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Thread: Alpha Quadra and PoLR/Role

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    Perennial Wanderer Phantom's Avatar
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    Default Alpha Quadra and PoLR/Role

    Alright, after a good deal of research, I've at least arrived at the conclusion (or rather, conjecture) that I might be an Alpha type. I'm also considering the Gamma type (especially the emphasis on favoring small groups and discussions concerning mutual interests) but let's leave that in the corner at the moment.
    So, how does the PoLR manifest in ILE, LII, ESE and SEI? I would also like to know about their Role function.

    And just for the sake of more information, I'm referencing a questionnaire I recently attempted. It isn't a Socionics questionnaire, but I was hoping that the answers might shed some light.

    0. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex, age, and current state of mind.

    Not at all. Perhaps laziness? But then again, laziness might compel me to reflect and introspect more.
    I'm a seventeen year old male. I'm lazy but healthy.

    1. Click on this link: Flickr: Explore! Look at the random photo for about 30 seconds. Copy and paste it here, and write about your impression of it.
    It seems to me as if the little flower is being berated or chastised unanimously by a society of like-minded bigots. I'm not exactly sure why I think the society consists of bigots. Perhaps that's because bigots often tend to cooperate with their narrow-minded companions in order to bolster their fallacious views on life. They need external validation because that's what bigots are. External validation. They absorb the views of society. I can understand but not necessarily appreciate a bigot whose viewpoints were shared by personal experience because at least they're authentic. There's also the symbolism of the road. The little flower is walking down its own path. But it can only walk in a single direction because it's restricted by society, and maybe the powers that be AKA authority.

    2. You are with a group of people in a car, heading to a different town to see your favourite band/artist/musician. Suddenly, the car breaks down for an unknown reason in the middle of nowhere. What are your initial thoughts? What are your outward reactions?

    My initial thoughts? Depends on a lot of factors. Was I listening to music? Was I staring at the world outside? Was I introspecting? Was I talking to my friends? Was I sleeping? Was I thinking about the concert in anticipation? My initial thoughts would vary. For example, if I was listening to music, I wouldn't be perturbed. If I was thinking about the concert, I would definitely be annoyed. If I was talking to my friends and the discussion was interesting, I wouldn't mind at all.
    At some point, I'll begin to do some quick calculations in my head, taking into account the time on the watch, the time remaining for the concert to begin, the assumed time it would take for the car to repair, the assumed speed of the car and the distance to the concert and find out if I would be able to arrive at the concert in time. Of course, there's also the possibility that I might just continue talking to my friends or listening to music in which case, I might even welcome the pause, particularly if I was reluctantly going to the concert, which is another scenario to consider because then I might actually rejoice at the break down of the car. There are so many variables and contingencies here.

    3. You somehow make it to the concert. The driver wants to go to the afterparty that was announced (and assure you they won't drink so they can drive back later). How do you feel about this party? What do you do?

    This again depends on multiple scenarios, particularly my mood and the atmosphere of the party. Do I even know the driver that well? My actions are not predetermined and static, so I frankly don't know. I'm actually quite changeable. I've been known to switch sides during debates and arguments faster than Miley Cyrus flicks her tongue. I read an article, process the information and maybe agree with the author if only for the sake of getting useful information, read the following comments and then agree with the contradictory arguments to the article if it sounds logical. What's next, I suddenly become exceptionally aware of the article's flaws and inconsistencies that were not visible in my initial perusal. Both the article and the comment seem right in their own way. And yet, there is a contradiction. Why did my mind change so swiftly and significantly? I don't even understand what my stance on the matter is. Small wonder I'm so indecisive. I find it hard to take sides. But when I do take sides, well... I change soon. That's why I'm not fond of For and Against debates.

    4. On the drive back, your friends are talking. A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward reaction? What do you outwardly say?

    My inward reaction would be variable, giving a specific answer would only promote inaccuracy. I would question him, of course. I would ask him to explain his claim. Or, I might remain silent, lost in my thoughts, perhaps absorbing my experience at the concert. Which reminds me, have I already attended the party? I suppose I have, since I'm going back with the driver, and I don't consider myself assertive enough to have convinced him and a few more individuals to accompany me, especially if the driver wanted to attend the party. But then again, maybe I used the Geass on him. Alright, I digress.

    5. What would you do if you actually saw/experienced something that clashes with your previous beliefs, experiences, and habits?

    Research. What else should I do? Shake in disbelief? Cry? Maybe, but I'm not that emotional. I would certainly be a little inconvenienced.

    6. What are some of your most important values? How did you come about determining them? How can they change?

    Dunno. I don't think I have values. I used to be an ass about things like cheating, swearing and stuff as a child because of my parents, though. And yes, I deliberately used a swear word to demonstrate that I'm not afraid to swear anymore. Of course, I realize the importance of values. It's funny how values and emotions are differentiated here. Emotions may compel a vengeful person to kill someone and not mind doing so. But then, what if that person also had values? Like Batman. His values entailed that he does not kill. But his emotions are also important and they're telling him to go against his values. So, what does he do in the end? Emotions, or values? Or logic? Maybe logic will tell him that killing someone would make things messy and attract trouble with the authorities (I'm talking about pure logic here, logic does not make someone a sociopath). Interesting.
    I think I have values. I just don't realize them normally, unless I'm in a situation where they're activated. It's like those values are embedded in me, but I need external catalysts to instigate them, you know what I mean?

    7. a) What about your personality most distinguishes you from everyone else? b) If you could change one thing about you personality, what would it be? Why?

    8. How do you treat hunches or gut feelings? In what situations are they most often triggered?

    9. a) What activities energize you most? b) What activities drain you most? Why?

    10. What do you repress about your outward behavior or internal thought process when around others? Why?
    I'm compelled to repress my inner thought process because I find it quite difficult to verbalize whatever crazy stuff goes in my mind. Besides, it's a waste of time. The conclusion's here. You can ask about the process later.
    I repress much when it comes to outward behavior because of my social anxiety. Often, especially in social circumstances, I get the weird feeling that the whole world is watching me and as a result, I become hypersensitive, embarrassed to make even a single wrong move. I become aware of every single detail about my appearance that could attract negative attention. I don't know why this happens. It sucks.

    I'll answer the last four questions soon.
    Last edited by Phantom; 05-17-2014 at 08:05 PM.

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    @The Martrix @AshSun @StridingStrider

    1. What is beauty? What is love?
    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The definition of beauty can vary with differentiated perspectives. However, in the fundamental sense, beauty is essentially visual appeal, in the sense that such a visual is capable of providing satisfaction to the beholder, to the extent that he's compelled to label this satisfaction. And yet, occasionally, the word 'beauty' can also be used to describe the intangible qualities of an individual or even an object, usually remarking on his or her talents or deeds. Beauty, in the abstract sense, is simply something that enthralls or enchants. But for the most part, beauty is simply aesthetics. It may sound superficial, of course.
    I think there are two types of love. Love from an individual perspective, often regarded as unrequited love. Love between two individuals. I will expound on the first kind of love. Love is basically a special kind of infatuation which is punctuated with romantic and amorous aspects. It can potentially be a beguiling emotion.

    2. What are your most important values?
    I think my values are situational. I don't realize what my values are unless I'm placed in a situation where I'm required to draw upon these hidden values. I think authenticity can be considered a value.

