A strange feeling of - better, a strong feeling of - better yet, a rather telling urge to undress him/her will accompany your first sight of your dual. This is if he/she pertains to the opposite sex. If he/she is of the same sex as you, you'll probably think that he needs a bit of a shake in his/her head for his wandering in the clouds to be corrected. Both will present themselves with a dreamy gentle look in the eyes and a way of speaking that seems to be suited to naturally slow down your machine-gun mouth. He/She will usually be either very well dressed - with a particular that stands out from the normal fashion giving an unique feeling to the clothing - or very plainly and incospicously. That's the biggest distinction between Ni and Fe subtype, really. There isn't much difference otherwise.

Anway: in the first case, depending on the environment you're in, he/she is likely to "make the first move" as in absolutely casually and randomly approach you but in an extremely modest maneer, probably attracted to the your perstering loud voice that usually tends to annoy everyone. Then you'll proceed at making one of your obvious and awful sexual jokes as an introduction to your charachter. Hold and behold: no pissed reaction will follow; nothing but a light laughther! In any case, it's still higly probable that you'll just pass on him/her at first sight, since you know your bullshit of being attracted to mega high energy and imperiousness...which never works out. So don't do that!

Further interactions are not likely to develop the first time you meet him/her due to the immersion in a social environment which usually highly absorbs both ESTps and INFps. Crucial, therefore, is your ability to catch this opportunity to break a way to get in touch with him/her. Beware that it might be not easy as expected to set up a date, since you might ecounter a certain degree of unresponsivness.

Upon meeting him/her you'll notice that you do not need to put up the usual uber extraverted mask and do all the talking: the atmosphere is reassuring, the questions he/she poses are well-placed, and time flows faster than usual (unfortunately). You'll find out that the part of the personality you had to supporess when dating SFs now can come out freely: talk about Marquis De Sade, killing people, eating rotten genitalia, doing the strangest kind of drugs, living in the slums, going to raves, working out 10 hours a day for a week straight and then do nothing for a week, your all-or-nothing perispective on most questions, making fun of people and thinking you're way above all of them. None of this will be reiceved with a cold stare which trasudates "you're a crazy psychopath".

Be prepared to a tirade here and there on how you treated a friend or how you always make fun of his/her ex INTj boyfriend in front of him making him cry blah blah or how your jokes are crude or how you listen to loud music all day long and have no elegance: it's the price to pay for witty company that basically will appreciate all the facets of your personality that you don't really dare showing to any body. Yes, even (and especially) all the passion in sex that you usually have to set off in order not to scare girls/men away.

Stay sure that, if you have never meet any person of this type, and you actually get to know one, he/she is going to be one of the people you never forget about even after years of not being in contact with them (something that shouldn't happen anyway). Yeah man, I know you might not belive it, but the euphoric state you will be in after spending time with them - beware your full-blasted Se powers might crush objects when you place them in your hands - is not going to be easy to forget, and you'll want to just squueze and hug and hump them for good!!!