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Thread: Your typing of forum members (archived '15-'17)

  1. #2401
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    yeah its true Strat is not a logical and therefore has not stripped the affective bias from her thinking, hence many people will find it not helpful in developing their own Ti structure but may still appreciate it for its literary aspects

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    well damn if we're doing it for the literary aspects then why don't we just get an old-fashioned book club going?

  3. #2403
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    that's not a bad idea, I bet a lot of members would enjoy that

    its kind of already happening in the form of all these movie/anime/music discussions... you see the socials on the forums congregating around those types of discussions

    people analyze strat on a similar level, if they pay her any attention at all, but it comes down to a discussion of attitudes centered around behavior and behavioral and aesthetic manifestations of personality

  4. #2404
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    super true, I bet I could really go to work on you almost no matter what topic we veered into

    but its no big deal, just a difference in perspective... I've come to realize Te is basically its own language that means and usually does well, they just struggle hard with delivery
    Te believes that the delivery is less important than the outcome. This is particularly true of LIEs. Unlike LSEs, we do not favour a predictable, "by the book" style of leadership. LIEs instead have an overriding strategy with flexible methods - anything to keep ahead of our competition.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    I have a LSE friend at school and one of the things he's said before is "pretty sure no matter how I answer X, Y will find fault with it" and I'm just like, yeah, but it doesn't mean its necessarily on them, its more or less a trivially true statement that places you both at fault to some degree...
    "No matter how I answer X, Y will find fault with it"

    Anyone can feel this way when forced to collaborate with their supervisor type, as the latter will notice the weakness of the former's PoLR function.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    also Fi suggestive types get hijacked by manipulative Fe types and then use their Te reasoning as a shield to do unethical stuff, which is really frustrating to watch happen
    Fe Ethicals cannot affect emotional changes in an LIE very easily. For a start, we don't judge our success through how many pinheaded friends we have, so peer pressure is futile. We also consider emotional blackmail (shame, guilt, innuendo, virtue signalling et cetera) to be highly unethical and a sign of severe logical deficiencies.

    To sell your idea, belief system or whatever to me, you must do two things:

    Show me how your shit can help me achieve my goals.
    Then explain (logically, with no snarky BS) how it is superior to what I have now.

    Basically, convince me that I benefit from supporting you. If you can't, I won't. If you can, I will.
    Last edited by Spermatozoa; 10-10-2017 at 02:45 AM.

  5. #2405
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    do you think an ethical is going to be able to explain logically how your belief system sucks and needs improvement

    its sort of humorous because it sounds like you've defined your other half (the ethical) as yourself, according to the standards you set for it, which is totally consistent with my image of you as being someone who loves their own farts

  6. #2406
    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post

    Yeah, this video pretty much sums up why I don't consider myself left.
    I was recently on the receiving end of the lefty sjw so-called "progressives" that are being referred to in this video as regressive, where they lashed out at me when I shared a random thought on a public fb post that happened to come through my feed, when my posted thought didn't actually directly address whatever it was the author intended to be the central message (was a bit of a tangent). The author and other members of whatever group it was responded with a lot of anger, calling me racist (in different ways) and "white feminist" when what I said had nothing to do with racism (but simply just didn't address the race issue in that author's article). They were angry that the article had spoken to me at all and were saying that I wasn't the intended audience. It was very weird. It was almost like they were angry that I didn't pay special attention to the race-based message they wrote about in their article, and didn't soothe them for their sufferings (as other posts there did). Other kinds of comments or tangents (even friendly/neutral ones) were just simply not welcome there, especially not from a woman who looks white (which according to them means I have to self-flagellate for benefitting from white privilege, even though I'm not the one who constructed society to be like that). When I got the angry responses, I tried to engage that group in calm rational dialogue to understand what it was that had offended them, but they were just not interested in dialogue -- they simply wanted to take out their anger on someone who was not a POC (it happened to be a group on asian issues), were projecting all sorts of untrue things onto me, and were demanding that I leave (the public posting, which when I pointed that out, they twisted that into me having oppressed them by demanding that such posts to not be public, which was not at all what I said).