    3. Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    No, I'm an atheist. Because I find it difficult to accept the existence of a higher power, I always have. It's absurd. Besides, I'm not fond of the idea of a higher power, anyway. And, the practice of submitting yourself to this higher power to ask for help by praying repels me. As if we need to be reminded more of how insignificant mankind in the individual sense is.

    4. Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    I'm generally indifferent. It's pointless. Just something to boost their egos, I guess. Jocks build muscles. Politicians build missiles. It's funny how the soldiers treat the war with excessive patriotism and gravity when the whole country does not give a damn about them. That's the hard truth. I believe in diplomacy. And war is perpetual and omnipresent, anyway. Conflict is the rudimentary essence of war and conflict might be happening in front of you right now. I don't actively seek power, but I do recognize its benefits.

    5. What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    Dunno. I rarely have long conversations and even if I do, I can't recall any specific topic. I often tend to go on philosophical rants but that doesn't classify as a conversation, does it?
    A variety of interests I've accumulated. It would be futile to enumerate them.

    6. Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    Not really. Its an on-off situation. Sometimes, I can be tragically oblivious to the needs of my body. Sometimes, I can become obsessed about the appearance of my body, often compelling me to visit the gym or go on a diet. Yes, obsession is not an exaggeration here. I don't think I give much consideration to my body from a medical perspective, though, which can often lead to comical situations. I might interpret a mere headache as a sign of brain tumor or see a few red spots on my chest and suspect chicken pox. I once thought I was having a heart attack after I came back from an arduous football match and my chest was hurting.

    7. What do you think of daily chores?
    Meh. I avoid them. I'm awful at them, anyway.

    8. Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    I've read countless books and watched innumerable films. Recently read/watched? The Count of Monte Cristo (book), Don Quixote, Se7en (the ending was intellectually orgasmic), The Usual Supects (same as the previous one), The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (Electro in particular).
    9. What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    I usually cry when I'm under heavy depression or during certain arguments with my father where I feel that my opinions and ideas are not respected. Funny thing is that I've never cried due to physical pain. In fact, physical pain makes me angry ("Goddamnit, world! You should pay more attention to me!", I said after stubbing my toe or bumping into a wall for the zillionth time).
    Er... dunno?

    10. Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    Alone, in my bedroom, I guess.

    11. What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I don't talk much and I'm too much of a recluse.
    My social anxiety, because it irks me that I cannot be myself around people, along with other troubles. I'm also rather indecisive, in general. I tend to over-think or over-analyze and vacillate, but that might not necessarily be something I dislike about myself. Rather, it's just bothersome.

    12. What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    My intelligence (people were genuinely astonished about my mediocre performance in high school, even though intelligence is not linked to scoring well on examinations). I guess my taciturn nature might contribute to their assessment. I'm also lauded for my way with words.
    Nothing specific to mention here. I basically like myself.

    13. In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Social anxiety. That's all. I don't care about being social, but when your level of social anxiety is so high that it's psychologically painful to even make eye contact or interact with your closest friends, it can be a problem.

    14. Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    Yes. Mostly influenced by pressure or stress. I might be ignorant of it initially, but when I recognize that I'm stuck in rut, I do... nothing. I either just wait for things to happen to me, distract myself or indulge in excess.

    15. What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I dislike people who are overly emotional. They seem inauthentic, as if they have been offered the profession of party host for all eternity. I also dislike superficial and narrow-minded people, especially those who cannot stand people who are different from them. I despise people who crave attention in excess. The kind of people who talk about their life on Facebook just to get 'likes', under the delusion that this makes their existence meaningful.
    I don't really know what I like about people, probably because what I dislike about them is so pronounced.

    16. How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    I don't know... I can occasionally become romantic in an idealistic way but I eventually realize the stupidity of it and forget.

    17. If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I haven't considered it.

    18. A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    My inward reaction would depend on various factors, particularly my mood. Thus, my outward reaction would also be variable. Maybe my friend is an arse and I can't wait to knock him off his high horse. Maybe my friend is reasonable and I should just ask him about it. Maybe I just don't care. Usually, I'll just initially try to defend the belief while asking my friend to explain his perspective on my belief.

    19. Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.I think society in general is unimpressive and social etiquette is stupid. It's remarkable how our beloved society always finds a way to latch on or subscribe to the most foolish and despicable trends. The prevalent social problem is superficiality, stupidity and bigotry.

    20. How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I don't choose my friends. I just let friendships develop on their own accord. I think the concept of initiating friendships through a formal procedure (another social etiquette classic) is rather asinine, it's mechanical and unnatural.

    21. How do you behave around strangers?
    I'm just polite and neutral.
    Last edited by Phantom; 05-21-2014 at 08:43 AM.

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    I have to go to work now. But I did a quick read through, and I definitely related to this:

    Quote Originally Posted by TheNextBigThing View Post
    12. What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    My intelligence (people were genuinely astonished about my mediocre performance in high school, even though intelligence is not linked to scoring well on examinations). I guess my taciturn nature might contribute to their assessment. I'm also lauded for my way with words.
    Nothing specific to mention here. I basically like myself.
    I have other thoughts too. But I need to analyse more.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Martrix View Post

    I have to go to work now. But I did a quick read through, and I definitely related to this:

    I have other thoughts too. But I need to analyse more.
    No problem! Take your time.

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    I'll go through areas in your questionnaire answers which caught my eye.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheNextBigThing View Post
    2. What are your most important values?
    I think my values are situational. I don't realize what my values are unless I'm placed in a situation where I'm required to draw upon these hidden values.
    This almost sounds like an irrational temperament, maybe IP. Then again you're values could be deeply held but unconscious until triggered.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheNextBigThing View Post
    I think authenticity can be considered a value.
    I would consider this an NF club value.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheNextBigThing View Post
    3. Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    No, I'm an atheist. Because I find it difficult to accept the existence of a higher power, I always have. It's absurd. Besides, I'm not fond of the idea of a higher power, anyway. And, the practice of submitting yourself to this higher power to ask for help by praying repels me. As if we need to be reminded more of how insignificant mankind in the individual sense is.
    Your atheism is not purely based on logic, but personal emotional reasons. There is a focus on meaning. An ethical type.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheNextBigThing View Post
    4. Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    I'm generally indifferent. It's pointless. Just something to boost their egos, I guess. Jocks build muscles. Politicians build missiles

    Maybe non Se-valuing. An ethical type, again.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheNextBigThing View Post
    It's funny how the soldiers treat the war with excessive patriotism and gravity when the whole country does not give a damn about them.

    Could be Fe ignoring, but then again, could be Fe-valuing in the sense of detecting the collective consciousness. You may find too much Fe or Se as unnecessary, too much...

    Quote Originally Posted by TheNextBigThing View Post
    That's the hard truth. I believe in diplomacy. And war is perpetual and omnipresent, anyway. Conflict is the rudimentary essence of war and conflict might be happening in front of you right now. I don't actively seek power, but I do recognize its benefits.
    Diplomacy - a conciliatory type. Perpetual, omnipresent could be read as being perceptions of a static type... perhaps. You see conflict as being personal, close, as well as being fought by armies far away. Non power seeker.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheNextBigThing View Post
    5. What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    Dunno. I rarely have long conversations and even if I do, I can't recall any specific topic. I often tend to go on philosophical rants but that doesn't classify as a conversation, does it?
    A variety of interests I've accumulated. It would be futile to enumerate them.
    Variety, breadth of interests. Maybe Ne?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheNextBigThing View Post
    6. Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    Not really. Its an on-off situation. Sometimes, I can be tragically oblivious to the needs of my body. Sometimes, I can become obsessed about the appearance of my body, often compelling me to visit the gym or go on a diet. Yes, obsession is not an exaggeration here. I don't think I give much consideration to my body from a medical perspective, though, which can often lead to comical situations. I might interpret a mere headache as a sign of brain tumor or see a few red spots on my chest and suspect chicken pox. I once thought I was having a heart attack after I came back from an arduous football match and my chest was hurting.

