Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
Very INFp name. I am a fan of Tolkien and love all the books. I love all kinds of folklore.

Not my favorite color but it's ok. I don't think I would want to be called Violet though. heh

So how did you come to realize that you fit the IEI profile? Have you been into socionics awhile? It is still pretty new to me.
Hey... so sorry I've been away from my online communications for a bit... internet problems. Anyway, I feel like Violet is definately an INFp color. See, everything is somehow part of a great story, and nothing happens on accident - even our own naming.

I actually am relatively new to socionics as well - which is partly why I joined this forum. I would love to have people to talk to who feel interested and flattered when I bring up socionics/psychology topics (rather than feeling threatened and... well judged, or something, which is what generally happens with many of my friends and family).

I actually first made the concious discovery of my Myers-Briggs type about 7 months ago. It started as fun with a group of friends, but over the next few months, grew into a personal obsession. Psychology has always fascinated me (in fact, I remember saying to my parents, as a 12 year old or something 'but if you know how people think, you could get them to do anything!' haha so innocently manipulative...).

So anyway, since I came to socionics through Myers-Briggs, I would say that I first knew I must be an INFJ (for better or worse)... That was the result I got on the test many times, and although the descrpition seemed to fit, I didn't want to be pretending to be something I'm not. Finally, I asked myself, "Would it upset me if I turned out not to be an INFJ?" I realised I would not in the least be upset or offened; in fact, I might be slightly releaved. That was the clincher for me. No Fi goin' on there! Later, another indicator to me that I am in fact an INFJ in Myers-Briggs is that I was for quite a while obssessively trying to act like an ESTP; I admired ESTP qualities (and thus mistook my own strengths for weaknesses)... Since I have become aware of this drive in myself, I have been reversing it - but it points to a typical longing to "become" your dual.

Duality is actually what got me into Socionics in the first place. For me, esp. as an IEI, I used personality type to explain and heal my relationships. Duality is the most fascinating of the socionics relationship to me; especially since I recently ended fairly long relationship with a guy who was definately not my dual. Needless to say, my mind has been filled with analysis and comparison...

But there is so much I don't know, and I have so many questions. I'm hoping that some of you lovely people can answer them...!

Also, three cheers for Tolkien and all his kindred!