    I think these far leftist movements as well as the far right are doing a lot of harm to our society. these kind of far left antics actually end up driving a lot of hate -- since they group people into "groups" and they harbor a lot of anger, even the wannabe "kumbaya" lefties who are supposedly looking out for the oppressed actually become hateful to anyone who is not a member of the group they consider oppressed.

    I am not talking about movements like Black Lives Matter -- I fully support them and their message, and I have seen the social inequality that happens in that regard and think that definitely needs to change. I also don't think that Antifa falls into this category either (not as familiar with how they operate though). I applaud anyone who opposes fascism. The angry sjw types may not realize it but, by seeing society as groups who are superior/inferior (perhaps different hierarchies than the right-wing fascists) rather than individuals, they are actually embodying fascism too.
    Last edited by Suz; 10-10-2017 at 02:55 AM.
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

  7. #2407
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    I was recently on the receiving end of the lefty sjw so-called "progressives" that are being referred to in this video as regressive, where they lashed out at me when I shared a random thought on a public fb post that happened to come through my feed, when my posted thought didn't actually directly address whatever it was the author intended to be the central message (was a bit of a tangent). The author and other members of whatever group it was responded with a lot of anger, calling me racist (in different ways) and "white feminist" when what I said had nothing to do with racism (but simply just didn't address the race issue in that author's article). They were angry that the article had spoken to me at all and were saying that I wasn't the intended audience. It was very weird. It was almost like they were angry that I didn't pay special attention to the race-based message they wrote about in their article, and didn't soothe them for their sufferings (as other posts there did). Other kinds of comments or tangents (even friendly/neutral ones) were just simply not welcome there, especially not from a woman who looks white (which according to them means I have to self-flagellate for benefitting from white privilege, even though I'm not the one who constructed society to be like that). When I got the angry responses, I tried to engage that group in calm rational dialogue to understand what it was that had offended them, but they were just not interested in dialogue -- they simply wanted to take out their anger on someone who was not a POC (it happened to be a group on asian issues), were projecting all sorts of untrue things onto me, and were demanding that I leave (the public posting, which when I pointed that out, they twisted that into me having oppressed them by demanding that such posts to not be public, which was not at all what I said).

    I think these far leftist movements as well as the far right are doing a lot of harm to our society. these kind of far left antics actually end up driving a lot of hate -- since they group people into "groups" and they harbor a lot of anger, even the wannabe "kumbaya" lefties who are supposedly looking out for the oppressed actually become hateful to anyone who is not a member of the group they consider oppressed.

    I am not talking about movements like Black Lives Matter -- I fully support them and their message, and I have seen the social inequality that happens in that regard and think that definitely needs to change. I also don't think that Antifa falls into this category either (not as familiar with how they operate though). I applaud anyone who opposes fascism. The angry sjw types may not realize it but, by seeing society as groups who are superior/inferior (perhaps different hierarchies than the right-wing fascists) rather than individuals, they are actually embodying fascism too.
    Truth be told, the reason I call myself a centrist or a moderate is because the extreme left has become so popular and tainted the left and liberals to the point where I do not want to affiliate with them anymore.

    I am glad more and more people are waking up to what the left and liberalism is devolving to nowadays, a PC group that gets offended with almost everything. I am a left leaning libertarian politically if I had to put myself somewhere, but I still choose to distance myself from the left.

    I am not even a fan of Bill Maher, but I think he hits the point well in this clip:

    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

    6w7 sp/sx

  8. #2408
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuivienen View Post
    For whatever reason, my mere existence seems to trigger 6s. Whatever I do, there is something about me that your type will find fault with.