    7. What do you think of daily chores?
    Meh. I avoid them. I'm awful at them, anyway.
    Non Si-valuing then... Hmm...

    Quote Originally Posted by TheNextBigThing View Post
    19. Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.I think society in general is unimpressive and social etiquette is stupid. It's remarkable how our beloved society always finds a way to latch on or subscribe to the most foolish and despicable trends. The prevalent social problem is superficiality, stupidity and bigotry.
    Ahh, could this be Fi? Again, points against Fe.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheNextBigThing View Post
    20. How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I don't choose my friends. I just let friendships develop on their own accord. I think the concept of initiating friendships through a formal procedure (another social etiquette classic) is rather asinine, it's mechanical and unnatural.
    Fi > Fe.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheNextBigThing View Post
    21. How do you behave around strangers?
    I'm just polite and neutral.
    Fi mask.

    I won't make a definite typing yet, but you're almost definitely an ethical type, maybe valuing Fi over Fe.

    I'll wait for other interpretations on this.

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    What can I do to elicit replies? Or am I too young? I'm 17 years old.

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    Interesting. Analyzing your analysis of my questionnaire, it seems that IEE is the most likely type (irrational, Fi ethical, non-Se). Although, EII is also a distinct possibility. You're right, I think my values are unconscious until activated in situations. What else can be done to further your hypothesis? A specific set of questions? I would prefer them. Unfortunately, even if I had the appropriate equipment, I'm too diffident to do a video questionnaire.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheNextBigThing View Post
    Interesting. Analyzing your analysis of my questionnaire, it seems that IEE is the most likely type (irrational, Fi ethical, non-Se). Although, EII is also a distinct possibility. You're right, I think my values are unconscious until activated in situations. What else can be done to further your hypothesis? A specific set of questions? I would prefer them. Unfortunately, even if I had the appropriate equipment, I'm too diffident to do a video questionnaire.
    You could very well be either type.

    It's up to you. You can answer more questions if you like. Alternatively, you could start up a new thread -- maybe in order to find out the differences between IEE and EII. You can tailor it to your specific needs. You can also start a VI thread if you are comfortable posted 1 or 2 photos of yourself.

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    Last edited by Phantom; 06-09-2014 at 08:21 AM.

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    Well, anyone?

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    Bump. I think I am an IEE, although I would like some confirmation.
    @zap @The Martrix @consentingadult @Pookie @rosewood @silke @labcoat

    1. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex, age, and current state of mind.
    You could say I'm stuck in a rut. I'm a seventeen year old male.

    2. Study these two images here and here. Which one do you prefer and why? How would you describe it?
    Well, I don't find any of the images appealing. The first one is too generic. Sure, it looks fascinating and beautiful but in the end, all we're watching is an Aurora. The photographer must be living in Sweden or Iceland. But at least I find it preferable to the second image. The second image is meaningless and pretentious. It is meaningless because it merely portrays an unknown individual eating. Am I supposed to feel hungry? Am I supposed to understand that eating is enjoyable? Is eating an art like everything else nowadays? As for pretentious, that's more of a subjective opinion, I guess. It feels like the image is trying to come off as sophisticated and artistic, with the croissant and the tea being the culinary cornerstones of France and England respectively, which are revered for being abundant with class (not denying that, just annoyed with the exploitation of the "Oh, I'm so classy!" stereotypes associated with it).

    3. Please describe yourself as a person if you were to introduce yourself to someone else like in a cover letter. What kind of person are you and why?
    Heh, I don't know how to describe myself yet. I am an individual of caprice. I cannot even fully understand what I am. I'd rather someone just took a stroll inside my mind, if that's possible. And even if I do endeavor to undertake this difficult psychological assignment, I'm sure the description would be different from the description of tomorrow, and so on. I think it's futile.

    4. What kind of person would you LIKE to be? Why? What kind of person would you NOT want to be? Why?
    I'd like to be less socially anxious. My social anxiety always holds me back from doing anything when I'm not alone, or in the company of my close friends. I also wish I was more clear in my head (it's a nebulous tempest of neurological paraphernalia). I would also like to purge my tendency to procrastinate in life, essentially stop being lackadaisical.
    I'm sure I've transcended many of the qualities I don't want to be embedded in my character. The principal one being the inability to think for yourself. I'm also glad I didn't go along the boulevard of swag in high school.

    A childish but still mature part of me wishes to be famous. To do something of note that would be globally recognized and have my name recorded in chronicles and history books. I am mildly envious of the inventors and the writers of all ages. I don't want to be just another object in this inconceivably colossal system called life. I also admire Da Vinci, particularly as a polymath. Being proficient in every activity he pursued.

    5. Do you think there are any differences to how you described yourself and how people actually perceive you? How do you think others would describe you? If there are any discrepancies between these two that are you are aware of; do you know why exactly that is?
    People often call me intelligent, even if it's just a first impression. I guess it's because I'm always encountered alone and doing something on the internet or reading a book. I'm also frequently referred to as a nice guy, which is understandable. Especially in social gatherings, because I'm so socially awkward and ignorant of social etiquette (I despise social etiquette), I try to be as polite as possible while trying to think about the fastest way to get out and retreat to my dungeon. I don't even attend the party if it's hosted in my house. I just go to an isolated place and browse the internet.
    I don't know how others would describe me, though here and now I imagine them doing a psycho-analysis of me just for fun. My imaginary conversations with people are more meaningful than my real conversations with them. Although, I occasionally can get surprised. I sometimes imagine how people would react if they would get an opportunity to explore my interests. For example, while listening to my favorite song, I'd imagine someone else listening and reacting to it, not necessarily with me. If I were watching a show I found entertaining, I'd imagine introducing it to a friend and watch them react to it. This has only started happening recently, though.

    6. What in life do you find to be of importance? Why? If you are unsure you can always take the Value Test and post the results here. Do note that it helps if you narrow it down to 20 or ideally 10 values as suggested at stage 2.
    Yeah, I'm unsure. Incidentally, I hate it when people cheat, especially in games. It ruins the whole experience. I figured I had to insert that characteristic of mine somewhere.
    There were too many to narrow down, but the principal ones were imagination, independence, mystery, curiosity and accomplishment.

    7. How do you react to new situations in your life? Can you describe an event in your life where you were in an unknown situation? How did you deal with it?
    Neutrally. Although, sometimes I can get extremely nostalgic and become stubbornly resistant to change.
    I can't recall specifically. I mean, I can recall some events, but I don't think I'm capable of describing them efficiently. My memories are vague.

    8. Please describe yourself when you are in a stressful situation. How do you act and why? Real life experiences are welcome.
    Depends. Usually, I either distract myself with sensory sources of entertainment (because my mind's too messed up to oblige) or over-think about the future implications of my predicament.

