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Thread: Your typing of forum members (archived '15-'17)

  1. #41
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    Other members:

    Epheme IEI 9 so/sx
    Pink ESE/IEE 9/4 possibly Sx first
    OllyEtc. IEI-Fe 4w3 so/sx
    LIIbrarian LII-Ne 9w1 sp/so
    Mega EIE 3 / 6 possibly Sx first (or so/sx)
    Kore IEI 4w5 sp/sx
    Legerdemain Beta ST (SLE>LSI) sp last

    Nevero ILI-Ni/IEI-Ni 4-5 peak sp/sx
    Sacral IEI/ILI 4w5 sp/sx
    Pookie IEI 6w7 so/sp> so/sx (vs. a user who is 6w5 in my books e.g. Silke/Lungs)
    Woofwoof SEE-Ni E9w8/E7 Sp last or Sx/sp
    Zero ILI 6w5 sp/sx or sp/so
    Scapegrace ILI/SLI possibly E1 So last (sx/sp>sp/sx)
    Minde EII 9/1 peak probably sp/so
    Miss Baby Doll LSI-Se 1/6 Sx/sp
    Shay IEE 9 so/sx
    Starfall IEI 4-3 peak sp/sx

    Bluebird EII 4 / 9 so/sx
    Megane LII 6w5 possibly sp/sx
    Myst SLE-Ti/ ILE-Ti probably so/sx
    Transkar SLE sx/so 3w2 or 7w8
    Spider SEE sx/sp 9/8 peak

    Clowns&Entropy LII-Ti 5w6 sp/so
    FdG LIE probably 7w8 (positive outlook anyway), possibly sp/so
    FoxOnStilts ILE 7 so/sp
    GuavaDrunk IEI so/sx possibly E9
    Aylen IEI-Fe 4w5 sx/sp
    Eldanen IEI-Ni 4w5 sp/sx
    Hitta probably IEI 4w5 sp/sx
    Jimmers EII-Ne/IEE E9 probably Sx second
    JWC3 SLE 7w8 probably sx/so
    Kadda 1212 IEI 4w3 so first

    Within LII/IEI 4-5 peak sx/sp
    Solitude ESI/ILI/IEI E4/5 sx/sp
    Chemical LII-Ti E5w6 sp/so
    Cubozoan EIE-Ni cp 6 / 7w8 contra-flow stack (so/sp or sx/so)
    ENTjoyment LIE-Ni 3w2 probably sx/sp
    Gabrielle EIE-Fe 3/6 so/sp
    Hero IEI-Ni E4w5 sp/sx

    Limitless IEI-Fe 3/4 peak possibly so/sx (sp last in any case from everything he says and does)
    May LIE 3/7 so/sx (?)
    Carrina ESI 6 probably sp last
    Misty IEE 7w6 so/sx
    Nevra/Mayr ESI/EII/IEI e6/e1 sp/sx
    PhanTom Shadow ILI 5w4 sp/sx
    SisterOFnight IEI-Ni E4w5 probably sp/sx
    TaceyRuth ILI-Ni 5w6 sp/so
    The Foundation ILI / IEI-Ni e5w6 sp/so
    Rhaegar ILI e5 or e3 probably sp/sx
    Contra ILI probably e5w4 So last
    Nyx ILI/IEI-Ni 4 sp/sx
    Yeves Sei>Sli e6 sp/sx
    Last edited by Amber; 03-30-2015 at 10:32 AM.

  2. #42
    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    2w1 sx/so:
    2w1 sx/sp:
    2w1 sp/so: Jack Oliver Aaron
    2w1 sp/sx: Maritsa
    2w1 so/sp: Eliza Thomason
    2w1 so/sx:

    2w3 sx/so: Mercer
    2w3 sx/sp: N1cole
    2w3 so/sp: Yaaroslav
    2w3 so/sx: Limitless
    2w3 sp/so: Kim
    2w3 sp/sx:

    3w2 sx/so:
    3w2 sx/sp:
    3w2 sp/so: William
    3w2 sp/sx:
    3w2 so/sp: Reuben
    3w2 so/sx:

    3w4 sx/so: Darya
    3w4 sx/sp: Starfall
    3w4 sp/so: Suedehead
    3w4 sp/sx: UDP
    3w4 so/sp: FoxOnStilts
    3w4 so/sx: JMC

    4w3 sx/so: BnD
    4w3 sx/sp: Dolphin
    4w3 sp/sx: Radio
    4w3 sp/so: Grain of Song
    4w3 so/sp: LucyintheSky
    4w3 so/sx: Silverchris

    4w5 sx/so: crazedrat
    4w5 sx/sp: aivonaima
    4w5 sp/so: moonraker
    4w5 sp/sx: newbornstar
    4w5 so/sp: ammonius hermaie/quote unquote
    4w5 so/sx: holon

    5w4 sx/so:
    5w4 sx/sp:
    5w4 sp/so:
    5w4 sp/sx:
    5w4 so/sp: Scapegrace
    5w4 so/sx:

    5w6 sx/so:
    5w6 sx/sp:
    5w6 sp/so: Eyeseecold
    5w6 sp/sx: Lab
    5w6 so/sp: Ath/Zap
    5w6 so/sx: Aestrivex

    6w5 so/sx: Finale
    6w5 sx/so: Dinki
    6w5 sx/sp: Airman
    6w5 sp/sx: Sienna
    6w5 sp/so: Joy
    6w5 so/sp: InvisibleJim

    6w7 sx/so: JetCityWoman
    6w7 sx/sp: Absurd
    6w7 so/sx: Scarlettlux
    6w7 sp/sx: Geneiouws
    6w7 so/sp: Lapa
    6w7 sp/so: ChrisCorey

