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Thread: VI and description

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    Default VI and description

    ***This ended up being longer than i wanted, i just kept writing and thinking

    *** looking back on what I just wrote I wonder if what i wrote about is important and placed importance on, that might be telling as well? I don't know.

    *** it is in 3rd person because i find it much easier to analyse myself if i imagine it in a 3rd person way.

    - tendency for being shy and reserved, somewhat naive

    - disorganized, when he tries to take notes ends up doodling, tries to write left handed, etc... gets bored very quickly, but still manages well in school

    - used to have a habit to pauses in speech, is very aware of his own speech and the affect it has on others. tries to not use "umms" or "likes" and have stilted/incomplete sentences because he knows he has a strong penchant to do so and has made it a habit to stop.

    - often thinks of "wasted time" tries to find more efficient ways to do things, although often detrimental in the end because of lack of discipline

    - opens up easily if someone else takes initiative, but only a little bit. after initial opening will take very long time to get any further distance wise

    - tendency to be quiet, seems happily shrink in loud, large, social situations,

    - socially, very content to defer/submit to someone more dominant, although takes joy in being the dominant one himself if put in that position (i.e. with quieter people or in a new situation)

    - if in a position where feels is expected to "carry" the conversation (in a group of other quiet people) then will become quite animated and intrigued, tendency to hate social awkward pauses and tries to fill them up

    - laughs often, tends to make light of every situation, will be sure to stay engaged in conversations and very acute awareness to not make other party feel awkward, will often avoid many topics because of self perceived understanding of how the conversation might play out in a bad way

    - very perceptive of overall "mood" of a situations, first to notice someone feeling awkward or left out, although will usually not always try to remedy it for fear of looking awkward himself

    - keeps others quite distant from himself, has very few people he would consider real "friends" although many consider him one

    - not bound by schedules, although deep sense of responsibility and commitment, if make an appointment, will be very sure to arrive there on time and prepared

    - feels extremely connected to the few real friends he considers, has a mental hierarchy of friendship

    - if want something will obsess over it and will devise creative ways to achieve it

    - often will disappear from social contact for a week at a time with no contact with anyone except a very few

    - seems to get very energized for going out with friends to parties or bars, socializing, drinking. loves meeting new people esp. girls

    - very rarely will take initiative, will not pursue if not very sure feelings are reciprocated

    - enjoys feeling like a girl is interested in him and is often extremely perceptive at figuring it out but enjoys playing it dumb, joking and playing for fun.

    - but rarely will allow it to get very serious if he knows that he will not become emotionally invested (not worth the time/effort)

    - is annoyed by superficial people, people who fake interest, lack of genuineness. he can enjoy the company of a wide range of personality types, but if given a choice will enjoy hanging out with the more gregarious and impulsive crowd. (although he quite enjoys hanging out with his more quiet friends for the chance to be the entertainer) will often compartmentalize his friendships so that no one gets put in awkward situations if bringing them together, often will feel embarrassed for others even if they do not feel embarrassed for themselves.

    - is extremely attracted in both friendship and romance to someone with ambition, spontaneity, passion, people who show emotion on their face and in their actions, people who love games and puzzles and having fun in general

    - the two-way romantic relationships he has had, he often has a sense of amazement that they ever happen, mostly because he is aware of his lack of taking initiative. in practice, he does approach and pursue in his own way but only after he is assured of mutual feelings, will drop many "feelers", until he knows. must feel intense feelings and often will obsess before breaking through and taking initiative

    - feels a deep almost instantaneous emotional connection to the few that manage to get that close to him romantically, although he rarely is equipped to express this

    - to others always has an aura that everything is going great, tries to seem unphased by anything, "carefree" (anecdote: when discussing first impressions with his girlfriend (ENFP) was told that the first impression she had of him was that he was quite "shallow, incapable of caring about anything in the way she wanted")

    - can cut ties very abrupbtly with a dating partner if not emotionally invested with little trouble, even if other party is. tends towards being slightly emotionally manipulative in relationship.

    - breakups are met with a sense of deep guilt, resentment, a period of extreme soul searching. yet in the end are quite final. does not really believe in the ability to get back as is already distrusting and breakup tends to reaffirm his distrust

    - finds verbalizing his emotions very difficult, much easier to write them, letters, etc..

    - will often imagine grand detailed scenarios and how they will play out, but will not follow through with them

    - when he does show vulnerability, he has been shown to be quite emotional, but will quickly will revert back to his normal "mask" thereafter

    - does not use social media to publicize anything, views such activities as somewhat attention seeking and beneath him (perhaps a fear of being judged?), seems to not like to publicize his life at all, self conscious over how he is perceived by others, tries to cultivate certain image to others, and is aware of that

    - characterizes himself as extremely lazy, always looking for the easiest way to do things, tends to procrastinate put off things to the last minute then in a flurry get everything done adequately, perfectionist

    - wishes often he could turn off his inner monologue, envies people who can simply live in the environment

    - "ignorance is bliss" is his favorite line
    Last edited by ryoka14; 07-27-2014 at 09:19 AM.