    9. Please describe yourself when you are in an enjoyable situation. How do you act and why? Real life experiences are welcome.
    Again, I don't think I can answer this question. How I act depends on many variables. And I can't recall specific experiences, and I guarantee that's not because I'm happy all the time.

    10. Describe your relationship to socialization. How do you perceive one-on-one interaction? How do you perceive group interaction?
    As I said before, I'm socially awkward so my attempts at socialization tend to fail, if I bother to attempt in the first place. Take the earlier example about the party organized in my very house for reference.
    I definitely prefer one-on-one interaction to group interaction. Although, I love group interactions when we're doing something like watching a movie.

    11. Describe your relationship to society. What are the elements of it you hold important or unimportant (e.g. social norms, values, customs, traditions)? How do you see people as a whole?
    I dislike social etiquette and social customs. I once rebelled against my parents in a social gathering when they asked me to greet people and make friends. I prefer to let friendships develop naturally. Social etiquette makes the process of becoming friends seem mechanical and inauthentic. Traditions and customs are meaningless to me. Society also cultivates bigotry and narrow-mindedness. They also have a knack for selecting the most nonsensical trends to impose on us. We have gone from the Renaissance to the selfie. I think people are getting more intelligent with time, thanks to the internet.

    12. Describe your relationship to authority. How do you perceive authority? What does it mean to you, and how do you deal with it?
    I'm generally indifferent to authority. Although, I do critique it now and then. I made a controversial remark recently where I proposed that democracy might be losing its touch because of global stupidity and that the system needed a renovation. I was half-joking, of course. We don't want dictatorship or monarchy, do we?

    13. Describe your relationship to order and chaos. What do order and chaos mean to you? How do they manifest in your daily life?

    14. What is it that you fear in life? Why? How does this fear manifest to you both in how you think and how you act?
    I don't know what I fear. I'm not intrepid either. Slightly inclined towards cowardice, sadly. I do fear darkness. There's something about the uncertainty and the loss of control that gets on my nerves. What I fear most about darkness is the inability to defend myself. I'm also afraid of heights.

    15. What is it that you desire in life? What do you strive to achieve? Why? Where do you think these drives and desires stem from or are inspired by?

    I think I answered this question earlier. For the most part though, I'm ignorant of what it is that I really desire in life.

    16. a) What activities energize you most? b) What activities drain you most? Why?

    17. Why do you want to know your type? What type do you think you are? Why this/these type(s)? Is there a type that appeals to you, to your self-perception, that you would like to be? Why? If you know your enneagram, please post this here. If you have done any online function tests such as the Keys2Cognition, it helps if you post these results here as well.
    The answer is simple. I want to understand myself and use the understanding to build upon myself. Well.... *culprit's face*... I would like to be an INxJ, because I find Ni fascinating. I'm probably Ne-Si instead, though. I don't know my enneagram type.
    Cognitive Process Level of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)
    extraverted Sensing (Se) ************* (13.7)
    introverted Sensing (Si) ************************ (24.4)
    average use
    extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ********************************************** (46)
    excellent use
    introverted Intuiting (Ni) ******************************************** (44.7)
    excellent use
    extraverted Thinking (Te) ************************** (26.5)
    average use
    introverted Thinking (Ti) ************************************** (38.1)
    excellent use
    extraverted Feeling (Fe) ********** (10.6)
    introverted Feeling (Fi) ************************************ (36.6)
    excellent use

    18. Finally, is there something else you find to be of importance you want to add about yourself you think might be of relevance when helping to type you?
    Hmmm... I guess this question exists solely to moderate the use of the 'Edit' button. But I'd rather upload my consciousness into this questionnaire, haha. Again, I wish that were possible.
    Alright, I'll use this question to mention peculiar characteristics that I believe are noteworthy.
    I like background music. Even now as I'm writing (or to be precise, attacking my keyboard), I have the 'Iron Man' movie playing but I'm not really watching it. For some reason, listening to cinematic explosions and Robert Downey Jr's pontifications is good background sound.
    I can get aggressive in arguments. Of course, this doesn't happen in real life because I'm too socially awkward to even speak, haha. I especially take pleasure in reducing my opponents to the level where they have to resort to ad hominems. This is easy in YouTube.
    My disregard for my health is curious. Usually, I'm outrageously nonchalant to it. But sometimes, I might go to WebMD and in a matter of minutes, diagnose myself with various ailments. For example, I diagnosed myself with testicular cancer when I first watched Fight Club. I diagnosed myself with brain tumor because of a headache.
    My physical descriptions of human beings are ludicrous and not physical at all. I have compared people to oranges and cheetahs. It's all about the impression. That guy just reminds me of a gorilla and I can't explain why. Deal with it.
    My sense of smell is strange. For example, I once remarked that a particular smell reminded me of the month of July.
    I tend to jump to irrational assumptions whenever I meet new people. Again, it's all about the impression. It's intuitive (no, I'm not trying to endorse that I'm an intuitive type!). I would be acquainted with a stranger and get inexplicable impressions of his character that might stick with me. I immediately know (well, even that's uncertain, I just have a vague idea) what I think of that person or whether I like him or not but I don't know why I think so. I'm quite judgmental in such situations.
    I have a knack for making excuses and getting out of situations which usually end with me being castigated or chastised. I'm often mistaken for a mastermind but in actuality, I just manipulate the outcome or the situation to make it seem as if I'd planned it all along. Even if I did make a mistake, I'd find some way to twist the situation to release the blame (and not by blaming someone else... I hate people who do that). Say, someone catches me doing something wrong or something which I'm not supposed to do. What do I do? I give a confident laugh and state that I had been deliberately doing that in order to conduct a psychological analysis of his character, to see how he would react. Then, just to further the pretense, I say that he helped me confirm my hypothesis, as I'm really involved in a sociological project. Weak example, but it will do.

    I have always felt like an observer, generally. I'm often endeavoring to perceive before judging (although, I am prone to jumping to conclusions) and looking for the underlying meaning in what I see (which might explain my frustration with the images... I could perceive no meaning in them). This propensity of mine also explains my fascination with conspiracy theories (although, recently I have been getting rather tired of them since most of the conspiracy theories I encounter nowadays are only rehashes or renovations of the old ones, take the Illuminati for example). I think I can consider myself a critic of life. I have a knack for playing with perspectives and paradigms and trying to view something from every perspective possible. Incidentally, one of my ways of having fun is to tinker with connections and seek patterns. No wonder people tend to say I over-think. I often can't help suspecting hidden motives.
    If there's one thing I'm proud of, it's my insights.

    This is a SPOILER, if you haven't watched Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, or if you have only watched the first few episodes.
    The premise of the scene in question -
    Skip to 14:54. When I first watched that scene, I immediately got the strange impression that something was wrong and something bad was in store. It was ephemeral and inexplicable. At the same time, I also remember feeling sorry (a melancholy sort) for the character called Nina but I could not understand why.
    And eventually, my intuition turned out to be correct...

    I couldn't understand why it took the Elric brothers so long to put the pieces together. I didn't even care about the details (the events, his wife dying and the first chimera being made two years ago). I just knew. The sight of the chimera would have been enough for me.

    I had a similar experience while watching the ending of Se7en. While I don't subscribe to the ridiculous and pompous claim that I saw it coming from a mile away, I do remember predicting (at least a vague idea) what would happen as soon as Kevin Spacey started speaking after Morgan Freeman acquired the box. It was definitely a great experience. An intellectual orgasm, if you will.

