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    Default Sociotype Diagnosis: Interviewing Method (Gulenko)

    Sotsionicheskaya diagnosis: the method of interview

    Article machine translated from

    Gulenko VV, Kiev, 01.02.1999

    Posted by: "Socionics, mentology and personality psychology." - 2002. - № 2.

    Reliable determination of the type - the most difficult in the current socionics. Unsolved this problem has long been the most powerful divisive factor, leading to the formation of numerous schools and a group of fans, who accuse each other in the wrong type definition.

    Objective difficulty lies in the fact that for a reliable diagnosis except for the measurement technology needed more constant reference, in comparison with which the specialist builds and verifies the diagnostic hypothesis. And it is something just not. Available model A, to which many schools are appealing socionics as ultimate truth, nothing more than a hypothetical scheme, which has little to say about human behavior in a particular situation. In addition, because of the high degree of its self-reflection each school sotsioniki treats scheme Aushra Augustinavichiute differently because of what it is of little use to build a working version.

    Therefore, I believe that the greatest progress in the consolidation of sotsionicheskikh forces can be achieved through the cooperation of the working groups representing the main directions of modern socionics (logical, ethical, and intuitive touch) to create working documents of practically diagnostic nature, in particular the writing of functional and behavioral characteristics sociotypes.

    The paper presents the results obtained by the mathematical treatment of factor analysis of factual material after the mass survey of people Shmisheka questionnaire designed to determine accentuation K. Leonhard. The paper also provides a comparative analysis of the identified mental parameters and factors with similar parameters known in modern psychology. The analysis identified four factors - Dichotomy and eight psychological parameters that correspond to the eight types, or functions of the human psyche, described by CG Jung in his work "Psychological Types", as well as in the works of Lithuanian sociologist A.Augustinavichiute. The main value of this work lies in the fact that practically confirmed typology of CG Jung - A.Augustinavichiute.

    Key words : socionics, psychology, test, questionnaire Shmisheka, accentuation, typology, factor analysis.

    Sotsionicheskaya diagnosis: the method of interview

    Gulenko VV, Kiev, 01.02.1999
    Published: "Socionics, mentology and personality psychology." - 2002. - № 2.
    Reliable determination of the type - the most difficult in the current socionics. Unsolved this problem has long been the most powerful divisive factor, leading to the formation of numerous schools and a group of fans, who accuse each other in the wrong type definition.

    Objective difficulty lies in the fact that for a reliable diagnosis except for the measurement technology needed more constant reference, in comparison with which the specialist builds and verifies the diagnostic hypothesis. And it is something just not. Available model A, to which many schools sotsioniki appeal as to the truth in the last instance, no more than a hypothetical scheme, which has little to say about human behavior in a particular situation. In addition, because of the high degree of its self-reflection each school sotsioniki treats scheme Aushra Augustinavichiute differently because of what it is of little use to build a working version.

    Therefore, I believe that the greatest progress in the consolidation of sotsionicheskikh forces can be achieved through the cooperation of the working groups representing the main directions of modern socionics (logical, ethical, and intuitive touch) to create working documents of practically diagnostic nature, in particular the writing of functional and behavioral characteristics sociotypes.

    1 Types socionical diagnosis

    First of all, look at the main types of socionical diagnosis. Yet because of the lack of current socionists more or less serious laboratory facilities early to put the issue of diagnosis with the aid of instruments, sensors are removed after one or other physiological indicators. Therefore, I will be mainly interested in the processes of measuring "human person" that occur in the information-psychological channels corresponding to the basic functions of the human perception - thinking (logic), feeling (sensing), imagination (intuition), feeling (ethics).

    Not be amiss to recall the fact that some mental functions interfere with each other's work, intercepting at the time of the initiative. It follows that all the information in this section applies not pure functions, but only the case of the relative dominance of one of them.

    1.1. Logical diagnosis.

    It includes all kinds of surveys, questionnaires, verbal tests, etc. They may be computerized, and letterhead, processed manually.

