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  1. #1161
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    @Aylen that site has a really good description, I'm going to post in here, thanks for the link!
    I'm not 4, but I do relate a lot of a lot of the description on sx/sp.


    This is a very volatile type. They are driven to form connections but have very high demands of their partners. When their powerful fantasies don’t match reality, they become very restless. They take the fire and passion of the sexual instinct and turn it inward. This can cause both brooding and fiery outbursts. Dramatic mood swings are very likely with this type. This subtype of Four could be considered the most classic Four, because of the way they seem to embody the archetype of the tortured artist, although not all Fours of this subtype are artists. Stereotype aside, this subtype does tend to bring their emotions into focus more readily then the other subtypes of Four. What is under the surface with the self-pres/sexual is now bubbling to the surface. This subtype can resemble type Seven because of their drama, passion for experience and tendency to suffer from frustration when life seems dull. Like type Seven, they can seem to throw themselves into experience.

    When healthy, this subtype learns to balance the need for passion with the less obvious need for groundedness which can come from solid and focused relationships with others and with their creative outlets.

    sx/sp - total inward gives way to total outward in jerky bursts, usually directed at one person in particular, can't focus on the overall group, but may move rapidly from one total focus to the next
    The SX/SP pursues bonds with more energy and are more likely to "lose themselves" in the feelings of a relationship. The SP/SX is more likely to maintain themselves independent of the relationship, but yet be dependent upon the other person. The reason for this is that SPs consider their mates as part of themselves, basically.
    SX/SP: This is perhaps the most internally conflicted of the stackings, and potentially the most inconsistent in behavior. This may occur as a blockage of the sexual instinct which can be redirected as a more generally brooding and troubled personality. They may isolate themselves for long periods of time before reemerging. They live according to a strictly personal outlook and are not particularly concerned with the approval of others outside of their immediate concern. They seem to be searching for something, the missing piece. If they find a soulmate they will unite without fanfare, forming a secret bond, dealing with formalities as an afterthought. Powerful sexual impulses facing inner resistance may manifest symbolically in the psyche, giving way to soulful interpretations of the unconscious. Under periods of stress severe sexual tensions may manifest as erratic, impulsively destructive behavior. Can seem restless, torn between the comforts of a stable home life and the urge to wander. May be prone to self medicating.
    SX/SP variants are more likely to idealize other people outside of the relationship, but are unlikely to ever consider cheating, because of the SP secondary. SP/SX are usually utterly faithful and would not likely even think of cheating as this would amount to "hurting themselves."

    Motivation: to know the heart, reconcile inner conflict, form a secure union.

    Familiar roles: the devotee, the seeker, the wanderer

    The SX/SP description seems a little harsh and a bit too "feeling triad" biased, although parts of it are accurate. My experience with them is that their sexuality is only slightly inhibited by having the SP in secondary position. The right person brings them out of their "shell" quite easily.
    The SX/SP can seem a little selfish in expecting to have their "needs" met, compared to the SP/SX who usually attempt to meet their own needs first and seem "cold" instead of selfish. As I told Marie in the SP thread, they can be really into someone at first and go pretty cold if they suddenly feel that person isn't right for them. On the bright side, they (SP) tend to be the most emotionally faithful variant and are always there for the people who are close to them in their lives.

    “You are right about the SX/SP tendency for having some trouble with relationships. The SP variant tends to just look for someone similar to themselves, and they are usually pretty satisfied when they find that person, although this can take a while. SX/SPs often bond with others that have qualities that they find intriguing at the present that might not bode well for them in the future, and realize later that they neglected their SP secondary and are not getting what they truly want out of the relationship. On the positive, they tend to have a variety of fascinating experiences with others, and they usually have a better sense of how people truly click than the SP does.”

    The SX/SP usually wants some kind of ideal qualities in other people and the realities of these other people's flaws is sometimes difficult for the variant to handle. On the other hand, it seems this variant gets "taken advantage" of more than the others due to their strong urge to connect and the fact that they do not usually have an excessive number of outside contacts outside the relationship like the SX/SO does.

    “I was involved with an SX/SP 1w2 for four years, two of them married to her. My mother is an SX/SP 2w3 and has had all kinds of problems with her relationships. I know this variant pretty well. I defer to Jase when it comes to describing social variants, as I do not know this variant well at all. My contacts with the social have been fairly limited. I learned a lot being with an SX/SP and trying what I thought was my hardest to be emotionally satisfying only to find out in the end that it wasn't enough and that I was just too SP for her.”

    The Ozzy dvd mostly has value as entertainment. If you can see the sx/sp phobic pattern through all the hijinks, it might be worth it to check out from that standpoint as well. Ozzy would seem to present more of a sx/soc counterphobic image, at least in the past, but the series and various interviews seem to indicate otherwise. He's a homebody with wanderlust, and seems pretty oblivious and indifferent to social concerns (he claims to have no friends, and the show doesn't offer any evidence to the contrary). His life is all about the connective charge he gets from performing, and his attachment to home life, and the split this causes in him.

    People have pointed out that the sx/sp is Fourish, and maybe it is, since so much is marinating inside. The social in last position can further impede the delivery of the goods which the sx instinct has harvested within, and that could cause the brooding, conflicted, wandering sort of temperament associated with sx/sp on this thread.

    I was going to add an observation I've made about SX/SP, but I was too lazy to do it. They seem to either really do the eye contact thing if they are interested in someone or get completely disinterested, you are right. I observe this kind of behavior watching dating shows when the SX/SP females will start out interested in a guy, making great eye contact, and then by the end of the date their eyes are wandering around the room, completely disinterested, if for some reason the man doesn't end up meeting their standards. The male SX/SP might do this too but they are usually horny so they still try to make a play on the woman but you can tell it will only be a one-night stand by his behavior.

