View Poll Results: What's my type?

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  • IEI

    6 46.15%
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    0 0%
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    0 0%
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    0 0%
  • IEE

    7 53.85%
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    0 0%
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    0 0%
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Thread: Sigh* Vid's here :p

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  1. #1
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    My impression is some kind of fi ego, have to think about it more .
    Quote Originally Posted by Persephone View Post
    I like how convenient it is to say things are poop when people don't share the same opinion.
    Where is my super cheerleader smiley?
    Here it is:

    Other then that you seem super duper sweet @Elina.
    I also see rather EP than IP, I am sorry.
    Quote Originally Posted by Elina View Post
    if you don't agree that's fine too watching the vid even I'm starting to wonder lol
    I had a really hard time deciding to respond to this thread. One reason being is that you have been very kind, supportive and helpful to me and I was afraid to ruin the good vibes between us but that is my issue not yours. The other is that I don't like it when people try to retype me when I am positive of my own type. I see no reason to challenge someone's self type if they haven't asked for it. Having said that I realize if you were positive you wouldn't have put the effort into making a video and putting it out for all to see, so I know you really want to know. Your hair looks great, btw.

    When you first joined I felt IEE for you and had somehow come to the idea that SLI would be your socionics dual but then as we talked I really wanted you to be IEI or beta at the very least, probably for selfish reasons, like, we will have better communication between us. After talking to you it didn't really matter what your type was because you were fun to chat with and you loved music as much as me and the only thing that I ever felt even a bit at odds with you on was when you kind of dismissed my astrology beliefs, because you feel they have been empirically disproved, but that is ok. hahah I kind of held back my feelings on that issue at the time but we can't agree on everything. I know any type can be into astrology so that wasn't a deciding factor but maybe your reasons for dismissing it might have seemed, um, Te-like to me and it hit my polr kind of hard at the time. I think I already told you that though. We have similar tastes in other things which are probably not type related but anyway...

    I just watched the video again and I feel/sense so much Ne and Fi from you but not Fi in a demonstrative sense, I usually pick up on it's demonstrative use easily. I have also noticed over time the way you describe things, like, the present and future seems different from most IEI I know irl life and online. You also seem to have a more personal style of caring too. I have two immediate family members who are IEI so I do have a frame of reference. Sooo, I wasn't going to respond but if Darya and Perse can do it then I need to stop being a wimp and do it too. Even if only just to clear any energy that may betray my feelings in interactions with you. I don't want to hide anything from you but I didn't want to hurt you too so I was torn. I can be over-sensitive to how people I like react to me and indifferent to people who's opinions don't matter to me. I feel you are IEE. Now I want to say sorry as well. If you want me to explain any of this we can do it on skype since I don't want to go into it here. I know my perception may change again through us having deeper or just different interactions so I will keep it loose.


    I didn't bold anything that I specifically feel describes you but if you want to know we can talk about it.

    1. Extraverted Intuition

    IEEs easily become enamoured with new ideas and prospects and tend to start working on them immediately, almost impulsively. The tendency to be preoccupied with yet unrealized potential makes it hard for them to bring existing projects and situations to full completion and materialization. It is easier to start something new than finish something old. When instilled with a sense of opportunity and novelty, the pace at which IEEs begin new undertakings can be almost frightening.
    IEEs need to have quite a bit of free time available to investigate new opportunities, ideas, insights, and people that come along their way. Somehow they manage to keep pursuing these things even when they are overloaded with work and responsibility.
    IEEs are "big picture" people: they easily grasp large concepts and effortlessly translate their observations into generalizations and trends. When learning a new subject, understanding the basic principles and how they fit together is more important than rote memorization of facts. They like to combine multiple things and ideas, rather than follow one thing to a logical conclusion. IEEs hate missing opportunities of any sort. They typically love irony because unforeseeable things can puzzle and excite them at the same time.