    At least five 6s on this forum, yourself included, have provoked me and expressed a strong dislike for me (which I am often, as here, surprised about). If I include other personality forums I've been a member of in the past, the number of outraged 6s easily reaches into the double digits. It includes one particularly acrimonious conflict that led to multiple bans for the 6s who lost their shit completely.
    I used to have this problem too. I noticed via trial and error, that's there's only one effective way of dealing with counter-phobia outbursts from E6's; to crush them. It's really what they are subconciously expecting with their behavior, for "daddy" (the authority figure) to punish them. Once this is done, they usually stop bothering you. This might be more easily accomplished if you have an 8 fix.

    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    Manipulation: I disagree on that as well heh. Ime the most manipulative people can actually be Ni-creatives. I'm not saying it's their default MO, far from it, but there's potential there when it's needed to win arguments and gain stuff.

    Fe creatives are more subtly, covertly manipulative, but probably not any less successful at it (for their own personal goals).
    Agreed. Ni creatives are not necessarily the most manipulative, but they are the most dangerous. Ni creative are capable of creating a sort of entrapment around a target, guiding them through a series of events, to reach a desired outcome that they have foreseen. Especially LIE-Ni "The Strategist"; LIE-Ni usually has uncanny insights about people and can predict their behavior (even better than EIE's). They have psychological abilities like a delta NF. Coupled with ease in seeing where things are headed, and how things are likely to develop, makes it seem almost magical when things turn out for the LIE exactly how they wanted them. I've done this several times, both IRL and online. It is done automatically, I do not really chart out a concrete plan. I subconciously just "do things", and then I notice that things fall into place. All Ni egos can do this, but Ni creatives excel at it due to the flexibility of their 3D Ni.

    Fe manipulators are the most manipulative in the classical sense, especially IEI-Fe. They will try to induce a particular emotion on a target, so that the target behaves in the way they want. This can be used for example to secure loyalty of the target. This type of manipulation is very effective, but some types are resistant to it: Te ego types.
    Last edited by lavos; 10-10-2017 at 05:31 AM.

  9. #2409
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    do you think an ethical is going to be able to explain logically how your belief system sucks and needs improvement
    You need a better sales pitch, brother, as you are not actually offering me an alternative to what I am already doing.

    You have not explained how your ideas benefit anybody besides yourself. You just try to shame the people who disagree with you.

    Hmm, I wonder how that's going to work out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    its sort of humorous because it sounds like you've defined your other half (the ethical) as yourself, according to the standards you set for it, which is totally consistent with my image of you as being someone who loves their own farts
    You should learn to love your own farts, because sure as hell nobody else will.

  10. #2410

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    @Cuivienen I think the issue is that you believe you're a hot commodity without any reasonable grounds for believing so. it's like a stranger walking into a castle with a crown atop their head claiming they're the king of castle but nobody knows who they are. I don't think you're a bad person but I get the distinct sense that you play yourself up to the point where other people have no choice but to knock you down a few notches in order to maintain a semblance of balance in your ego, so you'd probably benefit from steering clear of ego-compensatory behavior which in turn just makes it difficult to interact with you because it's hard to distinguish between your real "self" and the fake persona you perpetuate on the forum in order to fit the socionics-related narrative you're spinning at any given moment. if your goal is to foster a romantic relationship with an exceptional female then I'd recommend ditching the facade and being your natural self because I bet you're infinitely more interesting when you're not trying so hard to be something you're not.

  11. #2411
    it's ok, everything will be fine totalize's Avatar
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    liberalism is a spook and a false promise

  12. #2412
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    I think the issue is that you believe you're a hot commodity without any reasonable grounds for believing so. it's like a stranger walking into a castle with a crown atop their head claiming they're the king of castle but nobody knows who they are.
    You have hardly ever even talked to me, so you have no evidence to begin with. Posts like yours have no constructive purpose, they are just made as flames to cause conflict.

    How are we going to define "reasonable grounds" for example? You control all of that, of course. Lol. This is so easy to see through.