    I fall into the habit of assuming that everything that comes out of someone's mouth is for a reason or a purpose. For instance, if an outgoing soul would approach me and ask, "Hey, what's up? What are your interests?", I'll promptly retain a hint of apprehension and suspicion. I might be confused because of two reasons - mild surprise that someone actually bothered to talk to me, and confusion which arises out of my impulsive need to detect meanings and hidden motives. I might think, "Why is this person talking to me and why is she interested in what my interests are? Am I involved in a practical prank?" (the third question is more seldom, because while I can be quite pessimistic, I don't jump to negative possibilities that quickly). That's why I don't get small talk. It's hard for me to believe that sometimes, people just talk without the intent of giving or getting information. I wasn't shy to approach a girl (well, a little). I just couldn't fathom how merely approaching someone and beginning a conversation could be done. Just talk? What sort of advice is that? I always need to have a reason to talk to someone.

    My thoughts are so associative they can get confounding. One thought quickly moving on to the next in rapid successions. For example, I'll be watching a YouTube video and something in the video will intrigue me and compel me to research on it (Wikipedia) but then, while thinking about what it is that intrigued me, my mind conjures more connections and ultimately, I start struggling to remember my thoughts. This is the main reason why I have numerous tabs open at the same time. My thoughts float tempestuously in my mind and I cannot organize them. I sometimes even feel the urge to write them down so that I can remember them. Subsequently, especially if I try to rewind my thought process, I would get a jolt of realization and recall some of my lost thoughts. Alas, some of them are lost in oblivion.

    Last edited by Phantom; 06-10-2014 at 08:10 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    Bump. I think I am an IEE, although I would like some confirmation.
    @zap @The Martrix @consentingadult
    here, have some confirmation.

    who are you? just let yourself sit with it a while, and it don't sit right it wrong.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio View Post
    here, have some confirmation.

    who are you? just let yourself sit with it a while, and it don't sit right it wrong.
    I guess you're right. However, just in case, if you were to do a perfunctory analysis, what would you say my type might be?

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    I think you might be INTp. Here are some things that caught my attention:

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    Perhaps laziness? But then again, laziness might compel me to reflect and introspect more. [...] I'm lazy but healthy.
    Ni+Te. Also, Si Role.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    Perhaps that's because bigots often tend to cooperate with their narrow-minded companions in order to bolster their fallacious views on life.
    They need external validation because that's what bigots are. External validation. They absorb the views of society.
    Fe Polr and Te Creative.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    There's also the symbolism of the road.
    Ni Dominant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    But it can only walk in a single direction because it's restricted by society
    Fe Polr.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    My initial thoughts? Depends on a lot of factors.
    Te Creative.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    Ni Dominant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    I'll begin to do some quick calculations in my head, taking into account A, B, C, D...Z.
    Those are external facts. Te Creative.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    There are so many variables and contingencies here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    I've been known to switch sides during debates and arguments

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    Both the article and the comment seem right in their own way. And yet, there is a contradiction.
    Ni Dominant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    Small wonder I'm so indecisive. I find it hard to take sides.
    Se Dual-Seeking.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    My inward reaction would be variable, giving a specific answer would only promote inaccuracy.
    Te Creative.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    I don't consider myself assertive enough to have convinced him and a few more individuals to accompany me
    Fe Polr.
    Se Dual-Seeking.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    Research. What else should I do?
    Te Creative.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    I used to be an ass about things like cheating, swearing and stuff as a child because of my parents, though.
    Fe Polr.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    I think authenticity can be considered a value.
    Not sure which function, but sounds INTp to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    I don't actively seek power, but I do recognize its benefits.
    Se Dual-Seeking.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    Its an on-off situation. [...] Sometimes, I can be tragically oblivious to the needs of my body. Sometimes, I can become obsessed about the appearance of my body, often compelling me to visit the gym or go on a diet. Yes, obsession is not an exaggeration here.
    Si Role.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    Alone, in my bedroom, I guess.
    Ni Dominant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    I don't talk much and I'm too much of a recluse. My social anxiety [...]
    Fe Polr.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    I don't care about being social [...]
    Fe Polr.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    I dislike people who are overly emotional.
    Fe Polr.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    I don't really know what I like about people, probably because what I dislike about them is so pronounced.
    Fe Polr, most comfortable expressing negative sentiments about people.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    I think society in general is unimpressive and social etiquette is stupid.
    Fe Polr, again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    When I play a game, I have to immerse myself in it, as if I'm genuinely inside that virtual world.
    Ni Dominant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    As a matter of fact, I have a propensity for playing with such interconnections and patterns.
    Ni Dominant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    A similar incident was when I predicted [...]
    Ni Dominant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    I once spent an entire year of high school in a gimmick and amused myself. I was trying to portray [...]
    Ni Dominant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    I'm fascinated by change. I tend to time travel [...] It's intriguing to see how I've progressed or changed or transformed.
    Ni Dominant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    tendency to make connections [...] I immediately asked him if he watches Sherlock. Why? It's obvious!
    Ne Ignoring. ("It's obvious!")

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    I can create my own characters and lead them on an adventure in fantasy world. I create intricate plots and story-lines for them.
    Ni Dominant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    I find food delicious when I'm imagining or anticipating it.
    Ni Dominant, Si Role.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    Creating fantasy tournaments and worlds.
    Ni Dominant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    It's also fascinating to analyze my past self with respect to my current self. How I've changed. How the dynamics of my character have evolved.
    Ni Dominant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    I would also like to purge my tendency to procrastinate in life
    Se Dual-Seeking.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    distract myself with sensory sources of entertainment
    Si Role.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    over-think about the future implications of my predicament

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    get inexplicable impressions of his character [...] I immediately know
    Ni Dominant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    I have always felt like an observer, generally
    INTp general.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    I think I can consider myself a critic of life.
    INTp general.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    playing with perspectives and paradigms
    Ni Dominant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    I didn't even care about the details [...] I just knew.
    Ni Dominant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    habit of assuming that everything that comes out of someone's mouth is for a reason or a purpose.

    I hope this helps. I also hope that I haven't annoyed too many people with the length of this post
    Last edited by Common; 06-09-2014 at 12:31 PM. Reason: typo

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    Bump. I think I am an IEE, although I would like some confirmation.
    @zap @The Martrix @consentingadult @Pookie
    What about IEE do you relate to?

    I agree with @Common. INTp is a real possibility.

    Looking at your latest questionnaire, this part in particular, suggests Ni dominance.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    When I first watched that scene, I immediately got the strange impression that something was wrong and something bad was in store. It was ephemeral and inexplicable. At the same time, I also remember feeling sorry (a melancholy sort) for the character called Nina but I could not understand why.
    And eventually, my intuition turned out to be correct...

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Martrix View Post
    What about IEE do you relate to?

    I agree with @Common. INTp is a real possibility.

    Looking at your latest questionnaire, this part in particular, suggests Ni dominance.
    Well... it was a weak conjecture, meant to be an experimental typing. I initially figured I was an irrational intuitive with Fi/Te as my judgment functions. I decided to go with ENFp instead of INTp because I thought I had suggestive Si (I have been grappling with Si for a while, I understand it's a weak function but I cannot determine whether it's valued or unvalued). Besides, I did relate fairly well to the IEE description in Wikisocion. But I definitely identify with the ILI description on Wikisocion, and having Ni as my base function makes sense. I'm far too passive and indolent to be included in the EP temperament, anyway.