    Basically, I think you are right in generalizing SX/SP to yourself in that they *can* make great eye contact if they are actually emotionally interested

    A friend of mine gave a good description of the sx/sp energy, as opposed to the sx/so. Both sexual types have a large energy, and tend to be in a social setting. The difference is that sx/so's have a smooth energy that flows outwards, while sx/sp's energy goes in bursts. He pointed out that I'll sit there comparatively quietly until something in the conversation catches my attention, then I'll burst in and take over. Sx/so's don't do this, they tend to hold court on a more consistent basis, and be more polite and socially-oriented in their interaction as well. In general, sx/sp's are more in their heads, thinking....and will sit just thinking about the conversation, then suddenly feel a big burst of sharing come on, and burst in, sometimes at the wrong point, because they're not as attuned to the social dynamic. This is something I don't like about myself, one of my biggest faults that's been brought up by numerous people through the years. It's like I can't always get a feel for where to interject my thoughts in a group conversation, so I wind up blurting, and talking over people from all directions, even when I'm trying to gauge it. Sx/so's are very socially attuned and much smoother, regardless of e-type, than sx/sp's, who are just freakin jerky, no matter how they try. Unlike the sx/so's smooth outward flow (sometimes likened to a generator), sx/sp energy moves in/out/in/out in unpredictable bursts (sometimes likened to lightening). That's one reason sx/sp's[blocked due to guideline #4 violation]people off more.
    However, I don't really see this dynamic in sp/sx's. Self pres/sexual's are less forceful in their interjections, and usually more contemplative. They think more thoroughly about what they want to say and how they want to say it before speaking than sx/sp's who, like I said, are very blurtatious. And alot of times, sp/sx's will have all kinds of interesting thoughts on things that they don't even express until someone draws it out of them. This isn't always so, they sometimes express alot, but they're (SP’s) not as aggressive about expressing their thoughts, for the most part. I've noticed that they (SP’s) can be happy just thinking to themselves without sharing, whereas I feel absolutely compelled to share, for better or worse. Sp/sx's are much more measured.

    When sx/sp's are in withdrawal mode, they're basically tuned out. This is why they can appear more like a self pres type, but if you look closely, sp/sx's tend to be more tuned in and focused and present than a withdrawing sx/sp, who is trying to shut off the stimulation. If you look at them closely at such times, they'll appear to be elsewhere mentally. If you try talking to them, they'll display a reluctance to be drawn in. However, if something really catches their interest, they'll change dramatically and become like a regular sx/sp, all bursty and jerky and excited. Self pres/sexuals get excited too, when talking about ideas that interest them, very much so, but they don't do the jerky thing. It's more consistent, though not in the socially-conscious way of the sx/so. A sp/sx will obviously be drawing things out of their mind and probing for the proper words to express it, where a sx/sp will be more like *total focus inward. total focus outward in a burst. total focus inward....* Does that make sense?

    sx/sp 4w3 is less pretentious than the sp/sx 4w3, less outlandish than the sx/so 4w3, less Sevenish than the so/sx 4w3, less intellectual than the soc/sp 4w3, and less Onelike than the sp/so 4w3. I think we have some sx/sp 4w3's around here somewhere. White Raven comes to mind, and I'm sure there have been a few others drifting through over the years. Salieri was most likely a sx/sp 4w3.

  2. #1162


    I had a day of what I would call sx goodness, being an sx last type. I marvelled at poets, at their motifs, their inventions, experiencing such trembling enthusiasm for further reading and refining my knowledge as rarely ever before; I had bouts of tears when thoughts of crucial deficiencie, and therefore of my rejected love, possessed my mind; I yearned a relationship like never before, imagining touch and warmth I've never felt.
    Ffs, I'm so fucking envious of you sx valuers. If that's how it's like, you get out of life so much more; I previously thought I suffered from some kind of anhedonia before coming across this.
    Seems like change triggers episodes like these. Feels like it gets me from behind the eyes into the world.

  3. #1163
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    Gethsemane song from Jesus Christ Superstar rock opera has a strong sx/sp vibe to it - it contains both the element of personal social isolation and the immediate emotional amping up and intensification of feeling that follows (both Andrew Lloyd Webber and Ian Gillan are sx/sp "wanderer" subtype).

  4. #1164
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    Two SX/SO people performing an SX/SP song.

  5. #1165
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Reminds me more of Sp/Sx in love... ^^'
    New Youtube [x] Get Typed! [x]
    Celebs [x] Theory [x] Tumblr [x]

    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

  7. #1167
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    Quote Originally Posted by Medusa View Post
    Reminds me more of Sp/Sx in love... ^^'
    Could also be flipped around. I interpreted it according to how SX was prioritized, with SP being appreciated but not the first preference. The second instinct is what we tolerate and deal with without too much care, it's the "okay" zone. The first instinct, however, is what we crave.

  8. #1168
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    New Youtube [x] Get Typed! [x]
    Celebs [x] Theory [x] Tumblr [x]

    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

  9. #1169
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    He seems to get a kick out of trolling this thread in an attempt to get someone to sext and/or cam with him. I don't think it matters to him if it is in public or private. He somehow got it in his head sx/sp (4?) are easy targets. "The SX/SP usually wants some kind of ideal qualities in other people and the realities of these other people's flaws is sometimes difficult for the variant to handle. On the other hand, it seems this variant gets "taken advantage" of more than the others due to their strong urge to connect and the fact that they do not usually have an excessive number of outside contacts outside the relationship like the SX/SO does. "
    How does the bolded relate? And anyways, why the need for sexting or camming if this forum is already full of lewd, sexually gratuitous vids, pics, by courtesy of the non-trolls.
    Last edited by Neokortex; 08-11-2017 at 07:37 AM.
    Except for impaired empathy, an ordinary guy who's looking for down-to-earth, loving, loyal friends and a geeky, warm, voluptuous girlfriend!

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    Rihanna owns this. SX/SP in a synflow environment. #WildThoughts

  15. #1175
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Rihanna owns this. SX/SP in a synflow environment. #WildThoughts

    This is officially my favorite song of the summer.
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jailbait View Post
    This is officially my favorite song of the summer.
    Wooowww yassss and the E8 post inspired your new image! And the gif! And the signature lyrics. That aesthetic rocks. Riri is love, Riri is life. Well we can listen in autumn and winter as well

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    The legendary Grace Jones!

    Last edited by Chae; 08-08-2017 at 01:12 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
    My favorite Disney song (and probably one of the more sx/sp Disney songs).

    To be honest I always considered Lion King intros to be so/sx.. especially the circle of life..there is this huge universal 'so' feeling to them.. nature and tons of different kinds of animals feeling connected and participating at a ritual to celebrate the birth of the new king/queen. It is definitely synflow.. too much of a positive outlook.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
    I agree that the song "the circle of life" is so/sx and that a lot of the Lion King songs are synflow. The reason I see "He lives in you" as sx/sp is because it's a song about Simba's dead father Mufasa and how his spirit is still connected to them. I saw this as being rather sx first and synflow, though I could be mistaken.

    "He lives in you, he lives in me
    He watches over everything we see
    Into the waters, into the truth
    In your reflection, he lives in you"
    Still see this as something connecting everyone and everything (because they literally say he lives in you and me, the water and everything we see).. the nature and animals and even Simba.. there is definitely sx.. but sexual first is more into one-on-one intimicacy not the universal connection I feel they point out through the text.

