you don't find the double meaning/metaphores and rhyme coupled with reason to be beautiful?

I hate most of all hip-hop. There is very little that is aethetically pleasing to my ears about it in fact. I guess I must have defunct . :wink: My preferences are towards Classic Rock (late '60s & early '70s), Indie Rock, Classical & Orchestral, and some Jazz.

Personally I think beauty is when you can pack as many possitive socionic functions together into one compact statement.
Putting a bunch of positive things together doesn't mean you'll have anything good. I really like bananas, sushi, hamburgers, and beer, but that doesn't mean that if I put them in a blender and turn it into "one compact" food item that it will be any good. Although all positives, the tastes don't complement or supplement each other. With music, there has to be a sense of order, a skillful blending of sound, harmony, smooth transitions, technical skill (as in being able to sing and play instruments), cohesiveness of thought and voice(s), and the right interplay of diverse musical elements to be beauty.

Feeling, Logic, Concept, and Sensorics, then you have one hell of a song.
Yes, but what individual elements would this be in a song? Is Ne just "double meaning/metaphores and rhyme?" I saw it as a new or original ideas and not cutesy word plays and rhyming.

I feel that this guy put a lot of Ne, a lot of Ti, some bad Fe and some bad Fi though sometimes good Fe here and there, and cnsideration for Se a little bit.
There was in there?

So maybe if you are intj, the bad Fe might hit your suggestive function making it unpleasant?
Hit it? I think it was beating it pretty senseless with a Louisville slugger.