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    Post What would you type me?

    Saw this questionnaire answered by another person here and thought I'd give it a stab. If anyone could answer with some insight I would be grateful.

    What is beauty? What is love?
    Beauty is something that captures and holds the attention.. something you can immerse yourself in and appreciate its essence as part of yourself.
    Love is unconditional.. in that it might not always behave according to what someone wants, but instead according to what that someone deserves.
    Love creates space for a person to be themselves.

    What are your most important values?
    Honesty, integrity, truth, growth, acceptance, probably more I can't think of right now.

    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I believe in non-dualism. I could spiel off an entire intellectual essay as to why but I think it's just better to say I had a spiritual experience of non-dualism myself. I did believe in it before the experience though, just because it always made most amount of sense to me.

    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    War and militaries? Not really something I think about. I'm not for or against them either way. They exist, they happen. Nothing will probably change that.
    Power.. ah, such a complex topic, in my mind. Power could be a perceived advantage of one person over another, or a knowledge and acting out of personal truth.

    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    I don't know about conversations.. I don't have any friends or family on the same wavelength as me.
    My interests mostly lie within the psycho-spiritual realm. I like questioning things about myself, other people, life, the universe, ect.

    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    I'm not particularly interested in it but I look after my body best I know how.

    What do you think of daily chores?
    Chores are things that need to be done. I don't always do them though. I usually just let other family members do them, but if I'm asked to do something I'll usually get around to doing it.. eventually.

    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    My preferences are a bit up in the air right now. Going through a spiritual-personality change.
    I've always been interested in the complex/dark/dramatic type of media though.

    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    Things that make me cry.. loss is the only one I can think of. When I lose something/someone that was important to me. Or if I feel strong loss in another person.
    Lots of things make me smile I either have a simple happy-go-lucky type of humour or an ironic/sarcastic type humour. It depends what mood I'm in. Or sometimes just things that touch my heart, like kindness from strangers, ect, that always makes me smile.

    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    Not quite sure what this question is asking. Do I feel at one with the environment? My own environment yes. Other environments? Not so much.
    Do I feel a sense of belonging? More or less. I could be around similar people to me I guess, that would make me feel more of a sense of belonging. But generally I'm ok.

    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I don't know. I accept myself as I am so I don't really perceive myself in terms of weaknesses. Merely areas in which I could grow.
    I could become more outgoing, more assertive.. I would like to do something directed and important in the world. I wish I had the dedication for that.
    What other people see as my weaknesses doesn't really interest me.

    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    My strengths? Hmm.. my patience, perseverance, strength and will power, my ability to see things as they are, my desire for growth, my intellectual thinking capacity.
    I like how I'm always trying to be the best that I can be. I don't know about what other's perceive as my strengths.

    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Maybe with extroverting a bit more. Going out into the world and experiencing things.. becoming more active and adventurous. Actualizing myself and my dreams.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    Not particularly. I generally just follow my heart.. that keeps me out of ruts.

    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I like people who can accept me for who I am. People who can accept themselves for who they are.
    I like people who have similar values to me.. don't all people?
    I dislike people who intrude and try to control myself and others. People who always have to have the last say. People who can't drop things.
    I get along with light-hearted yet complex people (is that contradictory?). I like people who can have fun but who are not afraid to look at the darker sides of themselves and life. People who are optimistic but intellectual. People who enjoy life but question it also. People who are open-minded and non-judgemental. People who can appreciate the beauty in everything. People who can see the light in darkness.

    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    I don't know really.. I'll answer this if I ever end up having a partner lol.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    My main concern is that the child is given space to find themselves. I never had this whilst growing up so I suppose one can't avoid a bit of projection but I see it in society too, that children are always told what they should and shouldn't do and how they should and shouldn't be.. it upsets me. I wouldn't be an undisciplined parent.. obviously correction is needed with some things. But I would use positive reinforcement, and just generally raise the child to be the best them that they can be.

    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    Inward and outward reaction would generally be the same. I would disagree.

    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    My relationship to society? Almost non-existent. I rarely interact with anyone.
    How I see people as a whole? A bunch of beautiful confused and messed-up yet interesting living beings.
    What do I consider a prevalent social problem? Off the top of my head- the justice system. Where I live at least, it's too soft on criminals.