    2. Introverted Ethics

    IEEs are naturally sensitive to mood, atmosphere, and feelings. They rarely say or do anything that would worsen people's feelings, preferring instead to distance themselves from people and social situations that produce negative feelings. IEEs are naturally skilled at regulating the degree of emotional intimacy between people, which can mean being businesslike (yet polite) as well as warm and inviting.
    When faced with a sad individual, the IEE will usually try to understand what is wrong, and will often try to coax the individual with kind words and actions. The IEE often displays a straight face even when faced with strong negative feelings.
    Always on the IEE's mind are the feelings of his or her friends. If the IEE does not know whether an individual is feeling good or ill will, the IEE will prod the individual until he or she displays their attitude.
    IEEs are concerned with the opinions and feelings of those around them and try to avoid saying things that would cause arguments and bad feelings. He does this effortlessly. In fact, IEEs will often choose to follow a very open and accepting life philosophy in order to reconcile his own views with those of others.
    When interacting with others, IEEs are naturally aware of the flow of emotion present and strive to interpret meanings out of individual emotional states. When they feel they've realized an accurate potentiality of the cause of someone's behavior, IEEs commonly clarify their perceptions to ensure their understanding of another person. To actually aid the person in finding positive potential, however, depends on if the subject is important to the IEE (for example, they determine how close of a friend the person actually is to them).

    7. Introverted Intuition

    The IEE thoroughly understands discussions and arguments focused on following present trends into the future and their possible implications, as well as on exploring one specific imaginative vision of personal meaning, but he much prefers to explore many possibilities, starting from a present point in time and reality, rather than to concentrate on just a few specific visions or trends. He understands that the present moment may be changeable or not be as it seems, but refuses to think too much on the matter, choosing instead to keep a more practical view. To an IEE, the question "What if?" usually applies to something that the IEE can do to change his future, not some sort of alternate reality, such as "What if I bike instead of drive to work?" as opposed to "What if gravity didn't exist?"

    8. Extraverted Ethics

    The IEE appreciates situations where people are enjoying a positive emotional atmosphere as in having fun and joking together, and is quite adept at creating them himself, but does not see creating or promoting them a top priority, nor does he actively look for people who maintain or need such an atmosphere; too high a focus on that is seen by an IEE as overdone. He can be very empathetic and will frequently comfort his friends and acquaintances, mostly letting them vent to him, offering suggestions as to what to do about it. These are usually practical. The IEE may offer a more optimistic viewpoint, but will not press the matter if the optimism is not received well. He is usually genuinely concerned, but refuses to let the negative energy affect him. This may eventually become tiring if it persists as he will feel guilty for being happy in the face of those close to him being miserable. The IEE does not like conflict between people one bit; he would rather stay on everyone's good side and keep in good terms with both sides of a conflict, preferring not to be judged by his affiliation with one side or another. In such situations he says very little that would give away where he truly sides on an issue.
    Common social roles

    1. The self-appointed psychologist who shows interest in everyone's personal, relationship, and career problems in order to figure out what might be the matter and offer pertinent advice.
    2. The social connector who knows lots of people in completely different areas of life and is constantly trying to hook people up with others who share their interests.
    3. The nonpartisan who knows that everybody can be right, and likes to explain people's differing points of view to each other without taking sides.

    Edit: what I perceive as your dislike for conflict may be E9 related, now that I think of it. I can see that is an area where you and I differ since I tend to find myself in conflict just to experience it and find creative ways out of it. Not sure if that is type related though. I don't usually back out of conflict even though I have 459 at tritype. I just don't like to hurt feelings, most of the time and I would say I might have a bit of a preference for drama over actual conflict. I am not sure where you stand on drama exactly but it seems you would rather be without it.
    Last edited by Aylen; 08-24-2014 at 01:45 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  2. #2
    darya's Avatar
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    @Aylen, your response was so sweet that I feel like an elephant in porcelain store now Elina, I actually had nothing against your IEI typing at first (Aylen's intuition is probably much stronger than mine ), but the more I've seen you interact with other members here in the shoutbox, I've noticed that you naturally fit in much more with delta/gamma crowd. Please don't take it the wrong way, I love chatting with you, but I just sense your distaste for amping the emotional atmosphere in a Fe way. So for that reason I have a really difficult time seeing you as Fe ego. This video just conformed my previous impressions. And believe me, I didn't want to respond at first for the same reasons, as I really don't want to cause any hurt feelings.

  3. #3
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    @Aylen, your response was so sweet that I feel like an elephant in porcelain store now Elina, I actually had nothing against your IEI typing at first (Aylen's intuition is probably much stronger than mine ), but the more I've seen you interact with other members here in the shoutbox, I've noticed that you naturally fit in much more with delta/gamma crowd. Please don't take it the wrong way, I love chatting with you, but I just sense your distaste for amping the emotional atmosphere in a Fe way. So for that reason I have a really difficult time seeing you as Fe ego. This video just conformed my previous impressions. And believe me, I didn't want to respond at first for the same reasons, as I really don't want to cause any hurt feelings.
    I know how hard this was to do.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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