Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
I don't understand why people on the forum type like drones. When someone says they are one type all you guys do is say "of course he or she is that type." No one watches to see what they say and why they say those things. It's like it's so much easier appeasing people and giving them what they need instead of listening for information. Why?
First I will acknowledge that you are speaking "in general" when you say "no one". I don't miss much even if it takes a while to put it into a cohesive form and there are others who don't miss much either, even if it seems they are not paying attention to the forum. Passive observation and active experiments can both be valuable tools. I use both. Typing threads are often active experiments. I didn't take it personal. I am just taking the opportunity to post why I typed him in this thread.

The bolded part is exactly what I do and have said as much repeatedly. I didn't agree with @Bane right away since I was typing him (and @darya) IEI at first. Beta NF seemed like a given based on interactions on, and off, the forum, (not irl unless you count voice chats) with both of them. I based what I said about Bane, in this thread, on personal interactions and observations. It took close to two years to have it all come together for me in a way that can be put into words but unfortunately that requires bringing up things about myself that I would rather leave to forum history. I got onboard with Darya being EIE a little faster, I think, but it still took some time. I know most of the forum typed her IEI at first too. Primarily based on behavior, not cognitive processes. Same with Bane.

Like everyone else I do get impressions and will revise as new information comes in but it changes slowly so it might take awhile for me to revise if nothing significant points to another type. I prefer not having to revise though because I do not like eating my words later. I see threads where I made wild guesses and now wish I had just kept them to myself. I also see other threads where I gave a type but the person "argued" me out of it so I didn't push it on them. That is not my place. Sometimes they even end up at the type I originally suggested, some don't. I don't take it personal when someone does not accept my input since I am not really all knowing.

I am sensitive to the idea that anything I suggest could confuse someone's process of self discovery, especially a younger person who is seriously interested in knowing what makes them who they are, because people have done it to me over the years. Not talking about this forum since I was pretty sure of my best fit in socionics. It took a lot of work to understand myself. It is an ongoing process since I am still discovering aspects of my personality, strengths, and weaknesses, through new experiences. I am often torn between suggesting a type (when asked) and letting them find out for themselves.

I spoke up for Bane because a lot of people are missing vital information about his personality. Unfortunately I can't condense 2 years of accumulated information into a form that makes it palatable for everyone. That is why I would rather keep most of my typings to myself and only share when I am asked. Bane didn't ask ftr. He had no idea I would post an agreement with his type. I think I might have already given my impression of his type in my tentative typing thread, once I realized he wasn't IEI but Beta NF was a good typing for him, still is. I gave up on that thread and closed it.

I will give more weight to someone's self typing, especially if they are confident, over anyone here, since they have information that we are obviously lacking. I will also give more weight to people who have personal interactions with someone, over those who just jump in and say a type without ever having a conversation with the person they are typing.

Like I said in another thread, typing people sentence by sentence is a common method here. As you may remember I have been typed EII based on things I have said. They obviously were only picking out things that agreed with what they wanted to see and dismissed information that was proof to the contrary. I think waiting and watching is usually the best approach, for me.