    7w6 sx/so: Jadae
    7w6 sx/sp: discojoe
    7w6 sp/so:
    7w6 sp/sx: Hitta
    7w6 so/sp: Cubazoan
    7w6 so/sx: Mega

    7w8 sx/so: Lagerdemon
    7w8 sx/sp: Ashton
    7w8 sp/so: Ineffable
    7w8 sp/sx:
    7w8 so/sp: Myst
    7w8 so/sx: Mcbain

    8w7 sx/so: Deestructor (InvisibleHim)
    8w7 sx/sp: FDG
    8w7 so/sp: Kill4me
    8w7 sp/so:
    8w7 sp/sx: Mercutio
    8w7 so/sx: Words

    8w9 sx/so: Agee
    8w9 so/sx: Narc
    8w9 sx/sp: Ananke
    8w9 sp/sx: Expat
    8w9 so/sp: Smilingeyes
    8w9 sp/so: Laurie’s Crusador

    9w8 sx/sp: Allie
    9w8 sp/sx: Spider
    9w8 sx/so: Aquagraph
    9w8 sp/so: Olly
    9w8 so/sp: Elina
    9w8 so/sx: Woof

    9w1 sx/so: Aylen
    9w1 sx/sp: Pink
    9w1 sp/so: Subteigh
    9w1 sp/sx: Inumbra
    9w1 so/sp: KrigtheViking
    9w1 so/sx: Suz

    1w9 sx/so:
    1w9 sx/sp: Hkkmr
    1w9 sp/so: Esaman
    1w9 sp/sx: Parkster
    1w9 so/sp: RedVillain
    1w9 so/sx: JohannesBloem

    1w2 sx/so: MissBabyDoll
    1w2 sx/sp: Agarina
    1w2 so/sp: Silke
    1w2 sp/so: Director Abbie
    1w2 so/sx: Trevor
    1w2 sp/sx: Birdie
    Where do you see me on there?
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

  3. #43
    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amber View Post
    LIIbrarian LII-Ne 9w1 sp/so
    Probably correct but I wonder sometimes if I'm not just some really repressed SX/SP/SO. I do think I'm more syn flow than contra flow but I have considered every possible stacking for myself except for SX/SO

    SX: The reason why I think that is that I long for close relationships with others and intimacy. I would like to have oneness with a person, where we share all interests and feelings. In the past I've underplayed this need but I think it was because when I was younger I was so fearful of rejection and not being accepted for who I was, that I tended to see relationships as more pain than they're worth. So I isolated myself and 'talked myself' out of that aspect. But I always think this need always played strongly in the background. Because I do think alot about what I want/don't want out of a relationship and envision what the perfect relationship would be like. I'm just so afraid of rejection or getting hurt that I don't put myself out there in the dating world.

    I could make good arguments too for SP and SO. Regarding SP, I've always been comfort and security oriented. I need to feel like my 'ducks are all in a row.' That I have enough money saved in the bank for hardships. That I have enough to eat, a roof over my head. I hate being in debt, owing people money. I like my independence and my freedom to do as I please when I please. I think alot about aging and death- no I'm not suicidal or anything but I do think about the distant future when inevitable bodily decline occurs and how I'll deal with that physically and emotioinally. I worry alot about death and want to prolong my life as much as possible. I don't take many risks, especially physical risks.

    Regarding SO, I care a great deal about my image and what people think of me. Even random people walking in the street, I want them to have a positive impression of me even if I never see them again. I want to be thought of as good and likeable by everybody. I think alot about my use in society. I want to make a positive impact on the world that will be remembered for ages to come. I worry about just fading away into obscurity after dying. I am status oriented in the sense that I think alot about where I rank relative to my peers. I'm not a social climber, per se, but I'm not going to be stuck on the bottom rung.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

  4. #44
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LIIbrarian View Post
    Probably correct but I wonder sometimes if I'm not just some really repressed SX/SP/SO. I do think I'm more syn flow than contra flow but I have considered every possible stacking for myself except for SX/SO

    SX: The reason why I think that is that I long for close relationships with others and intimacy. I would like to have oneness with a person, where we share all interests and feelings. In the past I've underplayed this need but I think it was because when I was younger I was so fearful of rejection and not being accepted for who I was, that I tended to see relationships as more pain than they're worth. So I isolated myself and 'talked myself' out of that aspect. But I always think this need always played strongly in the background. Because I do think alot about what I want/don't want out of a relationship and envision what the perfect relationship would be like. I'm just so afraid of rejection or getting hurt that I don't put myself out there in the dating world.
    The sx first people I know, irl, find themselves almost unable to control this instinct in the way you describe and if they do it is for short periods of time before the energy has to be expressed and if not given a proper outlet full blown explosions of rage or other intense emotions that are destructive can occur. There have been good examples on this forum by past members. Just because someone isn't sx first doesn't mean that they don't long for connection, companionship and their "other half" sts. It just doesn't seem to consume them in the same way that it does an sx first. I am not saying you're not sx first but there is a level of intensity to this that I don't think people who are not sx first truly comprehend and why many believe they are sx first. It is literally like burning inside when it is not expressed properly. At least for me and no it is not a desire for physical sex even though that can be part of it. It is probably the least civilized instinct of them all. It can be jealous, competitive and selfish when insecure. Only when the right levels of connection are achieved does the instinct feel more in balance with my secondary instinct. Just my opinion, of course and may be related to my E type but I am sure someone will correct me on the parts that are just E4 or me related.