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    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    Istp final
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Olly From Wally World's Avatar
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    Want to VI your eyes but I can't see them.

    Um, I'm thinking IEI and that you're probably leaning towards that already. Not based off of VI though. And welcome to the forums.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    Istp final
    SLI or LSI? Is that confirmed from VI-ing him, reading his self descriptions or both?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollyx2OxenFree View Post
    Want to VI your eyes but I can't see them.

    Um, I'm thinking IEI and that you're probably leaning towards that already. Not based off of VI though. And welcome to the forums.
    Sorry I have a lazy eye so I often will smile like that because I've grown self conscious of it over the years. People can't really notice it anymore because I had surgery as a kid, but I'm pretty self conscious about it still. Like I said, all my photos on social media are smiling like that, I dont even think I have one of a neutral face Here are my eyes although that's not really my neutral face, let me post another in a second

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    Here's neutral

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    Istp final
    we can compromise and say isfp?

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    Also here's a video of me talking I guess, if you want to watch it

    from 1:23:00~1:26:00 I start talking a little bit for a few minutes to the chat if that helps at all in helping... if you don't know the video game I'm playing you won't understand anything so it might not be any help but you can see how I talk I guess...

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    Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14 View Post
    Sorry I have a lazy eye so I often will smile like that because I've grown self conscious of it over the years. People can't really notice it anymore because I had surgery as a kid, but I'm pretty self conscious about it still. Like I said, all my photos on social media are smiling like that, I dont even think I have one of a neutral face Here are my eyes although that's not really my neutral face, let me post another in a second
    Oh, I'm sorry. I meant that as an Asian joke. Thanks for being vulnerable and showing your neutral pictures, too. It helps with VI. I would probably overlook your eye normally. I sometimes also think one of my eyes looks lazy when I look at some selfies but maybe one of my eyes are just slightly bigger than the other?

    I'm still leaning towards IEI for you. What do you think? You sort of look like one to me too, or at least have intuitive eyes. Your description seems IEI-ish, too.

    Doesn't ryoka mean outsider or something? I remember it from Bleach (which I think is pretty shit now but it was good at one point).

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    Strange, someone once said that one cannot speak honestly unless one does it in the 1st person.
    Jk, it was mostly an argument for authenticism.

    What do you mean by "a mental hierarchy of friendship" ..?

    I think this is about a Si type anyway ..probably one with Te polr
    "characterizes himself as extremely lazy, always looking for the easiest way to do things...". - laughs often, tends to make light of every situation, will be sure to stay engaged in conversations and very acute awareness to not make other party feel awkward, will often avoid many topics because of self perceived understanding of how the conversation might play out in a bad way; - very perceptive of overall "mood" of a situations, first to notice someone feeling awkward or left out, although will usually not always try to remedy it for fear of looking awkward himself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollyx2OxenFree View Post
    Oh, I'm sorry. I meant that as an Asian joke. Thanks for being vulnerable and showing your neutral pictures, too. It helps with VI. I would probably overlook your eye normally. I sometimes also think one of my eyes looks lazy when I look at some selfies but maybe one of my eyes are just slightly bigger than the other?

    I'm still leaning towards IEI for you. What do you think? You sort of look like one to me too, or at least have intuitive eyes. Your description seems IEI-ish, too.

    Doesn't ryoka mean outsider or something? I remember it from Bleach (which I think is pretty shit now but it was good at one point).
    Oh, haha. Well, you really can't see my eyes at all though .
    People often comment that I always look dazed, or content so I thought you weren't joking, no offense taken.

    My name is just a play on my own name, no significance.

    I do like the IEI a lot actually, that was the profile I was initially drawn to when I first started to research them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Solaris View Post
    Strange, someone once said that one cannot speak honestly unless one does it in the 1st person.
    Jk, it was mostly an argument for authenticism.

    What do you mean by "a mental hierarchy of friendship" ..?

    I think this is about a Si type anyway ..probably one with Te polr
    "characterizes himself as extremely lazy, always looking for the easiest way to do things...". - laughs often, tends to make light of every situation, will be sure to stay engaged in conversations and very acute awareness to not make other party feel awkward, will often avoid many topics because of self perceived understanding of how the conversation might play out in a bad way; - very perceptive of overall "mood" of a situations, first to notice someone feeling awkward or left out, although will usually not always try to remedy it for fear of looking awkward himself.