    What's the difference between Se and Si, with respect to dual seeking? Now that I think about it, it also makes sense that my dual function will be Sensing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    Well... it was a weak conjecture, meant to be an experimental typing. I initially figured I was an irrational intuitive with Fi/Te as my judgment functions. I decided to go with ENFp instead of INTp because I thought I had suggestive Si (I have been grappling with Si for a while, I understand it's a weak function but I cannot determine whether it's valued or unvalued). Besides, I did relate fairly well to the IEE description in Wikisocion. But I definitely identify with the ILI description on Wikisocion, and having Ni as my base function makes sense. I'm far too passive and indolent to be included in the EP temperament, anyway.

    What's the difference between Se and Si, with respect to dual seeking? Now that I think about it, it also makes sense that my dual function will be Sensing.
    Se suggestives need willpower and focus.
    Si suggestives need grounding and comfort.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Martrix View Post
    Se suggestives need willpower and focus.
    Si suggestives need grounding and comfort.
    Hmmm.... I'm inclined towards Se suggestive then.

    The only reason I'm still skeptical about being an INTp (or to be more precise, a non-Si valuer, even if it's weak and unconscious) is that I often focus on past sensory experiences and try to reenact them in an attempt to emulate the feeling associated with that experience. Sometimes, I even retrospect just for fun, nostalgia is a recreation I frequently indulge in. I also tend to visualize my mind as a disorganized storehouse of memories (along many other visualizations). I would periodically get reminded of things that happened to me in the past out of nowhere. I am also somewhat guilty of attaching emotional significance to objects. For instance, a few days ago, the furniture in my room was changed and I remember feeling sad (well, not exactly sad, more like reluctant) about it. At the same time, however, I think Ni ego fits me more than Ne ego. So there's the conundrum.

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    Si role being weak and conscious means it is something you're likely to focus on as a matter of social necessity, though you perceive it to be a distraction from your preferred interests.

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    I've arrived at the conclusion that I'm an INFp, probably the Ni-subtype. I can identify with the Vortical-Synergetic cognitive style. It's all absurdly clear to me now, and I can also see how I have Se dual-seeking. The pieces are fitting together.I think my main problem was that I could envisage myself being any type. I could subject each type to analysis through perspectives (or to be metaphorical, binoculars) and identify with it. It's not until I read the IEI descriptions that I realized I didn't need to relate to them, they automatically described me. I think @The Martrix was right in his conjecture that my constant criticism of social etiquette and society in general might be utilization of Fe rather than anathematization of it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    I've arrived at the conclusion that I'm an INFp, probably the Ni-subtype. I can identify with the Vortical-Synergetic cognitive style. It's all absurdly clear to me now, and I can also see how I have Se dual-seeking. The pieces are fitting together.I think my main problem was that I could envisage myself being any type. I could subject each type to analysis through perspectives (or to be metaphorical, binoculars) and identify with it. It's not until I read the IEI descriptions that I realized I didn't need to relate to them, they automatically described me. I think @The Martrix was right in his conjecture that my constant criticism of social etiquette and society in general might be utilization of Fe rather than anathematization of it.
    Fantastic! It's great to have another fellow IEI on board.
    One thing to note is that IEIs can almost see themselves as any type on any given day. We are said to have a chameleonic nature.

    • Just to confirm, do you definitely use Ti over Te? I ask you this because much of @Common's argument alluded to the use over Te. I agreed with it at the time, but that might be because as an IEI (and a positivist), I tend to agree with most things I see, until I find another piece of information to contradict it.
    • How do you experience the Vortical-Synergetic cognitive style?
    • Which description(s) did you relate to (and by which Socionist)?

    On the Fe vs Te debate with regards to social etiquette, I would put forward (tentatively) that Fe is naturally more focused on emotions (especially interpretations of moods of people as well as social paradigms), whereas Te is primarily logic evaluating the efficiency and profitability, as well as something which sets forward a constructive plan of action.
    Last edited by The Martrix; 06-11-2014 at 07:50 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Martrix View Post
    Fantastic! It's great to have another fellow IEI on board.
    One thing to note is that IEIs can almost see themselves as any type on any given day. We are said to have a chameleonic nature.

    • Just to confirm, do you definitely use Ti over Te? I ask you this because much of @Common's argument alluded to the use over Te. I agreed with it at the time, but that might be because as an IEI (and a positivist), I tend to agree with most things I see, until I find another piece of information to contradict it.
    • How do you experience the Vortical-Synergetic cognitive style?
    • Which description(s) did you relate to (and by which Socionist)?

    On the Fe vs Te debate with regards to social etiquette, I would put forward (tentatively) that Fe is naturally more focused on emotions (especially interpretations of moods of people as well as social paradigms), whereas Te is primarily logic evaluating the efficiency and profitability, as well as something which sets forward a constructive plan of action.
    1) Yes, I think I'm generally inclined towards subjective logic. Now I understand why people accuse me of pulling things out of my ass in arguments, lol. I tend to make assumptions based on my internal understanding.
    2) Basically, trial and error. Experimentation. Trying different perspectives. Wearing different colored sunglasses. Organized chaos, like pulling definite conclusions out of disorganized planes, the eye of the cyclone. I even used this to finally arrive at the conclusion that I'm an INFJ. A plenitude of things flashed in my mind and I suddenly realized that I might be an INFJ. Then I researched on it.
    3) Stratiyevskaya and the one in Sociotype.

    I think IEI is also the type that is most mistyped (in both scenarios, but mostly an IEI mistyping as someone else) by others. Do you ever feel that you only reveal a very small part of yourself and that even the part being revealed might be fabricated or exaggerated?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    1) Yes, I think I'm generally inclined towards subjective logic. Now I understand why people accuse me of pulling things out of my ass in arguments, lol. I tend to make assumptions based on my internal understanding.
    2) Basically, trial and error. Experimentation. Trying different perspectives. Wearing different colored sunglasses. Organized chaos, like pulling definite conclusions out of disorganized planes, the eye of the cyclone. I even used this to finally arrive at the conclusion that I'm an INFJ. A plenitude of things flashed in my mind and I suddenly realized that I might be an INFJ. Then I researched on it.
    3) Stratiyevskaya and the one in Sociotype.

    I think IEI is also the type that is most mistyped (in both scenarios, but mostly an IEI mistyping as someone else) by others. Do you ever feel that you only reveal a very small part of yourself and that even the part being revealed might be fabricated or exaggerated?
    1) Same here! I can never explain my reasoning.
    2) I've try on all of the types, and even now I doubt my conclusion. It's like my inner understanding of something never changes, only my interpretation of it as I look at it through different lenses.
    2) Have you looked at the Meged-Ovcharov Subtypes? I see you've got yourself down as the Ni subtype.

    All the time! I have many faces.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Martrix View Post
    1) Same here! I can never explain my reasoning.
    2) I've try on all of the types, and even now I doubt my conclusion. It's like my inner understanding of something never changes, only my interpretation of it as I look at it through different lenses.
    2) Have you looked at the Meged-Ovcharov Subtypes? I see you've got yourself down as the Ni subtype.

    All the time! I have many faces.
    Yes, the subtypes are actually a favorite of mine because it's cool to note the distinction among the same types. Ni subtype sounds about right for me. Although, I think I emulate the Fe subtype when I'm in really comfortable company or in a jolly mood.