    Their reliability is low because there is no real feedback test. Fill in the questionnaire or by pressing the computer keys, people often give socially significant responses [9], or simply respond to his subjective self-image, and not from the objective social type.

    In the clash of the test algorithm with free will invariably wins last test. Determining the type of logical methods is justified only when the mass trials, for example, in conducting opinion polls, as well as purely for educational purposes.

    1.2. Sensory diagnostics.

    Produced in appearance - clothing, body structure, facial features, nature view, gestures and movements ... complicated by the fact that there is no-one correspondence between the appearance of man and his social type. In the exterior of one and the same person, usually contradictory blend selected empirically signs two or even three types.

    Another type of sensory diagnostics - on behaviors. It is performed during the observation of human actions in certain situations. For example, during a special training. Quite promising direction diagnostic work, which, unfortunately, are not developed.

    1.3. Intuitive diagnostics.

    Above all, this class of diagnostic methods include projective tests. The most common of them - figure (wood, man, unknown animal). For the interpretation of the test pattern requires a special talent intuitive diagnostician, able to separate the influence of situational factors-age of net typological forms [10].

    Developed intuition also requires a method for evaluating a person as insight - a sudden insight. Some Socionics priority is defending this rather vague and very irrational method [5]. He is almost entirely built on great erudition and developed a flair gestalt - "image type." It is obvious that the degree of "scientific" this method is minimal.

    1.4. Ethical diagnosis.

    Presented interviews - live interview on everyday topics. Central to this method is not the content of the questions, and empathic contact. Not everyone can work correctly, ethically. Obviously, the zealous advocates of the model-schematic socionics (in Kiev, for example - a school Ermakov) totally unsuitable for empathy.

    Is it possible to draw for conventional psychological tests? I think they are a good tool for an interview. For proper diagnosis of the same type of traditional psychometric instruments, at least without serious processing is not necessary. Sotsionicheskaya practice sharply raised the question of creating a fundamentally different approach to psychometrics.

    Analysis of psychological tests nesotsionicheskimi some authors also leads to the conclusion that the long-overdue change psychodiagnostic paradigm [3]. Finally, an understanding of the fact that testing is not a question, and the whole situation as a whole, including the identity of the diagnostician.

    2 Rules of the interview

    2.1. Locate the man to himself.

    Doing this requires the ability to tune in to a person, get used to it, to show a sincere interest in his personality. Empathic stance should be maintained throughout the time of interviewing.

    Unacceptable instructive tone on your part, a demonstration of the top positions. Equally undesirable position from the bottom, which is expressed in the desire to appease the respondent in any way, kowtowing to him. Will be correct only equitable, affiliate position. The success of the contact you specify for the following signs of approval: a lively, interested gaze, free gestures, postures emancipation, faint nodding his head, body leaned forward slightly, warm tone of voice.

    Signs of disapproval, of course, will be the opposite: cold, slightly narrowed eyes, fake smile, hands tightly crossed on his chest, frantically entwined legs, body fed back or to the side, irritated tone of voice.

    The success of the interview is often hindered by the rush, or, conversely, the slowness of time, which leads to fatigue and loss of the main line of conversation among the many details. The normal amount of time for an interview - from 20 to 30 minutes of continuous communication.

    Another hindering factor - the desire to find the right decision. Respondent can not feel preconfigured diagnostician, which is manifested in attempts to get him into some kind of "model". In such circumstances, it will unconsciously interfere with the free exchange of information.

    2.2. Work on all channels.

    Experienced diagnostician skillfully distributes attention between auditory, visual and sensory channels of perception, that is, at the same time listening and watching the test, as well as empathize with him. Just so you do not cover the situation of a one-sided, and from all sides. This rule is easily performed if the diagnosis is carried out coordinated group sotsioanalitikov of two people.

    Many newcomers, especially studying in schools logical socionics, focus only on the content of the respondent's words, scrolling in my head on what "aspect" they are classified. My experience confirms a well-known psychological fact that non-verbal signals carry much more information about a person's identity than the semantics of his words.