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    Default Classic SX/SP Vampire

  21. #1181
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slugabed View Post
    He must be istp. No other type would have the guts of doing such long boring video. lol This is one of the reasons why istps shouldn't be allowed to get cams. Thats exactly the kind of boring things that we film because its the only thing that we do. But no chances of being 4w5, maybe 5 or something totally different (like 9 or 6). He seems fairly sx/sp. And his decorative lights are the best. BuT tHaT doESnT mEaN ThAt hE DoEsNt GeT nAkEd UnDeR tHe sHeEts aT nIgHt AnD sUcKs sOmE bLoOd, yA kNoW. The vampire is a fair fantastic archetype for the sx/sp stacking. You'd knew it if you were an sx/sp. But you aren't, so you don't understand us.
    9 for this guy is out of question... I'm sure he has a 4 just look at his other vids... And vamps... well, honey, I was forced to understand So/Sp first before I even knew about the Enneagram and Id' say... they invent all kinds of fantasies to shift the blame. Just check out some books on the vogue of Gothic romanticism, back in the day everyone was a vampire.
    Except for impaired empathy, an ordinary guy who's looking for down-to-earth, loving, loyal friends and a geeky, warm, voluptuous girlfriend!

  22. #1182
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    @Neokortex do you like my avatar? Its sx/sp...

    Personally I always felt a little bit identified with vamps years before enneagram...then its curious that my stacking its related to that too.

    Romanticism was one of my fav, periods, specially on art.

  23. #1183
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    Quote Originally Posted by tide View Post
    I had a day of what I would call sx goodness, being an sx last type. I marvelled at poets, at their motifs, their inventions, experiencing such trembling enthusiasm for further reading and refining my knowledge as rarely ever before; I had bouts of tears when thoughts of crucial deficiencie, and therefore of my rejected love, possessed my mind; I yearned a relationship like never before, imagining touch and warmth I've never felt.
    Ffs, I'm so fucking envious of you sx valuers. If that's how it's like, you get out of life so much more; I previously thought I suffered from some kind of anhedonia before coming across this.
    Seems like change triggers episodes like these. Feels like it gets me from behind the eyes into the world.
    what does this has to do with sx?

  24. #1184
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slugabed View Post
    @Neokortex do you like my avatar? Its sx/sp... Personally I always felt a little bit identified with vamps years before enneagram...then its curious that my stacking its related to that too. Romanticism was one of my fav, periods, specially on art.
    Nope, I don't. I think, especially in this forum the Instincts are used more like a fantasy, than what it is: an unfinished theory of Enneagram. And as a fantasy, it is used for role-play, make believe. In real life everyone is a "social type" because we all depend on others for survival. "Sx/Sp" does too and they're also liable to desperate appeal for help from others (they've been neglecting), loosing support (bc of uncompromise), bullied, ostracized, bundled out, becoming squater, emaciated in anguish, untimely lonely death, etc., with a lesser % if they played by the rules and become nice vampires like everyone else. (and if they're nice enough, and managed to get 1. $$$, 2. friend network and 3.a stability of a settled down (peaceful!) life, then they might also get an exemplary girlfriend as well )
    Last edited by Neokortex; 08-12-2017 at 01:27 PM.
    Except for impaired empathy, an ordinary guy who's looking for down-to-earth, loving, loyal friends and a geeky, warm, voluptuous girlfriend!

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    Quote Originally Posted by maniac View Post
    what does this has to do with sx?
    That's the question I stopped asking a long time ago.
    Except for impaired empathy, an ordinary guy who's looking for down-to-earth, loving, loyal friends and a geeky, warm, voluptuous girlfriend!

  26. #1186
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slugabed View Post
    @Neokortex do you like my avatar? Its sx/sp...

    Personally I always felt a little bit identified with vamps years before enneagram...then its curious that my stacking its related to that too.

    Romanticism was one of my fav, periods, specially on art.
    I like all of your avatar pics. They resonate with SLI-Te-ness, and it is interesting to me to compare your taste in art with my SLI-Te ex's. Both of you are Si-Te, which I think of as clean, interesting, and tasteful, but she would never have posted your present avatar pic. She is sx-last.

  27. #1187
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neokortex View Post
    Nope, I don't. I think, especially in this forum the Instincts are used more like a fantasy, than what it is: an unfinished theory of Enneagram. And as a fantasy, it is used for role-play, make believe. In real life everyone is a "social type" because we all depend on others for survival. "Sx/Sp" does too and they're also liable to desperate appeal for help from others (they've been neglecting), loosing support (bc of uncompromise), bullied, ostracized, bundled out, becoming squater, emaciated in anguish, untimely lonely death, etc., with a lesser % if they played by the rules and become nice vampires like everyone else. (and if they're nice enough, and managed to get 1. $$$, 2. friend network and 3.a stability of a settled down (peaceful!) life, then they might also get an exemplary girlfriend as well )

    I knew that you would feel disgusted

    Also I like how you can't never get when I'm joking and how your Fi + so/sp work together.
    You incarnate pretty well the archetype of your stacking, the bishop, witch hunter, ethnical cleanser with your contraflow tendencies... Anyway, you seem to lose sight of the meaning of Synflow vs Contraflow stackings, so sx/sp are synflow which means towards others instead of against others as contraflow stackings does. Maybe is that what you have been missing? so you can't understand why we are nice vampires. lol

    Flow #1 (a/k/a “synflow”): sp/so —> so/sx —> sx/sp :: Compelled toward people/participation/involvement
    Flow #2 (a/k/a “contraflow”): sp/sx —> sx/so —> so/sp :: Compelled against and/or solipsistically away from people

    Each stacking has a unique tonality, and being able to work with the stackings for self-observation (or observation of others) requires some capacity to intuitively ingest each of their signature tones/colors/flavors.
    As a starter, the below are informal suggestions for titles of each. These are presented only as imagistic impressions to convey a visceral sense of the styles:

    sp/so: the land surveyor
    sp/sx: the grave digger
    so/sx: the strolling minstrel
    so/sp: the bishop
    sx/sp: the alchemist
    sx/so: the chanteuse

    sp/so: farmer, patriot, businessman
    sp/sx: pirate, sex trader, voodoo fetishist
    so/sx: ‘regalia’, jester, the Mayor
    so/sp: witch hunter, ethnic cleanser, culture warrior
    sx/sp: shaman, ‘cutter’ (self-injurer), tattoo artist
    sx/so: comet, flamenco dancer, shooting star

    The Last Will Be First
    The conceptualization of the Instincts as elements illuminates various characteristics of the stackings:

    • sp = earth / matter
    • sx = water / fire, (higher vibrations) ice / electricity
    • so = fresh air, wind & sunlight