    Hmm yeah I just found it easier like that because It's hard for me to talk about my own personality as based simply on what I feel about myself because I am constantly second guessing myself because I'm not sure of the validity of those feelings. I might feel that I am a certain way and write it down, but the next moment I'll consider that maybe I only felt that way because of X Y Z. If I frame it in 3rd person, it somehow becomes easier because I am basing everything on actual events that another person would have seen from me, not just my own thoughts. Because honestly I really think that I think too much.

    The hierarchy is simply the fact that I place certain friends with higher regard than others, and I also act differently depending on where I place myself. I am much more submissive and self conscious to those friends I view as "above me" in terms of status, those friends who have qualities which I both envy and am impressed by. Those friends who I view "beneath me" because I am not as in awe of their qualities (mainly friends who have similar personalities) I tend to be much more dominant, more likely to neglect, they would be the first ones who I would probably lose touch with as time goes by. Funnily enough, they're also the ones I have the closest "moments" with... from their side... but for me I guess I don't really treasure that as much because I feel like I can have that with myself, but being around someone who is different than me is just a lot more enticing and invigorating. It sounds kind of messed up to say, but it's what I've noticed...

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    ryoka... even if you ignore my private messages, i am going to say that i think you're most likely iei.

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    Hmm I am reading a few more profiles on iei and the more I do the more I think that I am iei. It seems extremely accurate actually.

    literally every thing in this post s pptrue about me. Pretty interesting

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    Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14 View Post
    Hmm I am reading a few more profiles on iei and the more I do the more I think that I am iei. It seems extremely accurate actually.

    literally every thing in this post s pptrue about me. Pretty interesting
    mercutio is lustig and he wants you as his duala.
    he's like this :

    He typed me ISFj, so you realize how awesome you are.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollyx2OxenFree View Post
    SLI or LSI? Is that confirmed from VI-ing him, reading his self descriptions or both?
    Since the vi pics were on the bottom I entertained myself with reading it so bot ans Sli not lsi
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14 View Post
    Hmm I am reading a few more profiles on iei and the more I do the more I think that I am iei. It seems extremely accurate actually.

    literally every thing in this post s pptrue about me. Pretty interesting
    read about the functions!!
    please don't just go by descriptions

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    Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14 View Post
    My name is just a play on my own name, no significance.

    I do like the IEI a lot actually, that was the profile I was initially drawn to when I first started to research them.
    "Ryoka (旅禍, Traveling Evil(s)) is the term the Gotei 13 use to identify those who are not aligned with Soul Society, either allies, rebels, intruders, deserters, or invaders. It is said that no good can come from Ryoka."

    Yeah but being drawn towards it or liking the profile isn't what's important, it's more so about whether you identify with the type or not.

    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    Since the vi pics were on the bottom I entertained myself with reading it so bot ans Sli not lsi
    Yeah, thought you meant SLI. Um, aside from the pics, what seemed SLI about what he said in his self-description?

    Quote Originally Posted by Elina View Post
    read about the functions!!
    please don't just go by descriptions
    Read about the descriptions!!
    Please don't just go by functions.

    On a serious note, you should also read up on model A to better understand how the functions can manifest in each block and each block's part, outsider. I'd also look into quadras which I assume you already have. Also, socionics is a lot more structured than MBTI so the structure should be taken advantage of. Descriptions are okay but also look into things like temperament, Reinin dichotomies, intertype relations and the like. I agree that you should read about the functions but those alone don't always help people type themselves. Knowing how they are in model A can help though.

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    It's weird because SLI and IEI are in 2 different quadrants but I think I could identify with either one..?

    Thinking on it, I'm curious how much a parent can affect your personality? Growing up, I was definitely an IEI... i was a super sensitive emotional kid... my dad is probably an SLI and he sort of drilled that in to me, both because I always felt he was really disappointed I was so outwardly sensitive and by really guided me... I dunno, I viewed him as sort of a God or something, I thought if I strived to be just like him I would have a successful life.. but honestly we're nothing alike... I think I actually base a lot of my decisions trying to be like my dad so could that be why I'm confused?

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    Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14 View Post
    It's weird because SLI and IEI are in 2 different quadrants but I think I could identify with either one..?

    Thinking on it, I'm curious how much a parent can affect your personality? Growing up, I was definitely an IEI... i was a super sensitive emotional kid... my dad is probably an SLI and he sort of drilled that in to me, both because I always felt he was really disappointed I was so outwardly sensitive and by really guided me... I dunno, I viewed him as sort of a God or something, I thought if I strived to be just like him I would have a successful life.. but honestly we're nothing alike... I think I actually base a lot of my decisions trying to be like my dad so could that be why I'm confused?
    It's not that weird for people to have different opinions. Also, how do you identify with both SLI and IEI?

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