of fresh air and sunlight. Looking at them there’s a kind of shrouded/hooded quality, something of a cave-dweller or a Death theme in some form. The obliviousness to the collective good (Social-last) contributes to the shadowy/cloaked quality of these stackings — there’s an unintelligence about social stigma that can take people of these two stackings deep into ‘alternative’ territories. On the upside, communications here can be more personal, contactful and intimate because the aura of the collective isn’t brought into the exchanges.

    sx/sp :: upward Death :: Metamorphosis and transmogrification. Being burned to death and born again into a body tuned to a higher vibration. Losing the self (dying) in the Other, in an upward peak of flame and ecstasy. The wet fire.

    my sx/sp typings:

    Kristen Stewart - sx/sp, Delta.

    Bruce Gilden - sx/sp, Gamma (ILI-Te)

    SP-secondary/creative instinct is very noticeable in his interviews. Gilden pays a lot of attention to the physical cues around himself: the coat on a woman passing him by and how warm it keeps her, the ugliness of the shoes of another, the 'aftermath' of a plastic surgery and the crooked nose, the state and condition of his own equipment, the spacing and the interconnection of the objects on photographs presented to him, and so on.
    His SX-first desire for an emotional catharsis and SO-last unawareness also show--the disruptive effect he has on the social scenery of the city by almost jumping at passersby to take a photograph of them, starting confrontation which by his own admission let him face his own fears (representative of the 'upward death', emotionally regenerative theme of the sx/sp instinct). The fact that he prefers to take photographs of people who are at the bottom social ladder status-wise is where the whole underworld/'Preta' theme of sx/sp stacking becomes manifest.

    James Mitchell - sx/sp, Beta (LSI 5w6)
    It's easily to see how easily he's emotionally rallied and unsettled. His motive getting involved in the project has deep personal and emotional roots: the capture and murder of his close friend.
    For whichever reason seeing sx/sp's in videos makes me feel weirdly self-conscious.

    Wow. I have respect for the vice interviewer in the interrogator video.

    I only watched the vice interview of the interrogator, but the interrogator does have an intense look to him. It's kind of a scary look actually. I'm not really sure if that's just Sx/Sp or if there's some Se involved. Interesting guy, although I found his viewpoint on waterboarding to be strange. I'm assuming that he's saying that waterboarding isn't a good tactic because it'll allow enemies to do it to our men, or that the training we put our men through to tolerate it gives the enemy a free pass. Generally my opinion when it comes to torture is that it's actually useless as an interrogation tactic because the enemy will say wrong information that they believe is to be true at the moment just to get you to stop. If anything, it's better used to coerce non-captives into talking. Of course, my information about torture is limited.

    Edit: The ILI-Te doesn't really have that scary look. I think the interrogator's glare might be related to Se.

    Edit 2: Maybe he was saying that waterboarding was an effective tactic, since it works on our own.
    Last edited by Clarke; 11-21-2022 at 11:25 AM. Reason: Clarifications.

  10. #1490
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    Boy im feeling you harder than i’m feeling this heartache
    Whatcha say you and i dip
    Grab the glass of bacardi and we’re outta this party
    In the back of your black whip
    Getting naked in the living room
    We can’t even make it upstairs, but we don’t care
    Dirty dancing on the staircase
    Lose our clothes in the throes, we’ll just burn em in the fireplace

    Baby i’m gonna be honest with you right now
    We’re drinking fire from the bottle, let it black us out
    I’ma be your brazen maiden, boy, i’ll burn you down
    With you all on my body I can show you heaven
    You’ll be eaten up by eden in this bed, then
    I’ll take all your fears away
    You won’t wanna leave

    And we can be everything
    I’ll be all you need
    Give you the best and the worst of me
    And you, i think you always knew
    What you would wanna do If i allow you to

    Come and show me ‘stead of talking all this big shit
    You’re so about it, i’ll believe it when i see it
    I’ll sit still and watch you wind it, boy, connect the hit
    And just ruin my body

    Boy you got me, you not gonna leave til you break me down
    You won this round
    Boy i got you, i’m not gonna stop til you take me out
    Come and take me down

    Last edited by inaLim; 01-03-2023 at 09:48 PM.

  11. #1491
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  13. #1493

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    Quote Originally Posted by flames View Post
    And they use their gift to help others but in a one-on-one nature rather than as a whole
    yyyyeeeesss!!!!! wish there were a smooth way to cross-file this in the 'what do ESIs do for a living thread for my own future reference', lol - but establishing the history of it through my own forum posts shall suffice : )

  14. #1494
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    sx/sp mofos are strange, swear ya'll are coke addicts

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