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Thread: Richard Kuklinski The Iceman

  1. #1
    oyburger's Avatar
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    Default Richard Kuklinski The Iceman

    My husband has a fascination with serial killers and the mob, this man encompasses both so he's recently developed an interest in him.
    His fear is that he is similar to him personality wise.
    I can see similarities between them, but I think my husband has one up on him just by being worried in the first place.

    So what type do you think he is?
    All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster

  2. #2

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    hahaha, this guy is quite

    this is just plain messed up.
    Richard used many different ways to kill and he always carried three guns and one knife. He would also use a chainsaw to dismember bodies but did not use it to kill. Just before killing a man that was begging for his life Richard told him he could have thirty minutes to pray and if God would spare his life so would he. The man prayed but since God did not appear to save him, Richard then shot him. "I should not have done it like that" he says he should not have done that one. One time he was asked to cut out a man's tongue and stick in his rectum, so he complied.
    there's so many parts of that article that are just so out

    and no, I don't know shit about socionics so I can't give you a type, thanks for the good read though...

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    oyburger's Avatar
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    Yes, my obsessive husband went out and bought all of the interviews on DVD and forced me to watch them so that I could make comparissons between him and the iceman.

    He claims that he feels no strong response one way or another while killing. I don't know how much of that I believe.
    All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster

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    I don't know this guy as well as you do... so he could be ESTP if that's what you think. Ted Bundy, however, was definately ISTP.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    After seeing the three-part documentary on HBO, I'd have to say, very decidedly, that he's ISTp.
    "To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"

    "Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."

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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticSonic
    After seeing the three-part documentary on HBO, I'd have to say, very decidedly, that he's ISTp.
    I thought he was some sort of STp, but couldn't decide between E or I. Now maybe I can build a case to convince Daniel that he's not quite like this guy.
    All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster

  8. #8
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    They decided that he got that way from being abused as a child+mental mindset of fearless-ness which developed into antisocial personality disorder and sociopathy.
    All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster

  9. #9


    I've had facinations about cerial killers for a long while as well. Fictional and real ones. (I used to have a big crush on Hannibal Lector)

    This is probably the most facinating of all of the ones I've looked up...

    Also...that guy who tried to turn people into his own zombies or something...whats his face...

  10. #10
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    betas are creepy

    Check out my Socionics group!

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    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    What's the big deal? I never said everybody of one type would turn into a killer. That's actually illogical if you think about how small a precentage of people murder anyway.

    All I'm saying is that his other traits were ISTP. For example, he was described as have a bit of a cold/calculating side to him, however, in the presence of most people, he would come off as maybe gregarious or even charming (this is how he was successful). I know I have always acted a bit like an "angel" when meeting new people, especially older people or people of importance. Actually, that's how people who don't know me well often have described me in the past. *grins* I have no idea why I do it, it's just a reaction I guess, to act that way. But if they were able to get closer to me they'd realize I'm mostly not like that at all. It's sort of a weird dichotomy. Another weird thing is that Bundy was known to create very detailed plans, collect a bunch of important information about his situation/people, etc... and always go into things well planed, but... there was also the agressive side to him, for instance when he was a kid he would pick up the cat by it's tail, twirl it around his head, and then chuck it at the wall (no I've never done that I'm just using another example). It's another one of those funny dichotomies I suppose. Jekyll and Hyde.

    Yeah, a bit off topic but I guess the information is relevant.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aurora_faerie
    I've had facinations about cerial killers for a long while as well. Fictional and real ones. (I used to have a big crush on Hannibal Lector)
    ZOMG! Kelly that is not healthy! Stick with the healthy ESTps please!

    To Rocky:
    "" wasn't only for you. It was for this whole topic...and to things people say here

    To Joy:
    Hmm...There is like one Beta here... Perhaps two but anyways Betas didn't start this thread! o_O

    Edit: To Joy...ok well this thread started because one Beta thinks he is somekind of reincarnated serial killer or something so well...perhaps you have a point

  13. #13
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    This guy's too messed up to be typed. The bio is of no use: they just say "He was absued tortured and therefore he's messed up and kills people".
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  14. #14
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    LSE 8w7 so/sp... I've got Billy the Kid SLE-Se 8w7 so/sp..."more methodical vs. more reckless", let's say

    LSE 8w7 so/sp vs SLE 8w7 so/sp: Vengeance is the fixation of type 8. Punitiveness is the core behavioral characteristic of vengeance. "8 social - Punitive in defense of mother. A social anti-social...Child in example becomes anti-father, therefore anti-******, anti-authority, anti-intellectual...The only 8 intellectual is the social 8." Whenever you have a so/sp 8w7 SLE in a power regime eventually they will come to be the ringleaders in a coup to tear down the 'father' (most often the boss) doesn't have to be a power regime. it could be any environment, for that matter, but the moving against/abuse/murder/crushing of the 'father' (and, of course, anybody that gets in the way) will be close to the central action in their rise to power....the true central action being the 8's own ego. John Gotti's murder of Paul Castellano (LSE 7w8 so/sp) would be a perfect example of this.

    However, with LSE 8w7 so/sp the anti-fatherness is significantly tamped down due to the father orientation of LSE (so/sp also has a surface layer of 'fatherness'). Qualia-grasping Se strengthens the soc 8's orientation to 'mother' (as in nature, earth, the physical)...Te diminishes it. so with LSE 8w7 so/sp the abuse/murder/crushing of the 'father' comes more after the rise to's like with Saddam Hussein (LSE 8w7 so/sp) or Joe Stalin (LSE 8w7 so/sp). After they come to power then they turn around and wipe out the entire infrastructure (father), instituting show trials where all the solid, sturdy, barrel-chested pillars are burnt to the ground...
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 04-07-2015 at 04:54 AM.