    One approach is to group them by twos into the blindspots that they have in common…and let the elements spin out their characteristic chemical reactions.
    For example, sx/sp and sp/sx are significantly missing the Social elements of fresh air and sunlight. Looking at them there’s a kind of shrouded/hooded quality, something of a cave-dweller or a Death theme in some form (scroll back up to the stacking titles in the section just above to get a feel for it). ‹ Take away air, quickly comes Death. ›The obliviousness to the collective good (Social-last) contributes to the shadowy/cloaked quality of these stackings — there’s an unintelligence about social stigma that can take people of these two stackings deep into ‘alternative’ territories. The aspect of Social that’s compelled to define people into clear roles that connect into a bigger picture is missing here. So, an upside in these two stackings is that communications can be more personal, contactful and intimate because the aura of the collective isn’t brought into one-to-one exchanges in the way it inadvertently is with those who aren’t social-last. This friend-of-the-dark quality can translate to a capacity to work, hands on (figuratively-speaking), in the muck of psyche, and linger long in a non-judgmental attitude with other people’s ugly/corrupt underbellies and issues, potentially even spilling themselves into others’ dark sides.
    sx/sp :: upward Death :: Rebirth, metamorphosis, transmogrification. Burned to death and born again, from new elements, into a body tuned to a higher vibration. Losing the self (dying) in the Other, in an upward peak of flame and ecstasy. The wet fire.

    So/sp and sp/so are low in water and fire, hence marked by a certain sobriety, less easily led down the road of the fantastical and the addictive. There’s an arid quality here; emotionally difficult to reach on an intimate basis, especially in terms of self-revelation and exchanges around theirs and others’ messy personal underbellies; psychological nudity is much less a reflex or comfort zone for this grouping. Less likely to flash their eccentricities and idiosyncrasies, and the eye might more typically be found casting around pragmatically for resources or political advantage or established channels of cooperation or support, in contrast with Sexual’s susceptibility to impractical highs and masochistic draw toward personal injury by the juicy and the seedy. None of this is to say that people of these stackings can’t find themselves in the midst of drama and intrigue, or that they can’t be sexy — in fact, the traditional Hollywood leading man is sx-last, inspiring women of a bygone era to try to unlock the puzzle of the dry steel chest, search out the elusive (sx) trickle of a tear or passionate fiery blood coursing through the man, somewhere. Less is more, in other words.
    Minimization of sx equates to a reticence in these stackings as regards marking the environment with their own personal/individual imprints; same goes for seeking out such markings in others. What can arise from this same space is a tendency toward the provincial, or the patriotic and nationalistic — some wider perspective, exclusive of the Personal. Using the elements, the native land (self-pres earth) commingles with the air (the social mores), infusing these people’s mental concept of a nation with the spirit of righteousness and loyalty to higher principles, a sense of pride in its history, a Social theme. The physical space (sp), then, becomes the natural subject of a communal protective drive. Or we might say the sx-instinct is, in some respect, driven down, sublimated into a social romance with the land, beckoning us with quasi-religious imagery of a glorious transmogrification into the Promised Land.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I like all of your avatar pics. They resonate with SLI-Te-ness, and it is interesting to me to compare your taste in art with my SLI-Te ex's. Both of you are Si-Te, which I think of as clean, interesting, and tasteful, but she would never have posted your present avatar pic. She is sx-last.
    I was insecure about using it because is too suggestive but I couldn't resist.

    I love the pic. Its suggestive but its not vulgar, which makes it hot and funny (imo).

  29. #1189


    The bottom half of this page has great insights about instinct compatibility:

  30. #1190
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enneagram Integration View Post
    The bottom half of this page has great insights about instinct compatibility:
    That's really interesting, that's related to what I was trying to explain to neokortex.

    It's true that the antisocial, socially imposing and destructive tendencies of contraflows are certainly striking for me. It's specially funny when that contraflow stackings combine with functions as Fi and try to make their own feelings a rule for the world , but also its painful how, when negatively positioned, the stacking deteriorate the quality of life (in all areas, interpersonal, intrapersonal, affective, spiritual, etc) and it reaches society with negative and destructive (instead of positive and constructive) movements.

    On the other hand, its true that I find more understanding with my ppl with my same stacking. Also I think that the music I enjoy is strongly sx/sp (created by people with that stacking).
    "All nations will place their hope in him."
    (Mt 12:21)

  31. #1191
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    Summary"To understand the mind and soul, and to find the perfect union."

    Appearance: brooding, intense, immersed, fantastical.
    Role: mystic, wanderer, soul mate, lover, seducer.
    This type is on an eternal search for the missing piece. They channel their sexual energy inwards to explore the imaginations that come from their subconscious. Their ambitions are personal in nature and do not necessarily have a social cause. They often have a naturally seductive, sexual charisma that manifests as a fantastical, erotic playfulness or an untouchable aura to others. They may feel torn between the urge to explore and a secure living.

    In relationships, they may feel conflicted about their intense passion for their partner and their desire to guard themselves from getting hurt. When they find a soul mate, they quietly bond with an exceptional level of intimacy. Once connected, they have difficulty letting go. When anxious or depressed, they may seclude themselves for extended periods, seeking understanding from within. Their sexual tension occasionally manifests as volatile, self-destructive behaviors when stressed.

    Their ideal partners are the SX/SP, SX/SO and SP/SX. Further information can be found under the “In Relationships” tab.


    Primary Instinct: Sexual

    Those with the Sexual Primary Instinct are devoted to transmitting something meaningful to future generations, whether it is their genes or their ideas. It also means they wish to become "one" with another entity, which they achieve by seeking intense, original experiences that fully engage them. This tendency manifests as their intense desire to form intimate, one-on-one connections with people and as their passionate pursuit of hobbies and interests. Without satisfying these desires, they feel incomplete. Their passion and creativity result from the repression and rechanneling of their sexual drive.

    They live a life of intensity, often taking risks to achieve their ideals. Because they wish to spread their “self” onto other entities, they tend to be good at drawing attention to themselves and their ideas. They have an expanded construct of the self and they are willing to sacrifice themselves for people or ideas that they care most about.

    Secondary Instinct: Secure

    The Secure Instinct is channeled to serve the needs of the Sexual Instinct. The result is that this type is able to deflect sexual energy inwards using the Secure Instinct. This inwards sexual energy allows them to explore the imaginations from their subconscious and uncover deep insights of the Self. The Secure Instinct also acts as a protective shield that is activated whenever the Sexual Instinct expands the Self too much.

    They appear to be on an eternal search for the missing piece. Their ambitions are personal in nature, without a direct social cause. They may have a naturally seductive, sexual charisma that manifests as a fantastical, erotic playfulness or an untouchable aura to others.

    In relationships, they may feel conflicted about their intense passion for their partner and their desire to guard themselves from getting hurt. When anxious or depressed, they may seclude themselves for extended periods, seeking understanding from within. They often feel torn between the urge to explore and a stable living. The tension between the Sexual and Secure Instincts occasionally manifests as volatile, self-destructive behaviors when stressed.