    I don't think you're a bad person but I get the distinct sense that you play yourself up to the point where other people have no choice but to knock you down a few notches in order to maintain a semblance of balance in your ego, so you'd probably benefit from steering clear of ego-compensatory behavior which in turn just makes it difficult to interact with you because it's hard to distinguish between your real "self" and the fake persona you perpetuate on the forum in order to fit the socionics-related narrative you're spinning at any given moment.
    So somebody on 16types insulting me is OK, because it is all for a good cause. Or something like that. You epitomize the reactive, easily triggered vigilantism that I despise so much.

    I, @wasp, am righteous and will purge or reform the wicked! Cuivienen, you have sinned.

    if your goal is to foster a romantic relationship with an exceptional female then I'd recommend ditching the facade and being your natural self because I bet you're infinitely more interesting when you're not trying so hard to be something you're not.
    It is hard to take any relationship advice from you very seriously. Hahahah!!! I mean, who the fuck do you think you are?!?

  13. #2413
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    In my opinion you are not SLE

    Quote Originally Posted by Herzy View Post
    I'm a SLE chick currently dating an IEI guy. We don't have any of the issues you all mentioned above. Like, I'm definitely a chick and he is definitely a dude. I don't get why so many people imply that SLE chicks are butch and IEI guys are pansies. We don't have to worry about communicating authentically, because it happens naturally. I don't have to moderate myself.
    Well I am back. How's everyone? Don't have as much time now, but glad to see some of the old gang are still here.

  14. #2414
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    Type me

  15. #2415
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    Quote Originally Posted by idontgiveaf View Post
    Type me
    Sx/Sp 7w6
    New Youtube [x] Get Typed! [x]
    Celebs [x] Theory [x] Tumblr [x]

    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

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    Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
    Sx/Sp 7w6
    Tell me why.

  17. #2417
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    A thought I had. @Skeptitron - ILE?

    Because you can't spell Nate without N and e #BrandNewTypingMethod

    But really, to me it's a much better type fit than ILI. Rapid fire wit, original humor, pulling things into the absurd, "thinker & observer"... Sounds like to me. I can see him throwing a nice party with @unsuccessfull Alphamale. Adorable nerds You make me laugh.

  18. #2418
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    I tried ILI mode once. For few hours. It was hard to get out of it. Record got stuck.

    What happens when ILE reads that Niet....e guy? Brain goes into ignoring mode or self destructs.
    Winning is for losers


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  19. #2419
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    What happens when ILE reads that Niet....e guy? Brain goes into ignoring mode or self destructs.
    Nietzsche? Have you tried reading "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" for yourself?
    I've read it partly at school and thought: "What a mess of metaphoric language".
    Didn't do any harm to my brain.

    The way he uses words can be considered as somewhat of language art.

  20. #2420
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    * Double post, deleted *

  21. #2421
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    I was recently on the receiving end of the lefty sjw so-called "progressives" that are being referred to in this video as regressive, where they lashed out at me when I shared a random thought on a public fb post that happened to come through my feed, when my posted thought didn't actually directly address whatever it was the author intended to be the central message (was a bit of a tangent). The author and other members of whatever group it was responded with a lot of anger, calling me racist (in different ways) and "white feminist" when what I said had nothing to do with racism (but simply just didn't address the race issue in that author's article). They were angry that the article had spoken to me at all and were saying that I wasn't the intended audience. It was very weird. It was almost like they were angry that I didn't pay special attention to the race-based message they wrote about in their article, and didn't soothe them for their sufferings (as other posts there did). Other kinds of comments or tangents (even friendly/neutral ones) were just simply not welcome there, especially not from a woman who looks white (which according to them means I have to self-flagellate for benefitting from white privilege, even though I'm not the one who constructed society to be like that). When I got the angry responses, I tried to engage that group in calm rational dialogue to understand what it was that had offended them, but they were just not interested in dialogue -- they simply wanted to take out their anger on someone who was not a POC (it happened to be a group on asian issues), were projecting all sorts of untrue things onto me, and were demanding that I leave (the public posting, which when I pointed that out, they twisted that into me having oppressed them by demanding that such posts to not be public, which was not at all what I said).