    Particular attention is paid to recommend eye movement interlocutor. How to interpret the same opinion? Here there are the following options.

    Look up, especially if it is accompanied by the rise of the head. Situational means: wait a minute, think about it. Diagnostician should not rush the respondent at this point, so as not to knock him off his thoughts, not to confuse. On the other hand, if the eyes are raised to acquire information systematically, it is a sign of intuitive function.
    Look down, especially when tilting the head. Situational indicates that the respondent resists, expresses opposition to your opinions, or communication style. In this case, place the man to himself, as described in paragraph 2.1. If the respondent is still stubbornly closed, the interview should be discontinued. Systematic lowering of the eyes down to the minute deliberation issue indicates that the work of sensory function.
    Long still look into the eyes of the interviewer. Means the respondent's desire to subjugate you yourself psychologically, hypnotic affect your subconscious. Interviews in this case effectively, it is necessary to replace other types of supervision or sotsiodiagnostiki.
    Look to the side, especially accompanied by turning away. For this type of sight lies neglect and critical attitude of the respondent to the diagnostician or to the procedure interview. In this case it is better to diagnose held anyone else. If the criticism of self interviewing, it is necessary to find out the reasons for this attitude and continue to act according to circumstances. If the eyes are systematically moving toward at the moment thinking of the question, it suggests about the irrationality sociotypes respondent.
    2.3. Avoid multiple-choice questions.

    Alternatively referred to such questions, which contain grammatical construction "either - or". For example: You are funny people or serious? You are right to express their opinion or try to be diplomatic? Typical are two responses to this question. First: I can and so and so. Second, it all depends on the situation.

    Neither the first nor the second type of response does not give any information to the diagnostician. At the same time, the negative consequence of this kind of issue is arising from the respondent's a very unpleasant feeling that it cornered. Within the framework of ethical sotsioniki violation of this rule is considered to be a gross error.

    Even worse, when the diagnostician, received an indefinite answer starts pushing and forcing the respondent to make a choice anyway. In such a situation, if the question for some reason it seems you need, break it down into two separate questions and ask them in turn. For example: you are part of the fun? and when you see yourself sad?

    Long-standing practice of testing accumulated enough evidence that a person is difficult to squeeze in only one type. My idea is that the individual should be considered as a complex system types encountered hostility on the part of the dead of all the schools that I know of socionics. How promising this idea remains to be seen.

    2.4. Clarify the responses of the subject.

    The necessity of this rule follows from the polysemy (multiple meanings) of the words of the living language, a strong dependence of the meaning of the utterance context and previous experience of the respondent.

    Here are some examples.

    - I'm probably impractical people. - In what ways is your impracticality? Maybe you uneconomical to spend? You do not get the business? You do not have enough punch qualities?

    - I prefer to live for today. - What does this mean? You do not plan their actions? You give away the whole mood of the moment? You will not do what does not bring emergency return?

    - I think that I have a well-developed intuition. - How do you understand the intuition? - I quickly guided by the situation. When there is no time to think, I decide intuitively.

    The last example shows that the respondent had in mind everyday notion of intuition, which has little to do with intuition as a diagnostic feature of social type. In everyday life under the intuition to understand any spontaneous, unplanned action, while intuition sotsionicheskaya - this perception of the world in the abstract and speculative images.

    2.5. Monitor the emotional reactions of the test.

    On spontaneous emotional response of a friend, you determine whether the issue has gone, that is, whether he understood and accepted if the respondent. If you did not, then you need to quickly reformulate it or opt out. Such constant correction simply needed during intercourse, as those or other distortion of the contact, gradually accumulating, would negate all of your attempts to woo the man.