    One other thing unrelated to you, I think cases of BPD can present as sx first even in an sx last person but the disorder has elements to it that are not related to sx first. I have witnessed behaviors in people I have known with this condition and it is definitely different. Sx first is not fundamentally manipulative and controlling in the way those disorders are. Doesn't mean that you can't be both but that's a whole other subject. I have seen the two linked before . :/

    Edit: I do and can channel this instinct into creative endeavors by expressing things I am truly passionate about. Like my old website was born of sx energy. However I choose to express it, it is with intensity.
    Last edited by Aylen; 03-18-2015 at 12:29 AM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  5. #45
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    Sexual stackings are more intense in everything. Its not about sex necessarily. I've met some sx stackings who are workaholics, alcoholics, cocaineholics, etc. Here the basic thing is the compulsiveness and obsessiveness. I've had myself some problems regarding alcohol and cocaine, but I'm not saying this because of me, but based on my factual observation of others. Some SP stackings are prone to this kind of behavior also, but here the motive is different, it's more about enjoying the danger that things like those are to one's self-preservation of life. Many of the very very seductive individuals of our Western so-called civilization are so/sx , so there`s also a confusion regarding this.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    The sx first people I know, irl, find themselves almost unable to control this instinct in the way you describe and if they do it is for short periods of time before the energy has to be expressed and if not given a proper outlet full blown explosions of rage or other intense emotions that are destructive can occur. There have been good examples on this forum by past members. Just because someone isn't sx first doesn't mean that they don't long for connection, companionship and their "other half" sts. It just doesn't seem to consume them in the same way that it does an sx first. I am not saying you're not sx first but there is a level of intensity to this that I don't think people who are not sx first truly comprehend and why many believe they are sx first. It is literally like burning inside when it is not expressed properly. At least for me and no it is not a desire for physical sex even though that can be part of it. It is probably the least civilized instinct of them all. It can be jealous, competitive and selfish when insecure. Only when the right levels of connection are achieved does the instinct feel more in balance with my secondary instinct. Just my opinion, of course and may be related to my E type but I am sure someone will correct me on the parts that are just E4 or me related.

    One other thing unrelated to you, I think cases of BPD can present as sx first even in an sx last person but the disorder has elements to it that are not related to sx first. I have witnessed behaviors in people I have known with this condition and it is definitely different. Sx first is not fundamentally manipulative and controlling in the way those disorders are. Doesn't mean that you can't be both but that's a whole other subject. I have seen the two linked before . :/

    Edit: I do and can channel this instinct into creative endeavors by expressing things I am truly passionate about. Like my old website was born of sx energy. However I choose to express it, it is with intensity.

    " Having lulled you into a false sense of security my armed forces take you out.

    Edit: I love these images. ^ They feel very powerful.


    *** citation from older posts which I guess resemble the website and the Sx energy in question.
    Last edited by Amber; 03-25-2015 at 12:51 PM.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Airman View Post
    Sexual stackings are more intense in everything. Its not about sex necessarily. I've met some sx stackings who are workaholics, alcoholics, cocaineholics, etc. Here the basic thing is the compulsiveness and obsessiveness. I've had myself some problems regarding alcohol and cocaine, but I'm not saying this because of me, but based on my factual observation of others. Some SP stackings are prone to this kind of behavior also, but here the motive is different, it's more about enjoying the danger that things like those are to one's self-preservation of life. Many of the very very seductive individuals of our Western so-called civilization are so/sx , so there`s also a confusion regarding this.
    I can be quite intense in many things outside of relationships. Obviously my passions, which I can feel hurt if others don't share them. I can focus intensely on something I enjoy for long periods of time. Sometimes my passions can be all consuming. When I get into something, I can really get obsessed about it. Like socionics- I feel like now I literally, eat, breathe, and sleep it. The first thing I do when I get home from work is check the forum. Ha Ha. Sometimes I'll spend hours at a stretch just reading about it and posting messages on forums. Other things are like that too. Video games- can play for hours at a time. Only stopping very briefly to eat or go to the bathroom and even then I'll neglect physical needs until they become really uncomfortable. Certain music or songs I become obsessed with- I listen to them again and again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amber View Post

    I love these images. ^ They feel very powerful.
    They look kind of scary to me. Se PoLR perhaps?
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

  8. #48
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LIIbrarian View Post
    I can be quite intense in many things outside of relationships. Obviously my passions, which I can feel hurt if others don't share them. I can focus intensely on something I enjoy for long periods of time. Sometimes my passions can be all consuming. When I get into something, I can really get obsessed about it. Like socionics- I feel like now I literally, eat, breathe, and sleep it. The first thing I do when I get home from work is check the forum. Ha Ha. Sometimes I'll spend hours at a stretch just reading about it and posting messages on forums. Other things are like that too. Video games- can play for hours at a time. Only stopping very briefly to eat or go to the bathroom and even then I'll neglect physical needs until they become really uncomfortable. Certain music or songs I become obsessed with- I listen to them again and again.
    But are you bangin' heroin with a stripper, and a homeless person, while swiping' tinder when you're doing these things? Telltale sign...

    I kid, I kid.

    They look kind of scary to me. Se PoLR perhaps?
    I think they are so beautiful... just mesmerizing.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  9. #49
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    I can't tell a single thing about your enneagram stacking, but probably some of the mental types (5, 6 or 7). 5 sx is a good guess.
    Abt. the pics... they are horrific to me, this is Ni-valuing individual. Some Alpha or Beta this Aylen.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amber View Post
    Suedehead - ESI sp/sx 4w3 or 9w1
    How am I trying to be authentic? I'm dryer than 4w3s and I barely relate to 4w5s. Compare me to Lungs who probably has it in her tritype, and do the same thing with the ESI Sp/Sx typing.
    Last edited by suedehead; 03-19-2015 at 06:41 AM.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
    How am I trying to be authentic? I'm dryer than 4w3s and I barely relate to 4w5s. Compare me to Lungs who probably has it in her tritype.
    I've decided on 3w4 for you, btw : ). I've read a bunch of your posts and thought things through and it's all 3 neurosis, not 4. I still don't understand where you get 9 from, can you explain how do you relate to it?