    I think these far leftist movements as well as the far right are doing a lot of harm to our society. these kind of far left antics actually end up driving a lot of hate -- since they group people into "groups" and they harbor a lot of anger, even the wannabe "kumbaya" lefties who are supposedly looking out for the oppressed actually become hateful to anyone who is not a member of the group they consider oppressed.

    I am not talking about movements like Black Lives Matter -- I fully support them and their message, and I have seen the social inequality that happens in that regard and think that definitely needs to change. I also don't think that Antifa falls into this category either (not as familiar with how they operate though). I applaud anyone who opposes fascism. The angry sjw types may not realize it but, by seeing society as groups who are superior/inferior (perhaps different hierarchies than the right-wing fascists) rather than individuals, they are actually embodying fascism too.
    My god, that's so infuriating - I wonder how these people can live day to day being so bitter and distrusting. My guilty pleasure is hate-reading hardcore sjw sites - it's amazing the things they get offended about, it's a special talent to even think about the issue from that pov. The latest trend is that whatever you say or don't say you are offending a POC, even if the topic is not connected in any way or you are simply speaking from your personal pov (that is, not being POC). These people are total fascists who besides common sense also ironically lack a good chunk of empathy. Similar are hardcore animal activists, who are at the same time total cunts with zero empathy toward fellow humans Cognitive dissonance is astonishing in these nut-cases.

    Random rant, but last time on one of these sites, I was reading about a chick who bitches about men all the time (as in actively saying they all suck, are all terrible and violent - no exceptions and no mercy lol). Whenever someone has a minor relationship problem, she advises them to immidately break up with the guy because he's obvously a terrible human and totally controling (he's usually totally average wth some faults). She fancies herself an exemplary feminist, a bad bitch who cuts a guy loose in a sec if he doesn't meet her expectations - she's super proud how she blocks every non-perfect guy on dating sites with an overly rude reply.

    But then, on another occasion, she starts speaking about her own relationships - she was married to a drunk and a cheater, who cheated on her with various women and men - and she stayed with him for like 10 years. And then now, at 40, she finds herself a boyfriend, also 40, who snorts coke every weekend, has bad hygiene and sucks at sex because he's always drunk and doesn't care about her needs. Then she dates this loser for half a year and finally dumps him. After she dumps him, she immidately starts spilling detals about how he is the worst and how sex has been terrible from day one etc....but for the last half of year before that she was only singing him praises. I couldn't believe what I was reading... lmao, such a bad bitch with so much self respect - and then she goes lecturing other women how they need to raise their standards and not care about male attention. I mean, date any guy you want, that's your choice, but shut your trap about feminism and standards, you two faced hypocrite. Maybe if she wouldn't have the worst taste in men (I'm certain there were numerous red flags in both cases), she would actually meet normal ones and wouldn't have to make bad jokes about how they all need to get castrated. Ugh, now I'm the hostile one, this chick really pisses me off : D

  22. #2422
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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    Nietzsche? Have you tried reading "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" for yourself?
    I've read it partly at school and thought: "What a mess of metaphoric language".
    Didn't do any harm to my brain.

    The way he uses words can be considered as somewhat of language art.
    I have looked at it. You can say the same thing with lesser words.
    Einstein's scientific writings are probably more comprehensible to common public. I have read Einstein's articles. Clarity is just mesmerizing.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    You can say the same thing with lesser words.
    Einstein's scientific writings are probably more comprehensible to common public. I have read Einstein's articles. Clarity is just mesmerizing.
    I guess Nietzsche had a stronger focus on the artistic side then on a scientific side.

  24. #2424
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lavos View Post
    I used to have this problem too. I noticed via trial and error, that's there's only one effective way of dealing with counter-phobia outbursts from E6's; to crush them. It's really what they are subconciously expecting with their behavior, for "daddy" (the authority figure) to punish them. Once this is done, they usually stop bothering you. This might be more easily accomplished if you have an 8 fix.
    Spank me

    I actually deal best w people who mirror me & acknowledge what I'm saying but don't have a strong reaction. Who don't tolerate my bullshit and set boundaries, but don't feed into it by pushing back harder and making it bigger. If it becomes a battle of wills i will just keep going.

