Broken in that SLE always comes out as ILE but the rest seems to work fine.

Quadras/Dichotomies and their corresponding answers (SPOILER? ALERT?):
Moral rules are a general (external) system of coordinates to adjust individual behaviour
I seek warm emotional atmosphere
I enjoy the discussion as a process and I like to discuss a matter from all angles

Life challenges you and you've got to take it by it's horns to achieve your goals
If in the heat of a moment a person slams a door, I would follow him\her to sort out the problem
I enjoy passionate discussions and I like to exchange opinions. I don't mind the opinions being strong but I don't like to be preached at

Moral rules are a concept of what is good.
I seek calmness and ironic wit
I evaluate the object of a discussion. The result of a discussion is more important to me than the process

There are always many ways to achieve a goal — you just have to find the right one
If in the heat of a moment a person slams a door I will give him/her a sufficient amount of time to calm down and will continue the conversation later
I like informative discussions, when people are very knowledgeable in the subject and I can learn from them. I prefer to discuss things that have practical implementations or at least are tied to the real life.

In a company of people, I usually talk to many people simultaneously.

In a company of people, I usually have a one to one conversation.

I am better at noticing facts and logical connections.

I am better at noticing others emotions and attitudes of people towards each other.

There's also some decent type descriptions on this website (In retrospect this thread should've been about those but w/e):