    3w4 sp/sx to be exact.
    Last edited by darya; 03-19-2015 at 06:56 AM.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    I've decided on 3w4 for you, btw : ). I've read a bunch of your posts and thought things through and it's all 3 neurosis, not 4. I still don't understand where you get 9 from, can you explain how do you relate to it?

    3w4 sp/sx to be exact.
    9 issues are more integral to me and most of the triads add up - withdrawn, gut and even positive-outlook in terms of being able to ignore things that I don't feel like dealing with. I'm not that externally rooted or adept, and most of my issues come from underestimating myself and denial of my own will. The main dichotomy that I experience is one of passivity/apathy vs. physical exertion/vitality, and I feel like I benefit from any 3-ish traits I take up as opposed to it being neurotic. Even when it doesn't look it or it takes a self-defeating/passive-aggressive slant, I filter most of my surroundings in term of boundaries, physical space/movement and illusory vs. tangible consequences which I think is a gut-triad trait. This resonates with me alot:

    The types in the Instinctive Centre have gifts and issues involving their instinct. When they are healthy and balanced, their have strong relational skills with others and their environment. When they are unhealthy, their relationship skills become imbalanced. The essential qualities of this Centre involves the deep connection with the intelligence of the body, their instinct. Instinct is a type of knowledge that is not often recognized. Our instincts involve our sense of vitality and assertion. Instinct involves our inner wants and our ability to assert them in a way that is consistent and harmonious with the world around us.
    At some point in their development, Eights, Nines, and Ones feel that they have lost these essential qualities -- that they have no sense of self and that they cannot assert their wants. Being unable to express themselves leads to an underlying feeling of rage.
    To compensate, the personality tries to create and maintain a sense of self, where they are free to influence the world, but not be influenced by it. Consequently, the types in the instinctive Centre are motivated to find ways to feel autonomous and independent. One way to feel a sense of self is to carry tension in our bodies. Another is to create boundaries around us.
    Unfortunately, when Eights, Nines, and Ones do not get the autonomy that they seek, their underlying feelings of rage rise up. They may become aggressive (in a way, proving their independence). They way become resistant to change, again to bolster feelings of autonomy.
    Last edited by suedehead; 03-19-2015 at 08:54 AM.

  13. #53
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    **** on what Suedehead said : I don't have any other ESI 4 sp/sx right now, but many things I've read by him seem 4-ish. He's a bit more "group-oriented" than someone like Hero (I have him as 4w5 sp/sx) who seems to have an identity fixation with a focus on lack/defect/deterministic "damnation" and questions his ability to overcome those issues and do something with his life. Suedehead writes posts to get opinions on how likeable he is in spite of his "fears". I kind of see Hero writing PMs on similar topics for some reasons (ok, I'm not the embodiment of Ichazo's "Confidence" here, but that's it). Unlike the 4w5 sp/sx, S. is not *that* aloof and in-his-own-world, but more aware of group dynamics to some extent. He's also into many things that come down to collective definitions of masculinity/femininity ....see all the Alpha male discussion. It looks like a standard that he considers in relation to his identity. I also recall he posted several "pua-like" videos with dudes who preach maleness and seduction techniques.

    Lungs is more "personal" than Suede indeed, but S. and her share some taste in art in general (stuff that centers on violence, struggle, obsession with abnormal physicality, a sense of lonesome, many grotesque aspects etc.) that allows me to squeeze them both in the same stack.

    As for 4 vs 9 .... E9 is more prone to merging with others and identifying with them. S. still keeps lots of distance even when he communicates with others. It's not a sense of fluidity/lack of firm boundaries between self&other that I catch on here, but a form of alienation and that goes fairly well hand in hand with sp 4.

    S. is not sp/so imo. A sp/so would feel fulfilled / accomplished by "wasting" their life in work. S. longs for a form of intimacy/closeness with another, but at the same time he senses he cannot reach it...not now at least ... and who knows, will he ever? These are the kind of questions that he struggles with, not SO stuff - status/socially defined identity, formal relationships. I don't see S. supporting the group's values in any way, he's rather solipsistic and not really "businesslike". He doesn't focus on resources or productivity. Besides his energy is not refreshing and "clear". It's not like a burst of air/water, but something that makes me get claustrophobic (not enough "So" - air, light, open space, sun etc.). His energy is more tunnel-like and dark rather than open, affable, and cooperative. Compare him to a clear sp/so like LiiBrarian, for instance.
    Last edited by Amber; 03-19-2015 at 12:37 PM.

  14. #54
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    The reason I'm distant and less personal is because I'm Sx-last - easy. The alienation comes from being depressed and self-conscious, and you're probably comparing me to Fe-valuing/irrational 9s. I've been fluid without trying/wanting to be irl, and you can see me describe that tendency in the first post of that thread you tried to fuck with two weeks ago.
    Last edited by suedehead; 03-19-2015 at 10:33 AM.

  15. #55
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    suede as image-triad is weird, it doesn't fit IMO. he doesn't do that "this is me" "this is just what i am like at times, it's not truly me" kind of thing, like constantly defining of an "inner you" and "outer you" like image types do. like if you tell someone they're an asshole and their response is something along the lines of "i'm not really an asshole, i'm just an asshole to you" you could safely assume they're an image-type.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Airman View Post
    I can't tell a single thing about your enneagram stacking, but probably some of the mental types (5, 6 or 7). 5 sx is a good guess.
    Abt. the pics... they are horrific to me, this is Ni-valuing individual. Some Alpha or Beta this Aylen.
    Edit: *deleted* nevermind...


