Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
I can talk about these matters easily without using political terminology. You can't. Statists are almost never quietists.
Of course you can.... NOT. It's very evident that you cannot distance yourself from your own very own political terminology and your mind is trapped. You're young, these things can still be reversed.

You writing here is very littered with political terminology and always has been.

I however questioned the nature of political terminology.

What is statist, what is quietist, what is capitalist, what is charity, what is the state? I question every term, you simply questioned exploitation which I gave you a very apolitical definition for, and it's extremely quietist if you could recognize the heritage of my in-determinism. I explained what I explained extremely simply. "Sum over histories.." of all potential exploitative acts.

You have very powerful political definitions of these terms, which have you trapped in your political ideology. I feel sad for you.

"Everything Should Be Made as Simple as Possible, But Not Simpler"