    Sometimes you may have serious doubts about the sincerity of the respondent. How to determine if he is not lying? In the interview questions are not encased nothing like the scale of lies, but nevertheless experienced interviewer sensitively catches attempts to mislead it. Lies on the respondent's you indicate the following features of its behavior:

    inconsistency of behavioral acts of the situation, in particular, the demonstration of an exaggerated friendliness, smiling, when the situation is not conducive to this,
    attempts to impose unsolicited help or have unexpected service
    an increased focus on the little things, meaningless details
    expression of resentment, indignation at insignificant matter,
    selective inattention or forgetfulness,
    Sudden changes in behavior, from calm to agitation, from an active interest in the subject of conversation to apathy, from the rush to agree to wait, and so on. n.,
    inner nervousness, which indicates a sharp redness or paleness of the face.
    2.6. Not to ask complex, non-issue.

    Such questions stimulate the imagination and emotions of the respondent, instead of paying it to the usual life reactions. Let us consider a few examples of such errors.

    - What decisions would you have taken if you were president? Better to say: Have you be the boss? Tell me about yourself as a leader. Or, what are your methods of leadership?

    - You are stranded on a desert island. What would you do in the first place, in order to survive? Better: Have you ever been in campaigns? As you navigate the terrain?

    Another example of a non-issue: you find a piece of art (weapons, valuable documents, etc.). What would you do with it? should be reformulated as follows: have you ever get in a situation difficult moral choice, when the sense of struggling with debt? Tell us how you have been in this situation a decision. What will win? What do you feel?

    Other uninformative and useless questions: where would you spend a million, if you gave him? Would you like to fly in space? How do you imagine an ideal teacher? Which political party would you take? etc. These questions usually take a lot of precious time and mental energy, and the diagnostic returns are insignificant.

    2.7. Do not get involved in matters of taste.

    Questions about their favorite books, movies, music etc. only suitable for the location of man to himself, emotional release and no more. They almost do not bear any load tipnye are purely individual associated with internally self, not with the objective sotsiotip.

    We must not forget that we live in a society of mass communication media, through which quite effectively carried out so-called "brainwashing." A strong influence on the choice of a variety of fashion stereotype has artificially hast made idols indulgence low-brow tastes of the crowd. And above all, it concerns the youth subculture.

    Tastes good man reflect his intellectual and spiritual level of development, but not sotsionicheskuyu structure of his mind. Musical and literary preferences of the person vary greatly over time. The choice of the author or artist is often explained psychotherapeutic effect of works of art, helping to respond or compensate for undesirable psychological state.

    2.8. Analyze the results and the progress of each interview.

    Any more or less interesting interview it is necessary without delay subject to analysis. It is very desirable reviews and detailed assessments of other experts. Critical attitude to their activities will contribute to greater objectivity and timely correction of individual tactics. The most interesting interview is very useful to record on a tape recorder and then listen.

    Just doing regular diagnostics and comparing the results with the findings of a more experienced practitioner sotsioanalitik gaining priceless nuggets of experience, which leads to a natural growth of his or her qualifications. Classes sotsiodiagnostikoy alone, in isolation from the mature and proven not in theory, but in practice its viability schools often end gross errors and fixing perverse templates evaluating people.

    3 interview technique

    Based on what equipment sotsionicheskogo interview? - On the asymmetry of the human unconscious choice between alternatives, even when both options seem to be quite equally. Very revealing experiences of students of American psychologist John. Kelly, who has studied the bipolar constructs - close analogy sotsionicheskikh dichotomies, as well as to continue with this approach math Lefebvre, who proved that the probability of a free choice between the two poles tends to 0.62 - the "golden section" [2].

    Hard algorithm in an interview no. His justly regarded as an art rather than a strict science. But within an ethical approach this feature is an advantage that allows to get away from formalism and dogmatism, to be an individual.

    Below, you will find a series of questions for the interview in order. Analysis for each question, ie its orientation, interpretation, communication with tipalnymi signs I do not give deliberately. Explanation of each question and answer requires a significant amount and the size of the study articles are limited. Also in each method has its own highlights, that should not be disclosed in order to avoid unauthorized use of your equipment.

    In reality, the testing order of the questions, of course, can dramatically change as the time / place of the interview, as well as the integral type dyad diagnostician - the respondent arising from transference-countertransference phenomena, has a significant impact on the process tipodiagnostiki.

