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Thread: Actual Me

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Default Actual Me

    They do ask for some info at the end which will probably put people off of it. I gave mine, sort of, kind of.

    Here is your profile:

    Your 4 Quadrant Style Guide
    Left-Brain Abstract (Analytic):
    Think in terms of facts, details and ordered information.
    Left-Brain Concrete (Conclusive):
    Think in terms of problems and quick solutions.
    Right-Brain Abstract (Synthetic):
    Think in terms of large, global concepts and ideas.
    Right-Brain Concrete (Interactive):Think in terms of conversation.Want to know more? See complete quadrants description here.

    Communication Style

    The Visionary

    You're the ultimate universal, holistic thinker! Yes, you're a visionary. Everything, including the smallest detail, needs to be synthesized into a framework that answers the question, "How?" Before you begin any project or task, you need to see the big picture. Not one step can be taken until you know how that one step fits into the whole.

    Options and More Options!

    Ideas and options are what you're always creating. "Process" is your middle name. Once something seems concrete, structured and complete, you have a way of coming up with a creative option that changes the whole thing and leads to a better building process.
    Change, particularly in ideas, is never-ending for you. What you're enthusiastic about today may not be the focus of your energy in a week, a month or year. People that know you see a dynamic stream of consciousness which, given the right amount of time and people support, allows you to develop idealistic and artistic themes into living and creative realities. It makes no difference whether they are software programs, pieces of art, strategies for corporations or new, holistic developments for organic gardening.

    Time is on Your Side

    There is no timeline or deadline for your accomplishments. They are never-ending because you will go back and transform them if they evolve into a different whole within you. That is why in school or at work you procrastinate until the last moment to finish a paper, an assignment or a project. If you do the work early, at the time it's due, you'll have to go back and change it completely because you see it in a different contextual whole. So, why redo it?
    A futurist or a soothsayer! That is how some people describe you. You're always thinking about the future; you have an uncanny way of predicting what will be happening. What you forecast is not always logical and makes many people uncomfortable. But, if they've known you long enough, they use the awareness to be better prepared for upcoming situations or events.

    You're your Own Person

    For you, being your own person is most important! You're off just enough to stand apart from the masses. Your idiosyncratic ways of self-expression often entertain, amaze or offend people. This may make you feel self-conscious or uncomfortable. However, it doesn't stop your unusual way of being. You realize it's just the price to pay for being your genuine self.

    How You Communicate with Others

    You're an excellent communicator with individuals and small groups of three, no more than four people. You listen attentively to what people say, how they say it and what feelings are generated. When you give feedback, it is usually very sensitive and leads to further communication. You have an unusual awareness of what is happening to the person and others that are participating. It's almost like a sixth sense. Sometimes, people distance themselves from you because of this sensitivity and your feedback.
    On the other hand, when you enter a room with conversant people, you can sense the themes of the discussions and the feelings being emoted. First, you'll look for people you know to talk with. After a while, some new people will be drawn into a conversation that you're having and begin sharing their thoughts and feelings with you. Many times, these new people that are drawn to you have a need to express their unusual thoughts and feelings to you. In some way, you attract people who are different or are going through difficult, emotional times.

    How You Think

    Your thinking process is mostly intuitive and analogic. You use facts and logic to back up your intuitive thought processing. When you weave these processes together, you're constantly challenging logical and scientific thought. You seem to stretch the facts to create a new theory or develop a synthetic way of tying different theories together. This optional way of thinking energizes your thought processes while at the same time focuses your energy on the facts in specific, yet different ways.
    Paradoxical thoughts attract you. While most people tend to avoid them, you seem curious and comfortable with them. That's because, once again, your need for creative and optional thinking doesn't have to be tied together with logic and factual data. You're attracted to the unknown more than the known. You're drawn to what's unusual about something rather than what is ordinary about it. If it's strange or way out there, you'll want to learn and read more about it.
    As a scientist or scholar, you have a bent towards the artistic side. What other people see as facts, you may see as shades of facts or possibilities of different facts. It's the development and creation of new ideas and ways of looking at something that excites you. That's because your world is the world of possibilities and visions.

    Communication Tips

    People who have a predominantly Left-brain Abstractthinking style thrive on careful analysis of all pertinent factors before making any decisions. Their style is naturally systematic and detail-oriented, characterized by the pursuit of logic, predictability and discipline. They may appear distant and aloof at times, as they prefer to listen rather than talk. They tend to stick to the rules and stay within the confines of their orderly world.
    When communicating with a Left-brain Abstract person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    • You might find their passion for logical analysis to be ponderous or overly pedantic at times, but if you keep an open mind, their conclusions could be beneficial to you.
    • In situations where you must collaborate on a project or a plan, their tendency to stick to the rules can be limiting to your own creative visions. Present your optional ideas as logical alternatives worthy of consideration.
    • They may appear distant and aloof at times, as they prefer to listen rather than talk. Don't take this personally or assume they're arrogant. Remember that they're absorbing and processing information before they render an opinion.
    • They can be a valuable source of background or historical information, which you sometimes tend to overlook while you aim for the "big picture." Nevertheless, expect them to provide more details than you might care for.

    People who have a predominantly Right-brain Concrete thinking style thrive on interacting with people and being the center of attention. They inspire others with their charm and warm personality. They can read other people very easily and use their intuitive skills to adapt effortlessly to changing situations. They are excellent at exciting and persuading others to follow their suggestions. They often speak without spending too much time thinking about what to say.
    When communicating with a Right-brain Concrete person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    • At times, you might find their ebullient need to be the center of attention to be overpowering or annoying.
    • Like therapists, they can sometimes encourage you to open up and confide with them about personal problems or concerns you have. You're usually okay with this, as long as they don't pry too deeply or push their solutions too strongly.
    • As much as you think before you speak, they think by speaking. They are excellent at exciting and persuading others to follow their suggestions.
    • Even if they don't take logic or factual data into account, they may come up with innovative or imaginative ideas that are worthy of your consideration.
    • Since you both like to come up with ideas, the verbal interaction can be both personally rewarding and productive. They may not share your visionary creativity, but they often have an intuitive sense of what is most suited for you.
    • They can sometimes seem manipulative in getting their way. While you might find their personal charm and charisma irresistible, don't allow yourself to be swayed in a direction that you know is not right for you.

    People who have a predominantly Left-brain Concrete thinking style are action-oriented and thrive on challenge. As movers of people and organizations, they enforce rules, focus on goals, meet deadlines, and demand immediate action. They typically avoid getting bogged down in details and want to go directly to the bottom line. They prefer short and easy action-items or conclusions. They are decisive people who want to get things done quickly and efficiently.
    When communicating with a Left-brain Concrete person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    • You might find their style at times overbearing or in some cases, even intimidating. As a result, you're likely to interact with them only as much as absolutely necessary.
    • When it comes to solving problems, they view feelings or abstract concepts as intrusions that prevent them from reaching a firm conclusion. You'd be better off not allowing your feelings to become too much of an issue.
    • On the other hand, your feelings about certain situations are paramount to your comfort level, so don't be afraid to let them know how important that is to you.
    • There might be times that you will feel they are pushing too hard to get you to make a final decision. On the other hand, you might be struggling with all the options you're considering and could benefit from their decisive nature.
    • Don't be offended by their direct talk if it seems abrupt Ð they are goal-oriented people who know how to get things done.

    When communicating with another Left-brain Concrete [this should be Right-Brain Abstract], you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    • Like you, they tend to be visionary thinkers who look at the big picture and try to understand how things relate to each other.
    • They value creative, inspirational options as much as you do. They can usually provide interesting alternatives that would be worth your while to consider. At times, however, you might become a bit irritated with their tendency to go off on tangents when you're trying to focus on a particular issue of concern.
    • With the tendency you both have to procrastinate while exploring your options, one of you will need to refocus your energies on making a decision when the need to accomplish something arises.
    • You are both open-minded and feelings-oriented. Together, you are likely to create a relaxed, low-key atmosphere based on trust and good rapport.
    • Remember to be patient with their quiet, reflective nature; just like you, they may be thinking of other options that are more suitable for you or for themselves.
    • Ultimately, you both need to feel comfortable with how your decisions fit into your world.


    Using the Concluder style of learning can create stress for you. Yes, you can use it for short periods of time as a learning or production tool. But, the longer you use it, the more stressed you become. Your energy-focus, which accesses this particular process, may be blocked sometimes. It's as if you have a blind spot in this part of your repertoire. You just don't like to have to use it as a primary tool. The following is what may create stress for you if used for more than short time periods:

    Always trying to be in control of or in charge of everything and everyone
    Insisting on asking the question, "What is the objective of doing this?" and immediately taking action to accomplish it
    Making sure everything you attempt is based on concrete, realistic and linear steps
    Being concise about everything you think, learn or do ("less is more")
    Demanding that efficiency be a constant motivator and goal
    Being the highest achiever and one of the most successful people at all costs

    Ask a friend, family member, or colleague to take the assessment and compare their results with yours.

    You will be able to understand each other like never before!

    Last edited by Aylen; 08-31-2014 at 01:27 PM. Reason: *Right-Brain Abstract (changed their mistake)

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  2. #2
    Olly From Wally World's Avatar
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    Same here! I think this test is familiar, too.

    Your 4 Quadrant Style Guide
    Left-Brain Abstract (Analytic):
    Think in terms of facts, details and ordered information.
    Left-Brain Concrete (Conclusive):
    Think in terms of problems and quick solutions.
    Right-Brain Abstract (Synthetic):
    Think in terms of large, global concepts and ideas.
    Right-Brain Concrete (Interactive):Think in terms of conversation.Want to know more? See complete quadrants description here.

    Communication Style

    The Visionary

    You're the ultimate universal, holistic thinker! Yes, you're a visionary. Everything, including the smallest detail, needs to be synthesized into a framework that answers the question, "How?" Before you begin any project or task, you need to see the big picture. Not one step can be taken until you know how that one step fits into the whole.
    Options and More Options!

    Ideas and options are what you're always creating. "Process" is your middle name. Once something seems concrete, structured and complete, you have a way of coming up with a creative option that changes the whole thing and leads to a better building process.
    Change, particularly in ideas, is never-ending for you. What you're enthusiastic about today may not be the focus of your energy in a week, a month or year. People that know you see a dynamic stream of consciousness which, given the right amount of time and people support, allows you to develop idealistic and artistic themes into living and creative realities. It makes no difference whether they are software programs, pieces of art, strategies for corporations or new, holistic developments for organic gardening.
    Time is on Your Side

    There is no timeline or deadline for your accomplishments. They are never-ending because you will go back and transform them if they evolve into a different whole within you. That is why in school or at work you procrastinate until the last moment to finish a paper, an assignment or a project. If you do the work early, at the time it's due, you'll have to go back and change it completely because you see it in a different contextual whole. So, why redo it?
    A futurist or a soothsayer! That is how some people describe you. You're always thinking about the future; you have an uncanny way of predicting what will be happening. What you forecast is not always logical and makes many people uncomfortable. But, if they've known you long enough, they use the awareness to be better prepared for upcoming situations or events.
    YouÂ’re your Own Person

    For you, being your own person is most important! You're off just enough to stand apart from the masses. Your idiosyncratic ways of self-expression often entertain, amaze or offend people. This may make you feel self-conscious or uncomfortable. However, it doesn't stop your unusual way of being. You realize it's just the price to pay for being your genuine self.
    How You Communicate with Others

    You're an excellent communicator with individuals and small groups of three, no more than four people. You listen attentively to what people say, how they say it and what feelings are generated. When you give feedback, it is usually very sensitive and leads to further communication. You have an unusual awareness of what is happening to the person and others that are participating. It's almost like a sixth sense. Sometimes, people distance themselves from you because of this sensitivity and your feedback.
    On the other hand, when you enter a room with conversant people, you can sense the themes of the discussions and the feelings being emoted. First, you'll look for people you know to talk with. After a while, some new people will be drawn into a conversation that you're having and begin sharing their thoughts and feelings with you. Many times, these new people that are drawn to you have a need to express their unusual thoughts and feelings to you. In some way, you attract people who are different or are going through difficult, emotional times.
    How You Think

    Your thinking process is mostly intuitive and analogic. You use facts and logic to back up your intuitive thought processing. When you weave these processes together, you're constantly challenging logical and scientific thought. You seem to stretch the facts to create a new theory or develop a synthetic way of tying different theories together. This optional way of thinking energizes your thought processes while at the same time focuses your energy on the facts in specific, yet different ways.
    Paradoxical thoughts attract you. While most people tend to avoid them, you seem curious and comfortable with them. That's because, once again, your need for creative and optional thinking doesn't have to be tied together with logic and factual data. You're attracted to the unknown more than the known. You're drawn to what's unusual about something rather than what is ordinary about it. If it's strange or way out there, you'll want to learn and read more about it.
    As a scientist or scholar, you have a bent towards the artistic side. What other people see as facts, you may see as shades of facts or possibilities of different facts. It's the development and creation of new ideas and ways of looking at something that excites you. That's because your world is the world of possibilities and visions.

    Communication Tips

    People who have a predominantly Left-brain Abstractthinking style thrive on careful analysis of all pertinent factors before making any decisions. Their style is naturally systematic and detail-oriented, characterized by the pursuit of logic, predictability and discipline. They may appear distant and aloof at times, as they prefer to listen rather than talk. They tend to stick to the rules and stay within the confines of their orderly world.
    When communicating with a Left-brain Abstract person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    • You might find their passion for logical analysis to be ponderous or overly pedantic at times, but if you keep an open mind, their conclusions could be beneficial to you.
    • In situations where you must collaborate on a project or a plan, their tendency to stick to the rules can be limiting to your own creative visions. Present your optional ideas as logical alternatives worthy of consideration.
    • They may appear distant and aloof at times, as they prefer to listen rather than talk. Don't take this personally or assume they're arrogant. Remember that they're absorbing and processing information before they render an opinion.
    • They can be a valuable source of background or historical information, which you sometimes tend to overlook while you aim for the "big picture." Nevertheless, expect them to provide more details than you might care for.

