Quote Originally Posted by Jadae
Id be afraif that the parent(s) would be openly-aggressive in public. I cant imagine that someone like that is very socially aware. I think it is funny, though. My siblings and I never had physical punishment and were probably among the nicest. This isnt to say that it is always like that or that minor physical punishment is wrong but that there are multiple ways to deal with children in an effective manner. Each manner has general rules for effectiveness on children.
Well, corporal punishment isn't supposed to be "aggressive." It's a simple manner in which to establish consequences to actions until the child develops a more "advanced" moral reasoning. If a parent is attempting to truly hurt the child, I'd say that parent has completely missed the point of the goal they're supposed to be working toward.

Of course there are other effective methods of helping a child develop behavioral maturity. I'm not entirely convinced the infamous "time out" is among them. I've never seen a parent use the "time out" with any appreciable effect. Perhaps I just haven't seen the right parents, but recalling my own personal childhood, I can't imagine how it would have any effect. My mom tried it once, and I just wondered what happened that allowed me to get away with misbehaving.