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Thread: Subtype descriptions to be used in my new test

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    Default Subtype descriptions to be used in my new test


    Excellent with regards to new things. You frequently become the creator of many inventions. Brilliant generator of ideas. Easily reject boring things and attracted to new things which you find more appealing. Business capabilities. (N)

    Absorbed in you thoughts. Contemplative. You think on abstract ideas, for example philosophy. Make comparisons between different logical systems. (T)


    You possess “good taste” in terms of what is beautiful. You are a good judge regarding welfare. Comfort is very important to you. You love pleasures of the senses. Love to provide pleasure for yourself and other people. (S)

    Emotional and sociable. Easily enter into any company of people. (F)


    Analyst, good scientist, conceptualist, you give primary attention to global issues. You are a generator of ideas. Achievements that are full of promise are important to you. (N)

    You are concrete and ordered. You are an organiser in a science. You do not trust very abstract ideas. You are like a scholar in a specialised subject. You are a strict adherent of reasonable systems. (T)


    You are influenced by beautiful things, which you pursue and admire. You love pleasure and giving it to others, including giving gifts. You know how to arrange things in the house with the minimum of convenience. (S)

    Very expressive, including freely expressing your feelings. You possess a high capacity for work. (F)



    You tend to be contemplative. You think figuratively and are inclined to philosophy. You are not very critical to appearance. You do not have complicated nutritional requirements. You are reserved, modest and punctual. You can be a good teacher and can attract listeners. When explaining something that happened, you explain it in the order that it happened. (N)

    Emotionally excited. Show feelings. Decisive. A good speaker. Spontaneous nature, which you love to demonstrate. (F)


    Impulsive. You dislike it when people don't do things in a particular order. You are sociable and friendly with people. You seek leadership. You supervise small groups well. (S)

    You are very constructive. You aim for a hierarchy, you work thoroughly, you complete all tasks, you do not miss any details. You do not create confusion. You are official in working situations, even when working with close relatives. (T)


    Quick and forceful, open expression of emotion. You are expressive. Good in emergencies. Can quickly put things in order. Emotional and sociable. You show initiative in your personal relationships with people. You seek excellent quality and a good reputation. (S)

    You prefer to be away from public attention, not to reveal your ambitions. You constantly focus on what is happening around you. Before you act, you consider all possible consequences, and only then do you act. You are careful, conservative and realistic. (T)


    Calm and contemplative. Romantic in spirit. You try to escape from negative emotions. Optimistic. As a rule, you avoid conflict situations and want to achieve compromises. (N)

    You are charming and sociable. If you see negative emotions around you in people, you will try to reduce it. You are ready for action in dangerous situations. You possess a sense of humour. You can easily influence people by using intonations in your voice. (F)



    Calm and balanced. You follow an ordered way of life. You easily choose which ideas are worth taking up and which ideas are better to reject. You always find the best and most advantageous way to achieve the greatest return. You can be a good scientist or experimenter. You give consideration to theory and practicality at the same time together. You try to complete things that have been started. You get along with children well and follow them with their interests. You try to dress well and pay attention to your health. (N)

    Dynamic. Pioneer. You look for supporters, with whom you can make an idea into reality. You are very emotional and impulsive. You are a trusting person and spontaneous. If you are unsuccessful in doing something, you do not lose optimism, and try again. (T)


    You are dominant in a small group of people. You are a person of duty. You are active and able to survive under unfavourable conditions. You can supervise a group of medium size, maintain discipline and order, and correct people that misbehave. You are characterised by business and purposeful. You are inclined towards administrative activity. (S)

    You have a soft and sensitive nature and understand people well. You are a reliable friend and are capable of compromising. You are good at carrying out a task. You give importance to the opinions of people about you. You get on well with small children. You are thoughtful and attentive. You take part in cultural activity. You are modest and pay some attention to fashion. (F)


    Very active, energetic and enterprising. You are attracted to adventures, to challenges of getting the cheapest price, to risk, to go beyond the limits of the law as a challenge. If you have been defeated you move away from it without difficulty. Unpredictable. You are good at working in trade. You aim for close relationships with people. You can be a good business executive or service provider. You can easily influence people’s attitudes. (S)

    You aim to form relationships with influential and reliable people that are useful. You seek a status of grandeur. You seek the best of everything. You are a good worker, can govern people, relations, calculate well and are pragmatic. You are not attracted to adventures. You could be a good politician, since you have a good understanding of people. You take the role of a thoughtful person. (F)


    You are self-disciplined. You are good at providing stimulation for a situation, including in commercial matters. You possess profound scholarly knowledge and memory. You often go very deep into details. You could be a good scientist-theorist, who makes fundamental developments. You have a good sense of how social-economic matters will develop. You use analogies. You can often predict how something will turn out. (N)

    You are practical and efficient. You avoid any useless activity. You try to get benefit, without wastage. You love the company of people and friends. You have a good sense of humour. You know how to get along with people. You are elegant and sociable. (T)



    You can be good at production, trade and management. Open, very sociable and emotional. You are often hospitable. You love comfort and cosiness. You can easily cope with managerial responsibility or the responsibilities of a technical manager. (S)

    You try to combine all processes of production. You are a good worker. You are not incompetent. You have a good knowledge in your field of work. You are very efficient. Sometimes, you work on removing a state of deterioration and expect others to do the same. You can be practical and intelligent in your judgments and usually define tasks very precisely. When you produce something you take responsibility for it. You love to admire what you have produced and emphasize the advantages of it. You are at your best under stable conditions. The most important things to you are cleanliness, order and functionality. (T)


    You understand people well. You like a small group of friends. Your aim is humanitarian activity. You can be good at providing a service. You know how to make peace between people that are in conflict. You know how to smooth out a painful situation. You know how to create a pleasant situation and comfort in the home. (N)