    The Sexual Five: “Confidence” (Countertype)

    In the Sexual Five, avarice is expressed through an ongoing search for a connection that will satisfy their need for an experience of the most perfect, safest, and most satisfying (idealized) union. This Five may look like the other two Five subtypes on the outside, having all the regular Five inhibitions and introversion in the area of relationship, but the Sexual Five places a special value on one-to-one or intimate connections.

    This Five has a passion for finding a special person they can connect with deeply, sometimes a person they cannot find or have yet to find. Like the Social Five, this Five also searches for a high ideal, but this Five looks for the ideal in the realm of love. This Five feels a need to find a high exemplar of absolute love. Like the search for the extraordinary of the Social Five, the ideal kind of connection this Five searches for represents a very high standard. Sexual Fives seek something like the ultimate mystical union—an experience of the divine in human relationship. And this can also happen with the search for good friends or a spiritual teacher.

    While Social and Self-Preservation Fives are more removed from their emotions, the Sexual Five is intense, romantic, and more emotionally sensitive. This Five suffers more, resembles the Four more, and has more overt desires. This is the countertype among the Fives. It may not be completely obvious from the outside, however—they may seem very much like other Fives until you touch their romantic spot and inspire their romantic feelings.

    While they can appear reserved or laconic on the outside, Sexual Fives have a vibrant internal life that is highly romantic. There are examples of Sexual Five artists—like Chopin, who Naranjo notes is the most romantic of the classical composers—who display extreme emotional expressiveness through their artistic creations but are cut off in many ways from others in the everyday world.

    Sexual Fives live in an inner world filled with ideation, theories, and utopian fantasies about finding unconditional love. They live for a couple’s love as a kind of ultimate or ideal experience of connection. However, what they search for represents an idealized form of relationship that may not exist in the human world.

    Trust is the basic issue with the Sexual Five. The name Naranjo ascribes to this subtype is “Confidence,” which has a special meaning related to an ability to trust the other, and suggests a search for the person who will be with you no matter what, the partner (or friend) that you can trust with all your secrets. Confidence is the kind of ideal that makes Sexual Fives very romantic deep inside. They search for an idealized version of love and relationship as a source of meaning in life.

    The Sexual Five’s search for a high exemplar of connection is so exacting that it’s very hard to pass their test with consistency if you are the person in relationship with them. It’s very easy for the Sexual Five to be disappointed. This subtype has such a great need to trust in the other that the need is not easily satisfied, and so there can be a lot of testing in their relationships.

    Fives tend to be a private people, but this Five has a great need for intimacy under the right circumstances—if they can find a person they can really trust to love them despite their flaws. This subtype expresses a need to be completely transparent with their partner, and they need their partner to be very open as well—and this ideal of trust and intimacy is not easy to find. Because of this, Sexual Fives can get very picky about the people they have relationships with, and they can become frustrated when they discover that the other is human. If a partner does not live up to their expectations of transparency and openness, they tend to feel disappointed and—because they have a fear of being hurt by others—to isolate themselves.

    Some Sexual Fives say that their search for an ultimate kind of connection does not only center on relationships with a lover or life partner. One Five said he related to the idea of “emotional promiscuity,” saying, “I want ultimate contact with a lot of people,” one at a time. And some Fives with this subtype report that although they feel guarded in the face of too much emotional intensity, they have a deep desire for intimacy with a trusted few. One Five with this subtype described especially appreciating the experience of “clicking” with someone—the feeling of having chemistry with another person—saying that when he felt this he could become infatuated very quickly.

    Although the Sexual Five may look like a Type Four, this Five is still quite Five-ish, so is not likely to be mistaken for a Four. And while this subtype is the Five countertype and seeks to manifest an ideal of intimacy, it may be hard to discern the difference between this Five and the other two Fives, as all of the Five subtypes experience a need to withdraw. However, This Five has a need to find a special relationship that will provide both safety and an ultimate kind of love.

    Last edited by Aylen; 03-19-2015 at 03:19 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    This is a sp3w4 (cold, alert, astute, laser-focused, determined):

    This is a sx9w1 (serene, numb, optimistic, abnormally nice)

    Last edited by Kim; 03-20-2015 at 01:52 AM. Reason: deleted picture

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    Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
    The reason I'm distant and less personal is because I'm Sx-last - easy. The alienation comes from being depressed and self-conscious, and you're probably comparing me to Fe-valuing/irrational 9s. I've been fluid without trying/wanting to be irl, and you can see me describe that tendency in the first post of that thread you tried to fuck with two weeks ago.
    That could be an "so" last thing as well. I see you as 469 (not sure of order) sp/sx just from some of our interactions only. I will trust you self-typing over mine though.


    The Self-Preservation Nine: “Appetite”

    The combination of the passion of laziness and the dominant instinct for self-preservation in Nines results in a personality subtype that Naranjo, following Ichazo, calls “Appetite.” The deeper motivation of this subtype of Type Nine is finding a sense of comfort in the world through the satisfaction of physical needs. This personality finds satisfaction in activities such as eating, reading, playing games, watching television, sleeping, or even working (if work is a comfortable thing to do).

    Whichever form of activity is chosen by a given Self-Preservation Nine, the key is that this Nine expresses his or her need to find protection and well-being by merging with an experience of the satisfaction of concrete needs. In giving their attention over to a favored activity in this way, these Nines simultaneously avoid or “forget” their own being—or the pain of not being connected to their own being—and find a substitute sense of “being” in the comfort of the fulfillment of routine, everyday appetites.