    People who have a predominantly Right-brain Concrete thinking style thrive on interacting with people and being the center of attention. They inspire others with their charm and warm personality. They can read other people very easily and use their intuitive skills to adapt effortlessly to changing situations. They are excellent at exciting and persuading others to follow their suggestions. They often speak without spending too much time thinking about what to say.
    When communicating with a Right-brain Concrete person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    • At times, you might find their ebullient need to be the center of attention to be overpowering or annoying.
    • Like therapists, they can sometimes encourage you to open up and confide with them about personal problems or concerns you have. You're usually okay with this, as long as they don't pry too deeply or push their solutions too strongly.
    • As much as you think before you speak, they think by speaking. They are excellent at exciting and persuading others to follow their suggestions.
    • Even if they don't take logic or factual data into account, they may come up with innovative or imaginative ideas that are worthy of your consideration.
    • Since you both like to come up with ideas, the verbal interaction can be both personally rewarding and productive. They may not share your visionary creativity, but they often have an intuitive sense of what is most suited for you.
    • They can sometimes seem manipulative in getting their way. While you might find their personal charm and charisma irresistible, don't allow yourself to be swayed in a direction that you know is not right for you.

    People who have a predominantly Left-brain Concrete thinking style are action-oriented and thrive on challenge. As movers of people and organizations, they enforce rules, focus on goals, meet deadlines, and demand immediate action. They typically avoid getting bogged down in details and want to go directly to the bottom line. They prefer short and easy action-items or conclusions. They are decisive people who want to get things done quickly and efficiently.
    When communicating with a Left-brain Concrete person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    • You might find their style at times overbearing or in some cases, even intimidating. As a result, you're likely to interact with them only as much as absolutely necessary.
    • When it comes to solving problems, they view feelings or abstract concepts as intrusions that prevent them from reaching a firm conclusion. You'd be better off not allowing your feelings to become too much of an issue.
    • On the other hand, your feelings about certain situations are paramount to your comfort level, so don't be afraid to let them know how important that is to you.
    • There might be times that you will feel they are pushing too hard to get you to make a final decision. On the other hand, you might be struggling with all the options you're considering and could benefit from their decisive nature.
    • Don't be offended by their direct talk if it seems abrupt Ð they are goal-oriented people who know how to get things done.

    When communicating with another Left-brain Concrete, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    • Like you, they tend to be visionary thinkers who look at the big picture and try to understand how things relate to each other.
    • They value creative, inspirational options as much as you do. They can usually provide interesting alternatives that would be worth your while to consider. At times, however, you might become a bit irritated with their tendency to go off on tangents when you're trying to focus on a particular issue of concern.
    • With the tendency you both have to procrastinate while exploring your options, one of you will need to refocus your energies on making a decision when the need to accomplish something arises.
    • You are both open-minded and feelings-oriented. Together, you are likely to create a relaxed, low-key atmosphere based on trust and good rapport.
    • Remember to be patient with their quiet, reflective nature; just like you, they may be thinking of other options that are more suitable for you or for themselves.
    • Ultimately, you both need to feel comfortable with how your decisions fit into your world.


    Using the Concluder style of learning can create stress for you. Yes, you can use it for short periods of time as a learning or production tool. But, the longer you use it, the more stressed you become. Your energy-focus, which accesses this particular process, may be blocked sometimes. It's as if you have a blind spot in this part of your repertoire. You just don't like to have to use it as a primary tool. The following is what may create stress for you if used for more than short time periods:

    Always trying to be in control of or in charge of everything and everyone
    Insisting on asking the question, "What is the objective of doing this?" and immediately taking action to accomplish it
    Making sure everything you attempt is based on concrete, realistic and linear steps
    Being concise about everything you think, learn or do ("less is more")
    Demanding that efficiency be a constant motivator and goal
    Being the highest achiever and one of the most successful people at all costs

  3. #3
    I've been waiting for you Satan's Avatar
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    commander. left brain concrete. weird.

  4. #4
    Olly From Wally World's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio View Post
    commander. left brain concrete. weird.
    Sup, Merc. What is weird about it?

  5. #5
    InvisibleJim's Avatar
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    The Planner and Logical Thinker

    You are the ultimate planner: a perfectionist. Everything has its place within the scheme of things. When you make plans, they are detailed, logical and progressive (A before B, then B before C, etc.) Before you take action, you've thought out all the possibilities and then decided on the most probable action to take.

    You love to anticipate problems. In fact, until something is accomplished correctly, you worry that something unknown may happen. That's why you check and recheck all of the details over and over before taking the first step in your plan of action.

    Solving problems is one of your greatest joys. Another is finding mistakes and correcting them. Most of the time, you see what's missing or what's wrong. That's why you make a great detective or editor. When you were younger, you would blurt out what was missing or wrong. With experience and some painful lessons, you've learned how to tone down your joyful discoveries so that other people aren't so upset with you.
    Your Work Preferences

    You enjoy a working environment with structure and procedures that are consistently and logically followed. You constantly ask for these structures and procedures from your supervisors and you provide them to the people you supervise. If these structures and procedures are not in place, you'll create them yourself and apply them to the situations and people surrounding you.

    You are a low risk taker. You don't like to put yourself into situations that are unsafe or have a chance of failure. That is why you always want to know the history behind every situation. It's through this historical perspective and always asking "Why?" before attempting any project or action that you insure a high probability of success. Therefore, almost any decision you make takes a longer time than most people need.
    How You Interact with Others

    Most of the time you are a fine listener and an observer of people in situations. Sometimes, you miss what's said or going on because you're cued in on the logic and words of the person or situation. You have a tendency to overlook the nonverbal cues and the tones of the participants' voices.

    This avoidance of the active or subtle emotions of others stems from your conservative display of your own emotions. When you are feeling some emotions, you rarely express them unless it is a desperate moment. No matter what the situation, you usually maintain a Mount Rushmore facial expression and a basic monotone voice. In business, this gives you an advantage over others because they don't know what you're thinking or feeling.

    Although you can relate to people on an everyday basis, it's just not what you love doing. Also, when it comes to sales or marketing, you're not a "rah-rah" interactive person. In fact, when confronted by these types of salespeople, you become irritated and dismissive. Your type of sales is well-planned, logically presented and low-key. You'll allow the facts and the logic of your presentations to guide the customer towards "Yes!"
    The Bottom Line

    Yes, you prefer analyzing and thinking through plans, ideas and numbers by yourself over action-oriented or discussion-oriented activities. In business, your bottom-line is dollars and cents. You are very resourceful with money and budgets. If given the right opportunity, you can stretch nickels and dimes into dollars by monitoring and planning the details of how money is acquired and spent.

    If you build a business plan, investors can be assured that the data and logic are based on factual assumptions rather than hope. Thus, whatever you project for profit has a high probability of being actualized in the future. If you are in charge of the finances and strategic planning, the probability of the business plan's successful implementation is even more positive.

  6. #6
    squirreltual's Avatar
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    Least favoured - left brain, abstract
    Second least favoured - right brain, concrete

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InvisibleJim View Post

    The Planner and Logical Thinker

    You are the ultimate planner: a perfectionist. Everything has its place within the scheme of things. When you make plans, they are detailed, logical and progressive (A before B, then B before C, etc.) Before you take action, you've thought out all the possibilities and then decided on the most probable action to take.

    You love to anticipate problems. In fact, until something is accomplished correctly, you worry that something unknown may happen. That's why you check and recheck all of the details over and over before taking the first step in your plan of action.

    Solving problems is one of your greatest joys. Another is finding mistakes and correcting them. Most of the time, you see what's missing or what's wrong. That's why you make a great detective or editor. When you were younger, you would blurt out what was missing or wrong. With experience and some painful lessons, you've learned how to tone down your joyful discoveries so that other people aren't so upset with you.
    Your Work Preferences

    You enjoy a working environment with structure and procedures that are consistently and logically followed. You constantly ask for these structures and procedures from your supervisors and you provide them to the people you supervise. If these structures and procedures are not in place, you'll create them yourself and apply them to the situations and people surrounding you.

    You are a low risk taker. You don't like to put yourself into situations that are unsafe or have a chance of failure. That is why you always want to know the history behind every situation. It's through this historical perspective and always asking "Why?" before attempting any project or action that you insure a high probability of success. Therefore, almost any decision you make takes a longer time than most people need.
    How You Interact with Others

    Most of the time you are a fine listener and an observer of people in situations. Sometimes, you miss what's said or going on because you're cued in on the logic and words of the person or situation. You have a tendency to overlook the nonverbal cues and the tones of the participants' voices.

    This avoidance of the active or subtle emotions of others stems from your conservative display of your own emotions. When you are feeling some emotions, you rarely express them unless it is a desperate moment. No matter what the situation, you usually maintain a Mount Rushmore facial expression and a basic monotone voice. In business, this gives you an advantage over others because they don't know what you're thinking or feeling.

    Although you can relate to people on an everyday basis, it's just not what you love doing. Also, when it comes to sales or marketing, you're not a "rah-rah" interactive person. In fact, when confronted by these types of salespeople, you become irritated and dismissive. Your type of sales is well-planned, logically presented and low-key. You'll allow the facts and the logic of your presentations to guide the customer towards "Yes!"
    The Bottom Line

    Yes, you prefer analyzing and thinking through plans, ideas and numbers by yourself over action-oriented or discussion-oriented activities. In business, your bottom-line is dollars and cents. You are very resourceful with money and budgets. If given the right opportunity, you can stretch nickels and dimes into dollars by monitoring and planning the details of how money is acquired and spent.

    If you build a business plan, investors can be assured that the data and logic are based on factual assumptions rather than hope. Thus, whatever you project for profit has a high probability of being actualized in the future. If you are in charge of the finances and strategic planning, the probability of the business plan's successful implementation is even more positive.
    Same result as my ILI ex.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Same result as my ILI ex.
    Such a rational man, doing all that I rational can.

  9. #9

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    Here is your profile:

    Your 4 Quadrant Style Guide
    Left-Brain Abstract (Analytic):
    Think in terms of facts, details and ordered information.
    Left-Brain Concrete (Conclusive):
    Think in terms of problems and quick solutions.
    Right-Brain Abstract (Synthetic):
    Think in terms of large, global concepts and ideas.
    Right-Brain Concrete (Interactive):Think in terms of conversation.Want to know more? See complete quadrants description here.

    Communication Style

    Understanding the Big Picture

    Thinking and processing! That's what you love to do the most. Ideas and options are what you're always creating. Once something seems concrete, structured and complete, you have a way of coming up with a creative option that changes the whole and leads to a better building process.
    Most of the time you are very uncanny about seeing and understanding the big picture. Yes, you're a holistic thinker that is always asking the question "How?" Everything, including the smallest detail, needs to be woven into a framework to answer your question of "How?" Not one step can be taken until you know how that step fits into the whole. These are some of many reasons why people refer to you as a visionary.
    How You Think

    Your thinking process is mostly intuitive and analogic. However, you do use facts and logic to back up your intuitive thought processing. When you weave these processes together, you're constantly challenging logical and scientific thought. You seem to stretch the facts to create a new theory or develop a synthetic way of tying different theories together. This optional way of thinking energizes your thought processes while at the same time focuses your energy on the facts in specific, yet different, ways.
    Dynamic Creativity

    Change, particularly in ideas, is never-ending for you. What you're enthusiastic about today may not be the focus of your energy in a week, a month or year. People that know you see a dynamic stream of consciousness which, given the right amount of time and people support, develops idealistic and artistic themes into living and creative realities. It makes no difference whether they are software programs, pieces of art, strategies for corporations or new, holistic developments for organic gardening.
    There is no timeline or deadline for your accomplishments. They are never-ending because you will go back and transform them if they evolve into a different whole within you. That is why in school or at work you procrastinate until the last moment to finish a paper, an assignment or a project. If you do the work early, you'll have to go back and change it completely because you'll see it in a different contextual whole at the time when it is due. So, why redo it?
    Shifting to Logical Thinking

    Sometimes, you'll leave these creative and optional way of thinking to become extremely logical, rational and serial in your thought patterns and work. During this time, you'll be very analytical, and you will develop critical thoughts and strategies. You'll insist that ideas have factual, underlying assumptions before they can be made into strategies.
    You'll be capable of critiquing and changing your own creative theories and plans. Persons that are participating in this change with you will be taken aback by your honest and thorough examinations, your attention to analytic detail and your sudden need to meet timelines punctually.
    Every so often, paradoxical thoughts attract you. Most people avoid them. You seem curious and comfortable with them. That's because, once again, your need for creative and optional thinking doesn't have to be tied consistently together with logic and factual data.
    Exploring Options

    You're attracted to the unknown more than the known. You're drawn to what's unusual about something rather than what is typical about it. If it's strange or way out there, you'll want to know and read about it. You may take an idea from this and apply it in some practical way.
    As a scientist or scholar, you have a bent towards the artistic side. What other people see as facts, you may see as shades of facts or possibilities of different facts. It's the development and the creation of new ideas and new ways of looking at something that excites you. That's because your world is the world of possibilities and visions.
    Thinking of the Future

    You're always thinking about the future and you have an unusual awareness as to what may happen. What you forecast is not always logical and sometimes makes many people uncomfortable. But, if they've known you long enough, they use the awareness to be better prepared for upcoming situations or events.
    People want you to share your thoughts with them. That's because your ideas and expressions usually give a different slant to a topic. Many times others look to you for your awareness or guidance about something.
    How You Communicate with Others

    You're an excellent communicator with individuals and small groups of three, no more than four people. You listen attentively to what people say, how they say it and what feelings are generated. When you give feedback, it is usually very sensitive and leads to further communication. You have an unusual awareness for what is happening to the person and others that are participating. It's almost like a sixth sense. Sometimes, people distance themselves from you because of this sensitivity and your feedback.
    Almost the same thing happens when you enter a room with people conversing. Without trying, you can sense the themes of the discussions and the feelings being expressed. As you join a group, people are drawn to you and have a need to express their thoughts and feelings in your presence. You seem to be a natural facilitator for communication on all levels.
    Last edited by some chair; 08-31-2014 at 06:08 AM.

