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Thread: Male ESI's and Female LIE's (ISFj and ENTj)

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  1. #10

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    Default Possible Se guy and often typed as E3 LIE woman

    Priyanka might be LIE. She sounds like a fucking general when she speaks. She is sometimes typed ESE and IEE, and she IS playful, but so are LIE, and Ni romance style seems to fit her better than Si or Ne. And she talks about perception and change and cause and effect in ways that don't seem to fit ESE, in my experience. She has an opportunism and awareness of luck that seems LIE over IEE. She's said the thing that she was deeply touched by about this man who was dating her (Jonas) was he was the first man who had who said he was attracted to her ambition. He wasn't put off by it or indifferent to it. She seemed to marvel at that. Vibes as very LIE growing up a woman to care so much about that.

    I'm not set on LIE as her type, but it's worth a consideration on this list of LIE women.

    Her husband seems like a walking ESI-Se stereotype being a love song crooning introvert. I'm not convinced he is one, but I do see a generally quiet introvert who also performs occasionally. He's very serious. There's a coach vibe with strictness/standards to him (Se creative), and he seems quite into his feels/values. In nonprofessional videos of him, he seems to focus on current, physical reality a lot...face masks, cooking, dogs.

    I don't know much about him. I could be misinterpreting. He does have James Dean vibes, tho. Like you can imagine a lot of ESI as quite old men given how serious they are. They can seem like monks.

    He has had a very Se characteristic certainty in his attraction to his wife who is herself clearly attracted to him but has repeatedly expressed a typically Ni perception of relationships as highly changeable.

    I'd bet he was a 3 in his tritype, too.


    2016 Dwayne the Rock Johnson talks about Chopra for Time with Ben Hassett:
    "Before ever meeting Priyanka Chopra, I had heard her name coming out of Bollywood and was impressed: she was beautiful, talented, had made nearly 50 movies, earned multiple awards—a massive star. When we connected around the time she started Quantico, we immediately hit it off. She has drive, ambition, self-respect, and she knows there’s no substitute for hard work. We always quote the saying “Wear your success like a T-shirt, not like a tuxedo,” and she really does—as big a star as she is, as global as she is, as beautiful as she is, there’s this interesting quality of relatability.

    Now I’m lucky enough to be working with her on Baywatch. It’s an amazing time to watch as she pierces the U.S. market. She has an ability to inspire people to do more and achieve more. When I look at her success from the 50,000-ft. view and see everything that Priyanka has already done, is currently doing and has the desire and the bandwidth to do, I can see that her impact is going to be invaluable.

    Johnson is an actor and producer and a co-founder of Seven Bucks Productions"

    update: yeah, LIE and ESI lookin' good for them:

    Last edited by nanashi; 02-16-2021 at 03:33 PM.

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