    1 Biographical series of questions.

    Where are you from? Have you changed the place of residence? What do you feel when you moved to a new location?

    You work or study? Where did you learn (running)? How did you choose a specialty? It was an accident? You went for the company? You have prompted parents? How long have you and consciously sought this kind of activity?

    Do you like your job? What is it?

    2 hobby in his spare time.

    How do you relax? Do you have many hobbies? What? How do you manage to find time for such a wide range of hobbies?

    Are you interested in art? What is it? What attracts you to music (theater, painting, etc.)? How do you evaluate the work of art, film, play, painting, etc.?

    Do you do sports? What kind? It is important to make a distinction between power and speed sports. What are your athletic performance? Why did you choose this type? Whether you love to play in the team? What role do you take on the playing field, playground (striker, defender, goalkeeper, etc.)?

    Do you have a cottage, land? Have to work on the land? what you feel about it? Have you ever been in the nature? Solo, family, noisy company?

    3 The behavior in everyday life.

    Do you have your own apartment or room? You do it furnished? Why do you prefer this style? You in it comfortably? Does it have a lot of furniture? Lie there on the floor carpets, rugs? If you have extra money, what would you change in your room?

    How often do you do the cleaning? How do you do the cleaning? Describe the process. Is it important for you to lay things on a strictly designated areas? Whether you prefer a free order of things? When you got home, you immediately hang clothes in his place?

    Whether you love to cook? What dishes? Did not I deliver you need to do this every day? Do you help your family? Who manages household chores? How assigns responsibilities in the family? Why? Are all happy with this situation?

    Whether you love to receive visitors? How do you organize a meeting? Do you have many friends? How do you know them? How often have to call back? How you behave, was in an unfamiliar company? Immediately enter into a conversation, look around for a while, to whom would like or behave more like that?

    4 Behavior of the conflict.

    Have you ever been hot-tempered? In what cases? How long can you ignore the bad attitude? Your friends when you have a falling out. What will you take? Have you ever argue in queues? How are you with the lead? Pugnacious Did you know? Can strike first?

    Imagine that you are the boss and you have a careless slave? How do you invoke it to order? And if he still does not obey? Is it difficult for you to reprimand? How do you do? Have you fire? Tell me how it happened

    After three or four series of questions, as a rule, there is already enough information in order to formulate the two working hypotheses. Experience has shown the benefit of that person, in many cases seen in two types. One of them - the type of ego, the second - the type of person (the mask).

    Follow-up questions must make specific, ie separate the first type, which is considered the main, from the second, which is optional, though no less important characteristic of the person. Your actions from this point the interview can be twofold.

    Firstly, the more you can resort to neyungovskim scales, differentiating types within the dyad. Most often I use for these purposes dichotomy leftism / right-hand and static / dynamic. Secondly, you can go to the questions on the type of the whole. But for this purpose it is necessary to know well the behavioral characteristics of the types. Purely structural characteristics, built on the model of A [8], are of little use for these purposes.

    Summing up, introduce a general algorithm for an interview as a sequence of four steps:

    3-4 series of questions
    \ /
    2 hypotheses about the type of
    \ /
    separation from the ego Persons
    \ /
    familiarization with the result

    At the end of the interview urge to satisfy the curiosity of the respondent and to share with him for a few minutes with the results. To do this, we must be able, in concise form to characterize a person of any social type.

    If the diagnosis of people annoyed or disappointed you, even if it failed to identify the type, failed. If he came out with a sympathy for you, you lucky. This is the principle of ethical socionics. Unfortunately, we in Kiev dominated by aggressive schools, creating a negative image of socionics. The likelihood that their ideologists senses, is very small.