    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I guess I choose my friends by the level of synchronicity we have. Although that's not really a hard and fast rule. People who find me interesting and stick around even though I don't feel much connection often become close confidants. I guess it's about loyalty at the end of the day.
    Hmm.. I behave as much as myself around a person as I can.. but I might omit parts of myself if I feel like they're not really interested in the whole of me.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    Reserved is the first word that comes to mind. I can be awkward or assertive in that reservation- it depends on how I'm feeling and what the situation calls for.

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    I have been reading up on quadras and I believe there is a strong possibility I am of the delta quadra. Can anyone confirm this?

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    Very light skimming (i'm lazy) makes me lean towards IEE.

    Edit, that or ILE. There's a lot that resonates with me. IEE fits best, I see the Ne (interesting is everything) and a lot of Fi judgements.
    Only mention ILE 'cuz i'm probably ILE/IEE and it should be something you could consider. Def Ne ego though.

    Standard disclaimer, i type for shit so take my oppinion lightly.

    Baby-giraffe out!

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    Curious. IEE fits well but an interesting thing- I'm an INTJ in MBTI. I know the two systems aren't the same but is this likely to be common combination? I don't particularly think so. Now I'm wondering if I've been mistyped somewhere down the line..

    I used to think of myself as an ILI. But I was rather unhealthy back then.

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    well... translating from MBTI to socionics has legions of problems.

    Better to start anew, the systems are too different.

    I typed INTP/INTJ/INFP in mbti (depending on mood) and something extroverted in Socionics. So... all combinations are possible if you start with the assumption that MBTI is just stupid ;-)

    ((ofc socionics is about as stupid, just in different ways ))

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    I'll just go over some things that stood out for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    War and militaries? Not really something I think about. I'm not for or against them either way. They exist, they happen. Nothing will probably change that.
    Power.. ah, such a complex topic, in my mind. Power could be a perceived advantage of one person over another, or a knowledge and acting out of personal truth.
    Sounds like leading, in the sense of not having a firm opinion. Also accepting, to some extent, as you perceive the importance of conflict.

    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    I don't know about conversations.. I don't have any friends or family on the same wavelength as me.
    My interests mostly lie within the psycho-spiritual realm. I like questioning things about myself, other people, life, the universe, ect.

    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    I'm not particularly interested in it but I look after my body best I know how.
    Non valuing

    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    What do you think of daily chores?
    Chores are things that need to be done. I don't always do them though. I usually just let other family members do them, but if I'm asked to do something I'll usually get around to doing it.. eventually.
    in Super Ego. They need to be done...(like a voice in your head, right?)

    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I don't know. I accept myself as I am so I don't really perceive myself in terms of weaknesses. Merely areas in which I could grow.
    I could become more outgoing, more assertive.. I would like to do something directed and important in the world. I wish I had the dedication for that.
    What other people see as my weaknesses doesn't really interest me.
    From this, a theme starts to emerge. You want more .

    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    My strengths? Hmm.. my patience, perseverance, strength and will power, my ability to see things as they are, my desire for growth, my intellectual thinking capacity.
    I like how I'm always trying to be the best that I can be. I don't know about what other's perceive as my strengths.
    Consistent with valuing.

    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Maybe with extroverting a bit more. Going out into the world and experiencing things.. becoming more active and adventurous. Actualizing myself and my dreams.
    Sounds a bit like in Super Id.

    On the matter of ethics vs logic, nothing stood out either way. I may need to have another look through.

    Quote Originally Posted by Reficulris View Post
    I typed INTP/INTJ/INFP in mbti (depending on mood) and something extroverted in Socionics. So... all combinations are possible if you start with the assumption that MBTI is just stupid ;-)
    The problem with MBTI is that, most of the time, the functions don't match the type temperament.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reficulris View Post
    well... translating from MBTI to socionics has legions of problems.

    Better to start anew, the systems are too different.

    I typed INTP/INTJ/INFP in mbti (depending on mood) and something extroverted in Socionics. So... all combinations are possible if you start with the assumption that MBTI is just stupid ;-)

    ((ofc socionics is about as stupid, just in different ways ))
    I like how much more in depth and complex Socionics is.. despite the fact I never actually get round to studying it, ha. It just seems to work more from a distant glance.

    I also have the same problem with MBTI. I'm an INTJ with good use of Fi, so I tend to lean more towards the INFP side of things- yet I hardly have inferior logic.