  10. #10
    Infinity Persephone's Avatar
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    Wow I have 3 secondary ways of thinking

    Here is your profile:

    Your 4 Quadrant Style Guide
    Left-Brain Abstract (Analytic):
    Think in terms of facts, details and ordered information.
    Left-Brain Concrete (Conclusive):
    Think in terms of problems and quick solutions.
    Right-Brain Abstract (Synthetic):
    Think in terms of large, global concepts and ideas.
    Right-Brain Concrete (Interactive):Think in terms of conversation.Want to know more? See complete quadrants descrip

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  12. #12
    Reficulris's Avatar
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    I actually like this result
    Here is your profile:

    Your 4 Quadrant Style Guide
    Left-Brain Abstract (Analytic):
    Think in terms of facts, details and ordered information.
    Left-Brain Concrete (Conclusive):
    Think in terms of problems and quick solutions.
    Right-Brain Abstract (Synthetic):
    Think in terms of large, global concepts and ideas.
    Right-Brain Concrete (Interactive):Think in terms of conversation.Want to know more? See complete quadrants description here.

    Communication Style

    Understanding the Big Picture

    Thinking and processing! That's what you love to do the most. Ideas and options are what you're always creating. Once something seems concrete, structured and complete, you have a way of coming up with a creative option that changes the whole and leads to a better building process.
    Most of the time you are very uncanny about seeing and understanding the big picture. Yes, you're a holistic thinker that is always asking the question "How?" Everything, including the smallest detail, needs to be woven into a framework to answer your question of "How?" Not one step can be taken until you know how that one step fits into the whole. These are some of the many reasons why people refer to you as a visionary.
    How You Think

    Your thinking process is mostly intuitive and analogic. However, you do use facts and logic to back up your intuitive thought processing. When you weave these processes together, you're constantly challenging logical and scientific thought. You seem to stretch the facts to create a new theory or develop a synthetic way of tying different theories together. This optional way of thinking energizes your thought processes while at the same time focuses your energy on the facts in specific, yet different, ways.
    Dynamic Creativity

    Change, particularly in ideas, is never-ending for you. What you're enthusiastic about today may not be the focus of your energy in a week, a month or year. People that know you see a dynamic stream of consciousness which, given the right amount of time and people support, allows you to develop idealistic and artistic themes into living and creative realities. It makes no difference whether they are software programs, pieces of art, strategies for corporations or new, holistic developments for organic gardening.
    There is no timeline or deadline for your accomplishments. They are never-ending because you will go back and transform them if they evolve into a different whole within you. That is why in school or at work you procrastinate until the last moment to finish a paper, an assignment, or a project. If you do the work early, you'll have to go back and change it completely because you'll see it in a different contextual whole at the time when it is due. So, why redo it?
    Exploring Options

    Every so often paradoxical thoughts attract you. While most people avoid them, you seem curious and comfortable with them. That's because, once again, your need for creative and optional thinking doesn't have to be tied consistently together with logical and factual data.
    You're attracted to the unknown more than the known. You're drawn to what's unusual about something rather than what is ordinary about it. If it's strange or way out there, you'll want to know and read about it. You may take an idea from this and apply it in some practical way.
    As a scientist or scholar, you have a bent towards the artistic side. What other people see as facts, you may see as shades of facts or possibilities of different facts. It's the development and the creation of new ideas and ways of looking at something that excites you. Your world is the world of possibilities and visions.
    Thinking of the Future

    You're always thinking about the future and you have an usual awareness as to what may happen. What you forecast is not always logical and sometimes makes many people uncomfortable. But if they've known you long enough, they use the awareness to be better prepared for upcoming situations or events.
    How You Communicate with Others

    People want you to share your thoughts with them. That's because your ideas and expressions usually give a different slant on a topic or on what's happening. Many times others look to you for your awareness or guidance about something.
    You're an excellent communicator with individuals and small groups of three, no more than four people. You listen attentively to what people say, how they say it and what feelings are generated. When you give feedback, it is usually very sensitive and leads to further communication. You have an unusual awareness for what is happening to the person and others that are participating. It's almost like a sixth sense. Sometimes, people distance themselves from you because of this sensitivity and your feedback.
    The same thing happens when you enter a room with people conversing. Without trying, you can sense the themes of the discussions and the feelings being expressed. As you join a group, people are drawn to you and have a need to express their thoughts and feelings in your presence. You seem to be a natural facilitator for communication on all levels.
    Motivating Others

    Every so often, you'll be inspired enough to positively motivate people to follow you as their leader. When you're in this action mode, you can speak before and lead large groups of people, even major organizations if you've had enough previous experience. Your words will flow fluidly and touch the hearts and minds of those listening. You'll have a dynamic energy that will focus people to successfully accomplish the goals and objectives set forth.
    Yes, if the situation is right, you can go from this quiet, sensitive thinker and communicator to a charismatic, dynamic leader who is not afraid of risks or of being wrong. It's not as dramatic as being Clark Kent and turning into Superman. However, if some persons have never experienced this transition in you, they may be pleasantly surprised if they are on your team or a employee/member in your organization. However, you should know that, once the mission and goals have been accomplished, you're quite satisfied to return to being the thinker and sensitive communicator.

    Communication Tips

    People who have a predominantly Left-brain Abstractthinking style thrive on careful analysis of all pertinent factors before making any decisions. Their style is naturally systematic and detail-oriented, characterized by the pursuit of logic, predictability and discipline. They may appear distant and aloof at times, as they prefer to listen rather than talk. They tend to stick to the rules and stay within the confines of their orderly world.
    When communicating with a Left-brain Abstract person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    • You might find their passion for logical analysis to be ponderous or overly pedantic at times, but if you keep an open mind, their conclusions could be beneficial to you.
    • In situations where you must collaborate on a project or a plan, their tendency to stick to the rules can be limiting to your own creative visions. Present your optional ideas as logical alternatives worthy of consideration.
    • They may appear distant and aloof at times, as they prefer to listen rather than talk. Don't take this personally or assume they're arrogant. Remember that they're absorbing and processing information before they render an opinion.
    • They can be a valuable source of background or historical information, which you sometimes tend to overlook while you aim for the "big picture." Nevertheless, expect them to provide more details than you might care for.

    People who have a predominantly Right-brain Concrete thinking style thrive on interacting with people and being the center of attention. They inspire others with their charm and warm personality. They can read other people very easily and use their intuitive skills to adapt effortlessly to changing situations. They are excellent at exciting and persuading others to follow their suggestions. They often speak without spending too much time thinking about what to say.
    When communicating with a Right-brain Concrete person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    • At times, you might find their ebullient need to be the center of attention to be overpowering or annoying.
    • Like therapists, they can sometimes encourage you to open up and confide with them about personal problems or concerns you have. You're usually okay with this, as long as they don't pry too deeply or push their solutions too strongly.
    • As much as you think before you speak, they think by speaking. They are excellent at exciting and persuading others to follow their suggestions.
    • Even if they don't take logic or factual data into account, they may come up with innovative or imaginative ideas that are worthy of your consideration.
    • Since you both like to come up with ideas, the verbal interaction can be both personally rewarding and productive. They may not share your visionary creativity, but they often have an intuitive sense of what is most suited for you.
    • They can sometimes seem manipulative in getting their way. While you might find their personal charm and charisma irresistible, don't allow yourself to be swayed in a direction that you know is not right for you.

    People who have a predominantly Left-brain Concrete thinking style are action-oriented and thrive on challenge. As movers of people and organizations, they enforce rules, focus on goals, meet deadlines, and demand immediate action. They typically avoid getting bogged down in details and want to go directly to the bottom line. They prefer short and easy action-items or conclusions. They are decisive people who want to get things done quickly and efficiently.
    When communicating with a Left-brain Concrete person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    • You might find their style at times overbearing or in some cases, even intimidating. As a result, you're likely to interact with them only as much as absolutely necessary.
    • When it comes to solving problems, they view feelings or abstract concepts as intrusions that prevent them from reaching a firm conclusion. You'd be better off not allowing your feelings to become too much of an issue.
    • On the other hand, your feelings about certain situations are paramount to your comfort level, so don't be afraid to let them know how important that is to you.
    • There might be times that you will feel they are pushing too hard to get you to make a final decision. On the other hand, you might be struggling with all the options you're considering and could benefit from their decisive nature.
    • Don't be offended by their direct talk if it seems abrupt Ð they are goal-oriented people who know how to get things done.

    When communicating with another Left-brain Concrete, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    • Like you, they tend to be visionary thinkers who look at the big picture and try to understand how things relate to each other.
    • They value creative, inspirational options as much as you do. They can usually provide interesting alternatives that would be worth your while to consider. At times, however, you might become a bit irritated with their tendency to go off on tangents when you're trying to focus on a particular issue of concern.
    • With the tendency you both have to procrastinate while exploring your options, one of you will need to refocus your energies on making a decision when the need to accomplish something arises.
    • You are both open-minded and feelings-oriented. Together, you are likely to create a relaxed, low-key atmosphere based on trust and good rapport.
    • Remember to be patient with their quiet, reflective nature; just like you, they may be thinking of other options that are more suitable for you or for themselves.
    • Ultimately, you both need to feel comfortable with how your decisions fit into your world.


    Using the Concluder style of learning can create stress for you. Yes, you can use it for short periods of time as a learning or production tool. But, the longer you use it, the more stressed you become. Your energy-focus, which accesses this particular process, may be blocked sometimes. It's as if you have a blind spot in this part of your repertoire. You just don't like to have to use it as a primary tool. The following is what may create stress for you if used for more than short time periods:

    Always trying to be in control of or in charge of everything and everyone
    Insisting on asking the question, "What is the objective of doing this?" and immediately taking action to accomplish it
    Making sure everything you attempt is based on concrete, realistic and linear steps
    Being concise about everything you think, learn or do ("less is more")
    Demanding that efficiency be a constant motivator and goal
    Being the highest achiever and one of the most successful people at all costs

  13. #13
    miss BabyDoll's Avatar
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    Left-Brain Abstract (Analytic):
    Thinks in terms of facts, details and ordered information.
    Left-Brain Concrete (Conclusive):
    Thinks in terms of problems and quick solutions.
    Right-Brain Abstract (Synthetic):
    Thinks in terms of large, global concepts and ideas.
    Right-Brain Concrete (Interactive): Thinks in terms of conversation.

    The Logical Thinker

    If there is such a thing as a purely rational person, you’re it. Everything you think about and do needs to be analyzed and systematized logically. You live by deduction. First A, then B, next C…

    Everything is categorized into its place and function. Next, it’s checked to see if it's factual and can be proven scientifically. Then, and only then, will you deliberately proceed any further.

    Last edited by miss BabyDoll; 08-31-2014 at 02:43 PM.

  14. #14
    Infinity Persephone's Avatar
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    If I get it right most feelers get the right side dominant (synthetic in particular).

  15. #15
    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    I found this very difficult to answer and I'm sure someone else answering on my half would do so completely differently.

    I have a feeling there is something slightly off about my results, but that is probably because my answers seemed uncertain.

    Your 4 Quadrant Style Guide

    Communication Style

    Creative Thinker

    You love to think, logically and creatively. You are most productive at work when you are solving problems by analyzing specific situations or by creating multiple options. You're adept at strategic planning at the highest levels.
    Sixth-Sense Awareness

    You are very aware of what's happening around you and/or what's going to happen in the future. It's almost like you have a sixth sense. You see the forest where most people are looking at trees or clumps of trees. This gives you a vision toward which to direct people's energies and thought processes. When you do this, people are amazed and excited about following your vision and strategies.

    You're also able to break the vision and strategies into workable components that are easy to understand because they are linear, logical and uncomplicated. You also always ask a very important question when you're thinking through the solutions: "What is missing or doesn't fit?" Others on the project are surprised when you question your own assumptions, facts and logic.
    Leading Others

    You have an unassuming manner in getting people to follow what you want them to do. Some of the reasons you're so successful at getting people to follow your vision and strategies are as follows:

    1. Before you speak and ask others to do something, you have the whole project meticulously laid out so it makes sense and it's easy to follow;
    2. You ask for input and genuinely try to accommodate the plan to what people suggest;
    3. When problems arise, you can be very creative in finding, or assisting others in finding, optional ways to handle the situations
    4. And, as a whole, your mannerisms and your ways of communicating are clear and personable.
    Your Communication Skills

    Your communication skills are exceptional. You have a way of making people very relaxed and open during a dialogue with you. You pick up the most salient points and nonverbal gestures during a conversation. Then, you imaginatively redirect them in along your own lines of thought so that people feel they have fully participated in the process.
    Respecting OthersÂ’ Needs

    The one thing you don't like to do is to push or cajole others into doing something they are resisting. Yes, the project must be finished, but not at the expense of other people's individual feelings or integrity. Your respect for the rights of others supersedes the immediate need to accomplish the goal as planned. You'll find a creative way to meet the challenge while including the personal preference of the individual. That's why people enjoy being on a team or project with you. It's also why many people follow you even though you don't like to think of yourself as a great leader.

    Communication Tips

    People who have a predominantly Left-brain Abstractthinking style thrive on careful analysis of all pertinent factors before making any decisions. Their style is naturally systematic and detail-oriented, characterized by the pursuit of logic, predictability and discipline. They may appear distant and aloof at times, as they prefer to listen rather than talk. They tend to stick to the rules and stay within the confines of their orderly world.

    When communicating with a Left-brain Abstract person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    You might find their passion for logical analysis to be ponderous or overly pedantic at times, but if you keep an open mind, their conclusions could be beneficial to you.
    In situations where you must collaborate on a project or a plan, their tendency to stick to the rules can be limiting to your own creative visions. Present your optional ideas as logical alternatives worthy of consideration.
    They may appear distant and aloof at times, as they prefer to listen rather than talk. Don't take this personally or assume they're arrogant. Remember that they're absorbing and processing information before they render an opinion.
    They can be a valuable source of background or historical information, which you sometimes tend to overlook while you aim for the "big picture." Nevertheless, expect them to provide more details than you might care for.

