I don't always like or relate to my identicals, but I find chatting with them to be relaxing. I actually relate far more to some IEEs and IEIs than other EIIs. I've met EIIs I wanted to strangle because they were either too boring or too annoyingly self-righteous, but there have still been a fair amount I felt... a kinship with? Like I could tell them basically anything and they weren't judging me, and that's... pretty rare, lol.

As for quick and easy flow of information--yes. But I've experienced this with other types too: notably LIEs, ILIs and IEEs, but including ILEs, IEIs, EIEs, SEIs, SLEs, LSIs, and LSEs. I even knew an LSI who made me question whether I might also be LSI because we thought so much alike and agreed on basically everything.