    4 Explanation of data

    To decrypt the response uses a hierarchical model diagnostic feature. In many respects it is similar to the well-known theory G.Ayzenka, who considered the category of maximum generality tipalnyh properties of the so-called superchertu, which manifests itself through a series of features of a particular procedure, consisting in turn of the usual reactions. Sotsionicheskaya staircase features is as follows:

    Net sign of
    \ /
    Leveled signs
    \ /
    habitual reactions

    The upper level of the hierarchy - a sign of pure disclosed on the four horizons, or levels of communication: intellectual, social, psychological and physical. [7] These more specific properties and a middle rung of the ladder - level features. Each of the leveling features implemented through a series of habitual behavioral reactions in man, which, in fact, questions are asked.

    There are great difficulties in the study of behavioral responses. The fact that they are closely related to social stereotypes, poses on all people. The actions of these stereotypes shift inner self-esteem of the individual in the direction of the pole, which is traditionally proclaimed socially desirable.

    It is known that the rationality and extraversion is considered in Western society the positive qualities, but the irrationality of introversion and negative. The logic of ethics associated with traditional notions of masculinity and femininity. Touch-intuitive demands of primary compensation, which is why it is tempting to adopt tried and tested specifically for the nature of this.

    But still makes itself felt such gradation diagnostic complexity. Temperamental scale (rational / irrational and extra / introversion), as they appear sharper and faster in behavior, diagnosed relatively easier than scale installation (logic / ethics and sensing / intuition).

    1 rationality-irrationality

    as a sign of pure means-linearity cyclicity. Its manifestation through the levels to be as follows.

    1.1. Intellectual aspect:

    speech / vision. How a person connected speech, when he offers his thoughts on the complex intellectual theme. Did he have any speech defects in childhood (eg, stuttering, fuzzy diction) and have been able to quickly get rid of them?

    1.2. Social:

    hard / soft rule. Compare, if the respondent has had such an experience, as the work proceeded on a private commercial company in the state organization. As it relates to a flexible schedule?

    1.3. Psychological aspect:

    low / high resistance to stress. As far as the respondent values ​​to establish a relationship. For Rational stable partner, even if the relationship with him is not the best, rather than partner pleasant but unreliable. Irrationals much resistance to stress on relationships. He is without any problems will change them, until he finds most comfortable.

    1.4. Physical aspect:

    tightness / looseness of the body and organs. You need to figure out how the person relaxes, that he needs to relieve tension. On the other hand, it is useful to know how fast he comes in shape. Much information can clarify how and in what position he was sleeping.

    2 Extraversion-Introversion.

    How clean is a sign of opening and closing. The information obtained during the interview, pay attention to the following information:

    2.1. Intellectual aspect:

    wide / deep thinking. How wide is the range of interests of the respondent? How quickly he remembers / recalls information? Talkative he? If he writes something, how many pages of text he is able to write at a time?

    2.2. Social:

    leader / follower. Do managerial experience? If the person was a leader among his peers? Do want him to lead a large team? Who is the real leader in his family?

    2.3. Psychological aspect:

    understanding of other / themselves. Seem to be some of your actions to yourself to understand? Come you have a state of inner emptiness? What do you do if you have a long time to be alone?

    2.4. Phi -physical aspect:

    energy-intensive / energy-saving. Determine whether you need a person in the usual course of business or push the brake. Is characterized by a tendency for it unfinished or recycle? Did he blame himself for failing? How often have regret what was done? What levels of self-control at close psychological distances?

    3 The logic of ethics.

    As a pure sign of this dichotomy means objectivity-subjectivity. Leveled signs would be:

    3.1. Intellectual aspect:

    instrumental / value judgments. Respondent evaluates new information for yourself? If he could imagine myself out of a situation in which there is? Whether accompanying his thoughts involuntary rated good / bad?

    3.2. Social:

    focus on the task / person. Explore how the impact on human performance deterioration or improvement of informal relationships at work. How does it works, if there is work unpleasant person? How he reacts to moral encouragement?

    3.3. Psychological aspect:

    inattention / attentiveness to nonverbal signals. How will you know the condition of the people? Looks like a sad person? A funny? What you said intonation interlocutor? Have you people for comfort? How do you distinguish a dishonest person from the fair?

