Hi gang, it's been a while since my last post.

Just want to let you guys know that I started seeing a therapist about my anxiety attacks, and she says i'm paranoid/having issues trusting people.
Believing there are types of people out there made me believe that if I meet someone that makes me think about someone else, lets say someone that backstabbed me in the past, well I wont trust this new person from the start.

My problem is that I share this fear with other people, of being attack by this stranger, and I have no proof that this person will attack me, or backstab me.
I explain to them that this guy seems to be the same as this other guy I knew. I tell them what happened in the past, and it's like if I try to make them see that this person is the same, and same results might happen.

Now I have quit 2 jobs because I can't trust the people I work with, I have applied for wellfair and I have to see a doctor to have a note about the anxiety that made me quit.
I'm looking for a job that doesn't require me trusting people, either something with a lot of supervision and no opportunity for fraud, or something like cleaning buildings at night...

Anyone else ever been diagnosed with paranoia?
How do you trust people now?


I think I might be SLI, problem with Fi, or ILI (I love borderline girls)
More ILI then SLI come to think of it..Might be IEE also, thought I was for a while, but I have a good Thinking, understanding systems and rules, able to work hard if the need is there. Having a hard time motivating myself, but when pushed by others, can accomplish great things.
I'm thinking about dropping from socionics on the account that it's to much in development. Missing so many pieces to type people or myself..

So yeah, Please share about trust, how does trust work? Who, why, how.. until what?