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Thread: What would you type me?

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  1. #1

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    I tend to see the external world as static.. as in I don't really see anything happening. I don't know. I see it in flux, but as a whole rather than a linear progression. The same things are always being repeated just in different ways.. I see the patterns of how all the parts potentially move together. And so from a birds eye view it seems like nothing 'new' is happening. I could follow the patterns (what I tend to do) or write my own ones over it (which would require some effort on my part but it's not out of the question), but for the main part the potential forms of those patterns remain 'static' in my head. If that makes any sense?

    I don't usually get bored either though. But like LostInDreams I can be pretty unpredictable and impulsive sometimes. Although perhaps that's just an irrational trait in general? It just gives my world extra flavour when I indulge in such things. It gets me out of my head and it can be exhilarating and adventurous. I suppose it's those moments I tend to be the opposite to how I usually am. That's when my humour and general sense of being can become more exuberant and 'silly', ect. I like how natural it feels in comparison to my general reservedness. To put it this way- I would become bored if not for those moments, and also reckless. I have to remember to keep a good balance going on otherwise I might accidentally end up destroying things

    I also want to bring change but I don't always see the point in it As I mentioned I don't really see the world in a way which can be changed.. maybe it could be infiltrated though That could work.

    Passion is everywhere if you look hard enough

  2. #2

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    Quote Originally Posted by LostInDreams View Post
    Hum I never feel bored and the world is definitely not static.

    Still I search for excitement. Passion should be everywhere. Also can be unpredictable and impulsive, also sometimes restless and patienceless. And I want to bring changes and make it all a better place.
    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    I don't usually get bored either though. But like LostInDreams I can be pretty unpredictable and impulsive sometimes. Although perhaps that's just an irrational trait in general?
    Yes, to both. Unpredictability and compulsivity are irrational traits.

    Think of the difference between extroversion and introversion as this: Irrational Extroverts are impulsive, in general. They see things they want in the world around them--lots of things. They go and get them. It's like a kind of gluttony. More experiences, more ideas, more possessions. Irrational Introverts, on the other hand, seek fewer experiences, fewer ideas, and nurture them in the long term. They can still be unpredictable, and as dynamic types, their mood is often changeable. So are their passions.

    Quote Originally Posted by LostInDreams View Post
    i must be an extravert then
    Not a chance.

  3. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Martrix View Post
    Think of the difference between extroversion and introversion as this: Irrational Extroverts are impulsive, in general. They see things they want in the world around them--lots of things. They go and get them. It's like a kind of gluttony. More experiences, more ideas, more possessions. Irrational Introverts, on the other hand, seek fewer experiences, fewer ideas, and nurture them in the long term. They can still be unpredictable, and as dynamic types, their mood is often changeable. So are their passions.
    Well I'm definitely not a glutton. Also I do tend to nurture my experiences in the long term, for whatever reason.

    My mood is generally stable but my passions tend to be changeable.

    I am inclined to go with irrational introvert for now.

    How about logic vs ethics? How can I tell which one I prefer to use?

  4. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    Well I'm definitely not a glutton. Also I do tend to nurture my experiences in the long term, for whatever reason.

    My mood is generally stable but my passions tend to be changeable.

    I am inclined to go with irrational introvert for now.

    How about logic vs ethics? How can I tell which one I prefer to use?
    I'll have another look through...

    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    My preferences are a bit up in the air right now. Going through a spiritual-personality change.
    I've always been interested in the complex/dark/dramatic type of media though.
    Sounds Beta.

    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    Not particularly. I generally just follow my heart.. that keeps me out of ruts.
    Ethical Irrational.

    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    I get along with light-hearted yet complex people (is that contradictory?). I like people who can have fun but who are not afraid to look at the darker sides of themselves and life. People who are optimistic but intellectual. People who enjoy life but question it also. People who are open-minded and non-judgemental. People who can appreciate the beauty in everything. People who can see the light in darkness.
    Positivist. Merry. -valuing.

    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    My main concern is that the child is given space to find themselves. I never had this whilst growing up so I suppose one can't avoid a bit of projection but I see it in society too, that children are always told what they should and shouldn't do and how they should and shouldn't be.. it upsets me. I wouldn't be an undisciplined parent.. obviously correction is needed with some things. But I would use positive reinforcement, and just generally raise the child to be the best them that they can be.
    Focus on long term (base ), aided by encouragement (creative ).

    My conclusion is ethics over logic.

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