  15. #15
    kingslayer's Avatar
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    I agree on LSE. I saw the HBO documentary on him. Really interesting watch. He seemed to scream delta values to me.. actually pretty obvious LSE imo

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    LSE 8w7 so/sp... I've got Billy the Kid SLE-Se 8w7 so/sp..."more methodical vs. more reckless", let's say

    LSE 8w7 so/sp vs SLE 8w7 so/sp: Vengeance is the fixation of type 8. Punitiveness is the core behavioral characteristic of vengeance. "8 social - Punitive in defense of mother. A social anti-social...Child in example becomes anti-father, therefore anti-******, anti-authority, anti-intellectual...The only 8 intellectual is the social 8." Whenever you have a so/sp 8w7 SLE in a power regime eventually they will come to be the ringleaders in a coup to tear down the 'father' (most often the boss) doesn't have to be a power regime. it could be any environment, for that matter, but the moving against/abuse/murder/crushing of the 'father' (and, of course, anybody that gets in the way) will be close to the central action in their rise to power....the true central action being the 8's own ego. John Gotti's murder of Paul Castellano (LSE 7w8 so/sp) would be a perfect example of this.

    However, with LSE 8w7 so/sp the anti-fatherness is significantly tamped down due to the father orientation of LSE (so/sp also has a surface layer of 'fatherness'). Qualia-grasping Se strengthens the soc 8's orientation to 'mother' (as in nature, earth, the physical)...Te diminishes it. so with LSE 8w7 so/sp the abuse/murder/crushing of the 'father' comes more after the rise to's like with Saddam Hussein (LSE 8w7 so/sp) or Joe Stalin (LSE 8w7 so/sp). After they come to power then they turn around and wipe out the entire infrastructure (father), instituting show trials where all the solid, sturdy, barrel-chested pillars are burnt to the ground...
    Some updates: Vengeance has been rerouted to Type 1's fixation (see my fictional exemplars thread in the enneagram subforum which provides for a primer on each type) and I've replaced vengeance with dominance. I've also moved Kuklinski over to SLI-Si 8w9 sp/sx and Stalin to LSI-Se 8w9 sp/so ….the diabolical-aggressive gestalt is a better fit for both. Kuklinski was too content to be in a follower position for a SLE or LSE. I've also rerouted John Gotti to SLE-Ti 6w7 so/sp....the pugnacious-self-protective gestalt is a better fit...I got more information about him. It's apparent that his rise to the position of boss was motivated by paranoia that Paul Castellano was going to have him rubbed out; thus the driving force was self-protection (he was fending off attack) and that hits the 6's core action set: projection of hostility...Sixes assume a power-orientation out of defensive necessity, which seems to fit Gotti like a hand in glove…I also moved Billy the Kid to SLE-Se 7w8 so/sx...enterprising-rebellious gestalt. I see his core strategy as subversion, not dominance.

    I also reorganized this under type 6 because it best fits the 6's area of fixation (rivalry; vendetta):

    Child in example becomes anti-father, therefore anti-******, anti-authority, anti-intellectual...The only 8 intellectual is the social 8." Whenever you have a so/sp 8w7 SLE in a power regime eventually they will come to be the ringleaders in a coup to tear down the 'father' (most often the boss) doesn't have to be a power regime. it could be any environment, for that matter, but the moving against/abuse/murder/crushing of the 'father' (and, of course, anybody that gets in the way) will be close to the central action in their rise to power....
    And this piece I reorganize under type 3 (the vain, egotistical character type):

    the true central action being the 8's own ego.
    These adjustments are reflected in my fuller enneagram descriptions which can be found here:

    The only valid breakdown for each type, wing and stack:

    And the only valid VI templates for each socionics type and subtype:
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 03-28-2019 at 08:14 PM.

  17. #17
    kingslayer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    Some updates: Vengeance has been rerouted to Type 1's fixation (see my fictional exemplars thread in the enneagram subforum which provides for a primer on each type) and I've replaced vengeance with dominance. I've also moved Kuklinski over to SLI-Si 8w9 sp/sx and Stalin to LSI-Se 8w9 sp/so ….the diabolical-aggressive gestalt is a better fit for both. Kuklinski was too content to be in a follower position for a SLE or LSE. I've also rerouted John Gotti to SLE-Ti 6w7 so/sp....the pugnacious-self-protective gestalt is a better fit...I got more information about him. It's apparent that his rise to the position of boss was motivated by paranoia that Paul Castellano was going to have him rubbed out; thus the driving force was self-protection (he was fending off attack) and that hits the 6's core action set: projection of hostility...Sixes assume a power-orientation out of defensive necessity, which seems to fit Gotti like a hand in glove…I also moved Billy the Kid to SLE-Se 7w8 so/sx...enterprising-rebellious gestalt. I see his core strategy as subversion, not dominance.

    I also reorganized this under type 6 because it best fits the 6's area of fixation (rivalry; vendetta):

    And this piece I reorganize under type 3 (the vain, egotistical character type):

    These adjustments are reflected in my fuller enneagram descriptions which can be found here:

    The only valid breakdown for each type, wing and stack:

    And the only valid VI templates for each socionics type and subtype:
    Hmm interesting. The socionics gallery seems good but how do you figure certain types such as Marlon Brando EII? Or Hillary Clinton as IEE??
    Last edited by kingslayer; 04-06-2019 at 07:04 PM.

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