    For Self-Preservation Nines, it feels safer to take refuge in physical comfort, or in a routine that structures their experience in concrete and familiar ways, than to have to show up in the world and risk potential conflict or overstimulation. It’s easier to erase yourself by losing yourself in comfortable activities than to reveal yourself or open yourself up to whatever unpredictable or complex thing might be happening in the outside world.

    The name “Appetite” doesn’t refer just to eating, but also to the need to find a sense of well-being through the fulfillment of various physical needs—for food, for comfort, for restfulness, or for something interesting to pay attention to that provides a sense of support or structure or peace. Appetite also refers to concreteness, to the grounding aspect of fulfilling physical and material needs in simple, straightforward, tangible, and enjoyable ways. One Self-Preservation Nine I know focuses her self-care efforts on physical fitness and dieting in specific, routine ways. She belongs to a gym where she exercises with a close-knit community of people who all participate in regular early-morning workouts and support each other by going on periodic diets together based on the clearly articulated structure of a practical nutritional methodology.

    Self-Preservation Nines are concrete people, oriented to immediate experience, who don’t relate much to abstractions or metaphysical concepts. With these Nines there is less “psychological mindedness” and introspection and more focus on tangible and immediate “things to do.” They find experience much easier to deal with than theory. They don’t always put their experience into words, however—they don’t talk a lot about what is going on inside them in general.

    Naranjo describes the meaning behind “Appetite” as a kind of excessive “creature-likeness,” characterized by an “I eat therefore I am” or an “I sleep therefore I am” attitude that erases the question of “being” in a larger sense. For these Nines, the ordinary facts of life get in the way of thinking about abstract things, like what might be lacking in their experience. These are people who live life in a more simple, direct way.
    More than the other two Type Nine subtypes, these Nines tend to want more time alone. Like the other Nines, Self-Preservation Nines habitually focus their attention on other people and on their environment, but Self-Preservation Nines can actually find it more relaxing and grounding to be by themselves, as it allows them to more fully relax into whatever activity they are engaged with. These individuals also tend to have a distinctive sense of humor characterized by a wry and self-deprecating attitude.

    Nines are very loving people, but deep down they usually don’t have the sense of being loved—it’s as if they have resigned themselves to not actively receiving love for themselves. For the Self-Preservation Nine, the search for comfort in pleasurable activities may reflect a desire for compensation for their deeper sense of abnegation, or a giving up of the need for love, with the fulfillment of other appetites. The jolliness or fun-loving spirit of this type of Nine, though it is a very real, very endearing characteristic of this personality, may be another kind of compensation for an early lack—they substitute fun for love.

    Self-Preservation Nines tend to be active and intuitive, and they express a kind of subtle strength. This is the most “Eight-ish” of the three Nine subtypes. Their sense of inertia with regard to taking action places them firmly in the Nine type, so they are unlikely to be mistaken for Eights, but they do have forceful energy, especially in contrast to the Sexual Nine, which is a much less assertive character. Self-Preservation Nines have a stronger presence than the other two Nine subtype personalities, and they can be more irritable and stubborn. It can be very difficult for them to accept that another person is right. This subtype also lives a life of excess more than the Self-Preservation Nines tend to be active and intuitive, and they express a kind of subtle strength. This is the most “Eight-ish” of the three Nine subtypes. Their sense of inertia with regard to taking action places them firmly in the Nine type, so they are unlikely to be mistaken for Eights, but they do have forceful energy, especially in contrast to the Sexual Nine, which is a much less assertive character. Self-Preservation Nines have a stronger presence than the other two Nine subtype personalities, and they can be more irritable and stubborn. It can be very difficult for them to accept that another person is right. This subtype also lives a life of excess more than the other Nines, and while they don’t get angry very often, they can express the “fury of a peacemaker” when they get mad at people who cause problems.

    @suedehead you kind of vibe like this 964 in pics.

    Edit: Interesting that they have Spike Lee as 649 sp/so. I can see sp/so for him actually but I could also see sx/so for him. hmmm
    Last edited by Aylen; 03-19-2015 at 03:45 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Radio View Post
    suede as image-triad is weird, it doesn't fit IMO. he doesn't do that "this is me" "this is just what i am like at times, it's not truly me" kind of thing, like constantly defining of an "inner you" and "outer you" like image types do. like if you tell someone they're an asshole and their response is something along the lines of "i'm not really an asshole, i'm just an asshole to you" you could safely assume they're an image-type.
    ahahahaha, I really used to say that literally to people.

    What is image-type in enneascam? As in, which numbers/stackings?

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    lol at Kill4Me's Fi polr assessment of people (via purely abstract systemic Ti frames)

    yeah, I concur, the previous images that turn on Aylen so much belong to a person who is "serene, numb, optimistic, abnormally nice".

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    Quote Originally Posted by LIIbrarian View Post

    They look kind of scary to me. Se PoLR perhaps?

    no, that's how a Sexual/Sp Enneagram 4 may express their psychic landscape, feelings, and fear of getting old (think sublimation of feeling in art).

    but well, it's understandable that fear is quite prominent and nasty for someone whose purpose in life was being a professional dancer/stripper.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Amber View Post
    no, that's how a Sexual/Sp Enneagram 4 may express their psychic landscape, feelings, and fear of getting old (think sublimation of feeling in art).

    but well, it's understandable that fear is quite prominent and nasty for someone whose purpose in life was being a professional dancer/stripper.
    Actually that is not a bad general assessment but I like the images for different reasons. I have mentioned before that homeless people are very special to me. I feel the images really capture the toll that life takes on people who make it a lifestyle. Their faces are like roadmaps of the places they have been. It is really beautiful to look at an old person and imagine what their life was like. I am not afraid of growing old. I have young energy that will sustain me.