    People who have a predominantly Right-brain Concrete thinking style thrive on interacting with people and being the center of attention. They inspire others with their charm and warm personality. They can read other people very easily and use their intuitive skills to adapt effortlessly to changing situations. They are excellent at exciting and persuading others to follow their suggestions. They often speak without spending too much time thinking about what to say.

    When communicating with a Right-brain Concrete person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    At times, you might find their ebullient need to be the center of attention to be overpowering or annoying.
    Like therapists, they can sometimes encourage you to open up and confide with them about personal problems or concerns you have. You're usually okay with this, as long as they don't pry too deeply or push their solutions too strongly.
    As much as you think before you speak, they think by speaking. They are excellent at exciting and persuading others to follow their suggestions.
    Even if they don't take logic or factual data into account, they may come up with innovative or imaginative ideas that are worthy of your consideration.
    Since you both like to come up with ideas, the verbal interaction can be both personally rewarding and productive. They may not share your visionary creativity, but they often have an intuitive sense of what is most suited for you.
    They can sometimes seem manipulative in getting their way. While you might find their personal charm and charisma irresistible, don't allow yourself to be swayed in a direction that you know is not right for you.

    People who have a predominantly Left-brain Concrete thinking style are action-oriented and thrive on challenge. As movers of people and organizations, they enforce rules, focus on goals, meet deadlines, and demand immediate action. They typically avoid getting bogged down in details and want to go directly to the bottom line. They prefer short and easy action-items or conclusions. They are decisive people who want to get things done quickly and efficiently.

    When communicating with a Left-brain Concrete person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    You might find their style at times overbearing or in some cases, even intimidating. As a result, you're likely to interact with them only as much as absolutely necessary.
    When it comes to solving problems, they view feelings or abstract concepts as intrusions that prevent them from reaching a firm conclusion. You'd be better off not allowing your feelings to become too much of an issue.
    On the other hand, your feelings about certain situations are paramount to your comfort level, so don't be afraid to let them know how important that is to you.
    There might be times that you will feel they are pushing too hard to get you to make a final decision. On the other hand, you might be struggling with all the options you're considering and could benefit from their decisive nature.
    Don't be offended by their direct talk if it seems abrupt Ð they are goal-oriented people who know how to get things done.

    When communicating with another Left-brain Concrete, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    Like you, they tend to be visionary thinkers who look at the big picture and try to understand how things relate to each other.
    They value creative, inspirational options as much as you do. They can usually provide interesting alternatives that would be worth your while to consider. At times, however, you might become a bit irritated with their tendency to go off on tangents when you're trying to focus on a particular issue of concern.
    With the tendency you both have to procrastinate while exploring your options, one of you will need to refocus your energies on making a decision when the need to accomplish something arises.
    You are both open-minded and feelings-oriented. Together, you are likely to create a relaxed, low-key atmosphere based on trust and good rapport.
    Remember to be patient with their quiet, reflective nature; just like you, they may be thinking of other options that are more suitable for you or for themselves.
    Ultimately, you both need to feel comfortable with how your decisions fit into your world.


    Using the Interactor style can create stress for you. Yes, you can use it for short periods of time as a learning or production tool. But, the longer you use it, the more stressed you become. Your energy-focus, which accesses this particular process, may be blocked sometimes. It's as if you have a blind spot in this part of your repertoire. You just don't like to have to use it as a primary tool. The following is what may create stress for you if used for more than short time periods:

    Using personal, interactive dialogue as a primary tool
    Wanting people to always be expressive, personal and humorous
    Enjoying being charismatic and craving the center of attention
    Needing to always be creative, innovative and humorous with others
    Using dynamic and multi-sensory methods (touch, etc.) when relating to others

  16. #16
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    My EIE friend just took the quiz and this is his result:


    Here is your profile:

    Your 4 Quadrant Style Guide
    Left-Brain Abstract (Analytic):
    Think in terms of facts, details and ordered information.
    Left-Brain Concrete (Conclusive):
    Think in terms of problems and quick solutions.
    Right-Brain Abstract (Synthetic):
    Think in terms of large, global concepts and ideas.
    Right-Brain Concrete (Interactive):Think in terms of conversation.Want to know more? See complete quadrants description here.

    Communication Style

    The Ultimate People Person

    It is most essential that you recognize that you are a charismatic leader who loves to achieve at the highest level. Your creativity is getting other people to do what you want or envision. You are a realistic "Pied Piper" that everyone follows.
    If you are on a team or doing a project, you are the spontaneous motivator and communication leader. Everyone knows and recognizes your energetic and enthusiastic direction. Your networking with others reaches far and wide. You are the ultimate politician.
    Your manner is always extremely positive and confident. When everyone else is feeling discouraged, you provide an individual and group spark that rekindles inspiration and rejuvenates excitement to continue forward. Your threshold for positive leadership is extremely high. In fact, the worse the situation, the more you thrive on it. You're like a cat with nine lives.
    Above all else, you love to interact with people. It doesn't matter how many people there are or at what level you're communicating, you do it effortlessly. Conversation has been extremely natural to you your whole life. If you're isolated from people for a long period of time, your energy's focus seems to become depressed.
    Optional Thinking

    The time when your energy's focus doesn't become depressed in isolation is when you are positively engaged in creative, optional and strategic thinking. It's here that your intuitive and analogical thinking process combines with some factual and logical thoughts to give you a new, holistic perspective on what you're doing or planning to do. When you share these conclusions with others, they usually are amazed at how you developed these dynamic missions and/or strategies. When you are presenting or explaining something that has been developed, your presence makes each person feel that you are personally addressing his/her individual needs.
    Interacting with People

    Yes, contact with others is more important than breathing for you. You can't live without it. When you walk down a corridor or a street, you're always greeting or stopping to talk to someone. People just love to talk with you about anything. That's because the positive energy that you give off during conversations develops an instant bond with everyone.
    You have a wonderful sense of humor. When people are with you, they smile and laugh a lot. Whether it's telling a joke you heard before or sharing a spontaneous ad lib, you're naturally funny and entertaining. Your humor and ways of communicating are constantly creating situations that relax and motivate other people.
    Even if you're not knowledgeable about a subject area under discussion, you come across as smooth and intelligent. It doesn't matter what conversations others are having or what topics they're discussing, you can join in without missing a beat. That's because you intuitively know people and what turns them on.
    Your Learning Style

    Conversations and dialogues provide you with the opportunity to learn best. It's during this repartee that you're able to ask any type of question: logical, analogical or just odd ones to serve your curiosity. One of the best ways for you to learn and to be motivated is to belong to a study group, particularly one that has members who are focused on the objectives and deadlines. The process of studying with these groups can provide you with the focus and needed detail to study and learn effectively.
    Getting the Job Done

    You usually don't like doing the details or grunt work yourself. In fact, you'll try to get others to do it for you. But, when that ploy doesn't work and you have to do it alone to meet a deadline, you'll concentrate, focus and finish what needs to be done. But, that's only after you've procrastinated until the last-minute. Then, when the tasks or project are completed, you'll want to celebrate this successful achievement with others!
    You don't like to focus on details or facts without being shown the complete picture. A boring and stiff supervisor or teacher creates motivational problems for you. However, if straight facts and dry details are embellished by a boss's or a teacher's personal anecdotes or jokes, then these associations trigger your memory and motivation to work. Just memorizing or doing something, particularly if it doesn't have any meaning or pragmatic application for you, means that you have to concentrate and focus over a longer period of time than you usually like to do. But, again, at the last minute, you can do it.
    Along with that, you are an extremely active person, moving quickly from one person to another, one group of people to another or from one task to another. You must always be moving, motivating and/or talking. That is why your favorite way of achieving things is through direct dialogue. You innately organize others and when push comes to shove, you can keep them focused and working by relating to them in many different positive ways.
    The Bottom Line

    Just remember, when the opportunity presents itself and it usually does, you are number one, not just in your eyes, but in the eyes of others. Also, remember what gets you there - your positive, open and creative communication style that makes everyone an important participant in your presence.

    Communication Tips

    People who have a predominantly Left-brain Abstract thinking style thrive on careful analysis of all pertinent factors before making any decisions. Their style is naturally systematic and detail-oriented, characterized by the pursuit of logic, predictability and discipline. They may appear distant and aloof at times, as they prefer to listen rather than talk. They tend to stick to the rules and stay within the confines of their orderly world.
    When communicating with a Left-brain Abstract person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    • If you are able to engage them in conversation, don't be surprised when they provide more details than you might care for.
    • Because of their introverted nature, they usually don't like to interact verbally or personally with other people. When they do, you might find their passion for logical and systematic analysis to be ponderous or overly pedantic, but try to keep an open mind, as their conclusions could be beneficial to you.
    • In situations where you must collaborate on a project, their tendency to stick to the rules and take things seriously will help keep you focused on the task, even though you may feel constrained from your natural tendency to socialize.
    • They may appear distant and aloof at times, as they prefer to listen than talk. Don't take this personally or assume they're arrogant. Remember that they're absorbing and processing information that they may use to render an opinion.
    • They can be a valuable source of background or historical information, which you usually overlook. Allow them to take center stage for a change while you benefit from their knowledge and experience.

    People who have a predominantly Left-brain Concrete thinking style are action-oriented and thrive on challenge. As movers of people and organizations, they enforce rules, focus on goals, meet deadlines, and demand immediate action. They typically avoid getting bogged down in details and want to go directly to the bottom line. They prefer short and easy action-items or conclusions. They are decisive people who want to get things done quickly and efficiently.
    When communicating with a Left-brain Concrete person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    • You both tend to deal in the concrete here and now, but their emphasis is on actions and results, while yours is on people and interpersonal communication. This difference can lead to a clash in how you accomplish your goals.
    • You might find their communication style overbearing or even intimidating at times. Nevertheless, you can sometimes get them to shift gears to a more amiable, relaxed style that suits you both well.
    • When it comes to solving problems, they view feelings or abstract concepts as intrusions that prevent them from reaching a firm conclusion. Maintain your upbeat attitude, and your feelings won't distract them or become an issue.
    • They don't usually like to engage in small talk or use metaphors. They prefer to get right to the point. Watch for clues that they want to keep things brief.
    • At times you may feel they are pushing too hard to get you to make a decision. Despite your preference for spontaneity, you might benefit from their decisive nature. Listen to their suggestions with an open mind.

    People who have a predominantly Right-brain Abstract thinking style tend to be visionary thinkers who look at the big picture and try to understand how things relate to each other. They are creative people who consider many options and abstract concepts when absorbing or presenting information and when making decisions. They tend to think before they speak.
    When communicating with a Left-brain Concrete person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    • Typically, you can relate comfortably with their communication style, even though they may not be as naturally sociable as you are.
    • They value creative, inspirational options and can usually provide interesting alternatives that would be worth your while to consider. At times, however, you might find their tendency to go off on tangents somewhat disorienting.
    • With the tendency they have to procrastinate while they explore their options, you will need to focus your energies on taking action when you must collaborate on a project or make a decision.
    • You are both open-minded and feelings-oriented. If you give them a chance to open up and share their ideas, you are likely to create an atmosphere based on trust and good rapport.
    • Remember to be patient with their quiet, reflective nature; they may be thinking of other options that are more suitable for you or for themselves. Ultimately, they need to feel comfortable with how their decisions fit into their world.

    When communicating with another Right-brain Concrete person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    • You both thrive on interacting with people and being the center of attention. This may sometimes result in a bit of competition to be on center stage.
    • They can read other people very easily and use their intuitive skills to adapt effortlessly to changing situations. Like you, they are excellent at exciting and persuading others to follow their suggestions.
    • They can often encourage you to confide with them about personal problems or concerns you have. You're usually okay with this, as long as they aren't overly judgmental or critical.
    • They may come up with innovative or imaginative ideas that are worthy of your consideration. Their goal is to continually gain recognition and enhance their own image. Along the way, they can help you achieve the same results.
    • Since you both like to exchange ideas, the interaction can be both personally rewarding and productive.
    • They can sometimes seem manipulative in getting their way. While you might find their personal charm and charisma irresistible, don't allow yourself to be swayed in a direction that you know is not right for you.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  17. #17
    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    oops, I had to do the test ago as I missed something. It seems the choices are randomly generated.

  18. #18
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    @Aylen is your EIE friend a strong ni subtype?

    EIE/ni --- equal autonomy of right brain abstract/synthetic + right brain concrete/interactive correlates well with DA cog of EIE where meets in egoblck

  19. #19
    Ti centric krieger's Avatar
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    analytical visionary, primary left abstract & right abstract, secondary left concrete, avoiding right concrete.

  20. #20
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miss BabyDoll View Post
    @Aylen is your EIE friend a strong ni subtype?

    EIE/ni --- equal autonomy of right brain abstract/synthetic + right brain concrete/interactive correlates well with DA cog of EIE where meets in egoblck
    Good question. I would say it really does kind of fluctuate but leans more toward Ni, yes. It is pretty strong in him.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  21. #21
    ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ Birdie's Avatar
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    I thought this test was really hard in that some of the options I did not relate to at all.
    Regardless these are my results. Some of it is fairly accurate, other bits not so much.

    I figured out how to post my graph. I was complicating it.



    Your 4 Quadrant Style Guide

    Left-Brain Abstract (Analytic):
    Think in terms of facts, details and ordered information.
    Left-Brain Concrete (Conclusive):
    Think in terms of problems and quick solutions.
    Right-Brain Abstract (Synthetic):
    Think in terms of large, global concepts and ideas.
    Right-Brain Concrete (Interactive): Think in terms of conversation

    Communication Style

    The Ultimate Planner
    You are admired by many because of your thinking skills and the way you skillfully design your life and the steps in the lives of others. You're an excellent planner. Your opinions are treasured and trusted. Most people know that before you do anything or advise others about anything, you've reached broadly and delved deeply into the history and facts. Everyone realizes that you are conscientious and respectful of doing the right thing in the right way.

