Quote Originally Posted by Dynamicism
Quote Originally Posted by pesto
Something that speeks for ENTj, is the lack of . Most anything from the US is more than things from around here. I'm not talking about art etc, but the everyday stuff.

An easy way to compare different esthetical traditions is looking at websites from different parts of the world. This only one example, but it's quite characteristic of the difference between US layouts and the European.

American low budget web hotel
Danish low budget web hotel
I don't think this has anything to do with, much less does it determine, anything about America. It's one freaking website. Wtf? It's like me going to this website: http://www.nigeria.com/ and then saying that Nigerian people are really simplistic in that they don't like a lot of flashy graphics but they love to advertise a lot of things.
Nigeria isn't very good at web design, they must be an old INFj who doesn;t know about aesthetic ballance.