    Being a stripper was freedom not a purpose. It allowed me to have lots of quick cash and be able to do whatever I wanted in my "free time". It served it's purpose but it wasn't the purpose. My dad told me to "work smarter, not harder" and that is what I chose to do. Not his preference for me but he did respect my choices as he taught me to think for myself.

    Edit: dad = stepdad (he met my mom when I was 13)
    Last edited by Aylen; 03-19-2015 at 04:32 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Radio View Post
    suede as image-triad is weird, it doesn't fit IMO. he doesn't do that "this is me" "this is just what i am like at times, it's not truly me" kind of thing, like constantly defining of an "inner you" and "outer you" like image types do. like if you tell someone they're an asshole and their response is something along the lines of "i'm not really an asshole, i'm just an asshole to you" you could safely assume they're an image-type.
    any NF can fit that. typing in the abstract like that works better for socionics types than enneagram types.

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    I don't agree with typing people on Enneagram based on Visuals. Because it simply doesn't work accurately as it does with Socionics. You see a calm chilled-out face, E9? An alert, focused person, E3? All types can do all sorts of visual expressions.
    @Aylen : I didn't mean to disrespect, "this Aylen" I was thinking in Portuguese and misused a common expression in Portuguese which would translate literally as "this [name of the person" but in English it sounds rude. My bad, sorry for that. My job now demands to think in English, French, Spanish, German so I get confused and this type of thing is normal.

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
    9 issues are more integral to me and most of the triads add up - withdrawn, gut and even positive-outlook in terms of being able to ignore things that I don't feel like dealing with. I'm not that externally rooted or adept, and most of my issues come from underestimating myself and denial of my own will. The main dichotomy that I experience is one of passivity/apathy vs. physical exertion/vitality, and I feel like I benefit from any 3-ish traits I take up as opposed to it being neurotic. Even when it doesn't look it or it takes a self-defeating/passive-aggressive slant, I filter most of my surroundings in term of boundaries, physical space/movement and illusory vs. tangible consequences which I think is a gut-triad trait. This resonates with me alot:
    I see, then I was misreading you (maybe because I have both 3 and 9 in my tritype). Type 9 seems to be so vast that I admit I don't understand it completely. I am positive about me being 3w4 and I don't relate to you, but I was thinking that could be variants –I've read that so-last 3's are a lot less smooth in how they come across, and 3w4 is not the most accesible type by definition, so sp/sx 3w4's are very inpenetratable.

    You're not e4 imo. You're tying to mold yourself to fit the environment . Your values all seem to be outsourced, externalized from what the environment appreciates, not your true authentic values = attachment type. My impression of 3w4 came from the fact that on these board most things you write about are the things that are valued by girls, society – like your sense of self/sense of worthiness is based on being these things to others and you're unhappy cause you're failing at them – failing at being alpha male/admired, not failing at being understood because you're so different and true to yourself. I sometimes get a feeling like you see yourself as an object for sale and you're not happy with how it's turning out to be ; ). What confused me is your honest showing of lack of self-confidence on this board, but I was thinking maybe it's just here and it's a sign of unhealth (although when I get unhealthy, I'm less humble than when I'm healthy). Also you don't seem to lash out as a 3 would when someone offends you – you lack the phallic effect of an agressive type (which I again prescribed to depression) .

    So thinking again () i guess 9 makes sense and you explained it nicely : ) It's much more believable than 4 in any case. 3's and 9's have a lot in common – both types sort of lose their true selves easilly and deal with emotions in a similar manner – with dissociation. I see @Reficulris as similar to you in some ways (PUA culture, selfies etc.) and he's probably a 9.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    8w7 sx/sp: FDG
    Nonsense, I must be a positive outlook type.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    I was 12 years old in that pic. What it doesn't show is that I was already on the path to being a rebellious, devious, insecure, psychologically disturbed, drug and alcohol abusing mess when that was taken.

    In the original thread, it was posted in, I added that it was before my transformation. But his perception is also correct, as I did give off the impression that I was too nice, and maybe I was, and maybe, at times, I am still too nice but not abnormally so. I was probably high or drunk the night before that was taken.

    "having lulled you into a false sense of security..." <-- looks can be deceiving.
    sometimes its the very people who are too nice who end up on this kind of path...too nice to say no.
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

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    Personally I don't attempt to type people on Enneagram unless I know them personally. Sometimes it's easy especially with 3s and 8s on an acquaintance, but there are always the wings so its best to have some knowledge of the person on a regular basis to attempt to type him,her. The three triads of Image, Thought and Motor are also not very helpful because of the said wings. En E7 might seem an E8 if you're meeting him while he's using his 8 wing. With some intimacy though the type shows up very clearly for me so it's easy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Amber View Post
    S. is not sp/so imo. A sp/so would feel fulfilled / accomplished by "wasting" their life in work. S. longs for a form of intimacy/closeness with another, but at the same time he senses he cannot reach it...not now at least ... and who knows, will he ever? These are the kind of questions that he struggles with, not SO stuff - status/socially defined identity, formal relationships. I don't see S. supporting the group's values in any way, he's rather solipsistic and not really "businesslike". He doesn't focus on resources or productivity. Besides his energy is not refreshing and "clear". It's not like a burst of air/water, but something that makes me get claustrophobic (not enough "So" - air, light, open space, sun etc.). His energy is more tunnel-like and dark rather than open, affable, and cooperative. Compare him to a clear sp/so like LiiBrarian, for instance.