  25. #2425
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    crush all the E6s

  26. #2426
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    A thought I had. @Skeptitron - ILE?

    Because you can't spell Nate without N and e #BrandNewTypingMethod

    But really, to me it's a much better type fit than ILI. Rapid fire wit, original humor, pulling things into the absurd, "thinker & observer"... Sounds like to me. I can see him throwing a nice party with @unsuccessfull Alphamale. Adorable nerds You make me laugh.
    While I am glad someone appreciates my humor, I am actually quite slow at it. I always need time for thoughts to percolate in a way that I prefer. My mind works quite like the archetype referred to as 'artist-scientist'. I can switch between the "right and left brain" thinking, but neither is dominant. They coexist.The closest model to that is Ni.

    I do refuse to share much of my own innervisions. They are too personal and subjective for anyone to care.

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    @Skeptitron seems F type. a little brainless and more emotional than should for T

    Quote Originally Posted by idontgiveaf View Post
    Type me

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    Quote Originally Posted by lavos View Post
    Fe manipulators are the most manipulative in the classical sense, especially IEI-Fe. They will try to induce a particular emotion on a target, so that the target behaves in the way they want. This can be used for example to secure loyalty of the target. This type of manipulation is very effective, but some types are resistant to it: Te ego types.
    This is interesting, anyway I can't think of any normal relationship, even not romantic, where this doesn't happen to some extent. If I am with someone and need to spend time with them I will try my best to make things sail smoothly... this will even mean to compromise in front of people I know who are extremely different in views, lifestyle, etc, I actually tend to have all sort of acquaintances where the kind of ideological debates we are having on here would be debated without causing a problem.

    Anyway for example, last Sunday I was having a coffee with my dad and sis in the middle of a sunny square, the bar was quite crowded and we already asked for a coffee and were waiting over there. So we were complaining of the sun, because it was noon and we were melting. I was waiting for the waitress to pass nearby but she was busy chatting and entertaining all the foreigner tourists, she was even kissing them as they parted... and our coffee was not arrived yet. So I approached the waitress, that looked like she had already asked the order to a table of Germans, and was ready to leave, and as I reach her and stand next to her smiling, she turns to them to finish the conversation... and she goes on chatting with them, at some point she lifts her leg to show a tattoo she has on her foot... and I'm there and she ignores me for a good 2 minutes. So I'm waiting for the waitress to finish and when she turns to me, I very plainly ask "scuse me sir, could we please take this empty table here instead? there's too much light over there : )". She, exasperated, turns her back on me, throws her arms in the air and very rudely kind of shouts "AHHH ONE SEC PEOPLE! ONE SEC". So it had already passed a good 10 minutes since we got there, I went back to my sunny table, explained what the waitress told me, took my bag and told them "ok I go to the bar next to this". And they all followed me.
    What is this?

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    Quote Originally Posted by pinoline View Post
    What is this?
    A healthy measure of not putting up with shit. I'd do the same.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    @Skeptitron seems F type. a little brainless and more emotional than should for T
    Doesn't the theory tell us that a Ni-subtype of ILI have increased Fi and decreased Te?

    I type myself LII-Ne because I have stronger Fe than a no-subtype LII (or LII-Ti), besides stronger Ne, but I can't use Ti all day long.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    @Skeptitron seems F type. a little brainless and more emotional than should for T

    I measure about 6:4, thinking:feeling preference.

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    The essence of functions is motivational continuum from one to another. This is why I type Jung Ti and his supposed dual Fe.
    I hope Jung gives his feedback asap.

    This is also my main typing strategy.
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

    Joinif you dare

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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    The essence of functions is motivational continuum from one to another. This is why I type Jung Ti and his supposed dual Fe.
    I hope Jung gives his feedback asap.
    Receive the spirit of the holy unconscious and thou shall commune with Jung
    Last edited by Skepsis; 10-10-2017 at 02:30 PM.