    But, we'll see. I'm sure socionics will start to frustrate me the same once I eventually start getting into it with a bit more depth

    Quote Originally Posted by The Martrix View Post

    On the matter of ethics vs logic, nothing stood out either way. I may need to have another look through.
    From my understanding of your comments you would type me as an Intuitive _ Introvert?

    I've always thought my use of ethics and logic to be rather equal, but I suppose here the question is Te/Fi vs Fe/Ti? I'm not particularly sure how these function in socionics though..

    Also this would put me back in the gamma quadra, which doesn't seem to fit me as well as the delta quadra does. Does this hold any large importance?

    Feel free to ask any questions if you feel the need to understand my processes a little better.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Martrix View Post
    I'll just go over some things that stood out for me.

    Sounds like leading, in the sense of not having a firm opinion. Also accepting, to some extent, as you perceive the importance of conflict.


    Non valuing

    in Super Ego. They need to be done...(like a voice in your head, right?)

    From this, a theme starts to emerge. You want more .

    Consistent with valuing.

    Sounds a bit like in Super Id.

    On the matter of ethics vs logic, nothing stood out either way. I may need to have another look through.

    The problem with MBTI is that, most of the time, the functions don't match the type temperament.
    I agree
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    I see you either as quite introverted or somebody extremely shy. Or merely lacking confidence..
    Did you study the socionics dichotomies a bit? Try to figure out if you are rational or irrational, to start.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LostInDreams View Post
    I see you either as quite introverted or somebody extremely shy. Or merely lacking confidence..
    Did you study the socionics dichotomies a bit? Try to figure out if you are rational or irrational, to start.
    Well I'm definitely introverted. Shy- sometimes. Lacking confidence- In myself? No. In the world? Yes.

    I looked them up briefly.. I think I'm an irrational. I tend to go with the flow rather than make and carry out definite plans. Is that right?

    Edit: Also I find the dichotomies a bit confusing. There's so many of them.. depending on which ones correlate with me I could be any type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    Well I'm definitely introverted. Shy- sometimes. Lacking confidence- In myself? No. In the world? Yes.

    I looked them up briefly.. I think I'm an irrational. I tend to go with the flow rather than make and carry out definite plans. Is that right?

    Edit: Also I find the dichotomies a bit confusing. There's so many of them.. depending on which ones correlate with me I could be any type.
    Try to read this:
    This about what you are, not what you'd like to be.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LostInDreams View Post
    Try to read this:
    This about what you are, not what you'd like to be.
    That's the one I read I identified most with irrational.. but I'd say I have a good dose of rational in there too.

    Don't worry I won't sugar coat anything haha. I have a good sense of who I am.

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    Would visual identification help? I don't really have any recent (or rather good tbh) photos but I doubt my features have drastically changed over the months.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    That's the one I read I identified most with irrational.. but I'd say I have a good dose of rational in there too.

    Don't worry I won't sugar coat anything haha. I have a good sense of who I am.
    Well I do not like to go with the flow (as per your understanding of rational/irrational).
    But this
    • cyclical biorhythm, actions, emotions, and moods


    • doing several tasks at once

    and especially this

    • act according to their current state of mind (impulsiveness)

    point out my irrational side.

    By the way, I am also INTJ in MBTI.

    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    Would visual identification help? I don't really have any recent (or rather good tbh) photos but I doubt my features have drastically changed over the months.
    I am a crappy VI typer
    But you can try, you will get all kind of suggestions

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    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    I looked them up briefly.. I think I'm an irrational. I tend to go with the flow rather than make and carry out definite plans. Is that right?
    That's right. Mostly. As in general energy levels. Mentally, it's different. I find I need to plan everything.

    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    Edit: Also I find the dichotomies a bit confusing. There's so many of them.. depending on which ones correlate with me I could be any type.
    The dichotomies are confusing. Don't worry about them for the time being.

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    r u a sleepyhead

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    Quote Originally Posted by LostInDreams View Post
    Well I do not like to go with the flow (as per your understanding of rational/irrational).
    But this
    • cyclical biorhythm, actions, emotions, and moods


    • doing several tasks at once

    and especially this

    • act according to their current state of mind (impulsiveness)

    point out my irrational side.

    By the way, I am also INTJ in MBTI.

