Quote Originally Posted by Contra View Post
I've played around with the idea of doing,,,,philosophy. Is there such thing as a field that ILIs generally prefer or are good at? My instinct tells me there is. Whatever the case, I'm interested to hear it.
I don't really know my type anymore or if type even exists, but, assuming, I usually lean towards ILI. So, as a possible ILI, I too also have a passion for philosophy. I've always liked Nassim Nicholas Taleb's conception of resilient truths, ie that memes that last, whether or not they are "empirical" in a shallow scientific sense, are proven to have some utility due to their continued existence. What is philosophy, then, but a compendium of strains of thought which have stood the test of time? (Modern science, meanwhile, has a (relatively) very fast overturn and mutation rate, which Schopenhauer was keenly aware of.)

So make of that what you will.

My ILI uncle works in IT, some kind of software management or architecture. Some of the MBTI INTJ sites half-jokingly say all INTJs become programmers eventually.

Quote Originally Posted by Spider View Post
I think all three of them have voiced the importance of moving or just doing something. Inertia seems to be a big part of Ni(<--input on this observation would be helpful)
Once again, not sure I'm ILI, but...yeah, this is kind of the reason I have a love-hate relationship with academia. I like consuming large information dumps for fun; the more I know, the more prepared I feel. But the social structure as a whole is rife with space-cadet Ne types, who want to discuss the myriad ideal worlds out there. me, I'd rather live on planet earth, provide a good or service that people actually need, instead of being part of the parasitic "intellectual" class...but I digress.;;