    Checks and Balances
    Yes, yours is a life of checks and balances to the smallest decimal place. No detail is overlooked. You only take precise steps that are planned out well in advance. Thinking and logic are supreme. Knowledge is the foundation. Everything is a chess match at the Masters level!

    Usually you're not a risk taker. It doesn't mean that you're not adventurous. It means that before you take the first step, every possible move and option that can be controlled has been thought through thoroughly. You only like to deal with probabilities in your favor at 99.44 percent. Joy for you is minimizing luck.

    How You Learn
    You are a lifelong learner. Everything is absorbed like a blotter by your lock-step memory. Then, it is carefully processed and contextually stored with other pertinent information. When the need arises, you retrieve and reprocess the information for appropriate applications. Rarely does your memory or logical use of stored information fail you or others.

    How You Interact with Others
    You're basically an introverted and low-key person who likes everything to be orderly and impersonal. Reserved, proper and calm are words that are often used to describe you. You usually don't like to interact verbally or personally with other people. You are independent and can be a loner very easily. Sometimes, your best friend is your computer and its Internet access.

    In a group setting you're mostly very quiet and hardly volunteer to speak out unless you have something very pertinent to say. Even then, you are reticent at best. However, if someone you respect directly asks you for your opinion, you'll answer if you deem the subject in question worthy of your attention. Then, and only then, will you respond to that in a thorough manner. If you are pushed to explain even more, you'll use historical and logical explanations, including answering all of the possible questions as to why your responses are correct. Thus, you'll not leave any rational leaf unturned, and immediately you'll halt the possibility that someone else may question you again about this subject area.

    Exploring Other Options
    Every once in a while, your awareness and thinking processes change. It usually depends upon the situation presented to you. Your thought process shifts from its logical, analytic and detailed state towards a combination of optional thinking, creativity and synthetic wholes. Here, paradoxes are accepted and enjoyed instead of being scientifically rejected; chaos is the basis for reality. Emotional and rational thought are intertwined to solve problems and to strategically plan.

    Shifting Interactions
    Also, you're able to relate to people on a personal basis rather than an impersonal, factual basis. Now you can explore yourself and others on deeper and broader levels. Your conversations become more fluid, heartfelt and exploratory. You are able to accept inconsistencies of another's thoughts and feelings. When you're in this place, people search you out to discover more about themselves or their deep-seated problems. You seem so much more aware of what is happening rather than what should be happening.

    Those who know you over a long period of time welcome these shifts. They accept and anticipate these changes as positive behavioral outcomes. Others, who know you formally, are initially perplexed when this happens. They may seem uncomfortable because your extremely consistent, rational behavior has been transformed into high-risk ideas. What they have expected is not consistent with what has happened previously.

    The Final Analysis
    Overall, your intellectual abilities, meticulous plans and shifting insights are seen by others as a great asset to their team and their organization. People depend on your articulate advice, logical-optional thinking and calmness in the face of problems. However, don't be negative or impatient when they present their rational shortcomings. Just be patient with them in the beginning and let them know what you are thinking in a positive manner.

    Communication Tips

    People who have a predominantly Right-brain Concrete thinking style thrive on interacting with people and being the center of attention. They inspire others with their charm and warm personality. They can read other people very easily and use their intuitive skills to adapt effortlessly to changing situations. They are excellent at exciting and persuading others to follow their suggestions. They often speak without spending too much time thinking about what to say.

    When communicating with a Right-brain Concrete person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    Typically, you are not comfortable with their sometimes overly exuberant chitchat or storytelling.
    As much as you think before you speak, they think by speaking. You usually don't like to interact verbally or personally with other people, but if the topic of conversation interests you, you'll listen and quietly process the information.
    They are excellent at exciting and persuading others to follow their suggestions. At times, however, you might find their ebullience to be overpowering or annoying and will avoid interacting with them.
    Like therapists, they can sometimes encourage you to open up and confide with them about personal problems or concerns you have. You're usually okay with this, as long as they don't pry too deeply or push their solutions too strongly.
    Even if they don't take logic or factual data into account, they may come up with innovative or imaginative ideas that are worthy of your consideration.
    They can sometimes seem manipulative in getting their way. As you analyze their intentions, however, you won't easily allow yourself to be swayed in a direction that you know is not right for you.
    People who have a predominantly Left-brain Concrete thinking style are action-oriented and thrive on challenge. As movers of people and organizations, they enforce rules, focus on goals, meet deadlines, and demand immediate action. They typically avoid getting bogged down in details and want to go directly to the bottom line. They prefer short and easy action-items or conclusions. They are decisive people who want to get things done quickly and efficiently.

    When communicating with a Left-brain Concrete person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    Your comfort with following rules and focusing on goals meshes well with their insistence on enforcing rules and driving all actions to achieving goals.
    Because of your introverted nature, you might find their style at times overbearing or in some cases, even intimidating. As a result, you're likely to interact with them only as much as absolutely necessary.
    When it comes to solving problems, they view feelings or abstract concepts as intrusions that prevent them from reaching a firm conclusion. Typically this would not be an obstacle for you as you rely primarily on logic and rarely on feelings to help arrive at conclusions.
    At times you may feel driven to provide a detailed analysis of a situation and will be frustrated at their impatience or reluctance to listen to your ideas.
    In general, you should get along with each other fairly easily, as you both tend toward "left-brain" functions. Your quest for logical choices blends well with their concrete pragmatism and common sense.
    People who have a predominantly Right-brain Abstract thinking style tend to be visionary thinkers who look at the big picture and try to understand how things relate to each other. They are creative people who consider many options and abstract concepts when absorbing or presenting information and when making decisions. They tend to think before they speak.

    When communicating with a Right-brain Abstract person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    You may find their visions lacking the historical perspective or logical analysis that you require to make it acceptable. Nevertheless, they are usually open to benefiting from your knowledge and experience.
    They value creative, inspirational options and can usually provide interesting alternatives that would be worth your while to consider. At times, however, you might become irritated with their tendency to go off on tangents when youÕre trying to focus on a particular issue of concern.
    Remember to be patient with their quiet, reflective nature; they may be thinking of other options that are more suitable for you or for themselves.
    When the need to accomplish something arises, you can become impatient or frustrated with their tendency to procrastinate.
    When communicating with another Left-brain Abstract person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    Like you, they thrive on careful analysis of all pertinent factors before reaching any conclusions. While they share your passion for logical and systematic analysis, you may find yourself disagreeing with their conclusions if you find any flaws in their facts or hypotheses. Because your own analysis may differ from theirs, you are likely to view that difference as a challenge that can stimulate a lively debate.
    Like you, they usually don't like to interact verbally or personally with other people. If you invest some energy into communication, you are bound to reap the benefits of the other person's knowledge and unique thought processes.
    In situations where you must collaborate on a project, you may need to extract yourselves from excessive preoccupation with the analysis phase and focus on the execution phase.
    Remember that since they prefer to listen rather than talk, they're absorbing and processing information that they may use to render an opinion. It would benefit you to be open-minded enough to consider a difference of opinion if offered.
    They can be a valuable source of background or historical information that can be used to enhance your own analysis of a situation or problem.


    Using the Concluder style of learning can create stress for you. Yes, you can use it for short periods of time as a learning or production tool. But, the longer you use it, the more stressed you become. Your energy-focus, which accesses this particular process, may be blocked sometimes. It's as if you have a blind spot in this part of your repertoire. You just don't like to have to use it as a primary tool. The following is what may create stress for you if used for more than short time periods:

    Always trying to be in control of or in charge of everything and everyone
    Insisting on asking the question, "What is the objective of doing this?" and immediately taking action to accomplish it
    Making sure everything you attempt is based on concrete, realistic and linear steps
    Being concise about everything you think, learn or do ("less is more")
    Demanding that efficiency be a constant motivator and goal
    Being the highest achiever and one of the most successful people at all costs
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    Last edited by Birdie; 08-31-2014 at 05:24 PM.
    Everything interests me but nothing holds me.

  22. #22
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    Interesting test, did it three times and always come up with this:

    Your 4 Quadrant Style Guide
    Left-Brain Abstract (Analytic):
    Think in terms of facts, details and ordered information.
    Left-Brain Concrete (Conclusive):
    Think in terms of problems and quick solutions.
    Right-Brain Abstract (Synthetic):
    Think in terms of large, global concepts and ideas.
    Right-Brain Concrete (Interactive):Think in terms of conversation.Want to know more? See complete quadrants description here.
    Communication Style

    The Ultimate People Person

    It is most essential that you recognize that you are a charismatic leader who loves to achieve at the highest level. Your creativity is getting other people to do what you want or envision. You are a realistic "Pied Piper" that everyone follows.If you are on a team or doing a project, you are the spontaneous motivator and communication leader. Everyone knows and recognizes your energetic and enthusiastic direction. Your networking with others reaches far and wide. You are the ultimate politician.Your manner is always extremely positive and confident. When everyone else is feeling discouraged, you provide an individual and group spark that rekindles inspiration and rejuvenates excitement to continue forward. Your threshold for positive leadership is extremely high. In fact, the worse the situation, the more you thrive on it. You're like a cat with nine lives.Above all else, you love to interact with people. It doesn't matter how many people there are or at what level you're communicating, you do it effortlessly. Conversation has been extremely natural to you your whole life. If you're isolated from people for a long period of time, your energy's focus seems to become depressed.

    Optional Thinking

    The time when your energy's focus doesn't become depressed in isolation is when you are positively engaged in creative, optional and strategic thinking. It's here that your intuitive and analogical thinking process combines with some factual and logical thoughts to give you a new, holistic perspective on what you're doing or planning to do. When you share these conclusions with others, they usually are amazed at how you developed these dynamic missions and/or strategies. When you are presenting or explaining something that has been developed, your presence makes each person feel that you are personally addressing his/her individual needs.

    Interacting with People

    Yes, contact with others is more important than breathing for you. You can't live without it. When you walk down a corridor or a street, you're always greeting or stopping to talk to someone. People just love to talk with you about anything. That's because the positive energy that you give off during conversations develops an instant bond with everyone.You have a wonderful sense of humor. When people are with you, they smile and laugh a lot. Whether it's telling a joke you heard before or sharing a spontaneous ad lib, you're naturally funny and entertaining. Your humor and ways of communicating are constantly creating situations that relax and motivate other people.Even if you're not knowledgeable about a subject area under discussion, you come across as smooth and intelligent. It doesn't matter what conversations others are having or what topics they're discussing, you can join in without missing a beat. That's because you intuitively know people and what turns them on.

    Your Learning Style

    Conversations and dialogues provide you with the opportunity to learn best. It's during this repartee that you're able to ask any type of question: logical, analogical or just odd ones to serve your curiosity. One of the best ways for you to learn and to be motivated is to belong to a study group, particularly one that has members who are focused on the objectives and deadlines. The process of studying with these groups can provide you with the focus and needed detail to study and learn effectively.

    Getting the Job Done

    You usually don't like doing the details or grunt work yourself. In fact, you'll try to get others to do it for you. But, when that ploy doesn't work and you have to do it alone to meet a deadline, you'll concentrate, focus and finish what needs to be done. But, that's only after you've procrastinated until the last-minute. Then, when the tasks or project are completed, you'll want to celebrate this successful achievement with others!You don't like to focus on details or facts without being shown the complete picture. A boring and stiff supervisor or teacher creates motivational problems for you. However, if straight facts and dry details are embellished by a boss's or a teacher's personal anecdotes or jokes, then these associations trigger your memory and motivation to work. Just memorizing or doing something, particularly if it doesn't have any meaning or pragmatic application for you, means that you have to concentrate and focus over a longer period of time than you usually like to do. But, again, at the last minute, you can do it.Along with that, you are an extremely active person, moving quickly from one person to another, one group of people to another or from one task to another. You must always be moving, motivating and/or talking. That is why your favorite way of achieving things is through direct dialogue. You innately organize others and when push comes to shove, you can keep them focused and working by relating to them in many different positive ways

    The Bottom Line

    Just remember, when the opportunity presents itself and it usually does, you are number one, not just in your eyes, but in the eyes of others. Also, remember what gets you there - your positive, open and creative communication style that makes everyone an important participant in your presence.

  23. #23
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    Communication Style

    Understanding the Big Picture
    Thinking and processing! That's what you love to do the most. Ideas and options are what you're always creating. Once something seems concrete, structured and complete, you have a way of coming up with a creative option that changes the whole and leads to a better building process.

    Most of the time you are very uncanny about seeing and understanding the big picture. Yes, you're a holistic thinker that is always asking the question "How?" Everything, including the smallest detail, needs to be woven into a framework to answer your question of "How?" Not one step can be taken until you know how that one step fits into the whole. These are some of the many reasons why people refer to you as a visionary.

    How You Think
    Your thinking process is mostly intuitive and analogic. However, you do use facts and logic to back up your intuitive thought processing. When you weave these processes together, you're constantly challenging logical and scientific thought. You seem to stretch the facts to create a new theory or develop a synthetic way of tying different theories together. This optional way of thinking energizes your thought processes while at the same time focuses your energy on the facts in specific, yet different, ways.

    Dynamic Creativity
    Change, particularly in ideas, is never-ending for you. What you're enthusiastic about today may not be the focus of your energy in a week, a month or year. People that know you see a dynamic stream of consciousness which, given the right amount of time and people support, allows you to develop idealistic and artistic themes into living and creative realities. It makes no difference whether they are software programs, pieces of art, strategies for corporations or new, holistic developments for organic gardening.

    There is no timeline or deadline for your accomplishments. They are never-ending because you will go back and transform them if they evolve into a different whole within you. That is why in school or at work you procrastinate until the last moment to finish a paper, an assignment, or a project. If you do the work early, you'll have to go back and change it completely because you'll see it in a different contextual whole at the time when it is due. So, why redo it?