  34. #2434
    Sir that's my emotional support gremlin ApeironStella's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmic Teapot View Post
    ApeironStella: LII or EII

    squark: LSI
    thelocust : IEI purely from V.I. I don't know you

    FDG: LIE
    wasp: ESI because you're not as "soft" as Vespertine. Now that I think about it...your name is wasp!

    UDP: LSE
    Vespertine: EII
    Chae: IEE you V.I. as ENFp and I'm not sure where my previous brainfart came from
    Syrup: SLI

    kalinoche: Ip-temperament. I find you really hard to type.
    You have such big friendly eyes like Filatova's ENTp portraits but you don't vibe like that type (in my view)
    chips and underwear: values Fi
    Simo: Fe-Porl?
    I really don't have any argument for your typings since I agree with ones I observed for a while now and don't know rest to make any call on them atm, though I am kind of curious about what made you sit on the fence between Ti and Fi base for me?

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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    Doesn't the theory tell us that a Ni-subtype of ILI have increased Fi and decreased Te?
    Theory tells that T types should not behave such generally what makes T types doubtful.
    And the reason tells that subtypes are heretic bs wich may mislead by rationalizing of typing mistakes.

    > I type myself LII-Ne because I have stronger Fe

    Having your video, I'll try to say your type based on classical theory and methods.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ApeironStella View Post
    I really don't have any argument for your typings since I agree with ones I observed for a while now and don't know rest to make any call on them atm, though I am kind of curious about what made you sit on the fence between Ti and Fi base for me?
    Your blog entry.
    However I only know one other LII and I never got the privilege to hear what's going on in his head.
    So stereotypically I think what you wrote mirrors elements of Fi but not necessarily Fi-dom.
    Realistically you know yourself and your thoughts best.
    (Also Alpha fits you best imo. That's why you're on top of the list.)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Skeptitron View Post
    While I am glad someone appreciates my humor, I am actually quite slow at it. I always need time for thoughts to percolate in a way that I prefer. My mind works quite like the archetype referred to as 'artist-scientist'. I can switch between the "right and left brain" thinking, but neither is dominant. They coexist.The closest model to that is Ni.

    I do refuse to share much of my own innervisions. They are too personal and subjective for anyone to care.
    This is overall intuition! Come on, brain hemispheres?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    This is overall intuition! Come on, brain hemispheres?
    well, brain hemispheres are pop psychology, but I think you know what I mean.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Theory tells that T types should not behave such generally what makes T types doubtful.
    Having your video, I'll try to say your type based on classical theory and methods.
    Theory revolving around the original Model A includes 8 functions, not just the ego. And each person of the same type won't have the same IM developed all the same.

    You can be a LSE with a stronger Fe, or Se... and not for this stop valuing Fi.

    This is when the Model comes in help. You know the functions, you know what they mean. And you know that, despite you're somewhat different from the common given type, you still value more the IM as it comes in the stack of the Model A for a certain type, instead of the others.

    Maybe you can be an excessively bossy LSE who has a great attraction for S elements, but this won't necessarily make you another type, because the Model A still responds to your processes.

    Not far from what the subtypes imply.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuivienen View Post

    You have hardly ever even talked to me, so you have no evidence to begin with. Posts like yours have no constructive purpose, they are just made as flames to cause conflict.
    How are we going to define "reasonable grounds" for example? You control all of that, of course. Lol. This is so easy to see through.
    So somebody on 16types insulting me is OK, because it is all for a good cause. Or something like that. You epitomize the reactive, easily triggered vigilantism that I despise so much.
    I, @wasp, am righteous and will purge or reform the wicked! Cuivienen, you have sinned.
    It is hard to take any relationship advice from you very seriously. Hahahah!!! I mean, who the fuck do you think you are?!?
    to be honest, I don't take offense to any of that because I realize we don't know each other, it was just a pattern I'd noticed in your posts which seem to attract a lot of flak when it doesn't particularly seem like you mean to come across the way that you sometimes do. you do you though

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