    3.4. Physical aspect:

    mechanistic / animation objects. Do you have a car of the respondent? It never occurred to me that art objects can also have character? If he gets used to things, what is feeling if they are lost? What exactly is it frustrating?

    4 Touch-intuitive.

    As a sign of pure means material ideal.

    4.1. Intellectual aspect:

    concrete / abstract thinking. You can define the content of the responses to any concerns. Also, the ability to build and track complex speculative constructs that have no explicit objective content. Something that gives the analysis of the forms of dreams.

    4.2. Social:

    novation / utilitarianism. What motivates people? What are the benefits he receives from his hobbies. As far as he is pragmatic? Peculiar if he sacrifice? Would he be engaged in interesting but useless in terms of material impact business? How quickly he picks up the news?

    4.3. Self-Esteem:

    realistic self-assessment / under or revaluation. Set whether the respondent knows himself real price? How did he react when he gives the wrong, in his view, an assessment. Whether he had any inferiority complexes? Whether he considers himself an unrecognized talent, and the like?

    4.4. Day to Day-household

    suitability / unsuitability. Would he be able to quickly settle in a new place? Did he move? As he buys products on the market? He chooses his merchandise? How does he do cleaning, preparing meals, perform manual work at home?

    These features in the first part of the interview are advised to remove from the information that in the free form gives the respondent. Deciphering them is made according to the above semantic key at a constant reconciliation with the non-verbal signals.

    It was only in the second part of the interview after working hypotheses are formed, it is possible to explore a particular feature specifically. Rod interview, so is created by alternating thematic series of questions, the answers to which potentially provide guidance on any sign, not a narrowly selected that revealed the only work of any one communicative function.

    5 The subsequent course of diagnosis

    Toward the end of the interview is often necessary to compare the two types to decide which of them is the type of ego. Good effect in this work, as already mentioned, gives an analysis on the additional (neyungovskim) grounds.

    The first is a static-dynamic. In its pure form, the polarity is interpreted as stability-variability. Usually her lie two habitual reactions - balance / imbalance of the nervous system, as well as the idea of ​​himself as a stable personality, or as a person is constantly changing, passing from one type to another.

    The second distinctive feature - right-hand / leftism. As a sign of pure means processuality / Scoring. Questions on its identification should address of detail of interest to the respondent's affairs in the first place, and its relationship to the raw results and alterations, second.

    5 Examples of interview

    Example 1.

    Cite only the most important parts. Reads the whole text does not allow the size of the paper.

    - What's your name?

    - Lena.

    - How old are you?

    - Twenty-one. ( Next to me sits an elegant, delicate girl with expressive gestures and insightful, watchful eyes. Sits in a bent posture tense. until the mid interview begins to relax.)

    - Do you work or study?

    - I study in the Institute of Economics. Like there to learn?

    - No, I'm bored fiddling with numbers and pieces of paper.

    - And as you have been in school with math?

    - Well, I always had quads and fives.

    - What has changed since then?

    - In principle, nothing but math itself is an object which allows you to organize all gives a clear system. This I really like.

    - And what would you like to do?

    - To study the people, understand their psychology.

    - Tell me, how do you know a person's mood?

    - Well, it's immediately obvious.

    - But still, how do you know that a person is sad at heart?

    - He looks different, he changed expression. You just pay attention to such details? - Yes.

    - How do you feel about women's responsibilities at home?

    - Where to get to, it's all to do. Doing, although I do not like this. Most of all I love to cook. Especially the salads do, and more - the oven.

    - Things you lie on the ground?

    - (Laughs) No, I have them often scattered.

    - And if someone will follow their order?

    - If someone will bring this order, I like it. Only that I do not find fault!

    - Tell me how you do the cleaning in the room.

    - I have my own routine of and I really do not like when I impose some kind of action or criticized during operation. And if someone will fall very meticulous?

    - Can a flare up and saying rude. I better not touch.

    - Are you a good mixer?

    - Not so much. Rather low. But last time I like solitude.

    - You may be burned by trusting someone?

    - Yes, I am very worried about the relationship.