    Exploring Options
    Every so often paradoxical thoughts attract you. While most people avoid them, you seem curious and comfortable with them. That's because, once again, your need for creative and optional thinking doesn't have to be tied consistently together with logical and factual data.

    You're attracted to the unknown more than the known. You're drawn to what's unusual about something rather than what is ordinary about it. If it's strange or way out there, you'll want to know and read about it. You may take an idea from this and apply it in some practical way.

    As a scientist or scholar, you have a bent towards the artistic side. What other people see as facts, you may see as shades of facts or possibilities of different facts. It's the development and the creation of new ideas and ways of looking at something that excites you. Your world is the world of possibilities and visions.

    Thinking of the Future
    You're always thinking about the future and you have an usual awareness as to what may happen. What you forecast is not always logical and sometimes makes many people uncomfortable. But if they've known you long enough, they use the awareness to be better prepared for upcoming situations or events.

    How You Communicate with Others
    People want you to share your thoughts with them. That's because your ideas and expressions usually give a different slant on a topic or on what's happening. Many times others look to you for your awareness or guidance about something.

    You're an excellent communicator with individuals and small groups of three, no more than four people. You listen attentively to what people say, how they say it and what feelings are generated. When you give feedback, it is usually very sensitive and leads to further communication. You have an unusual awareness for what is happening to the person and others that are participating. It's almost like a sixth sense. Sometimes, people distance themselves from you because of this sensitivity and your feedback.

    The same thing happens when you enter a room with people conversing. Without trying, you can sense the themes of the discussions and the feelings being expressed. As you join a group, people are drawn to you and have a need to express their thoughts and feelings in your presence. You seem to be a natural facilitator for communication on all levels.

    Motivating Others
    Every so often, you'll be inspired enough to positively motivate people to follow you as their leader. When you're in this action mode, you can speak before and lead large groups of people, even major organizations if you've had enough previous experience. Your words will flow fluidly and touch the hearts and minds of those listening. You'll have a dynamic energy that will focus people to successfully accomplish the goals and objectives set forth.

    Yes, if the situation is right, you can go from this quiet, sensitive thinker and communicator to a charismatic, dynamic leader who is not afraid of risks or of being wrong. It's not as dramatic as being Clark Kent and turning into Superman. However, if some persons have never experienced this transition in you, they may be pleasantly surprised if they are on your team or a employee/member in your organization. However, you should know that, once the mission and goals have been accomplished, you're quite satisfied to return to being the thinker and sensitive communicator.

    Communication Tips

    People who have a predominantly Left-brain Abstractthinking style thrive on careful analysis of all pertinent factors before making any decisions. Their style is naturally systematic and detail-oriented, characterized by the pursuit of logic, predictability and discipline. They may appear distant and aloof at times, as they prefer to listen rather than talk. They tend to stick to the rules and stay within the confines of their orderly world.

    When communicating with a Left-brain Abstract person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    You might find their passion for logical analysis to be ponderous or overly pedantic at times, but if you keep an open mind, their conclusions could be beneficial to you.
    In situations where you must collaborate on a project or a plan, their tendency to stick to the rules can be limiting to your own creative visions. Present your optional ideas as logical alternatives worthy of consideration.
    They may appear distant and aloof at times, as they prefer to listen rather than talk. Don't take this personally or assume they're arrogant. Remember that they're absorbing and processing information before they render an opinion.
    They can be a valuable source of background or historical information, which you sometimes tend to overlook while you aim for the "big picture." Nevertheless, expect them to provide more details than you might care for.
    People who have a predominantly Right-brain Concrete thinking style thrive on interacting with people and being the center of attention. They inspire others with their charm and warm personality. They can read other people very easily and use their intuitive skills to adapt effortlessly to changing situations. They are excellent at exciting and persuading others to follow their suggestions. They often speak without spending too much time thinking about what to say.

    When communicating with a Right-brain Concrete person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    At times, you might find their ebullient need to be the center of attention to be overpowering or annoying.
    Like therapists, they can sometimes encourage you to open up and confide with them about personal problems or concerns you have. You're usually okay with this, as long as they don't pry too deeply or push their solutions too strongly.
    As much as you think before you speak, they think by speaking. They are excellent at exciting and persuading others to follow their suggestions.
    Even if they don't take logic or factual data into account, they may come up with innovative or imaginative ideas that are worthy of your consideration.
    Since you both like to come up with ideas, the verbal interaction can be both personally rewarding and productive. They may not share your visionary creativity, but they often have an intuitive sense of what is most suited for you.
    They can sometimes seem manipulative in getting their way. While you might find their personal charm and charisma irresistible, don't allow yourself to be swayed in a direction that you know is not right for you.
    People who have a predominantly Left-brain Concrete thinking style are action-oriented and thrive on challenge. As movers of people and organizations, they enforce rules, focus on goals, meet deadlines, and demand immediate action. They typically avoid getting bogged down in details and want to go directly to the bottom line. They prefer short and easy action-items or conclusions. They are decisive people who want to get things done quickly and efficiently.

    When communicating with a Left-brain Concrete person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    You might find their style at times overbearing or in some cases, even intimidating. As a result, you're likely to interact with them only as much as absolutely necessary.
    When it comes to solving problems, they view feelings or abstract concepts as intrusions that prevent them from reaching a firm conclusion. You'd be better off not allowing your feelings to become too much of an issue.
    On the other hand, your feelings about certain situations are paramount to your comfort level, so don't be afraid to let them know how important that is to you.
    There might be times that you will feel they are pushing too hard to get you to make a final decision. On the other hand, you might be struggling with all the options you're considering and could benefit from their decisive nature.
    Don't be offended by their direct talk if it seems abrupt Ð they are goal-oriented people who know how to get things done.
    When communicating with another Left-brain Concrete, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    Like you, they tend to be visionary thinkers who look at the big picture and try to understand how things relate to each other.
    They value creative, inspirational options as much as you do. They can usually provide interesting alternatives that would be worth your while to consider. At times, however, you might become a bit irritated with their tendency to go off on tangents when you're trying to focus on a particular issue of concern.
    With the tendency you both have to procrastinate while exploring your options, one of you will need to refocus your energies on making a decision when the need to accomplish something arises.
    You are both open-minded and feelings-oriented. Together, you are likely to create a relaxed, low-key atmosphere based on trust and good rapport.
    Remember to be patient with their quiet, reflective nature; just like you, they may be thinking of other options that are more suitable for you or for themselves.
    Ultimately, you both need to feel comfortable with how your decisions fit into your world.


    Using the Concluder style of learning can create stress for you. Yes, you can use it for short periods of time as a learning or production tool. But, the longer you use it, the more stressed you become. Your energy-focus, which accesses this particular process, may be blocked sometimes. It's as if you have a blind spot in this part of your repertoire. You just don't like to have to use it as a primary tool. The following is what may create stress for you if used for more than short time periods:

    Always trying to be in control of or in charge of everything and everyone
    Insisting on asking the question, "What is the objective of doing this?" and immediately taking action to accomplish it
    Making sure everything you attempt is based on concrete, realistic and linear steps
    Being concise about everything you think, learn or do ("less is more")
    Demanding that efficiency be a constant motivator and goal
    Being the highest achiever and one of the most successful people at all costs

    Last edited by anndelise; 08-31-2014 at 06:04 PM.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  24. #24
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollyx2OxenFree View Post
    Sup, Merc. What is weird about it?
    Because he is IEI, of course. <--

    Quote Originally Posted by Persephone View Post
    Wow I have 3 secondary ways of thinking

    Here is your profile:

    Your 4 Quadrant Style Guide
    Left-Brain Abstract (Analytic):
    Think in terms of facts, details and ordered information.
    Left-Brain Concrete (Conclusive):
    Think in terms of problems and quick solutions.
    Right-Brain Abstract (Synthetic):
    Think in terms of large, global concepts and ideas.
    Right-Brain Concrete (Interactive):Think in terms of conversation.Want to know more? See complete quadrants descrip

    Merc got three secondary too.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    me Me Test Results
    Here is your profile:

    Your 4 Quadrant Style Guide
    Left-Brain Abstract (Analytic):
    Think in terms of facts, details and ordered information.
    Left-Brain Concrete (Conclusive):
    Think in terms of problems and quick solutions.
    Right-Brain Abstract (Synthetic):
    Think in terms of large, global concepts and ideas.
    Right-Brain Concrete (Interactive):Think in terms of conversation.Want to know more? See complete quadrants description here.

    Communication Style

    A Natural People Person

    When you are walking down a corridor or a street, you like to greet or stop to speak to someone. People just love to talk with you about anything. That's because the positive energy that you give off during conversations develops an instant bond with everyone.
    You love to interact with people. It doesn't matter how many people there are or at what level you're communicating; you do it effortlessly. Conversation has been extremely natural to you your whole life.
    You have a wonderful sense of humor. When people are with you, they smile and laugh a lot. Whether it's telling a joke you heard before or sharing a spontaneous ad lib, you're naturally funny and entertaining. Your humor and ways of communicating are constantly creating situations that relax and motivate other people.
    Strategic Creativity

    Unless people know you very well, they won't realize that you are quite capable of creating strategic plans, following intellectual pursuits and developing new, abstract theories about how things integrate or function. You're able to look at the whole picture, break them into discrete, unusual parts, and synthesize these into unique wholes or strategic plans. You thoroughly enjoy discovering creative options when thinking through difficult problems and challenging ideas.
    Motivating and Leading Others

    When it comes to dealing with people and problems, you use a combination of intuitive and rational thoughts very successfully. Your positive, personal and intelligent ways of relating to people make them want to follow you during times of confusion and stress. It's when the situations are dynamic and need optional thinking and/or in-the-moment organization that you're able to step forward, take command and lead others towards successful outcomes. This is when your style of leadership becomes most effective.
    Even if you're not knowledgeable about a subject area under discussion, you come across as smooth and intelligent. It doesn't matter to you what conversations others are having or what topics they're discussing, you can join in without missing a beat. That's because you intuitively know how to listen to the underlying messages being delivered and how to successfully respond to people intellectually with just a few facts.
    How You Learn

    Besides reading and studying, conversations and dialogues provide you with an enjoyable opportunity to learn. It's during this repartee that you're able to ask any type of question: logical, analogical or just odd ones to serve your curiosity. One of the best ways for you to learn and to be motivated is to belong to a study group, particularly one that has members who are focused on the objectives and deadlines. The process of these groups can provide you with the focus and further detail to study and learn effectively.
    Speaking in front of Groups

    Speeches and presentations to small or large groups come naturally to you. You can either be prepared or wing it when making a speech. The latter, with a few notes jotted on a piece of scrap paper, is your preferred way to present. Also, you'll use theatrical intonations and gestures, personalized comments and anecdotes with humor, integrating them around facts, logic and important points. When you have finished, people leave your presentations feeling that you have presented a solid case, you have touched them personally and you have spoken to each one of them intellectually.
    Your Leadership Qualities

    As a leader, you're a powerful combination of intellectual insightfulness, future predictions and personal charm. The former allows you to plan and think things through intuitively and logically. The latter allows you to be empathetic and personal in your expression of motivation and planned action. The two of these combined give you the positive power that people trust and follow.

    Communication Tips

    People who have a predominantly Left-brain Abstractthinking style thrive on careful analysis of all pertinent factors before making any decisions. Their style is naturally systematic and detail-oriented, characterized by the pursuit of logic, predictability and discipline. They may appear distant and aloof at times, as they prefer to listen rather than talk. They tend to stick to the rules and stay within the confines of their orderly world.
    When communicating with a Left-brain Abstract person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    • You might find their passion for logical analysis to be ponderous or overly pedantic at times, but if you keep an open mind, their conclusions could be beneficial to you.
    • In situations where you must collaborate on a project or a plan, their tendency to stick to the rules can be limiting to your own creative visions. Present your optional ideas as logical alternatives worthy of consideration.
    • They may appear distant and aloof at times, as they prefer to listen rather than talk. Don't take this personally or assume they're arrogant. Remember that they're absorbing and processing information before they render an opinion.
    • They can be a valuable source of background or historical information, which you sometimes tend to overlook while you aim for the "big picture." Nevertheless, expect them to provide more details than you might care for.

    People who have a predominantly Right-brain Concrete thinking style thrive on interacting with people and being the center of attention. They inspire others with their charm and warm personality. They can read other people very easily and use their intuitive skills to adapt effortlessly to changing situations. They are excellent at exciting and persuading others to follow their suggestions. They often speak without spending too much time thinking about what to say.
    When communicating with a Right-brain Concrete person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    • At times, you might find their ebullient need to be the center of attention to be overpowering or annoying.
    • Like therapists, they can sometimes encourage you to open up and confide with them about personal problems or concerns you have. You're usually okay with this, as long as they don't pry too deeply or push their solutions too strongly.
    • As much as you think before you speak, they think by speaking. They are excellent at exciting and persuading others to follow their suggestions.
    • Even if they don't take logic or factual data into account, they may come up with innovative or imaginative ideas that are worthy of your consideration.
    • Since you both like to come up with ideas, the verbal interaction can be both personally rewarding and productive. They may not share your visionary creativity, but they often have an intuitive sense of what is most suited for you.
    • They can sometimes seem manipulative in getting their way. While you might find their personal charm and charisma irresistible, don't allow yourself to be swayed in a direction that you know is not right for you.

    People who have a predominantly Left-brain Concrete thinking style are action-oriented and thrive on challenge. As movers of people and organizations, they enforce rules, focus on goals, meet deadlines, and demand immediate action. They typically avoid getting bogged down in details and want to go directly to the bottom line. They prefer short and easy action-items or conclusions. They are decisive people who want to get things done quickly and efficiently.
    When communicating with a Left-brain Concrete person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    • You might find their style at times overbearing or in some cases, even intimidating. As a result, you're likely to interact with them only as much as absolutely necessary.
    • When it comes to solving problems, they view feelings or abstract concepts as intrusions that prevent them from reaching a firm conclusion. You'd be better off not allowing your feelings to become too much of an issue.
    • On the other hand, your feelings about certain situations are paramount to your comfort level, so don't be afraid to let them know how important that is to you.
    • There might be times that you will feel they are pushing too hard to get you to make a final decision. On the other hand, you might be struggling with all the options you're considering and could benefit from their decisive nature.
    • Don't be offended by their direct talk if it seems abrupt Ð they are goal-oriented people who know how to get things done.