    Has figurative, associative memory, and can recall experiences from the past down to the smallest detail. Somewhat unsure in himself, inclined to doubt and hesitate in cases he has to speak or act decisively. He does not like to hurry, can delay carrying out tasks and finding solutions to problems to an indefinite period of time. Reminiscing about the past, he recalls all the mistakes and mishaps, then extracts from them lessons for the future.
    This. Definitely. I actually used to mistake this for Si.

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    I wonder if there's any PoLR associated with the inability to smile or behave in social situations? I can't smile at will and I'm terrible at faking it. I can only smile when I'm genuinely feeling happy (which mostly happens in private), when I do try to smile it blatantly comes off as fake and cartoonish (which is why I hate posing for photographs, I'd rather be photographed when I'm not aware of it). My Si-Fe parents tend to get infuriated with me because of this, either they're happy all the time or they're excellent at faking it. My SEE sister seems like she's genuinely in a good mood whenever she smiles. Anyway, I digress. I also tend to anathematize social etiquette in certain situations. Whenever I attend a social gathering, I immediately flock to the library or any room with a bookshelf or a computer and resist any attempts to make me open up or join the group. Even when a party is held in my house, I remain in my dungeon, with my books and internet. I think this can be attributed to shyness but then again, I'm fairly antagonistic towards the quintessential parties where having fun constitutes boring games, superficial conversations, loud music and food (the only part I like).

    I don't expect an Fe-valuer to face the aforementioned problems... or is it a Quadra thing?

    I also have a tendency to be negligent towards money or the impact of it. This is where I often clash with my Si-base father. I would come up with an idea or see something I want to acquire and completely ignore the cost (literally) of implementing or attaining it, whereas my father would be like, "Think about how expensive it is, damnit!". I recently had an argument with him because I wanted to enroll in a university but it was too expensive. My father would rather look for scholarships or avoid the possibility of enrollment altogether while I would insist that we find ways to get more money or reduce the fee (financial aid etc.). Again, this might just be a matter of experience. I'm not exactly in a position to understand the importance of money, being a teenager.

    Here's an interesting one. A few years ago, I used to have a terrible vocabulary. I already suck at verbalizing what goes inside my mind so that aggravated the problem of making coherent sentences. It was frustrating because I thought there was so much potential in my thoughts and ideas and I could not express them. Ultimately, I decided to imporve my vocabulary by specifically reading classic books which were high in lexicon content and perusing lots of Vocabulary lists (mostly Barron's). I even signed up for four or five daily online vocabulary e-mails. The result was that I started speaking like Shakespeare and people were frequently asking me to "speak normally", including the English professor. If you've watched Django Unchained, it's like the opening scene with the German bounty hunter. I became hypersensitive to grammatical errors and every time I encountered a word, I would subconsciously begin thinking of more esoteric alternatives to it. For instance, if I saw the word "journey", my thought process would be - "odyssey, expedition, boulevard..."
    I also have a tendency to unconsciously mimic accents. I was watching Inglorious Basterds a few days ago and for the following couple of hours, I started thinking in a Tennessee accent (at least, my idea of it).
    Last edited by Phantom; 06-13-2014 at 09:42 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    I wonder if there's any PoLR associated with the inability to smile or behave in social situations? I can't smile at will and I'm terrible at faking it. I can only smile when I'm genuinely feeling happy (which mostly happens in private), when I do try to smile it blatantly comes off as fake and cartoonish (which is why I hate posing for photographs, I'd rather be photographed when I'm not aware of it). My Si-Fe parents tend to get infuriated with me because of this, either they're happy all the time or they're excellent at faking it. My SEE sister seems like she's genuinely in a good mood whenever she smiles. Anyway, I digress. I also tend to anathematize social etiquette in certain situations. Whenever I attend a social gathering, I immediately flock to the library or any room with a bookshelf or a computer and resist any attempts to make me open up or join the group. Even when a party is held in my house, I remain in my dungeon, with my books and internet. I think this can be attributed to shyness but then again, I'm fairly antagonistic towards the quintessential parties where having fun constitutes boring games, superficial conversations, loud music and food (the only part I like).

    I don't expect an Fe-valuer to face the aforementioned problems... or is it a Quadra thing?
    You really don't sound like a Fe valuer to me. Are you questioning your IEI typing? I think it's highly unusual for a Fe user to not be able to smile or behave in social situations. By your descriptions, you sound more like an ILI to me and it goes perfectly with 5w4 .

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    You really don't sound like a Fe valuer to me. Are you questioning your IEI typing? I think it's highly unusual for a Fe user to not be able to smile or behave in social situations. By your descriptions, you sound more like an ILI to me and it goes perfectly with 5w4 .
    Yup, I think it might be Fi instead after all. I would give thought to ILI but I was just identified as a Ti-PoLR user in another thread. I'm so confused, lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    Yup, I think it might be Fi instead after all. I would give thought to ILI but I was just identified as a Ti-PoLR user in another thread. I'm so confused, lol.
    Oh, sorry, was just going by what you wrote here and it was my first impression. Wait,Ti-PoLR whaaat ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    Oh, sorry, was just going by what you wrote here and it was my first impression. Wait,Ti-PoLR whaaat ?
    What are you sorry for? I'm not being unintentionally rude again, am I? Happens a lot with me, lol.
    As for Ti-PoLR,

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    I wonder if there's any PoLR associated with the inability to smile or behave in social situations? I can't smile at will and I'm terrible at faking it. I can only smile when I'm genuinely feeling happy (which mostly happens in private), when I do try to smile it blatantly comes off as fake and cartoonish (which is why I hate posing for photographs, I'd rather be photographed when I'm not aware of it).
    I think what you've just described is Fe-PoLR.

    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    How can someone type you as IEE is beyond me. Or an ethical type for that matter
    You're underestimating the idiocy of this forum. Most people around here have no idea what the types look like, or how certain type-related features (PoLR, etc.) are manifested. We've got LIIs who think they're IEE, ILEs who think they're SEE, and ILIs who think they're LII. There's lots of confusion on these boards, unfortunately.

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    I really liked this description and I find it highly accurate: (from

    Both ILEs and IEEs are known to be inclined to be nonconformists (or believe so themselves), but again, for different reasons and in different ways.

    For ILEs, their nonconformism comes from their creative-Ti and their Fi-PoLR. They prefer to set rules that make sense to them in the first place (creative-Ti), and they lack skills that lead to understanding of social norms. If someone, preferably an SEI, helps them to understand these social norms, they are much more inclined to toe the line, of course also because they would probably mingle a lot more with compatible people. For ILEs, nonconformism is actually a way to get closer to people.

    For IEEs, it is exactly the other way around: they understand social norms perfectly (creative-Fi), and if they accidentally violate a social norm they didn't know about, they will learn soon enough by picking up all kinds of cues. They are perfectly capable of acting in accordance with social norms, provided that gets them where they want to go. If it doesn't, they are more likely to deny the validity of the social norms at hand, and go their own way. Thus for IEEs, nonconformism is a way to get away from people.

    Btw, I think you're an introvert.
    Hmmm... I think I'm inclined towards IEE here, mostly because I'm not completely ignorant to social customs. I just don't like the idea of following them.
    Yup, I agree. I'm certainly an introvert.