    In relationships, they seek closeness, loyalty, and meaningful sex. Mentally and emotionally, they wish to be able to fully open up to their partners, and they are most fulfilled when their partners do the same. Sex to them is far more than a physical act. In fact, those who simply see sex as a vessel for physical pleasure more than likely do not possess the Sexual Primary Instinct.

    They idealize about potential partners, always longing for the perfect union. When they find a soul mate, they quietly bond with an exceptional level of intimacy. Since they rarely engage in social formalities, the partner may be unaware of the level of intimacy that the Secure-Sexual has until much later. Once connected, they have difficulty letting go, even though they may still fantasize about more perfect relationships.

    They are keenly aware of the intimacy between themselves and their partners. They see intimacy, or closeness, as the measure of how healthy the relationship is. They will feel conflicted and frustrated in relationships in which they cannot fully bond, but they will become “one” with their partners in ones that are a good fit. The passion and loyalty they have for former partners does not fade. Instead, it is overshadowed by someone that they can feel can provide more closeness and trust. They enjoy marriage for the security that it provides. Dullness is their biggest fear, and personal rejection is their biggest insult.


    A couple with similar Instincts is most compatible because it allows the two to walk in the same direction. This is the opposite from Personality, in which “complements” attract. Walking in the same direction allows a couple to reach mutually agreeable decisions, while having complementary Personalities allows the couple to solve problems using different perspectives. The latter also adds a sense of freshness to the relationship while preventing overlapping identities.

    Their ideal partners are the Sexual-Secures, Sexual-Socials, and Secure-Sexuals.


    Sexual-Secures feel most fulfilled when working on projects that are in line with the goals of their Primary Instinct. Namely, they wish to fully engage themselves in creative, stimulating projects that promote the growth of something new. With a Secure Secondary Instinct, they have a greater awareness of themselves and their physical resources so that they can better achieve the aims of their Primary Instinct. Thus, they prefer careers that allow them to use their self-awareness to engage in an intense, stimulating career.

    Examples of careers that they may enjoy include:

    Scientific Researcher
    Software Developer
    University Academic/Faculty

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    Default Overview of Sx/Sp

    Sexual dominant, Self-Preservation 2nd, Social blindspot (SX/SP)

    • Mindset: "If I can make (us) have an orderly & pleasing lifestyle, I can keep up and escalate all this merging/intensity."
    • Internally conflicted, inconsistent behaviour
    • SX blocked by SP, brooding, troubled
    • Isolation vs. emerging
    • Strictly personal outlook, not concerned with social consensus
    • Searching for missing piece, soulmate, form a secret bond
    • When stressed, severe sexual tensions may manifest as erratic behaviour
    • Restless, torn between stable home and urge to wander/explore intensity
    • Want the intensity of partner/pursuing personal interests with the stability and comfort of a home sanctuary
    • Archetypes: The Alchemist, shaman, self-injurer, cutter, tattoo artist
    • Missing Social, fresh air/sunlight, when you take away air you get death
    • Shrouded/hooded quality, cave dweller
    • Oblivious to the collective good
    • Communications are intimate, personal, no aura of the collective
    • Friend-of-the-dark, non-judgemental with people’s underbellies/corruption
    • The elements as metaphor: Upward death, rebirth, metamorphosis, burned to death and born again from new elements
    • Losing self to die in the other in upward peak of flame and ecstasy
    • A lightning bolt captured in a bottle. The energy is always there but it's contained in a glass jar and only breaks free once in a while. The SX/SP is boxed in energy, self-contained, cutting, and focused. SX/SP types will often look angry even when they are not. There is a certain reality of emotion which they display that is due to their social obliviousness. Most SX's will be honest almost to a fault. SX/SP want to choose their friends wisely. A "with me or against me" attitude reminiscent of 6 and 8s. The least inhibited of all stackings. Cares less of what others think of them. The most likely to get into physical altercations, and may even enjoy fighting. Healthy SX/SP's will display a playful selfishness.
    • SX/SP have a inner confidence which is not usually found in other stackings. However they may lack social confidence or just may not pay any attention to social rituals at all. Put a SX/SP in a busy bar and they will be confident in themselves. But make them sit at their parent-in-laws for a formal family dinner and you won't see that same confidence. It's inner confidence rather than social confidence of the SX/SO. May be very popular without knowing or putting emphasis on it, unlike SO types.
    • SX/SP does create a kind of isolationary tendency though even in extroverted types, an in-their-own-world vibe, kinda oblivious sometimes. But ironically they can also be extremely insistent and aggressive on issues they feel strongly about, which they go on about in the SO realms in ways that will cause stronger SO's to cringe, it's so rough and undiplomatic. They can fall in love with their soapboxes. They can tune out of conversations, reacting suddenly when someone says something interesting, then snapping back to their inner focus whenever it gets boring. Also, making the odd crude joke, in bad taste. Or a faux pas, where they don't know it's the wrong thing to say until afterwards, or don't care.
    SX manifests as strong drives towards pleasure, new experiences, personal transformations, spontaneity, being provocative and in the spotlight, flaunting to impress, extravagance, and unrealistic romantic fantasies and whims. But SP counters with worries, fears, practical downers, erecting walls, a need to hide and be secretive, and needs to conserve time, space, and energy.

    • Pair Bonding: needs intimate, exciting, secure bonds

    • Energy: Chemical energy -> Potential energy
    Focus on their chemical bonds, as well as fitness. Basically, the fitness of those chemical bonds, and what they can do to make them “fitter”.

    • SX-first - identify with being emotionally intense
    • SO-last - dirty, uncouth

    • hardened and curled in
    • concerned with the well-being of a close other
    • total inward gives way to total outward in jerky bursts, usually directed at one person in particular, can't focus on the overall group, but may move rapidly from one total focus to the next

    Why do SX/SP's seem saturated with intensity?
    SX/SP's gain stability by withholding strong sexual impulses
    SP ---> into ---> SX

    New Youtube [x] Get Typed! [x]
    Celebs [x] Theory [x] Tumblr [x]

