Quote Originally Posted by Whoobie77 View Post
But, if you want an emotional appeal, a human story instead of just facts and figures, here you go.
i dont actually get into these discussions bcuz the arguments are usually about whether social safety nets or unobstructed markets are best for the middle class etc. and all i could do is pull up the same statistics and reasoning other people go back and forth with depending on their already decided emotional/personal inclination imo lol.

my own story is that after i had my son at 17 i went on welfare and food stamps and daycare assistance while i went through school and obtained a job paying well enough to no longer need the programs. a pretty standard success story. i worked for the county welfare office for awhile and saw people getting thrown off and marked as a "success" when their jobs at arbys or some factory started paying them slightly over the margin and that was kind of depressing. i sat on the phone with people while they cried about how they were going to feed their kids and had no choice but to tell them the rules of the program and that they could call their legislator if they didn't think it was fair...and meanwhile i was still getting assistance myself, as i was a part time intern getting $6 an hour. growing up my mom got welfare but a lot of it went towards alcohol...i spent a lot of time without food at home, electricity, phone, etc. then i moved in with my dad and he was low income enough to qualify but too proud. though we at least didnt get our heat turned off during the winter because of laws preventing that from happening.