    - You are premonitions?

    - Yes, sometimes I think that to me or someone I care for something to happen.

    - Well, what happens?

    - You know, yes.

    - Bring any example. (This is followed by confirming the story.) You tell the person, if you feel that he is at risk?

    - Most likely, yes.

    - You can call a pessimist?

    - Why, I had some and joyful mood. I am, and that and the other.

    - Do you alternate these states?

    - Yes, I have often changed the mood. There are moments when life seems to me a flower garden, and it happens that everything is black.

    - You just see the outlines of the whole?

    - No. I first noticed some details, and then they themselves are added to the overall picture. (Question on breeding right / left types).

    Conclusion: The ethical-intuitive extrovert. Comment replica is not my task written material is not for beginners, as well as a practical guide for those who have completed an introductory course sotsiodiagnostiki and would like to better understand the features of an ethical school.

    Example 2.

    - What's your name?

    - Kate. (On my questions are answered pretty tightly folded girl with long hair. Keeps confident, diverse gestures, facial expressions alive.)

    - Do you work?

    - No, I'm on the first year of law school.

    - Why did you choose this profession?

    - It is a prestigious, will give me the opportunity to make a career. At other options, I do not agree.

    - Do you have a lot of hobbies in your free time?

    - Passions much, they often change. Even I do not remember just what it was the last. I like to go dancing at a disco.

    - Quickly Are you familiar with?

    - Yes, I have a lot of acquaintances. I even prefer to come into contact with new people than to meet with the old.

    - How often do you dream?

    - Of course. But my dreams are more like plans. I have a goal that I want to achieve. I'm going to achieve an independent financial situation, to become famous, to buy a car and a decent house.

    - If you hover the order in your room?

    - The same procedure I do not need so fast and I find I need a thing. But when absolutely everything is scattered, quickly hide obstructions. I like to cook a lot more than clean.

    - Did you manage people?

    - I'm not worth anything to take the initiative to convince friends to go somewhere. But the elder in the group do not want to be: I'm bored all the time to do the same.

    - Tell us about your aesthetic taste!

    - Like everyone else, I love fashion, modern clothes. I prefer it to be spacious, does not restrict movement. I like big jewelry (girl dressed in accordance with its description.) . I do not like high-heeled shoes, even though I wear it.

    Conclusion: sensory-ethical extravert. I have little doubt on that score, that Kate will achieve its ambitious goals. If the orders of the society will not change dramatically, of course.


    Burlachuk LF, SM Morozov Dictionary of psychological diagnosis. Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1989
    Lefebvre, VA Formula person: Outlines the fundamental psychology. Lane. Translated from English. - M .: Progress, 1991, p.50 - 51
    Druginyn VN Psychodiagnostics general abilities. - M .: "Academy", 1996, p.215
    AV Petrovsky, Yaroshevskii MG History and theory of psychology. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1996, Volume 2, p.326
    Ritchik D. Define? Types? Yes! // Socionic reading. # 18 (21) 1998 g
    Gulenko VV In what language will negotiate? On overcoming the crisis in socionical diagnosis - Kiev, 09.09.1998 // Socionic reading. # 12 (15), 1998
    Gulenko VV Multi-view thinking. The structure of scientific knowledge - Kiev, 16.10.1996 // SMiPL, 1997, № 5
    Stratievsky Q. How to make so that we did not leave. A guide to finding a life partner. M .: SMEs, 1997
    Bukalov AV Is the American statistics of types and intertype relations under the test I.Mayers-Briggs? // SMiPL, 1996, № 4
    Arvachev IV Square, triangle, circle ... // "Socion», № 1, 1998.

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    Sotsionicheskaya/sotsionicheskikh = socionistic, adj.
    neyungovskim= non jungian

  3. #3
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    Or just Intuitively diagnose and get everything right!
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    Sounds like socionics is a diagnosis... Do we have a remedy from it?

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    Feeling fucking fantastic golden's Avatar
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    I found this article helpful. Thanks for posting.

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