Quote Originally Posted by Jadae
I finally found an Ne primary that prefers the opposing extreme. Yay Do you or would you go out of your way to avoid either extreme, though? Im wondering if that is the common link that may be linked to Si. Or maybe Im crack :/
I wouldnt go to Finland in the winter ( or Seatlle for that matter ) I dont do as much to avoid the heat but I dont care for extremes. I love to go swimming when its very hot. I live near San Francisco and the water is very cold. I went to the beach more times in one summer when I lived in NY than I probably did my whole life on the West Coast. If I lived down in San Diego it would be different ofcourse. It seems I lose circulation in my feet and hands fairly quickly in cold weather. This condition was very acute when I was very young and seems to lessen as I get older. Maybe thats because of global warming