    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

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    Quote Originally Posted by Your caregiver in turn View Post
    I knew that you would feel disgusted Also I like how you can't never get when I'm joking and how your Fi + so/sp work together. You incarnate pretty well the archetype of your stacking, the bishop, witch hunter, ethnical cleanser with your contraflow tendencies... Anyway, you seem to lose sight of the meaning of Synflow vs Contraflow stackings, so sx/sp are synflow which means towards others instead of against others as contraflow stackings does. Maybe is that what you have been missing? so you can't understand why we are nice vampires. lol
    It's true I wouldn't display an avatar of a man reaching down into his pants, perhaps it has to do with my so/sp 4 tendencies. When I write heartfelt, I want to keep it proper, clean, so another so/sp 4 there too, I guess. Why no dirtiness? Because I know how to. I think the big difference between Sx/Sp and So/Sx - which I think you are - is that while the Sx/Sp knows all too well how to subvert and make shock, they know if they seriously did it, they would loose social support, something they are not good getting back. Whereas So/Sx-s want to look rebellious all the time but they're never really serious about it. They make a parade/masquerade out of it, while carefully maintaining social acceptance. "Oh, look I did something dirty/risky, isn't it cool?", and a nudge-and-wink, like your avatar. It's all poker-face; our generation has problems, we want more liberties, everybody sucks up, so at least we pretend we were serious, start with a mock revolt - i.e. not indulging the fullest, until getting singled out but just small gestures and waiting for others to join = essentially a cooperation-based, social rebellion. Like you switched you avatar again, endlessly "experimenting" w/ facades. Sx/Sp rebels alone and usually others copycat us. But that doesn't mean we're not syn-flow, it's just that we wander on since the "everybody's underground now" and "everyone's all of a sudden a vampire" (notice how you used "we" and "nice" vampire)-social connivances get to be too much disgusting after a while. And yes, without having So/Sp and counterflow (i.e. cynical, non-passionate) about image (E4, image type), I wouldn't coldly hold a collection of tamed past images of "hits" to be able to dissect and recognize iconography/inferable psychology of people narcissistically micro-managing and juggling with their virtual identities like it's done on this forum. Just think about it, which one has more grit, the guy reaching down into his pants or what I said, people dying out there because of hunger?
    Except for impaired empathy, an ordinary guy who's looking for down-to-earth, loving, loyal friends and a geeky, warm, voluptuous girlfriend!

  35. #1195
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    @Neokortex again?

    Quote Originally Posted by Neokortex View Post
    It's true I wouldn't display an avatar of a man reaching down into his pants, perhaps it has to do with my so/sp 4 tendencies.
    No, you would just post voluntarily and unashamedly pictures of chesty daddies...

    When I write heartfelt, I want to keep it proper, clean, so another so/sp 4 there too, I guess. Why no dirtiness? Because I know how to.
    I hope that at least you really believe that, because some posts above you were being totally improper and utterly disgusting, not to mention offensive.

    I think the big difference between Sx/Sp and So/Sx - which I think you are - is that while the Sx/Sp knows all too well how to subvert and make shock, they know if they seriously did it, they would loose social support, something they are not good getting back.
    Yes, there are so much social support in this important forum on the web that I don't know what I'd do if I just lose all those likes from strangers on the other side of the planet... rofl. Your SO/sp is projecting so hard in here that is almost hilarious.

    Whereas So/Sx-s want to look rebellious all the time but they're never really serious about it. They make a parade/masquerade out of it, while carefully maintaining social acceptance. "Oh, look I did something dirty/risky, isn't it cool?", and a nudge-and-wink, like your avatar.
    Yeah, milkshakes with lucky charms are incredibly rebellious, it makes me feel so evil...

    It's all poker-face; our generation has problems, we want more liberties, everybody sucks up, so at least we pretend we were serious, start with a mock revolt - i.e. not indulging the fullest, until getting singled out but just small gestures and waiting for others to join = essentially a cooperation-based, social rebellion.
    We? who? you? our generation? I don't want more social liberties I'm fine. Others to join? Social rebellion? What the heck are you talking about dude? *giggles*

    ...let's see, do you think that I'm doing a social rebellion by using in this lost forum, a picture of a dude with his hand in his underwear as an avatar? ...SO's + Fi users can be so ridiculous sometimes.

    Like you switched you avatar again, endlessly "experimenting" w/ facades.
    Yes, changing my picture in this forum makes SO first. lol
    Anyway, you seem missing my avatar so hard, do you want to still watching at it? Does it make you feel good? There is nothing wrong with be honest you know...

    And just for input, I switch my avatar according my mood. About the being cool, I didn't know that using certain avatar would make me more cool (again your SO projecting?), but if you think I'm cool I accept your compliment... and about the dirtiness, I don't see anything dirty in that. You are just looking at this through your puritan Fi glasses or something.

    Sx/Sp rebels alone and usually others copycat us. But that doesn't mean we're not syn-flow, it's just that we wander on since the "everybody's underground now" and "everyone's all of a sudden a vampire" are sx/sp first? or why us?

    Your stacking says so/sp first dude... and you've shown it with your misanthropic moralistic hypocrite attitude. Not to mention that you are being childish taking this stuff so hard (and so far).

    (notice how you used "we" and "nice" vampire)-social connivances get to be too much disgusting after a while.
    I used it because I was trying to annoy you. And I succeeded. I'm happy now. Its hilarious that you still not knowing when I joke. Just less hilarious than the fact that you don't get a single thing of instinctual stackings, and that you seem to systematically ignore information and prefer sticking to your preconceived misconceptions, specially about sx/sp.

    And yes, without having So/Sp and counterflow (i.e. cynical, non-passionate) about image (E4, image type), I wouldn't coldly hold a collection of tamed past images of "hits" to be able to dissect and recognize iconography/inferable psychology of people narcissistically micro-managing and juggling with their virtual identities like it's done on this forum. Just think about it, which one has more grit, the guy reaching down into his pants or what I said, people dying out there because of hunger?

    MaN, yOuR So DeEp. YoUr RiGhT, I'm ThInKiNg AbOuT iT... I BeT YoUr lEaVinG tHe FoRuM, SiNcE yOu aRe GoiNG to FeEd pEoPlE iN AfRicA, Am I wRoNg?

    people narcissistically micro-managing and juggling with their virtual identities
    ...that from a guy who wrote a biography of 2.5 pages in the forum? So convincing. Are you really conscious of how irrelevant, ridiculous and hypocrite is all your discourse?

    Last edited by Faith; 08-18-2017 at 01:22 PM.

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    So/sx don't usually want to look rebellious, there's no reason for that.. they want to fit in to their chosen group and depending on their type, society in general (while some might reject "normies" (probably sp/so's)). Sx/sp is social last which means don't care if they push society away, but don't really care intentioanlly about rebelling in the first place as they are social last and don't notice unspoken social rules like social first and seconds.. That's why alot of feminists are social first and second because they see or maybe imagine, from my point of view at least, that there are these limits to them, like for example they have to wear make up all the time and look presentable, when in reality no one is pushing you to do that and that is just you projecting your social. I as a social last don't notice those unspoken rules at all, because it is my blindspot. They don't exist to me. As long as there is no actual punishment against doing what I want, I feel free to do whatever.