    Clear, huh?
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Actually that is not a bad general assessment but I like the images for different reasons. I have mentioned before that homeless people are very special to me. I feel the images really capture the toll that life takes on people who make it a lifestyle. Their faces are like roadmaps of the places they have been. It is really beautiful to look at an old person and imagine what their life was like. I am not afraid of growing old. I have young energy that will sustain me.

    Being a stripper was freedom not a purpose. It allowed me to have lots of quick cash and be able to do whatever I wanted in my "free time". It served it's purpose but it wasn't the purpose. My dad told me to "work smarter, not harder" and that is what I chose to do. Not his preference for me but he did respect my choices as he taught me to think for myself.

    Edit: dad = stepdad (he met my mom when I was 13)

    Here you are right.

    You probably deleted your other post in which you quoted me for "explanations"...but I remember the bottom line and I concur. You were very young in that pic and E9 was possible. You are also far nicer and more beautiful now than I had thought.
    Last edited by Kim; 04-10-2015 at 12:16 AM.

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    I dont understand what beauty judgement has to do with typings or intertypes...when evaluation of "beauty" enters the typing equation, it is no longer socionics that is being practiced.
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

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    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    I dont understand what beauty judgement has to do with typings or intertypes...when evaluation of "beauty" enters the typing equation, it is no longer socionics that is being practiced.
    I didn't intend to practise Socionics in that last post. And neither did you in what you said.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Amber View Post
    I didn't intend to practise Socionics in that last post. And neither did you in what you said.
    Just checking
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

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    Quote Originally Posted by Amber View Post
    Here you are right.

    You probably deleted your other post in which you quoted me for "explanations"...but I remember the bottom line and I concur. You were very young in that pic and E9 was possible. You are also far nicer and more beautiful now than I had thought.

    Ok, your response has caught me off guard and sort of paralyzed me. I feel like a deer in the headlights. Not sure whether to thank you or look above my head for the bucket of pig's blood. Sorry that I am so skeptical but my first reaction to any kind of perceived physical compliment is to correct the person and explain my flaws or run and hide. :/ Those were done by my ex-bf, btw, I would never put a halo over my own head.

    I had a feeling you had seen my initial response to you but I felt like I had said too much. I appreciate that you understood what I was trying to explain. Thanks.
    Last edited by Aylen; 04-10-2015 at 09:41 PM. Reason: image

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Amber you seem the be the one in a dozen here who's really serious about this forum and socionics. Congratulations.

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    S. is not sp/so imo. A sp/so would feel fulfilled / accomplished by "wasting" their life in work. S. longs for a form of intimacy/closeness with another, but at the same time he senses he cannot reach it...not now at least ... and who knows, will he ever? These are the kind of questions that he struggles with, not SO stuff - status/socially defined identity, formal relationships. I don't see S. supporting the group's values in any way, he's rather solipsistic and not really "businesslike". He doesn't focus on resources or productivity. Besides his energy is not refreshing and "clear". It's not like a burst of air/water, but something that makes me get claustrophobic (not enough "So" - air, light, open space, sun etc.). His energy is more tunnel-like and dark rather than open, affable, and cooperative. Compare him to a clear sp/so like LiiBrarian, for instance.
    How is this not in line with half of the shit that I complain about? Most correctly-typed Sx-firsts/seconds on here are obvious as fuck.

    b) SX blind spot - subvert the fiery energy, tame the fire, don’t honor your passions, procrastinate and postpone if you need to, avoid anything stimulating. Inertia. They may fear of being a boring, bland person, without passions, be afraid of having 'no juice', and feel flattered that someone wants to spend time with them.

    More on SX blind spot

    When the sexual instinct is least developed, the personality can lack a certain charisma and momentum. Such personalities often do not form truly intimate relationships, as they don’t feel driven to do so; consequently, their personal relationships can suffer from a lack of attention. As there are aspects of ourselves which we can only see when in close relationship to others, those whose sexual instinct remains undeveloped might find it difficult to cultivate some forms of self-awareness.
    Last edited by suedehead; 03-23-2015 at 09:36 PM.

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    Sp/Sx's can be some of the most thick-skinned, self-satisfied people btw, and don't find it hard to experience the things that I feel I'm lacking in. Some of them are really fucking irreverent and get a just kick out of all the sexy people and things that life has to offer and can tell someone to fuck off when they feel like it.
    Last edited by suedehead; 03-23-2015 at 10:04 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
    Sp/Sx's can be some of the most thick-skinned, self-satisfied people btw, and don't find it hard to experience the things that I feel I'm lacking in. Some of them are really fucking irreverent and get a just kick out of all the sexy people and things that life has to offer and can tell someone to fuck off when they feel like it.
    I haven't seen others who self type sx last have issue with the idea of sx last being so bad. I think most who self type sx last seem to be very comfortable with it?

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    I think the only reason I seem to have different values from your parents or the other Sx-lasts that I've been compared to is because I'm a hormonal 20 year old male with some narcissistic traits. I'm shit at developing close relationships and don't have any. I can't even be completely candid and transparent on an internet forum. And i got that description from here:
    Last edited by suedehead; 03-23-2015 at 10:32 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
    I think the only reason I seem to have different values from your parents or the other Sx-lasts that I've been compared to is because I'm a hormonal 20 year old male with some narcissistic traits. I'm shit at developing close relationships and don't have any. I can't even be completely candid and transparent on an internet forum. And i got that description from here:
    fwiw I've always been relatively inept at developing close relationships and I self-type sx-primary. I think the key is that, when they happen for an sx-first or sx-secondary person, they happen, whereas with sx-last types a certain threshold is never really breached.

    I don't know you well but from some of what I've seen you say you seem a bit more concerned with typical sx elements than I would expect an sx-last individual to be.

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