    I am a crappy VI typer
    But you can try, you will get all kind of suggestions
    Doing several tasks at once is not particularly a strength of mine. But acting according to my current state of mind and behaving in a way which is equal to all the listed perceptions of an irrational is.

    I am pretty much decided on this one. Which dichotomy would you say is another important one to look into?

    Haha, I'm not actually sure I believe in VI but I might give it a go and upload some photos later.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Martrix View Post
    That's right. Mostly. As in general energy levels. Mentally, it's different. I find I need to plan everything.
    How do you mean in general energy levels? An irrational has less in terms of mental steadfastness? (because this is definitely me. I get bored rather easily and am always rotating interests)

    Quote Originally Posted by forumactionsquicklinks View Post
    r u a sleepyhead

    Irrelevant much?

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    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    Haha, I'm not actually sure I believe in VI but I might give it a go and upload some photos later.
    Some aspects of VI can be very useful, others, not so much. Typing by facial features for instance -- JUST NO!
    Photos would be great. Videos would be better. VI is best when one can observe dynamics.

    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    How do you mean in general energy levels? An irrational has less in terms of mental steadfastness? (because this is definitely me. I get bored rather easily and am always rotating interests)
    The mental steadfastness thing is very true, very relevant. I guess, this would pretty much sum it up, actually. I'll add more meat onto this tomorrow (after sleep), but that is pretty much it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Martrix View Post
    Some aspects of VI can be very useful, others, not so much. Typing by facial features for instance -- JUST NO!
    Photos would be great. Videos would be better. VI is best when one can observe dynamics.

    The mental steadfastness thing is very true, very relevant. I guess, this would pretty much sum it up, actually. I'll add more meat onto this tomorrow (after sleep), but that is pretty much it.
    Which aspects are useful and which are not?

    Here are some photos of my face taken over the last few months which I managed to find and collect and which I will post in order of oldest to latest:

    Photo 0.jpg

    Photo 1.jpg

    Photo 2.jpg

    Photo 3.jpg

    I don't know how useful these are, but it's something.

    As for videos.. I wouldn't know where to begin. What do people usually post of themselves.. just something random?

    I'll await your extra text then. Sleep well

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    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    Which aspects are useful and which are not?
    I generally say only the dynamic observable facets of behaviour (posture, movement, facial-expression, eye-behaviour), are useful for VI. When people start talking about body shape and facial structure, I just roll my eyes. That's genetic!

    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    As for videos.. I wouldn't know where to begin. What do people usually post of themselves.. just something random?
    Yeah, completely random. Anything you feel like.

    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    I'll await your extra text then. Sleep well
    Thank you, I did.

    Introverted Irrationals see the world as being in flux, and this is a good thing because it relieves boredom. Call them, relaxed, go-with-the-flow...whatever. Their actions in the external world are based on their internal state. They are always waiting for the moment when their external environment matches the way they feel inside.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    Doing several tasks at once is not particularly a strength of mine. But acting according to my current state of mind and behaving in a way which is equal to all the listed perceptions of an irrational is.

    I am pretty much decided on this one. Which dichotomy would you say is another important one to look into?
    Try merry/serious and judicious/decisive to start

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    Quote Originally Posted by LostInDreams View Post
    Try merry/serious and judicious/decisive to start
    These two articles came up first:

    I'm definitely judicious over decisive. The merry/serious one was harder to answer but merry seems more accurate on first glance (have to go out will look it over again later)

    What would the combination of judicious and merry mean then?

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    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    These two articles came up first:

    I'm definitely judicious over decisive. The merry/serious one was harder to answer but merry seems more accurate on first glance (have to go out will look it over again later)

    What would the combination of judicious and merry mean then?
    Judicious? Oh no, there goes my analysis... Judicious rules out and .

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    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    These two articles came up first:

    I'm definitely judicious over decisive. The merry/serious one was harder to answer but merry seems more accurate on first glance (have to go out will look it over again later)

    What would the combination of judicious and merry mean then?
    You can try to play with Reinin's calculator but you really need to understand the traits before.
    Merry+Judicious =
    Don Quihote ENTP
    Duma ISFP
    Hugo ESFJ
    Robespiere INTJ

    I would also check the carefree/farsighted dichotomy.
    In my case, I am decisive, farsighted and rather dynamic it's either INTp or INFp. If I add merry which is probably my case, I get INFp (annoys me pretty much, I confess).