    I have never seen the bad in for example being known as a slut, drug-addict, hobo, law-breaker, outcast etc. I would only care how that affects me personally (eg. is my behaviour ruining my relationship, health, career, personal experience, etcetc) and I have/have had an attraction to certain socially bad behaviours because some of them makes me (in my experience) more sexually attractive (sx).

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    Quote Originally Posted by maniac View Post
    So/sx don't usually want to look rebellious, there's no reason for that.. they want to fit in to their chosen group and depending on their type, society in general (while some might reject "normies" (probably sp/so's)).
    Hmm.., maybe heart type So/Sx-es are not as much rebellious... yea, depends on the person, although what I feel is that they still want to stand out somehow. Not as much as an Sx/So would but more like an equal but still with a stronger significance. I think I've seen this with extroverts more, I had an So/Sx ENTP teacher, he was really a character, once some construction noise bothered the class and he was like, "I'm gonna shout at them thru window to stop" - which he didn't with full force but kinda tried for our amusement. Guess his ENTP-ness also added to it, ... but also I have an old friend, an INTJ So/Sx from childhood, he is also seems to be on the front of culture, almost trying to get ahead of the curve by knowing all these new stuff, music videos, styles, whatnot. That's what I mean by rebellious, learning that current cultural language but they don't just comment on new stuff, it's as if they wanted to embody it somehow. They over-represent it, more make up, flashier style, sluttier look... I mean I really don't get the stakes, ofc, bc I'm so far from that, but it's like they wanted to get ahead to win the spotlight, and eventually seize its direction. Maybe the logic is that if you sacrifice yourself for that meme, vogue, fad at the time, appropriate it, add sthing creative of your own, hopefully others will notice, will value it. But with more modest people, like back to this INTJ guy, last time we talked he was in a really bad condition, got back from abroad, having had wasted his health completely, then he showed me a pen with a camera... ofc, perhaps not the right example, many others may be aware of this technology but this guy, whenever he tells stories, it's always about his arguments with his superiors, so he got that pen-camera in case he wanted evidence. Guess it's just my plain E6 but both him and his brother (INTP Sx/So) were always pretty much alternative in everything but contemporary to such a point to be provocative/controversial.

    Sx/sp is social last which means don't care if they push society away, but don't really care intentioanlly about rebelling in the first place as they are social last and don't notice unspoken social rules like social first and seconds.. (...) I as a social last don't notice those unspoken rules at all, because it is my blindspot. They don't exist to me. As long as there is no actual punishment against doing what I want, I feel free to do whatever.
    I agree with that. It only appears to be rebellious in the eye of the beholder.
    Except for impaired empathy, an ordinary guy who's looking for down-to-earth, loving, loyal friends and a geeky, warm, voluptuous girlfriend!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Your caregiver in turn View Post
    When I write heartfelt, I want to keep it proper, clean, so another so/sp 4 there too, I guess. Why no dirtiness? Because I know how to.
    I hope that at least you really believe that, because some posts above you were being totally improper and utterly disgusting, not to mention offensive.
    Hey, the good news is that over the So/Sx (or Sx/So) subthread you'll find the same type of music videos, tumblr porn, same people, attitudes, etc.. You'd even have a better experience, after all if you consider yourself Sx/Sp, according to the theory, you'd match, at least with a part of those people. I'm sorry, though, if my contributions weren't up to the standard of you guys but as I see this place have been full of trash already, I hope I'll just speed up the arrival of a moderator ex machina.

    I think the big difference between Sx/Sp and So/Sx - which I think you are - is that while the Sx/Sp knows all too well how to subvert and make shock, they know if they seriously did it, they would loose social support, something they are not good getting back.
    Yes, there are so much social support in this important forum on the web that I don't know what I'd do if I just lose all those likes from strangers on the other side of the planet... rofl. Your SO/sp is projecting so hard in here that is almost hilarious.
    Hey, ever heard of the hyperbole rhetoric trick used with self-imitation?

    Whereas So/Sx-s want to look rebellious all the time but they're never really serious about it. They make a parade/masquerade out of it, while carefully maintaining social acceptance. "Oh, look I did something dirty/risky, isn't it cool?", and a nudge-and-wink, like your avatar.
    Yeah, milkshakes with lucky charms are incredibly rebellious, it makes me feel so evil...

    Okay, you got me there. Then let's change "rebellious" with "socially appealing" and "all the time" with "whenever everyone thinks I'm not trying."

    ...let's see, do you think that I'm doing a social rebellion by using in this lost forum, a picture of a dude with his hand in his underwear as an avatar? ...SO's + Fi users can be so ridiculous sometimes.
    Yea, you're right. I forgot that the hand in the pants idea was mine to start with. Somewhere earlier I used that to mean that particularly female members used this part of the forum as a place for visual self-gratification pretending to be informed discourse on this thing called Enneagram theory. Obviously, you took the hands in the pants idea and googled one picture to show me that since you're way beyond that, you can pretend it was actually true so then I would see that it doesn't affect you and most probably you aren't doing that thing. Now I see that it had nothing to do with "rebellion" but more like a tongue-in-cheek gesture. However, what better way it is to make others believe that you don't do something, then to tell them outright you do it? + not to mention that it only added to the low quality content here.

    And just for input, I switch my avatar according my mood. About the being cool, I didn't know that using certain avatar would make me more cool (again your SO projecting?), but if you think I'm cool I accept your compliment... and about the dirtiness, I don't see anything dirty in that. You are just looking at this through your puritan Fi glasses or something.
    I think it's alarming that you want to be cool. Not that I don't want to have a coolness myself... but as an image type myself I think of coolness as a form of refinedness... like there's heavy metal, the music genre. But guess what, did you know that back in the '80s there was this genre of rock called "hi-tech AOR." For some people it may be too poppy sounding, too artificial. But I think that's cool. The difference between, say, grindcore or death metal and hi-tech AOR is like the difference between wearing very baggy clothes and wearing skin tight clothes. In other words: the degree of redundancy.

    Sx/Sp rebels alone and usually others copycat us. But that doesn't mean we're not syn-flow, it's just that we wander on since the "everybody's underground now" and "everyone's all of a sudden a vampire" are sx/sp first? or why us?

    Your stacking says so/sp first dude... and you've shown it with your misanthropic moralistic hypocrite attitude. Not to mention that you are being childish taking this stuff so hard (and so far).
    My best reason for taking it far is the rough sampling of the theory. Having only one instinct stacking associated with one Enneatype does simply no justice to the discrepancies I noticed in my life while introspecting for its dynamic. Yes, I am both So/Sp, of the E4 qualities and both Sp/Sx of the E6 qualities and Sx/Sp of the E1 qualities... that makes me roughly a mid-range Sx/Sp 1, and the other half time an Sp/Sx 6 and more sparsely an So/Sp 4.

