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Thread: ILEs/ENTps and Fe activating "hidden agenda" function

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  1. #10
    Whoobie77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeves View Post
    what do you think of your Fe "hidden agenda"? how do you experience it? there are so many different descriptions of Fe HA on this forum that your input would be appreciated regarding which ones are closest to your experience.

    one thread mentioned that hidden agenda develops later in life, after the first quarter is over (25+). did you find this to be so? was there an age when you became more concerned with Fe?
    well a lot of XLEs, being both Fi-PoLR and irrational, have antisocial tendencies. Basically we're big sociopathic assholes who go around telling everyone the truth "as we see it" (Ti) with little regard for political correctness, sympathy. morals, etc. There's a tension though, because we want to be able to say the "truth as we see it" while generally being in an environment which is emotionally congruent to us. Basically, we want to be able to share our "hard truths" while not being lynched for it.

    Fe, being an external function, is not really something you control per se. It's the extroverted function (besides perhaps Ne) that we think of the least as being "objective" due to semantic overlap, but it is objective in some sense. When everyone in a room is laughing at a joke, the emotional expression is being made manifest in physical reality. It's not the kind of solipsism you see with Fi, where things can be construed as hurtful to me. Either the joke was funny, and the people laughed, or it wasn't, and they didn't. The music is upbeat, so the people are dancing in an upbeat way in response. There's a somber mood at this funeral. Etc. It's a bit like wanting to be a room where the temperature is comfortable.

    Granted, if I am ILE, I am a weird ILE, in that I like loud music and fast cars and other seemingly Se stuff and can make aesthetic valuations which seems decidedly un-Fi-PolR. But I don't put a whole lot of faith in the system anymore, and the ILE "tireless debater" stereotype is the one that fits me the best, so I'll just roll with it for the sake of argument. I can't comment on what happens with Fe-HA after 25 because I am too young, but I can say the desire to be liked has been with me at least ever since I started making snarky jokes and derailing classes for group benefit at say, 14 or so.
    Last edited by Whoobie77; 09-13-2014 at 08:31 AM.

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