Quote Originally Posted by Suedehead View Post
I relate to SEE-Fi more socially, but it isn't a perfect match either. The Merry/Serious difference is usually more obvious for me when I look at ENTp's, and then you have the stereotypical NT/Alpha-stuff (memes, computer/board games, recreational drugs, alternative lifestyle, etc.), and the sort of irreverent, hipster-ish attitude about...everything, that some of them have. I feel like some of them just talk 'at' me, and there isn't much that we can talk about with genuine enthusiasm. I mean..I can listen to the things some of the things the sillier ENTp's say and laugh, but not really want to get into it.

Lol so true, this is great. BTW ILE doesn't change much - still like that at 50 save the nerdy computer game and drug use thing.

With IEE we perceive the same things but do radically different things with it. IEE likes to climb the ladder and gain influence, effortlessly manipulating people in the course of these goals. They're quite mainstream, into money, property, getting to the top of the power structure. This is fine for their role in the socion but it is diametrically opposed to the contribution of ILE. My experience is that IEE looks down on ILE; ILE doesn't respect IEE. it's probably the polr manifest.

This can make for fierce argumentation. If history is written by the perspective of the dominant, IEE "wins". If history is strategically guided by the embedded structure created by ILE, then ILE "wins". Just remember, age after age the tragic empires of the dominant die.

With SLE there's a degree of complimentarity between Se and Ne and Ti makes setting goals and making progress easy. Cooperation is easy. You cannot become truly close though. And if you try expectations will not be met on either side.