Here is the part of Ni Demonstrative that I have seen with my EII friends:

From Wikisocion - The individual is also not naive to future happenings. He will often warn others of negative consequences. In this way, he uses his Ni to help the PoLR of his dual. However, unlike an EIE, he will not often take his own advice nor expect others to. His Se PoLR makes it impossible for him to demand that others heed his advice, and his Ne-ego makes him place more value in the possibility that he is wrong - and that things will play out differently - than in avoiding foreseeable disasters."

When I make an Ni warning, I can be pretty intense because I value Ni. Ni is unvalued for EIIs so they are more low key about their predictions.

I will try to think of an example, but I am out of time right now.