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    I tend to see the external world as static.. as in I don't really see anything happening. I don't know. I see it in flux, but as a whole rather than a linear progression. The same things are always being repeated just in different ways.. I see the patterns of how all the parts potentially move together. And so from a birds eye view it seems like nothing 'new' is happening. I could follow the patterns (what I tend to do) or write my own ones over it (which would require some effort on my part but it's not out of the question), but for the main part the potential forms of those patterns remain 'static' in my head. If that makes any sense?

    I don't usually get bored either though. But like LostInDreams I can be pretty unpredictable and impulsive sometimes. Although perhaps that's just an irrational trait in general? It just gives my world extra flavour when I indulge in such things. It gets me out of my head and it can be exhilarating and adventurous. I suppose it's those moments I tend to be the opposite to how I usually am. That's when my humour and general sense of being can become more exuberant and 'silly', ect. I like how natural it feels in comparison to my general reservedness. To put it this way- I would become bored if not for those moments, and also reckless. I have to remember to keep a good balance going on otherwise I might accidentally end up destroying things

    I also want to bring change but I don't always see the point in it As I mentioned I don't really see the world in a way which can be changed.. maybe it could be infiltrated though That could work.

    Passion is everywhere if you look hard enough

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    Quote Originally Posted by LostInDreams View Post
    Hum I never feel bored and the world is definitely not static.

    Still I search for excitement. Passion should be everywhere. Also can be unpredictable and impulsive, also sometimes restless and patienceless. And I want to bring changes and make it all a better place.
    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    I don't usually get bored either though. But like LostInDreams I can be pretty unpredictable and impulsive sometimes. Although perhaps that's just an irrational trait in general?
    Yes, to both. Unpredictability and compulsivity are irrational traits.

    Think of the difference between extroversion and introversion as this: Irrational Extroverts are impulsive, in general. They see things they want in the world around them--lots of things. They go and get them. It's like a kind of gluttony. More experiences, more ideas, more possessions. Irrational Introverts, on the other hand, seek fewer experiences, fewer ideas, and nurture them in the long term. They can still be unpredictable, and as dynamic types, their mood is often changeable. So are their passions.

    Quote Originally Posted by LostInDreams View Post
    i must be an extravert then
    Not a chance.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Martrix View Post
    Think of the difference between extroversion and introversion as this: Irrational Extroverts are impulsive, in general. They see things they want in the world around them--lots of things. They go and get them. It's like a kind of gluttony. More experiences, more ideas, more possessions. Irrational Introverts, on the other hand, seek fewer experiences, fewer ideas, and nurture them in the long term. They can still be unpredictable, and as dynamic types, their mood is often changeable. So are their passions.
    Well I'm definitely not a glutton. Also I do tend to nurture my experiences in the long term, for whatever reason.

    My mood is generally stable but my passions tend to be changeable.

    I am inclined to go with irrational introvert for now.

    How about logic vs ethics? How can I tell which one I prefer to use?

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    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    Well I'm definitely not a glutton. Also I do tend to nurture my experiences in the long term, for whatever reason.

    My mood is generally stable but my passions tend to be changeable.

    I am inclined to go with irrational introvert for now.

    How about logic vs ethics? How can I tell which one I prefer to use?
    I'll have another look through...

    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    My preferences are a bit up in the air right now. Going through a spiritual-personality change.
    I've always been interested in the complex/dark/dramatic type of media though.
    Sounds Beta.

    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    Not particularly. I generally just follow my heart.. that keeps me out of ruts.
    Ethical Irrational.

    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    I get along with light-hearted yet complex people (is that contradictory?). I like people who can have fun but who are not afraid to look at the darker sides of themselves and life. People who are optimistic but intellectual. People who enjoy life but question it also. People who are open-minded and non-judgemental. People who can appreciate the beauty in everything. People who can see the light in darkness.
    Positivist. Merry. -valuing.

    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    My main concern is that the child is given space to find themselves. I never had this whilst growing up so I suppose one can't avoid a bit of projection but I see it in society too, that children are always told what they should and shouldn't do and how they should and shouldn't be.. it upsets me. I wouldn't be an undisciplined parent.. obviously correction is needed with some things. But I would use positive reinforcement, and just generally raise the child to be the best them that they can be.
    Focus on long term (base ), aided by encouragement (creative ).