    I used it because I was trying to annoy you. And I succeeded. I'm happy now. Its hilarious that you still not knowing when I joke. Just less hilarious than the fact that you don't get a single thing of instinctual stackings, and that you seem to systematically ignore information and prefer sticking to your preconceived misconceptions, specially about sx/sp.
    I didn't feel like replying to your syn-flow, contra-flow quote because that would have taken way-way longer. It's about the Enneagram descriptions being heart-type biased, hence that magical/arcane vocabulary... Luckily, the instinct stacks regardless of which Enneagram they manifest in, have a consistency to them, similarities that help one identify their type... if they can read between the lines, that is...

    MaN, yOuR So DeEp. YoUr RiGhT, I'm ThInKiNg AbOuT iT... I BeT YoUr lEaVinG tHe FoRuM, SiNcE yOu aRe GoiNG to FeEd pEoPlE iN AfRicA, Am I wRoNg?

    ...that from a guy who wrote a biography of 2.5 pages in the forum? So convincing. Are you really conscious of how irrelevant, ridiculous and hypocrite is all your discourse?
    I'm aware of the hypocrisy, sadly it's unavoidable as are social classes. But at the same time there's a thing called "the civilizing force of hypocrisy," which gives me hope that all my writing, even if not done for Africa (I'm from a 2nd world country so my interest lies in moving upward) is not to no avail.
    Except for impaired empathy, an ordinary guy who's looking for down-to-earth, loving, loyal friends and a geeky, warm, voluptuous girlfriend!

  39. #1199
    Disbelief Jung
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neokortex View Post
    Hey, the good news is that over the So/Sx (or Sx/So) subthread you'll find the same type of music videos, tumblr porn, same people, attitudes, etc.. You'd even have a better experience, after all if you consider yourself Sx/Sp, according to the theory, you'd match, at least with a part of those people. I'm sorry, though, if my contributions weren't up to the standard of you guys but as I see this place have been full of trash already, I hope I'll just speed up the arrival of a moderator ex machina.
    Yes, and since I posted all the music and porn (like the chesty daddy picture, lol) in this sx/sp thread, I suppose you are right about mentioning this. *sarcasm*

    Hey, ever heard of the hyperbole rhetoric trick used with self-imitation?
    …you can justify yourself as much as you want, but the truth is clear, you were projecting your own tendencies, so no need to hide behind snaky words.

    Okay, you got me there. Then let's change "rebellious" with "socially appealing" and "all the time" with "whenever everyone thinks I'm not trying."
    How about... "hey, you got me there, all that I say is nonsense all the time anyway, because I just want to vent my own frustration annoying ppl on the web"?. That would be more sincere, at least…

    Yea, you're right. I forgot that the hand in the pants idea was mine to start with. Somewhere earlier I used that to mean that particularly female members used this part of the forum as a place for visual self-gratification pretending to be informed discourse on this thing called Enneagram theory.
    Thats the problem with hypocrisy you see, always rushes to point out the faults in others while conveniently forgets his own.

    Obviously, you took the hands in the pants idea and googled one picture to show me that since you're way beyond that, you can pretend it was actually true so then I would see that it doesn't affect you and most probably you aren't doing that thing. Now I see that it had nothing to do with "rebellion" but more like a tongue-in-cheek gesture. However, what better way it is to make others believe that you don't do something, then to tell them outright you do it? + not to mention that it only added to the low quality content here.

    Don't push yourself too hard... your sick imagination is deviated anyway.

    I think it's alarming that you want to be cool.

    Do you know how to read right?
    I didn't say that I wanted to be cool. I clearly said that I wasn't trying to be cool (and specially not using any avatars) but if you see me as cool (as I suppose since you mentioned that I was "trying" guess its because you see me as cool otherwise I don't think you'd think I was trying lol), then, good for you.

    Not that I don't want to have a coolness myself... but as an image type myself I think of coolness as a form of refinedness... like there's heavy metal, the music genre. But guess what, did you know that back in the '80s there was this genre of rock called "hi-tech AOR." For some people it may be too poppy sounding, too artificial. But I think that's cool. The difference between, say, grindcore or death metal and hi-tech AOR is like the difference between wearing very baggy clothes and wearing skin tight clothes. In other words: the degree of redundancy.

    Dude, you are like rambling a lot…do you need someone to talk or something?
    If that so, its better to just asking for it instead of provoking absurd discussions.

    My best reason for taking it far is the rough sampling of the theory. Having only one instinct stacking associated with one Enneatype does simply no justice to the discrepancies I noticed in my life while introspecting for its dynamic. Yes, I am both So/Sp, of the E4 qualities and both Sp/Sx of the E6 qualities and Sx/Sp of the E1 qualities... that makes me roughly a mid-range Sx/Sp 1, and the other half time an Sp/Sx 6 and more sparsely an So/Sp 4.
    Well, I'm pretty aware at this point of your special snowflake tendencies, but I think its better to say 4w5 so 6w7 sp 1w2 sx; instead of saying that you are sx/sp (when you are so/sp). Who talks about being redundant btw?

    I didn't feel like replying to your syn-flow, contra-flow quote because that would have taken way-way longer. It's about the Enneagram descriptions being heart-type biased, hence that magical/arcane vocabulary... Luckily, the instinct stacks regardless of which Enneagram they manifest in, have a consistency to them, similarities that help one identify their type... if they can read between the lines, that is...
    Nice try to cover up all your misinformation. But Its better to always being informed before speaking baseless things, I'd say.

    I'm aware of the hypocrisy, sadly it's unavoidable as are social classes. But at the same time there's a thing called "the civilizing force of hypocrisy," which gives me hope that all my writing, even if not done for Africa (I'm from a 2nd world country so my interest lies in moving upward) is not to no avail.
    Hypocrisy is just unavoidable for hypocrite ppl. Don't cry about social classes or come with moralizing speeches if you don't know anything about me. Otherwise you are talking just for talk...or for the sake of venting your own repressed frustrations as I said above. Anyway, I think you should have better things to do to improve your social class than speaking with me.
    Last edited by Faith; 08-19-2017 at 02:07 PM.

  40. #1200
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    Default Sx/Sp vs So/Sp

    The "bubble" she was speaking of ... very Sx/Sp.
    Whereas Jon's description of his friend and girlfriend is rather So/Sp in contrast. ("Pair Bonding: Needs friendship in relationship, wants mate to be best friend")
    She's really pressing his SX blindspot with the marriage talk.
    New Youtube [x] Get Typed! [x]
    Celebs [x] Theory [x] Tumblr [x]

    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

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