    You are sincerely religious or adhere to an ethical system. You are restrained and self-disciplined. You are strict in following moral standards. You are also strict on other people if they don’t follow moral standards. In work, you are scrupulous. You are good at talking with people. You are good at giving simple yet efficient advice to them. You make it easy for people to open up with you. (F)


    Very sociable and lively person. You initiate many matters. You are very creative. You are able to speak about your dissatisfaction, including to people in authority. (N)

    You can see the unobvious things people are attracted or attached to. You prefer a close psychological distance with people. You love to give advice. You are attracted to psychoanalysis. You can stand up for other people and defend their interests. (F)


    You are attracted to the beauty of nature. You seek pleasant sensations. You are inclined to have contact with people. You are optimistic. You love luxury and pleasures of the senses. You love refined sensuous enjoyment (especially good food and drink). (S)

    You are realistic. You never get involved in useless matters. You are absolutely pragmatic. You are very dynamic and technological. You can take the maximum benefit from something that may seem to have no use. Your production is always efficient and will survive any competition in the market. (T)

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    I worked long and hard on these descriptions.

  3. #3
    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    I can say by these descriptions I am an F subtype and my husband is a T subtype.

    Expat already said he thought I was an F subtype.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  4. #4
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    I am INTj with intuitive subtype.

    Subtypes are not static but are dynamic (according to socionics).

    You may be T subtype today, but in 10 years you might be N subtype.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hugo
    I am INTj with intuitive subtype.

    Subtypes are not static but are dynamic (according to socionics).

    You may be T subtype today, but in 10 years you might be N subtype.
    interesting. I do think I am becoming more of a T subtype. I wonder if this happens naturally or if people can "train" themselves.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hugo
    I worked long and hard..
    Thank you

  6. #6
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    yeah, puberty does funny things to people

    Hugo, neither of the ISFj descriptions sounds good imo. They should be written by someone in Gamma, not Alpha.

    Check out my Socionics group!

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Joy

    Hugo, neither of the ISFj descriptions sounds good imo. They should be written by someone in Gamma, not Alpha.


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    oh okay... not puberty. got it.

    Check out my Socionics group!

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    I thought ISFj was okay.

    Did you mean ES(F)js arrange things with a minimum of convenience, or a maximum of convenience?

    I think subtypes are useful and important. The difficulty is coming up with accurate descriptions that go beyond merely an extrapolation of the concepts and are empirically accurate.

    I find it fascinating that the producing subtypes of EP types are often described as contemplative, absorbed in thought, etc. It makes me wonder if there's a difference between INTj intuitive subtype and ENTp logical subtype...and if in fact ENTp logical subtype would be considered by most people more "introverted" than INTj intuitive subtype.

    As to people switching between subtypes, I wonder if they necessarily switch between the subtypes of a single type, or rather oscillate between adjacent types...For example, INTj intuitive subtype would, it seems to me, in many respects have more in common with INTp intuitive subtype and ENTp logical subtype than with INTj logical subtype.

  10. #10
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    You are influenced by beautiful things, which you pursue and admire. You love pleasure and giving it to others, including giving gifts. You know how to arrange things in the house with the minimum of convenience. (S)
    Ah, Jonathan caught it, too

    Yeah, I was wondering about that.

    I definitely am Intuitive INTj.

    As for what Ms. K said about subtypes, it seems like there is a little play -- I just have to 'stop' and pause, and think. It doesn't take a lot of effort or anything, but if I do that more consistently, then I can be a lot more like a T subtype. I suppose, really, it is a matter of how I best see to use my time/what the environment provides. At school (college), I am a lot more T than at home, or in a more lax environement.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    Of course I was most curious about how you would descrbe the subtypes of INTj and INTp.

    There are only three subtype descriptions that are possible to consider in my own case. Your description of the logical subtype of ENTp fits me well, but since it is absolutely certain that I am not an ENTp (or an E type of any kind), I can rule that out. The two remaining options are INTj (N) and INTp (N).

    I am glad that you describe both the INTj subtypes as focused on achievements and organization. They should be described that way. And that means that I am not an INTj intuitive subtype, but an INTp intuitive subtype (which was what I had expected). The only problem with that description is that I am not as self-disciplined as I would like to be.

  12. #12
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Both Se subtypes of ESTp and ESFp seem to fit, though I'd be inclined towards ESFp.
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Both Se subtypes of ESTp and ESFp seem to fit, though I'd be inclined towards ESFp.
    WTF? Did I miss something?

    ISTp /S and INTp /N fit me the best, by the way.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  14. #14
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    I really appreciate this, thank you so much. I have heard of these subtypes but not been able to find much in plain English. My ESFj brother has long been frustrated with some of the stereotypical notions of ESFjs, and also frustrated because he doesn't have some of the "talents" ESFjs are supposed to have (like being good with arranging furniture and things comfortably, or giving perfect gifts which doesn't come naturally or well to him at all). From reading these little descriptions, he seems very much like an F subtype. He can't hide his emotions, doesn't even try, and he is a super hard worker, loves to work. He's also more rational than other ESFjs seem to be, although they're all rational types.

    Where did you get the information to write these descriptions? I'd like to read more.

    This also helps with my parents, both obviously ESFps, but so different in some interesting ways. My father is much nicer, self-effacing and more patient than my mother, who can be vindictive and aggressive but also clearly cares about people in her own way. She focuses on the art of the deal, she loves decorating, she has a good business mind and in fact has her own business. My father is much more about making a personal connection and he's extremely popular and good-natured. I think she's an S subtype and he is an F.
    4w5, sp/sx

  15. #15

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    i dont like these descriptions at all.

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