    My conclusion is ethics over logic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Martrix View Post
    Depends how one feels about inconsistency.
    I'm more or less okay with inconsistency. Trying to stay consistent is bad for my health. My consistency is that I'm never consistent ha.

    I looked over the descriptions again and I'm at least 90% judicious. There's basically no doubt in my mind. Sorry about that! How well do the dichotomies line up with the functions though?

    As for merry/serious, I've had to look this up on a few more sites and honestly I can't decide. I identify with them both equally. Perhaps we should move onto a different dichotomy because I feel like wondering over this will get me nowhere..

    As for carefree/farsighted, I think I'm farsighted but there's not much information about it. From what I gather farsighted pays more attention to the preparation of things before hand?

    In relation to this quote:

    Farsighted: "Two things I'll bring for sure: a bathing suit and a camera. You can't always be certain what things will be there, so it's better to prepare in advance—or it will be like my first trip to Italy when I brought along a hair dryer and an iron when the hotel there could've provide me with each... Nonetheless I'll need batteries and film for the camera, which can be prepared beforehand" "A trip is a trip, not the first time for me. The familiar activity, I know what I need to bring. It is needed to learn at least a little bit of the local language. A lot of time will go into trying to obtain information" "Before departure I always pay my bills so that when I come back there will be no "nasty" surprises awaiting me... I first find out what the weather there will be like. It is better to buy all the necessities beforehand, because going shopping on a trip is an unproductive expenditure of time that should go into leisure activities" "It is necessary to get a passport with a visa and insurance. To decide what to do with the cat" "The tour agency is responsible for many things, should provide me with information. If not, I will look for additional cultural information... I've worked out a habit, a set of items that I should bring along" "If it's a coat, then it must be sown by a tailor" "Why?" "Well I presume..." (pause)." <Farsighted>: "These buttons are same as on the remote control that I have at home, it won't change the channel" <Carefree>: "Let me take a look at it" <Farsighted>: "Why attempt it in vain?"
    This is exactly me when I'm planning to go away. Like now actually. I'm going away in August but I have to make sure everything is ready both before and after I go. I'm not really one to think up special solutions for each situation on the spot. I use my previous experiences, ect, to get an idea of how things could go in the future.

    I could be alpha.. would being farsighted make me alpha? But I agree, I doubt I'm INTj or ESFj. Not one to rule anything out though!

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    I'm wondering about the Judicious/Decisive dichotomy in relation to lifestyle. I already read that introverts tend to be more judicious than their extroverted decisive counterparts. Well it's already established that I'm a strong introvert. But how about a judicious person with a stressful life compared to a decisive person with a relaxed life? Because I fall into the realm of the latter in that, I have a pretty relaxed and easy life for the most part. I study part-time at home and don't work, therefore I have almost no responsibilities to the external world. Yet in moments when I am under more stress and have more responsibilities to fulfil I become naturally more decisive. It's just that these busy periods don't last long and therefore I return to a relaxed judicious state fairly easily. I couldn't tell if after prolonged stress I would naturally keep up being decisive or fall back into judicious because I've never been in such a situation before. What are your thoughts on this?

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    INFj is logically the only one which fits and yet I don't really relate to the description so much. I did relate to the ENFp description so I'm thinking INFj-Ne would perhaps look/behave/reason more like an introverted ENFp?

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    Also can someone explain the differences between Ne and Ni to me please? And how their functions differ in Socionics as compared to MBTI (which I understand rather well)?

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    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    Also can someone explain the differences between Ne and Ni to me please? And how their functions differ in Socionics as compared to MBTI (which I understand rather well)?
    Ni deals with the internal constancy of things overtime a good example is noticing certain peoples actions and how they line up with previously observed ideologies
    while Ne is more about how things are connected externally within a bigger picture like in 47 ronin when he finds a broken branch he also sees a deer
    a somewhat gimmicky way so dont take it to heart of finding out which you prefer
    being on the same wavelength as someone or having the same interest hobbies ect
    this could be a Fi Fe thing or even a Ti Te thing so just think about in aspects relating to what i said above

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    Quote Originally Posted by 5dolladogsoup View Post
    Ni deals with the internal constancy of things overtime a good example is noticing certain peoples actions and how they line up with previously observed ideologies
    while Ne is more about how things are connected externally within a bigger picture like in 47 ronin when he finds a broken branch he also sees a deer
    a somewhat gimmicky way so dont take it to heart of finding out which you prefer
    being on the same wavelength as someone or having the same interest hobbies ect
    this could be a Fi Fe thing or even a Ti Te thing so just think about in aspects relating to what i said above
    Thanks. From this example also I'm pretty sure I'm Ni over Ne leading, which also doesn't fit with being an INFj-Ne..