    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    @Phantasmagorical I'm reading your anecdotes on your other threads and I'm laughing out loud. I like're so weird I thought before that you identify as a Ni valuer, cause you were typed as IEI, so now I'm confused. I think you're LII or ILI, but I have to read more. How can someone type you as IEE is beyond me. Or an ethical type for that matter
    I'm glad they entertained you!
    Hmmm... LII or ILI? This is a tricky one, because they share no valued functions in common. However, as @Chris Clearly suggested that I might be Fe-PoLR, ILI seems to be the plausible option.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Clearly View Post
    I think what you've just described is Fe-PoLR.

    You're underestimating the idiocy of this forum. Most people around here have no idea what the types look like, or how certain type-related features (PoLR, etc.) are manifested. We've got LIIs who think they're IEE, ILEs who think they're SEE, and ILIs who think they're LII. There's lots of confusion on these boards, unfortunately.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Clearly View Post
    I think what you've just described is Fe-PoLR.

    From what I read about you @Phantasmagorical, I would definitely go with ILI. And 5w4 is dead on.

    Personal sob story to illustate how Fe PoLR looks like (not accusing you Phantasmagorical of being a shitty boyfriend ):

    My ILI 5w4 ex boyfriend couldn't fake emotions to save his life, he looked like he was literally in pain when he had to pay me a compliment and he was convinced that everytime someone cried they were trying to manipulate him, even though it was obvious to everyone the person was in dispair. He also said that he doesn't understand why people apologize ever - he didn't get the concept behind the word "sorry" because his believe was that he and only he is going to decide if and when he will forgive the person, and the person saying they're sorry doesn't impact his decision in any shape or form.
    And he was clueless how was coming across to others. He always offended everyone and got into fights with people and he didn't know why. He seemed slightly autistic, although he was not. He even asked me a few times: do you think I tell the stories a bit differently than other people (he was boring everybody to death, but he had no clue about it and I didn't have the heart to tell him ). Basically, from some of his actions you could conclude he's a terrible person, but I know he wasn't- he was just that clueless about Fe.

    You're underestimating the idiocy of this forum. Most people around here have no idea what the types look like, or how certain type-related features (PoLR, etc.) are manifested. We've got LIIs who think they're IEE, ILEs who think they're SEE, and ILIs who think they're LII. There's lots of confusion on these boards, unfortunately.
    Some people are indeed hard to type (I'm speaking for me, cause I don't have a really good grasp of how all the functions manifest), so I'm not sure a lot of the times, but others are really obvious. I obviously understand you make a minor mistake and get confused but some typings are fascinating I agree.

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post

    My ILI 5w4 ex boyfriend couldn't fake emotions to save his life, he looked like he was literally in pain when he had to pay me a compliment and he was convinced that everytime someone cried they were trying to manipulate him, even though it was obvious to everyone the person was in dispair. .

    I've seen SLI women try to fake Fe occasionally b/c I think there's more social pressure for women to be like that. Except, like, it comes out *totally* wrong- they're way cooler when they aren't like that- they smile at the wrong time, or "aw" in a way that comes across as fake or condescending or too sweet. I wonder actually if that's what Fe actually appears like to Fe-PoLRs; just a bunch of people emotionally condescending to you with their awwing. I guess the positive lesson is that I feel like it's always better (if you can get away with it) just to act like yourself and not conform to something like that lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lemontrees View Post

    I've seen SLI women try to fake Fe occasionally b/c I think there's more social pressure for women to be like that. Except, like, it comes out *totally* wrong- they're way cooler when they aren't like that- they smile at the wrong time, or "aw" in a way that comes across as fake or condescending or too sweet. I wonder actually if that's what Fe actually appears like to Fe-PoLRs; just a bunch of people emotionally condescending to you with their awwing. I guess the positive lesson is that I feel like it's always better (if you can get away with it) just to act like yourself and not conform to something like that lol.
    Hahaha yees, I think it looks awfully fake to them and they're highly suspicious of your true intentions. I'm so happy that now that I understand at least basic socionics I can really explain all my awful interactions and it all makes sense. It's magic But it's also true that these kind of severe misunderstandings and incompatibilities in intertype relations often appear only in romantic and work-related relations, not so much friendships.

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post

    From what I read about you @Phantasmagorical, I would definitely go with ILI. And 5w4 is dead on.

    Personal sob story to illustate how Fe PoLR looks like (not accusing you Phantasmagorical of being a shitty boyfriend ):

    My ILI 5w4 ex boyfriend couldn't fake emotions to save his life, he looked like he was literally in pain when he had to pay me a compliment and he was convinced that everytime someone cried they were trying to manipulate him, even though it was obvious to everyone the person was in dispair. He also said that he doesn't understand why people apologize ever - he didn't get the concept behind the word "sorry" because his believe was that he and only he is going to decide if and when he will forgive the person, and the person saying they're sorry doesn't impact his decision in any shape or form.
    I wouldn't say that I can't understand why people say sorry. But I also don't really think apologies mean much, and I don't really feel that comfortable with people crying around me.

    Although I can play the game and say sorry sometimes, it doesn't really mean much, and it's like giving power to other people to accept such an apology or not, and it's like saying you're wrong.

    Don't apologise, don't say no, don't ask questions, and don't pretend you understand things that you don't is kind of how I feel about "proper" behaviour. But I expect others to as well.

    And like some people, they apologise when they haven't even done anything wrong just in case, and it's awkward.

    The whole apologising, thinking you're capable because you can say no, asking questions, and pretending to understand can bug me.

    Same with should, would, could, maybe, hesistancy, doubt, uncertainty etc. Those kind of things are annoying, just like despair, sadness, regret, misery, misfortune etc. Don't wallow in such behaviour, move towards the light!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
    I wonder if there's any PoLR associated with the inability to smile or behave in social situations?
    This is Fe-PoLR, yes. I don't remember you mentioning it before. But that's probably me being a Result type and skim-reading.

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    @Phantasmagorical I'm reading your anecdotes on your other threads and I'm laughing out loud. I like're so weird I thought before that you identify as a Ni valuer, cause you were typed as IEI, so now I'm confused. I think you're LII or ILI, but I have to read more. How can someone type you as IEE is beyond me. Or an ethical type for that matter

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    I think I'm a Result type though, so that rules out INTp. ENTj, however, is a result type, but I can't really see myself as one. Not even an Ni-ENTj.
    Incidentally, what do you think of my answer to this question?

    Q) You are with a group of people in a car, heading to a different town to see your favourite band/artist/musician. Suddenly, the car breaks down for an unknown reason in the middle of nowhere. What are your initial thoughts? What are your outward reactions?

    Depends on what I was doing when the car broke down. Was I listening to music? Was I staring at the world outside? Was I introspecting? Was I talking to my friends? Was I sleeping? Was I thinking about the concert in anticipation? My initial thoughts would vary. For example, if I was listening to music, I wouldn't be perturbed. If I was thinking about the concert, I would definitely be annoyed. If I was talking to my friends and the discussion was interesting, I wouldn't mind at all.

    At some point, I'll begin to do some quick calculations in my head, taking into account the time on the watch, the time remaining for the concert to begin, the assumed time it would take for the car to repair, the assumed speed of the car and the distance to the concert and find out if I would be able to arrive at the concert in time. Of course, there's also the possibility that I might just continue talking to my friends or listening to music in which case, I might even welcome the pause, particularly if I was reluctantly going to the concert, which is another scenario to consider because then I might actually rejoice at the break down of the car. There are so many variables and contingencies here.

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