    When communicating with another Left-brain Concrete, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    • Like you, they tend to be visionary thinkers who look at the big picture and try to understand how things relate to each other.
    • They value creative, inspirational options as much as you do. They can usually provide interesting alternatives that would be worth your while to consider. At times, however, you might become a bit irritated with their tendency to go off on tangents when you're trying to focus on a particular issue of concern.
    • With the tendency you both have to procrastinate while exploring your options, one of you will need to refocus your energies on making a decision when the need to accomplish something arises.
    • You are both open-minded and feelings-oriented. Together, you are likely to create a relaxed, low-key atmosphere based on trust and good rapport.
    • Remember to be patient with their quiet, reflective nature; just like you, they may be thinking of other options that are more suitable for you or for themselves.
    • Ultimately, you both need to feel comfortable with how your decisions fit into your world.

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    Two primary types, interesting.

    Screen shot 2014-09-01 at 9.27.55 AM.png

    Screen shot 2014-09-01 at 9.28.14 AM.png

    Communication Style

    Understanding the Big Picture
    Thinking and processing! That's what you love to do the most. Ideas and options are what you're always creating. Once something seems concrete, structured and complete, you have a way of coming up with a creative option that changes the whole and leads to a better building process.

    Most of the time you are very uncanny about seeing and understanding the big picture. Yes, you're a holistic thinker that is always asking the question "How?" Everything, including the smallest detail, needs to be woven into a framework to answer your question of "How?" Not one step can be taken until you know how that step fits into the whole. These are some of many reasons why people refer to you as a visionary.

    How You Think
    Your thinking process is mostly intuitive and analogic. However, you do use facts and logic to back up your intuitive thought processing. When you weave these processes together, you're constantly challenging logical and scientific thought. You seem to stretch the facts to create a new theory or develop a synthetic way of tying different theories together. This optional way of thinking energizes your thought processes while at the same time focuses your energy on the facts in specific, yet different, ways.

    Dynamic Creativity
    Change, particularly in ideas, is never-ending for you. What you're enthusiastic about today may not be the focus of your energy in a week, a month or year. People that know you see a dynamic stream of consciousness which, given the right amount of time and people support, develops idealistic and artistic themes into living and creative realities. It makes no difference whether they are software programs, pieces of art, strategies for corporations or new, holistic developments for organic gardening.

    There is no timeline or deadline for your accomplishments. They are never-ending because you will go back and transform them if they evolve into a different whole within you. That is why in school or at work you procrastinate until the last moment to finish a paper, an assignment or a project. If you do the work early, you'll have to go back and change it completely because you'll see it in a different contextual whole at the time when it is due. So, why redo it?

    Shifting to Logical Thinking
    Sometimes, you'll leave these creative and optional way of thinking to become extremely logical, rational and serial in your thought patterns and work. During this time, you'll be very analytical, and you will develop critical thoughts and strategies. You'll insist that ideas have factual, underlying assumptions before they can be made into strategies.

    You'll be capable of critiquing and changing your own creative theories and plans. Persons that are participating in this change with you will be taken aback by your honest and thorough examinations, your attention to analytic detail and your sudden need to meet timelines punctually.

    Every so often, paradoxical thoughts attract you. Most people avoid them. You seem curious and comfortable with them. That's because, once again, your need for creative and optional thinking doesn't have to be tied consistently together with logic and factual data.

    Exploring Options
    You're attracted to the unknown more than the known. You're drawn to what's unusual about something rather than what is typical about it. If it's strange or way out there, you'll want to know and read about it. You may take an idea from this and apply it in some practical way.

    As a scientist or scholar, you have a bent towards the artistic side. What other people see as facts, you may see as shades of facts or possibilities of different facts. It's the development and the creation of new ideas and new ways of looking at something that excites you. That's because your world is the world of possibilities and visions.

    Thinking of the Future
    You're always thinking about the future and you have an unusual awareness as to what may happen. What you forecast is not always logical and sometimes makes many people uncomfortable. But, if they've known you long enough, they use the awareness to be better prepared for upcoming situations or events.

    People want you to share your thoughts with them. That's because your ideas and expressions usually give a different slant to a topic. Many times others look to you for your awareness or guidance about something.

    How You Communicate with Others
    You're an excellent communicator with individuals and small groups of three, no more than four people. You listen attentively to what people say, how they say it and what feelings are generated. When you give feedback, it is usually very sensitive and leads to further communication. You have an unusual awareness for what is happening to the person and others that are participating. It's almost like a sixth sense. Sometimes, people distance themselves from you because of this sensitivity and your feedback.

    Almost the same thing happens when you enter a room with people conversing. Without trying, you can sense the themes of the discussions and the feelings being expressed. As you join a group, people are drawn to you and have a need to express their thoughts and feelings in your presence. You seem to be a natural facilitator for communication on all levels.

  27. #27


    creative organizer.

    right brain concrete (interactive) -- avoid.
    left brain abstract (analytic) -- primary.
    right brain abstract (synthetic) -- primary.
    left brain concrete (conclusive) -- secondary.

    The Ultimate Planner
    You are admired by many because of your thinking skills and the way you skillfully design your life and the steps in the lives of others. You're an excellent planner. Your opinions are treasured and trusted. Most people know that before you do anything or advise others about anything, you've reached broadly and delved deeply into the history and facts. Everyone realizes that you are conscientious and respectful of doing the right thing in the right way.

    Checks and Balances
    Yes, yours is a life of checks and balances to the smallest decimal place. No detail is overlooked. You only take precise steps that are planned out well in advance. Thinking and logic are supreme. Knowledge is the foundation. Everything is a chess match at the Masters level!

    Usually you're not a risk taker. It doesn't mean that you're not adventurous. It means that before you take the first step, every possible move and option that can be controlled has been thought through thoroughly. You only like to deal with probabilities in your favor at 99.44 percent. Joy for you is minimizing luck.

    How You Learn
    You are a lifelong learner. Everything is absorbed like a blotter by your lock-step memory. Then, it is carefully processed and contextually stored with other pertinent information. When the need arises, you retrieve and reprocess the information for appropriate applications. Rarely does your memory or logical use of stored information fail you or others.

    How You Interact with Others
    You're basically an introverted and low-key person who likes everything to be orderly and impersonal. Reserved, proper and calm are words that are often used to describe you. You usually don't like to interact verbally or personally with other people. You are independent and can be a loner very easily. Sometimes, your best friend is your computer and its Internet access.

    In a group setting you're mostly very quiet and hardly volunteer to speak out unless you have something very pertinent to say. Even then, you are reticent at best. However, if someone you respect directly asks you for your opinion, you'll answer if you deem the subject in question worthy of your attention. Then, and only then, will you respond to that in a thorough manner. If you are pushed to explain even more, you'll use historical and logical explanations, including answering all of the possible questions as to why your responses are correct. Thus, you'll not leave any rational leaf unturned, and immediately you'll halt the possibility that someone else may question you again about this subject area.

    Exploring Other Options
    Every once in a while, your awareness and thinking processes change. It usually depends upon the situation presented to you. Your thought process shifts from its logical, analytic and detailed state towards a combination of optional thinking, creativity and synthetic wholes. Here, paradoxes are accepted and enjoyed instead of being scientifically rejected; chaos is the basis for reality. Emotional and rational thought are intertwined to solve problems and to strategically plan.

    Shifting Interactions
    Also, you're able to relate to people on a personal basis rather than an impersonal, factual basis. Now you can explore yourself and others on deeper and broader levels. Your conversations become more fluid, heartfelt and exploratory. You are able to accept inconsistencies of another's thoughts and feelings. When you're in this place, people search you out to discover more about themselves or their deep-seated problems. You seem so much more aware of what is happening rather than what should be happening.

    Those who know you over a long period of time welcome these shifts. They accept and anticipate these changes as positive behavioral outcomes. Others, who know you formally, are initially perplexed when this happens. They may seem uncomfortable because your extremely consistent, rational behavior has been transformed into high-risk ideas. What they have expected is not consistent with what has happened previously.

    The Final Analysis
    Overall, your intellectual abilities, meticulous plans and shifting insights are seen by others as a great asset to their team and their organization. People depend on your articulate advice, logical-optional thinking and calmness in the face of problems. However, don't be negative or impatient when they present their rational shortcomings. Just be patient with them in the beginning and let them know what you are thinking in a positive manner.

    Communication Tips

    People who have a predominantly Right-brain Concrete thinking style thrive on interacting with people and being the center of attention. They inspire others with their charm and warm personality. They can read other people very easily and use their intuitive skills to adapt effortlessly to changing situations. They are excellent at exciting and persuading others to follow their suggestions. They often speak without spending too much time thinking about what to say.

    When communicating with a Right-brain Concrete person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    Typically, you are not comfortable with their sometimes overly exuberant chitchat or storytelling.
    As much as you think before you speak, they think by speaking. You usually don't like to interact verbally or personally with other people, but if the topic of conversation interests you, you'll listen and quietly process the information.
    They are excellent at exciting and persuading others to follow their suggestions. At times, however, you might find their ebullience to be overpowering or annoying and will avoid interacting with them.
    Like therapists, they can sometimes encourage you to open up and confide with them about personal problems or concerns you have. You're usually okay with this, as long as they don't pry too deeply or push their solutions too strongly.
    Even if they don't take logic or factual data into account, they may come up with innovative or imaginative ideas that are worthy of your consideration.
    They can sometimes seem manipulative in getting their way. As you analyze their intentions, however, you won't easily allow yourself to be swayed in a direction that you know is not right for you.
    People who have a predominantly Left-brain Concrete thinking style are action-oriented and thrive on challenge. As movers of people and organizations, they enforce rules, focus on goals, meet deadlines, and demand immediate action. They typically avoid getting bogged down in details and want to go directly to the bottom line. They prefer short and easy action-items or conclusions. They are decisive people who want to get things done quickly and efficiently.

    When communicating with a Left-brain Concrete person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    Your comfort with following rules and focusing on goals meshes well with their insistence on enforcing rules and driving all actions to achieving goals.
    Because of your introverted nature, you might find their style at times overbearing or in some cases, even intimidating. As a result, you're likely to interact with them only as much as absolutely necessary.
    When it comes to solving problems, they view feelings or abstract concepts as intrusions that prevent them from reaching a firm conclusion. Typically this would not be an obstacle for you as you rely primarily on logic and rarely on feelings to help arrive at conclusions.
    At times you may feel driven to provide a detailed analysis of a situation and will be frustrated at their impatience or reluctance to listen to your ideas.
    In general, you should get along with each other fairly easily, as you both tend toward "left-brain" functions. Your quest for logical choices blends well with their concrete pragmatism and common sense.
    People who have a predominantly Right-brain Abstract thinking style tend to be visionary thinkers who look at the big picture and try to understand how things relate to each other. They are creative people who consider many options and abstract concepts when absorbing or presenting information and when making decisions. They tend to think before they speak.

    When communicating with a Right-brain Abstract person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    You may find their visions lacking the historical perspective or logical analysis that you require to make it acceptable. Nevertheless, they are usually open to benefiting from your knowledge and experience.
    They value creative, inspirational options and can usually provide interesting alternatives that would be worth your while to consider. At times, however, you might become irritated with their tendency to go off on tangents when youÕre trying to focus on a particular issue of concern.
    Remember to be patient with their quiet, reflective nature; they may be thinking of other options that are more suitable for you or for themselves.
    When the need to accomplish something arises, you can become impatient or frustrated with their tendency to procrastinate.
    When communicating with another Left-brain Abstract person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    Like you, they thrive on careful analysis of all pertinent factors before reaching any conclusions. While they share your passion for logical and systematic analysis, you may find yourself disagreeing with their conclusions if you find any flaws in their facts or hypotheses. Because your own analysis may differ from theirs, you are likely to view that difference as a challenge that can stimulate a lively debate.
    Like you, they usually don't like to interact verbally or personally with other people. If you invest some energy into communication, you are bound to reap the benefits of the other person's knowledge and unique thought processes.
    In situations where you must collaborate on a project, you may need to extract yourselves from excessive preoccupation with the analysis phase and focus on the execution phase.
    Remember that since they prefer to listen rather than talk, they're absorbing and processing information that they may use to render an opinion. It would benefit you to be open-minded enough to consider a difference of opinion if offered.
    They can be a valuable source of background or historical information that can be used to enhance your own analysis of a situation or problem.


    Using the Interactor style can create stress for you. Yes, you can use it for short periods of time as a learning or production tool. But, the longer you use it, the more stressed you become. Your energy-focus, which accesses this particular process, may be blocked sometimes. It's as if you have a blind spot in this part of your repertoire. You just don't like to have to use it as a primary tool. The following is what may create stress for you if used for more than short time periods:

    Using personal, interactive dialogue as a primary tool
    Wanting people to always be expressive, personal and humorous
    Enjoying being charismatic and craving the center of attention
    Needing to always be creative, innovative and humorous with others

    Using dynamic and multi-sensory methods (touch, etc.) when relating to others.
    Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 07-12-2015 at 10:50 AM.

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    Legends still lives on. Alive and kicking...

  30. #30
    The sleeping beauty Velvet's Avatar
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    Here is your profile:

    Your 4 Quadrant Style Guide

    Left-Brain Abstract (Analytic): => soft spot
    Think in terms of facts, details and ordered information.
    Left-Brain Concrete (Conclusive): secondary
    Think in terms of problems and quick solutions.
    Right-Brain Abstract (Synthetic): PRIMARY
    Think in terms of large, global concepts and ideas.
    Right-Brain Concrete (Interactive):PRIMARY
    Think in terms of conversation.
    Want to know more? See complete quadrants description here.

