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Thread: Male ESI's and Female LIE's (ISFj and ENTj)

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    Possible female LIE

    Either way , there's a female LIE I know and she's married to an LSE. They are a pretty much a power couple.

    Random facts about her

    She's attractive for her age and walks around with an air of confidence, very good posture and since she has high status in the group she seems to walk around with that as well, but when you speak to her she always comes off as down to earth and kind. Her kindness does seem like a professional behavior though, not 100%fake but of course not the real her. The real her comes out in small moments, but she's usually quiet in group meetings like she's preoccupied thinking about something more important or just straight up jaded and bored with what we are talking about like she knows all this already, but when she does speak she usually speaks with authority and kinda sounding like a motivational speaker.

    There's some power struggles between her and her husband, sometimes he asks her to get him something to drink, and she looks like she has to bite a bullet everytime she does it. Also he tries to give her directions on how to do something and it's she just does what she thinks is best anyway. She doesn't seem to try and control him, he seems to try and control her and she seems to resist to keep her independence.

    She doesn't know about socionics and only briefly knows about MBTI, enough to know her own type. I've spoken to her about it before and she's told me back in school her teachers would tell her to soften her tone or something whenever she gave a speech. There have been times in our group where she's started to speak and then said " let me shut up because sometimes when I say something it doesn't come out right", like if to say she didn't want to offend anyone.

    There's an LII(possibly) in our group that at first glance appears autistic because he is way too introverted and quiet, like an extreme case. She frikkin adores him, kisses him on the cheek so hard her face smushes into it. It's freaking strange, she also likes children and playing with them, but everyone gets the professional kindness. I caught her one time in a group meeting just watching a kid play and smiling and when she saw that I caught her she looked embarrassed.

    The only person she talks extensively with in our group is an old LSI woman, when everyone is talking as a group, she's off in the corner speaking to the LSI woman quietly (Sx?).

    I remember one time I was depressed to the point it was obvious on my face, and she looked me in the eye and quickly looked away like it made her uncomfortable to look at me.

    I also remember my LSE friend telling her he was gonna drive back home, which is a 16 hour drive out of state, and she looked up at him with much respect on her face.

    After talking to her about MBTI she started talking to me about books she eventually wants to write and she started getting really excited in the conversation, and she got on a roll of non stop talking, I didn't mind since I never seen her talk so much and so lively. There were points in the conversation where she would forget the last thing she just said when I would refer to it later. example, she spoke to me about a few books, then leave off with talking about a specific book, I would say "that book" to refer to the very last book she just spoke about and then she would ask me "which book?" I'm like, uh the one you were just talking about lady are you crazy lol. Anyway it was weird, maybe her mind was moving a mile a minute. The books she wants to write are about how at her age, she mid 50s, you can still find love, she thinks it will help out alot of women she knows that are successful but still single, saying the money isn't someone you can build memories with. But she says she doesn't have the time to write them yet.

    She had a child like enthusiasm especially when talking about her accomplishments, almost like a child saying " Mommy look what I did!" not those exact words, but a similar tone of voice. Example, she used to be in the military and got to ride in a tank, I was amazed and asked did she really do that and she replied " Yup!" With this huge giddy smile like a proud kid lol. Not the first LIE I've seen do that either, it's surprising but funny.

    Anyway, after her telling me about her hopes to want to write a book one day, the next time I see her she sat next to me at the table, she never does, and my guess was because she wanted to continue the conversation. I couldn't because it felt like bonding and she's married so I stayed silent, and she didn't try to initiate any conversation, maybe she was hoping I would because I got no other clue why she sat next to me. The next time I see her after that she says hi to me standing in the doorway of the room I'm working in, and that's all we say to each other, but she just stays standing in the doorway facing me but looking down for a while before she decides to leave, I interpreted it 9 ways to Sunday but who knows what that was about, I brought it up to MBTI ENTJs online and the ones the replied said yea something was up. I never had a long conversation with her again after that day, because even though she's much older than me I can't deny that she's attractive, so I just chose to keep my distance.

    I remember that after I told her my MBTI type the next time I saw her she was like "HIIIII HOW ARE YOU?" with extra sugar on top and that made me uncomfortable real quick, maybe she read something about F types and thought that's the way they liked to be talked to lol.

    Another thing was, she constantly changed her appearance and hair, constantly, everytime I saw her she had a new look. She's finally settled on a hair style but she always wears very bold colored dresses and jewelry that makes a statement. She's high status in the group and she definitely makes her self look like it.

    In a group meeting where we were talking about how to attract people to our organization, she revealed her grand plan to save an entire township that was abandoned, rebuild the property from the ground up and get support from her company to do it, like what? Lol. She had this huge idea in her mind the entire time?

    She seems to want to help a large group of people, having some actual impact on a grand scale, like a hero or something. She wanted to send towels to nursing homes because she heard they run out of towels.

    Her day job is head of some operation at a military district of defense company. Her husband likes to point out that at work she's the boss but when she comes home she sleeps on his chest.

    I remember I talked to her about a movie plot one time, and she cut straight to the point and was like " This is not new they've been doing that all throughout history". Said with a straight and jaded look on her face.

    Someone brought up space travel in a conversation and she jumped in and said " you know they are trying to find a way to colonize other planets, that's what that's all about."and she repeated it to see if it would open the door for conversation, but she was talking to an ESE so no lol.

    At home she's very different thennin public, for one she doesn't not smile nearly as much, of course she's not dressed up either, she's like idk how to explain. Like a rock or something. She's got the hugest freaking husky that looks half polar bear and she plays with the monster like it's a puppy, it was a stray that came to their front door, fully grown btw, and decided to keep it. Her husband thinks it's a burden though. At home she heard her IEE grandson whining in a very femenine tone of voice and she tells him " Hey, don't talk like that, don't you want to sound like a man?" lol The boy says " No, I want to sound like me." Lol, she just looks dumbfounded. Her filter seems lowered at home for sure.

    She claims she's a human lie detector.

    That's all I got. My bad if it was a mess lol.
    Last edited by Lord Pixel; 05-06-2020 at 12:18 AM.

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