    It seems that persons who use Ni are decisive and yet I'm not. I'm thoroughly confused about this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CodenameK View Post
    Thanks. From this example also I'm pretty sure I'm Ni over Ne leading, which also doesn't fit with being an INFj-Ne..

    It seems that persons who use Ni are decisive and yet I'm not. I'm thoroughly confused about this.
    how do you figure Ni types are decisive i always thought Se correlates to decisiveness simply because it also correlates with confidence, and even then its only a correlation

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    Quote Originally Posted by 5dolladogsoup View Post
    how do you figure Ni types are decisive i always thought Se correlates to decisiveness simply because it also correlates with confidence, and even then its only a correlation
    Because Ni types are part of the beta and gamma quadras which are both also decisive quadras. So it makes sense that the functions Ni/Se = Decisive.

    Perhaps being rather introverted and a perceiver no less makes me more prone to being judicious in comparison to the extroverted types? The extroverted types having Se (which I agree would probably come off a lot more decisive than Ni).

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    @CodenameK, can you tell me please which of your eyes is smaller physically speaking, right or left?

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    Beauty is ... part of yourself. <static> Love creates space <aristocratic> I look after my body best I know how <aristocratic> I've always been interested in the complex/dark/dramatic type of media <beta>delta> Or sometimes just things that touch my heart, like kindness from strangers, ect, that always makes me smile <Fi unconscious, dynamic> Do I feel a sense of belonging? More or less <questioning> What other people see as my weaknesses doesn't really interest me <Ne not valued> My relationship to society? Almost non-existent. I rarely interact with anyone <questioning>.

    Other things that shine through is general negativism, feeling also, because the person dwells a lot on people.

    My opinion is ENFJ-Ne.
    Jesus already saved you from hell by His Atonement (Rom. 4:7), and by His Word, which says that even the unforgivable is forgivable (James 2:13). Not that He made you perfect, since we will always have our "sin nature" (1 John 1:8), but now, both all your sins, and your "sin nature" (pride, anger, lustfulness, etc.), are covered with His Blood and atoned for (Heb. 9:12; 1 John 2:2), since the Blood of Jesus atones for everything it touches. Yes, Jesus took up "sin" of even unbelievers (1 John 2:2), but, we still need to believe these things, and to thank God that we're saved (Luke 17:17-19), to make our faith in this truth alive (James 2:13). Even just a thanks is sufficient, because thanks is also an action. And immediately your living faith will save you!

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Martrix View Post
    You can't be beta/gamma and be judicious. To put it another way, you can't be judicious and use Ni. But that's what Reinin says...
    I think you're an Ni type. Have you read the Meged descriptions?
    I worked out earlier today that I am IEI-Fe. It's all accurate apart from the careless with money bit at the end.
    I'm an anomaly

    The thing is with descriptions you can see a part of yourself in all of them. They're not foolproof. I'll read them up properly again later though.

    Quote Originally Posted by phil View Post
    Beauty is ... part of yourself. <static> Love creates space <aristocratic> I look after my body best I know how <aristocratic> I've always been interested in the complex/dark/dramatic type of media <beta>delta> Or sometimes just things that touch my heart, like kindness from strangers, ect, that always makes me smile <Fi unconscious, dynamic> Do I feel a sense of belonging? More or less <questioning> What other people see as my weaknesses doesn't really interest me <Ne not valued> My relationship to society? Almost non-existent. I rarely interact with anyone <questioning>.

    Other things that shine through is general negativism, feeling also, because the person dwells a lot on people.

    My opinion is ENFJ-Ne.
    ENFJ-Ne? But Ne isn't a part of an ENFJ's main functions? Or is this a subtype that makes up for the gaps in the other theories so far? In that case then why not ENFP-Ni, since Delta fits better (personally) than Beta?

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