    Communication Style

    Thinking Before Acting
    Entrepreneur! That's the word that best represents your style. You are an equal combination of aware thought and realistic action. In other words, you'll see something unusual, think about it, organize your thoughts around it into a realistic goal and then, immediately act on it. Sometimes you're successful and sometimes you're not. That's what makes your life exciting.

    Here's what's different about what you do compared to other people. You're an applied risk taker! You are not afraid to take action on your awareness.

    Another process of yours that is different from others is that you'll incubate your thoughts for a long time and then, out of nowhere, want to apply them directly. The benefit is that your thoughts are original and when applied correctly, they can be very successful. The problem is that others around you have not been clued into your thoughts until you're ready to run with them. They have not been prepared to assist you. This dichotomy between thought and action can sometimes create confusion among those around you.

    Combining Intuition and Logic
    Your thinking process is a combination of intuition and concrete, applied logic. Yes, you can think and even express yourself theoretically and strategically. But when push comes to shove, you'll want to take these ideas and develop them into active, participatory thoughts that can lead to specific actions.

    Two questions are very important to you: "What's the goal or objective?" and "How does it work?" One is the end point and the other is the process in successfully reaching the end point. When you're getting ready to apply your thoughts, you're simultaneously asking and answering these two questions.

    Shifting Priorities
    When it comes to time, there is a constant shift within you from future thoughts to present actions. You're always thinking about changing possibilities and probabilities, yet wanting to stay on your path toward present day goals and objectives. This dichotomy within you creates a charged energy that, if channeled correctly, will give you and others around you positive results. However, successfully handling this dichotomy depends upon your learning from previous life experiences.

    You vacillate from procrastinating to finishing something to wanting to get it done ahead of time. The compromise is that you usually finish what you start out to accomplish on time. That's why it's important for you to set deadlines for yourself and your projects.

    Idealism vs. Realism
    Another contrast that you live with is that you're predominantly a thinking idealist and an action-oriented realist. Thus, when you have to apply some of your ideas, they create an internal and external frustration with reality. However, with enough experiences, you've learned how to pragmatically weave your way through this. And, in the end, you achieve at a high-level.

    Sometimes, in your action mode, your communications can be perceived as very immediate, blunt, and even threatening. Other times, when you're relaxed and just sharing some thoughts about things, your communications are perceived as interesting, casual and extremely enjoyable. That's why it's important for you to be aware of your internal motivational shifts and how they affect your communications.

    The Bottom Line
    Just remember, that even with all of the above dichotomies and contrasts, your life has been exciting and successful overall. Tomorrow will bring new awareness, different ideas and some more applied adventures. That's the way you like it.

    Communication Tips

    People who have a predominantly Left-brain Abstractthinking style thrive on careful analysis of all pertinent factors before making any decisions. Their style is naturally systematic and detail-oriented, characterized by the pursuit of logic, predictability and discipline. They may appear distant and aloof at times, as they prefer to listen rather than talk. They tend to stick to the rules and stay within the confines of their orderly world.

    When communicating with a Left-brain Abstract person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    You might find their passion for logical analysis to be ponderous or overly pedantic at times, but if you keep an open mind, their conclusions could be beneficial to you.
    In situations where you must collaborate on a project or a plan, their tendency to stick to the rules can be limiting to your own creative visions. Present your optional ideas as logical alternatives worthy of consideration.
    They may appear distant and aloof at times, as they prefer to listen rather than talk. Don't take this personally or assume they're arrogant. Remember that they're absorbing and processing information before they render an opinion.
    They can be a valuable source of background or historical information, which you sometimes tend to overlook while you aim for the "big picture." Nevertheless, expect them to provide more details than you might care for.
    People who have a predominantly Right-brain Concrete thinking style thrive on interacting with people and being the center of attention. They inspire others with their charm and warm personality. They can read other people very easily and use their intuitive skills to adapt effortlessly to changing situations. They are excellent at exciting and persuading others to follow their suggestions. They often speak without spending too much time thinking about what to say.

    When communicating with a Right-brain Concrete person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    At times, you might find their ebullient need to be the center of attention to be overpowering or annoying.
    Like therapists, they can sometimes encourage you to open up and confide with them about personal problems or concerns you have. You're usually okay with this, as long as they don't pry too deeply or push their solutions too strongly.
    As much as you think before you speak, they think by speaking. They are excellent at exciting and persuading others to follow their suggestions.
    Even if they don't take logic or factual data into account, they may come up with innovative or imaginative ideas that are worthy of your consideration.
    Since you both like to come up with ideas, the verbal interaction can be both personally rewarding and productive. They may not share your visionary creativity, but they often have an intuitive sense of what is most suited for you.
    They can sometimes seem manipulative in getting their way. While you might find their personal charm and charisma irresistible, don't allow yourself to be swayed in a direction that you know is not right for you.
    People who have a predominantly Left-brain Concrete thinking style are action-oriented and thrive on challenge. As movers of people and organizations, they enforce rules, focus on goals, meet deadlines, and demand immediate action. They typically avoid getting bogged down in details and want to go directly to the bottom line. They prefer short and easy action-items or conclusions. They are decisive people who want to get things done quickly and efficiently.

    When communicating with a Left-brain Concrete person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    You might find their style at times overbearing or in some cases, even intimidating. As a result, you're likely to interact with them only as much as absolutely necessary.
    When it comes to solving problems, they view feelings or abstract concepts as intrusions that prevent them from reaching a firm conclusion. You'd be better off not allowing your feelings to become too much of an issue.
    On the other hand, your feelings about certain situations are paramount to your comfort level, so don't be afraid to let them know how important that is to you.
    There might be times that you will feel they are pushing too hard to get you to make a final decision. On the other hand, you might be struggling with all the options you're considering and could benefit from their decisive nature.
    Don't be offended by their direct talk if it seems abrupt Ð they are goal-oriented people who know how to get things done.
    When communicating with another Left-brain Concrete, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    Like you, they tend to be visionary thinkers who look at the big picture and try to understand how things relate to each other.
    They value creative, inspirational options as much as you do. They can usually provide interesting alternatives that would be worth your while to consider. At times, however, you might become a bit irritated with their tendency to go off on tangents when you're trying to focus on a particular issue of concern.
    With the tendency you both have to procrastinate while exploring your options, one of you will need to refocus your energies on making a decision when the need to accomplish something arises.
    You are both open-minded and feelings-oriented. Together, you are likely to create a relaxed, low-key atmosphere based on trust and good rapport.
    Remember to be patient with their quiet, reflective nature; just like you, they may be thinking of other options that are more suitable for you or for themselves.
    Ultimately, you both need to feel comfortable with how your decisions fit into your world.


    Using the Analyzer style can create stress for you. Yes, you can use it for short periods of time as a learning or production tool. But, the longer you use it, the more stressed you become. Your energy-focus, which accesses this particular process, may be blocked sometimes. It's as if you have a blind spot in this part of your repertoire. You just don't like to have to use it as a primary tool. The following is what may create stress for you if used for more than short time periods:

    Constantly asking the question, "Why?" and thoroughly examining the answers
    Always being skeptical about your facts, thinking or learning processes before undertaking or doing something
    Reaching a conclusion only based on thinking logically
    Using only factual assumptions to reach detailed, action-oriented steps
    Not expressing your opinions until they demonstrate an impeccable rationale

  31. #31
    boom boom boom blackburry's Avatar
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    Description is pretty accurate.

    Left-brain analyst.

    The Planner and Logical Thinker
    You are the ultimate planner: a perfectionist. Everything has its place within the scheme of things. When you make plans, they are detailed, logical and progressive (A before B, then B before C, etc.) Before you take action, you've thought out all the possibilities and then decided on the most probable action to take.

    You love to anticipate problems. In fact, until something is accomplished correctly, you worry that something unknown may happen. That's why you check and recheck all of the details over and over before taking the first step in your plan of action.

    Solving problems is one of your greatest joys. Another is finding mistakes and correcting them. Most of the time, you see what's missing or what's wrong. That's why you make a great detective or editor. When you were younger, you would blurt out what was missing or wrong. With experience and some painful lessons, you've learned how to tone down your joyful discoveries so that other people aren't so upset with you.

    Your Work Preferences
    You enjoy a working environment with structure and procedures that are consistently and logically followed. You constantly ask for these structures and procedures from your supervisors and you provide them to the people you supervise. If these structures and procedures are not in place, you'll create them yourself and apply them to the situations and people surrounding you.

    You are a low risk taker. You don't like to put yourself into situations that are unsafe or have a chance of failure. That is why you always want to know the history behind every situation. It's through this historical perspective and always asking "Why?" before attempting any project or action that you insure a high probability of success. Therefore, almost any decision you make takes a longer time than most people need.

    How You Interact with Others
    Most of the time you are a fine listener and an observer of people in situations. Sometimes, you miss what's said or going on because you're cued in on the logic and words of the person or situation. You have a tendency to overlook the nonverbal cues and the tones of the participants' voices.

    This avoidance of the active or subtle emotions of others stems from your conservative display of your own emotions. When you are feeling some emotions, you rarely express them unless it is a desperate moment. No matter what the situation, you usually maintain a Mount Rushmore facial expression and a basic monotone voice. In business, this gives you an advantage over others because they don't know what you're thinking or feeling.

    Although you can relate to people on an everyday basis, it's just not what you love doing. Also, when it comes to sales or marketing, you're not a "rah-rah" interactive person. In fact, when confronted by these types of salespeople, you become irritated and dismissive. Your type of sales is well-planned, logically presented and low-key. You'll allow the facts and the logic of your presentations to guide the customer towards "Yes!"

    The Bottom Line
    Yes, you prefer analyzing and thinking through plans, ideas and numbers by yourself over action-oriented or discussion-oriented activities. In business, your bottom-line is dollars and cents. You are very resourceful with money and budgets. If given the right opportunity, you can stretch nickels and dimes into dollars by monitoring and planning the details of how money is acquired and spent.

    If you build a business plan, investors can be assured that the data and logic are based on factual assumptions rather than hope. Thus, whatever you project for profit has a high probability of being actualized in the future. If you are in charge of the finances and strategic planning, the probability of the business plan's successful implementation is even more positive.

  32. #32
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    The Visionary

    You're the ultimate universal, holistic thinker! Yes, you're a visionary. Everything, including the smallest detail, needs to be synthesized into a framework that answers the question, "How?" Before you begin any project or task, you need to see the big picture. Not one step can be taken until you know how that one step fits into the whole.

    Options and More Options!

    Ideas and options are what you're always creating. "Process" is your middle name. Once something seems concrete, structured and complete, you have a way of coming up with a creative option that changes the whole thing and leads to a better building process.

    Change, particularly in ideas, is never-ending for you. What you're enthusiastic about today may not be the focus of your energy in a week, a month or year. People that know you see a dynamic stream of consciousness which, given the right amount of time and people support, allows you to develop idealistic and artistic themes into living and creative realities. It makes no difference whether they are software programs, pieces of art, strategies for corporations or new, holistic developments for organic gardening.

    Time is on Your Side

    There is no timeline or deadline for your accomplishments. They are never-ending because you will go back and transform them if they evolve into a different whole within you. That is why in school or at work you procrastinate until the last moment to finish a paper, an assignment or a project. If you do the work early, at the time it's due, you'll have to go back and change it completely because you see it in a different contextual whole. So, why redo it?

    A futurist or a soothsayer! That is how some people describe you. You're always thinking about the future; you have an uncanny way of predicting what will be happening. What you forecast is not always logical and makes many people uncomfortable. But, if they've known you long enough, they use the awareness to be better prepared for upcoming situations or events.

    YouÂ’re your Own Person

    For you, being your own person is most important! You're off just enough to stand apart from the masses. Your idiosyncratic ways of self-expression often entertain, amaze or offend people. This may make you feel self-conscious or uncomfortable. However, it doesn't stop your unusual way of being. You realize it's just the price to pay for being your genuine self.

    How You Communicate with Others

    You're an excellent communicator with individuals and small groups of three, no more than four people. You listen attentively to what people say, how they say it and what feelings are generated. When you give feedback, it is usually very sensitive and leads to further communication. You have an unusual awareness of what is happening to the person and others that are participating. It's almost like a sixth sense. Sometimes, people distance themselves from you because of this sensitivity and your feedback.

    On the other hand, when you enter a room with conversant people, you can sense the themes of the discussions and the feelings being emoted. First, you'll look for people you know to talk with. After a while, some new people will be drawn into a conversation that you're having and begin sharing their thoughts and feelings with you. Many times, these new people that are drawn to you have a need to express their unusual thoughts and feelings to you. In some way, you attract people who are different or are going through difficult, emotional times.

    How You Think

    Your thinking process is mostly intuitive and analogic. You use facts and logic to back up your intuitive thought processing. When you weave these processes together, you're constantly challenging logical and scientific thought. You seem to stretch the facts to create a new theory or develop a synthetic way of tying different theories together. This optional way of thinking energizes your thought processes while at the same time focuses your energy on the facts in specific, yet different ways.

    Paradoxical thoughts attract you. While most people tend to avoid them, you seem curious and comfortable with them. That's because, once again, your need for creative and optional thinking doesn't have to be tied together with logic and factual data. You're attracted to the unknown more than the known. You're drawn to what's unusual about something rather than what is ordinary about it. If it's strange or way out there, you'll want to learn and read more about it.

    As a scientist or scholar, you have a bent towards the artistic side. What other people see as facts, you may see as shades of facts or possibilities of different facts. It's the development and creation of new ideas and ways of looking at something that excites you. That's because your world is the world of possibilities and visions.

  33. #33
    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    Analytical Visionary
    "You know how to mix the how and the why"

    Primary styles:
    Left brain abstract (analytic)
    Right brain abstract (synthetic)

    Secondary style:
    Right brain concrete (interactive)

    Left brain concrete (conclusive)
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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